Big hero 7 - smart yet so dum...

CedricDiggorysthot által

77.3K 1.9K 1.7K

Girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls girls g... Több

1. Botfighting
2. Nerd school
3. Meeting baymax
4. Hiros big idea
5. heartbreak x2
6. Greif
7. Lurking
8. First upgarde
9. Near death experience 2.0
10. Beggining
11. Big hero 7
12. Corrupt
13. The deal.
15. x3 :(
16. Back on track

14. Success

2.9K 74 107
CedricDiggorysthot által

I have to wake up right now so I don't have to prof read this, my dads making me wake up so if there's mistakes, sorry I'll fix them when  I get back.

"This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a lifelong dream. But none of this would've been possible without a few bumps in the road. Those setbacks made us stronger, and set us on the path to a bright future!"
Krei speaks to a larger crowd in front of the newly made campus he had built.

The crowd cheered before it turned into screams of terror.

"What is that?!"

"What?" Krei spoke confusedly before turning around to see what the crowd was looking to.
He stepped back in shock, Hiro's microbots were cascading over the building and down towards him.

Kabuki revealed himself, using the microbots to carry himself down.
Krei screamed and leapt to run away but the microbots were to quick, capturing Krei and bringing him back to Kabuki.

As the people ran, kabuki ascended upwards with Krei, taking off his mask and revealing his identity to Krei.
"Was my daughter a setback?" Callaghan spoke angrily.

"Callaghan" Krei spoke in shock as he wriggled in the microbots hold. "Your daughter... that-that was an accident! I-"

"NO" Callaghan cut him off, Krei shrieked in pain as the hold on him got significantly tighter. "You knew it was unsafe! My daughter is gone because of your arrogance"

He looked back to the building where more microbots started to emerge, Krei followed his gaze before it fell with panic.
From each corner of the building, the microbots held up the parts of the broken portal.

They started to come together to make the portal whole again.
"What're you doing?!" Krei shrieked, looking between each of the three parts.

Callaghan looked back at him angrily. "You took everything from me! when you sent Abigail into that machine." He sighed heavily. "...Now I'm taking everything from you."

Above their heads, the microbots finally put the portal together, a faint blue glow started to form before the portal appeared.

"No no you can't!" Krei yelled, bits of the building started to flake away and into the portal.

"You're going to watch everything you built disappear..." Callaghan stated before turning back to Krei, his gaze darkening. "then it's your turn!"

"Professor Callaghan!" Hiro yelled from behind.

The group Landed on the building, all facing Callaghan determinedly.
Hiro jumped down from Baymax and took off his helmet. "Let him go"

Callaghan only stared at Hiro frustratedly but also with guilt.

"Is this what Abigail would've wanted?" Hiro sighed sympathetically, gesturing to the building being torn apart from behind.

"Abigail is gone!" He replied, his voice slightly cracked.

"...this won't change anything. Trust me, I know" Hiro softly.

Callaghan seed to think about it, his expression softening before Krei spoke.
"Listen to the kid Callaghan, please just- let me go, I'll give you anything you want" Krei grinned desperately.

"...I, want my daughter back!" Callaghan growled, he flipped the kabuki mask back over his face and turned to Krei.

Without looking at the group, he sent a surge of microbots to knock them off The building.
The groups screamed as they leaped to dodge it.

Hiro ran back onto Baymax as he put his helmet back on. "Go for the mask!"

He and bayamx immediately fly towards kabuki but kabuki managed to catch bayamx foot, swinging them around before letting go.

Bayamx crashed into the side of the building as Hiro was flung off and crashed into the window, landing into the office.

He started to shriek in panic as the force of the portal made him float towards the ceiling, along with other numerous items.

Baymax tried to reach Hiro, but kabuki saw him and grabbed hold of bayamx again, slamming him back down into the ground.

"Baymax!" The group yelled in concern, however also grabbing the attention of kabuki.

They all charged for him, Fred leaped and started to blow fire but kabuki was quick to block him out with the microbots.

Y/N started to fly towards him quickly, before gaining enough speed she swung her legs in front of her to use the heat of her rocket boots on kabukis face, along with conjuring a bolt of lightening.

However kabuki was ready for her as well, pushing her away with the microbots where she was forced further into the sky and closer to the portal.

Y/N then shrieked as she felt herself be drawn into the portal, the force of the portal was very strong That Y/N had to make her rocket Boots face the portal and use all she could just to stop herself from being sucked in.

Upon hearing her shriek Hiro gasped with worry.
He had started to crawl along the ceiling to see what was happening outside but before he could, the ceiling had finally broken in and he began to float as well.

He managed to grip onto a metal rod, stopping him from being taken in.
He looked around before spotting Y/N above him.

Gogo was dodging the multiple streaks of microbots that were sent towards her before they had gotten to be to much and enclosed her within a ball.

Fred was still going, jumping up at the many towers of microbots and blowing fire, but one managed to strike him in the chest and pin him up against a wall, dragging him back down between two structures of microbots where they pulled on Fred's limbs.

Wasabi stood on the building, slicing away at the microbots coming for him before kabuki had made it so they grabbed platform from the building and begin to squash Wasabi between them.
"Getting a little tight!" Wasabi squeaked.

Honey lemon used her chemical balls to get the microbots stuck into their spot where they landed, but she to was captured as the microbots broke through her barrier from above and straight down towards her.

Honey lemon protected her self in a dome makes by her chemical balls, the microbots still aimed at it, slowly damaging it as more and more began to strike before breaking in.

The rod Hiro had been holding onto finally broke away, he flew closer towards the portal before grabbing onto a wire that floated.

Y/N saw Hiro struggling from the corner of her eye, she was about to attempt to fly over before Hiro spotted her not to far away.

"NO! do not move Y/N" he ordered demandingly.

Y/Ns face quivered in worry. "But-"

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE" he said more firmly, Y/N agreed hesitantly.

"No!" Honey lemon yelped.

"He's too strong!" Fred cried in pain as he was still being stretched.

"There's no way out!" Gogo began to worry.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up- AH" Y/N shrieked as he piece of debris hit her, making her lose her balance for just a second.

"Help! I can't beat him" wasabi yelled.

"Hiro? Hiro?"

The group started to panic through their headsets.

Hiro looked between the trapped group, Y/N, the debris and microbots flying into the portal.
"That's it! I know how to beat him"
He looked to the ground where most of the group was.
"Listen up! Use those big brains of yours and think your way around the problem!"
Hiro ordered. "Look for a new angle!"

Despite panting and in a state of panic, the group paused to look at their situation.

Wasabi looked down, realising he can slice the closing beneath him and fall through, which he does.

As another spike of microbots strike through, honey lemon used a chemical ball on his and pulls herself out of the dome she created.

"I can't go any further!"
Fred continued to cry in pain Before realising  something.
"Wait a second..." he laughed before pulllimg his hands out. "It's a suit!"

He peaked out from the mouth of the suit. "Hello sign!"
He reached out and grabbed it, "care to go for a little spin?"
He used the sign to break off the hold the microbots had on him.

Gogo took the gum out of her mouth and placed it on her helmet before spinning around in the ball continuously, breaking away at the microbots before the ball was forced to split in half and she was out.

Taking notice of the debris flying into the portal,     Y/N looked behind her cautiously as she planned what pieces to step on.

Taking in a deep breath she turned off her rocket boots, and jumped off from the debris flying into the portal, using bolts of electricity to help her move away from the portal until she was back on the ground again.
She grinned victoriously once she back down safely.

Baymax was still stuck in the ground, the microbots slowly covering his entire body.
"Baymax!" Hiro cried out, he was still holding onto the wire.
He tried to bring his hand back down to climb down the rope but it was still to strong.

Upon hearing his call, Baymax looked up to see Hiro struggling.

The microbots finally covered baymax's face, however after a few seconds Baymax was revealed again as he had launched his rockets fist, causing a good amount of microbots to fly away.

Not long after Baymax broke free from the hold, flying back up to his fist to reattach it and up to Hiro who grinned.
Hiro let go of the rod, knowing that Bayamx was there to collect him which he did.

"AH HA! I love that robot!" Krei laughed happily.
That statement upset kabuki so he sent Krei to slam against a wall, the microbots pinning metal around him so Krei was stuck there.

As Baymax and Hiro landed, the groups quickly joined them.
"Okay new plan!" Hiro announced. "Forget the mask!"
Y/N looked up at him questionably as they ran alongside him. "Take out the bots! They will get sucked up into the portal"

"Now that's a plan!" Wasabi cheered as Gogo and    Y/N smirked.

"Honey! Fred, can you give us some cover?" Hiro grinned.

"Like you have to ask" Fred spoke smugly as honey lemon smirked and conjured more chemical balls.

"Let's do this Freddie!"
She threw four blue chemical balls into the air where Fred jumped and blew fire upon them, creating a cold mist the flood the area making it so Kabuki couldn't see what he was doing.

"Y/N!" Hiro ordered, making Y/N turn to face him blankly in question.
"Follow my lead!"
Y/N nodded, turning her rocket boots back on.

Angrily, kabuki raised himself on top of the mist, seeing Baymax and Hiro, and Y/N fly down towards him smugly, in different directions.

He sent multiple charges of Microbots to them, where they easily dodged them before flying back up, straight towards the portal.
"Ready" Hiro asked Y/N through the headset, she was a bit beside him, leading her own sets of microbots to the portal.

She turned to face Hiro and nodded before turning back to the portal, increasing her speed.
"Alright, you're the professional" Hiro encouraged lightly as they began to get closer and closer.

"DIVE!" Y/N yelled just before they entered, diving out from the side of the portal, her set of microbots dived into the portal dumbly before kabuki made them stop.
Y/N grinned as she looked back before continuing back down to help the others.

Baymax and Hiro dived down into their streak of microbots, Baymax punched them as he flew down, making them break apart and fly into the portal.

"Wow! Gravity's getting a little weird here guys!" Wasabi so spoke as he jumped over a piece of debris, hovering.
"Let's use this!" He jumped onto a wall and pushed his legs off of it into a tower of microbots and slicing them away, they followed into the portal along with the debris.

Y/N conjured bolts of lighting into numerous towers,  making them break apart as Gogo slid up alongside one and used her wheel blades to split the tower and break them apart.

Kabuki was still above the mist, oblivious to what was going on below.
He sent more streaks of microbots to Hiro and Baymax where they either punched them down or dodged them.

"Double sign-spin."
Fred yelled, grabbing to signs and blowing fire onto it. "Now my signs are on fire!"
He used them on more microbots.

Honey lemon used her chemical to jump up into the towered, she paved her purse in one of them, catch the pink ball that came out before throwing it up.

The towered exploded as she began to fall back down. "Now that's a chemical reaction!"

"Back kick! Knife hand, round house, hammer fist"  Baymax listed as he used each fighting technique on the microbots that kabuki was continuing to throw at them.

But finally, kabuki managed to wrap Baymax around with the microbots, holding him steady before the portal.

"This, ends now!" Kabuki yelled, holding up his hands for another streak of microbots to push them into the portal.
However, no microbots came to his side.

He tried again and again with his hands, but nothing came.
Hiro was smirking smugly.
"Looks like you're out of microbots"

The mist cleared a little, in shock and confusion, Callaghan looked down to see that the only microbots left were the ones standing him up and the ones holding Baymax.

He looked up to Baymax in panic.

Hiros face fell. "Baymax!"

Immediately Baymax broke through the microbots hold and flew right down to Callaghan who quivered in fear and through his hands over his face.

However no impact ever came, he peaked outside of his arms and saw Baymax's fist just inches before his face.

"Our programing prevents us from injuring a human being." Hiro said calmly. "But... we'll take that." He grinned, Baymax took the kabuki mask off Callaghan and swished into beneath his fingertips.

The portal then began to fall due to the transmitter being crushed, as did Callaghan.

But Baymax caught him and the group below ran from the incoming portal falling down, wasabi had freed Krei.

Baymax placed Callaghan on the ground Before the group before landing himself.

Hiro now jumped off of Baymax and was joined by Y/N who had ran up beside him.
They looked back to the portal which was still sucking stuff inside.
"It's still on" Y/N yelled turning back to the group as did Hiro.

"We need to shut it down!" Hiro finished.

"We can't!" Krei explained. "The containment field is failing. The portal is gonna tear itself apart!"

"We need to get out of here!" Hiro cringed, looking between the group before quickly taking Y/Ns hand. "Now!"

They started to run with the group, but Hiro halted as he noticed Bayamx was still.

"Hiro?! What're you-" but Y/N trailed off once she spotted Bayamx as well.
The two looked to eachother in confusion before running up to Baymax, the group stayed behind as they watched.

"My sensor is detecting signs of life"

"What?!" Hiro was out of breath as he and Y/N shared glances.

"Coming From, there" Baymax continued, pointing towards the portal.
"The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper-sleep."

"Callaghans daughter" Hiro turned to Y/N in realisation.

"She's still alive?!" Y/N replied in shock, looking between Hiro and the portal.

"Abigail..." Callaghan said in shock, looking to the portal as Fred was tying his hand behind his back.

Hiro ran onto Baymax. "Let's go get her" he said determinedly.

"I'll go with you" Y/N said firmly, now flying beside Baymax.

"The portal is destabilizing. You'll never make it!" Krei tried to explain.

"She's alive in there" Hiro replied, turning back to the group. "Someone has to help"

Hiro turned to Baymax, locking his hands onto the attachments.
"What'd you say buddy?"

"Flying makes me a better health care companion"

Hiro smirked as he nodded before Baymax took off, Y/N alongside with them.
They flew up into the air before turning around and diving straight into the portal.

If time is going way to slow for your liking, write fan fiction. I started writing this chapter at like 10:18 and it's currently 12:44.

I'm not kidding it felt like I just looked at the clock and it read 11:14. Wtf. I am not exaggerating it feels like 10 minutes go by but in reality it's been an hour. I'm not kidding it's actual shocking to look up at the time and see how much time has actually passed.

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