With You

By LadyKxt

18.9K 493 658

Do Mika and Yuu finally get together? How will they get through this apocalypse? What is the Mikaela trait? H... More

CH. 1 - Mika's Confession
CH. 2 - Mika's Confession Pt. 2
CH. 3 - Yuu You Really Shouldn't Drink
CH. 4 - That Night
CH. 5 - Back To Reality
CH. 6 - I'm Sober Now
CH. 7 - Someone's Coming
CH. 8 - Who's Here?
CH. 9 - What Do You Say?
CH. 10 - Let's Go
CH. 11 - Perfect Fit
CH. 12 - What's Your Secret?
CH. 13 - Woah
CH. 14 - You're Mine
CH. 15 - Mika's Confession 2.5
CH. 16 - 'Please Help Me'
CH. 17 - This Is My Secret
CH. 18 - What Happens in the Study, Stays in the Study
CH. 19 - His Killer Instinct
CH. 20 - We're Done
CH. 21 - Side Halloween Chapter :)
CH. 23 A Conversation with Lizzy

CH. 22 - Lizzy

157 5 9
By LadyKxt

Seraph of the End chapter 129? What's that? Never heard of her.

Aaaaanyway, starting this one off with their breakup because I like to break hearts >:). Jk, I just think it's an important part of my story, and I'm sure not everyone remembers it since I posted it like a year ago. Anyway, here goes nothing. 😅 Thank you to anyone who's still reading XD


"So, I'm sorry Yuu, but I don't agree with this experiment. And the fact that you don't care, makes me not even want to look at you." It broke Mika's heart hearing himself say that, and by the tear rolling down Yuu's cheek, he could tell he'd broken his heart too.

"You don't mean that," Yuu choked out.

Mika felt his eyes water. "I'm done Yuu," he said calmly as a tear spilled over. "I'm done arguing with you about this. I'm done trying to convince you. I'm done. So, go ahead. Do the experiment. Do whatever you want, just leave me out of it."

"Mika..."Yuu started, but he was too late. Mika had already walked away.


Days passed in awkwardness every time Mika and Yuu were in the same room. The same awkwardness even when they were in different rooms. They all waited for the so-called ally that was supposed to arrive. Curiosity increasing day by day, along with thirst in Mika's case. Fortunately, the wait was over.

Everyone, aside from the two vampires, was having dinner when they heard a loud whirling sound. Mika heard the same sound from his room and went out to the living room where the others were already standing by the window. Right after him, Lord Crowley appeared from wherever he had been.

What they saw wasn't what they were expecting, not that they were expecting anything specific anyway. Outside, landing, were three helicopters. The one in the middle pink, and the two around it white. No one knew if those helicopters contained the ally they were waiting for or if they contained an enemy they should worry about.

"Get your weapons ready!" Guren shouted. Everyone did as they were told.

"Wait!" yelled Mika. He recognized those helicopters, especially the pink one.

"Oh," added Crowley. "Yeah, you're going to want to wait. I'm guessing she's who we were waiting for."

Mika hurried towards the door and the others followed. The pink helicopter was landing when they got to the door and stood next to Mika, with the two white ones following suit. The two white ones opened their doors first. Two common vampire girls walked out of each helicopter. The four then stood next to the pink helicopter as its doors opened. Out of the pink helicopter walked out another vampire girl. This one was different from the others though.

She was wearing a long sleeved, flowy, baby doll dress. The dress was a light pink with roses on it. It had ruffles at the top and a transparent layer with ruffles that went over the skirt of the dress and made up the sleeves. She was also wearing heels that made it difficult to pinpoint her exact height. In heels she seemed to be about Yuu's height.

Her hair was magenta and absolutely beautiful, as was she. Picturesque. She was one of, if not the most beautiful girl they'd ever seen. To top it off, on her head lay a crown. A rose-gold crown with an intricate floral pattern fit for a princess.

The girl looked at them, taking their breath away with just her gaze. She fixed her eyes on someone and smiled. That's when they saw the fangs, and when the image of innocence shattered, there was only awe. Amazement. Even with fangs, she looked stunning. The contrast between the innocence they saw and the fear they felt reminded them of another charming vampire. A blond one.

"Mika!" she yelled his name gleefully.

She ran to him and jumped, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Mika made no effort to catch her or hold her. Instead, he said, "Get off of me." Though he sounded annoyed, he made no effort to remove her.

She got off of him, not minding his tone and still smiling.

"Um, who's that?" Yoichi asked what everyone was wondering.

"Hello, Princess Elizabeth," Lord Crowley said.

"Hello, Lord Crowley," she greeted with a polite smile. She made no movement toward him, instead she stood by Mika's side. A stance that seemed natural to both of them.

"You're the vampire princess," Guren stated.

"Yup, and Mika's girlfriend," she said, wrapping both of her arms around one of Mika's.

Everyone's eyes opened wide at the news. Before they could say anything, Mika clarified. "She's not my girlfriend," he stated calmly.

He was used to her telling people that she was his girlfriend any time they hung out together. He'd never even denied it until now, and she noticed. She glanced up at him, but only for a millisecond and saw that he was looking away.

The difference between those times and now, was that he never wondered what look people had on their faces. What look one specific person had on his face. The look, he imagined, was probably shock. Maybe jealousy. Guess he'd never know. He refused to look at him; he knew that if he did look, he'd just end up explaining himself, and after what happened three days ago, it wasn't something he wanted or needed to do anymore.

"Ok, so Elizabeth-" Guren began. Before he could finish his sentence, he was on the ground with a sword at his neck.

"That's Princess Elizabeth to you," she stated with her fangs bared. "Got it?"

"Got it," he said looking at her from the ground and a little out of breath, as she had knocked it out of him in just that fraction of a second.

And as fast as she had attacked, she was on her feet again. "That goes for all of you," she said to the others.

"Got it," they all said unanimously.

"Excuse him Princess," Lord Crowley began. "He didn't know any better."

"So," Mika began. "Ferid sent you to help us?"

"That's right!" she smiled. "Aren't you happy I'm here?" She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"Not particularly." Mika made no effort to hug her back, but neither did he push her away.

"I love you too, Mika," she chuckled.

Mika began to walk away, but Princess Elizabeth stopped him with her sword to his neck. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked.

"Well... I was walking towards the mansion, so gee I don't know Lizzy. Where do you think I'm going?"

"Mika!" Lord Crowley yelled for the first time. "Did you not hear her say it's Princess Elizabeth?" he emphasized angrily.

The others were wary of what was going to happen next. They were surprised at the way Mika had talked to her and that he had called her Lizzy too.

"Oh, that's ok," the Princess smiled. "Mika can call me whatever he wants!"

"Yeah, and if you don't move your sword the next thing I'll call you will be-"

"Anyway!" she interrupted, her smile not faltering. "I'm here to help you get stronger! So, why waste time? Let's start training right now, ok?"

"Why does that ok sound like you're not actually giving me a choice?"

"Well, I'm stronger than you and I suggested it, so gee, I don't know Mika-"

Mika unsheathed his sword and swung it at the Princess.

"Woah. I'm impressed," she said sincerely. "If it was anyone else you wouldn't have missed."

They started moving at speeds that reminded everyone that they weren't human. They could hear the swords clash but the movements were too fast to make out. Not long after, Mika was on the ground.

"I have to say," she started. "You put up quite the fight." She offered him her hand.

As he took it, he asked, "Is this how you're going to help?"

"Kind of. I'm not here to make any of you the best soldiers, or whatever you want to call yourselves. I'm here to train you just enough so that you don't get yourselves killed, and to be your back up to rescue Lord Ferid and Queen Krul. Let's get started."


Days passed. Everyone was exhausted. Princess Elizabeth seemed to forget that humans ran out of energy a lot faster than vampires. Even with the help of demon contracts. She only stopped when it looked like everyone was about to pass out. Her and Mika, on the other hand, went at it all night. Yuu could barely sleep, hearing the sword clashes outside. Not that he had been able to sleep the past few nights anyway. Mika hadn't come back to his room. All Yuu could do was hug the pillows and blanket that smelled so much like Mika.

Some nights he felt bad for taking Mika's room. But he needed him so bad. Mika's room was so like him. It made Yuu feel closer to him. He'd take what he could get.

Even if what he could get was breaking his heart bit by bit. The lonely nights were almost too much. He felt the emptiness of the room. The emptiness of the bed. The hole in his heart.

The memory of Mika sleeping next to him was fading. Little by little fading. Little by little breaking him. Little by little making the hole he'd left in his chest grow wider and wider.

With that empty feeling, he would eventually fall asleep.


"Ok, I think we're ready to not die," Guren after a couple of weeks of training.

"Well, I'm here so we should win," Lizzy said. "Though I should tell you, I'm not going to go out of my way to save anyone that isn't Mika."

Mika felt himself smile a little. Though he wouldn't say it, Lizzy made him feel special. Like he mattered. Like he mattered the most to her. It reminded him of a time when Yuu made him feel that way. Now, Yuu literally chose the world over him. He literally mattered the least to Yuu.

As they sat down to wait – Mika didn't know for what – Lord Crowley came out. "Got the car keys. Let's go get Ferid."

Everyone got in their respective cars. Guren and his squad got in the car they had arrived in. The Shinoa squad in Lord Crowley's car. Mika in Lizzy's car. The car that had somehow fit in one of her three planes. It was white and considerably nicer than the others. She took pride in her car. She took pride in everything about herself, and Mika couldn't help admiring that. He was glad he'd met her. He was glad she was there. He was glad she was by his side.

I know this chapter is a bit short, but I wanted to post something. I wanted to get something out there, hopefully that will help my writer's block. Not my best chapter but not my worst either haha. I also forgot to say I'm excited to introduce Princess Elizabeth, or Lizzy, as Mika calls her. Comments are always appreciated as they help me see what you guys like and don't. I also want to know what you guys think of Lizzy so far! As always, thanks for reading (if you haven't dropped this fic already lol)!

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