Days of aftermath[collision o...

Od Alastor6376

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four years have passed since ragnarok along side the deaths of the angels,jiyoung and the youja and many more... Více

chapter 1
author's note
chapter 2
an angels past:episode 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
an angels past:episode 2:the birth of a monster
four years later :
chapter 6
battle with Gods :
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
author note
an angels past:episode 3:war days
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24:mori Dan vs mori Jung
chapter 25:sujin Dan vs sujin Jung
chapter 26:kai emiya vs kai Okada
chapter 27:riku lumine forger vs riku Okada
chapter 28:Elyria scarlet vs Elyria Okada
chapter 29:chiro Shimura vs chiro Maruti
chapter 30:the return of the six kings
chapter 31:ash vs kai Okada
chapter 32:ash vs kai Okada part.2
post ragnarok:kaneki aether Morningstar/ash/kai Bio
post ragnarok: jinn sun jin wukong/jinn Dan Bio
chapter 33
Ahan sun jin wukong/sujin Dan Bio
riku lumine Morningstar/lunar Bio
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39: Morgiana Morningstar vs Sairaorg Bael
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60 and I'm back baby!
chapter 61
Christmas special
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68: Kai Emiya vs Executives pt.1
chapter 69:Kai Emiya vs Executives pt.2
chapter 70: Kai Emiya vs Executives pt.3
chapter 71: Kai Morningstar vs Executives pt.4
chapter 72: Kai Morningstar vs Executives pt.5
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78: student vs master
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83: declaration of war
chapter 84:an angels past:episode 4:escape
episode 6
episode 5
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14
episode 15
episode 16:a dragons tale
episode 17: a bird with a broken wing/capture
episode 18:black eyes
episode 19: black eyes pt.2
third book is out!

chapter 79:student vs master pt.2

19 1 0
Od Alastor6376

Chapter 6
Re:a battle with the gods
Chapter 79
(Episode 381)


Ash:so you guys are the one's who had...

[State:Kai Emiya]

He says while standing before Haoyu who dawns the <Morningstar Dragon Robe>

Ash:our armorsuits...

He says while narrowing his eyes as the boy with gears for eyes speaks to him

Haoyu:master, let's just stop this. It doesn't seem break the rules like this

He says as the hybrid cracks his neck and begins to stretch

Ash:continue. Now you're at the right level

He says while pulling his leg back


And throws his keg at the boy


Ashes foot connects to the side of his face as a boot connects to Ashes side of his face


The hybrid is dazed by the kick while Haoyu is completely unfazed as Ash recovers and sends a multitude of attacks at him, cero's, fire balls, you name it only for the student to be unharmed or fazed by the attacks


Haoyu:top right

Ash freezes and tries again

Haoyu:left, middle

The hybrid freezes again and looks at the boy in surprise

Haoyu:you are definitely faster than me. But..I have "prescience", tha ability to see five seconds into the future

Ashes foot connects to his face only for him to brush it off

Haoyu:if I don't use attacks that I can predict for "defence" and instead, focus only on "attacking"...

Haoyu then slams his elbow into Ashes chest

Haoyu:this is what happens

Haoyu then pulls his leg back


[Renewal Recoilless]


Haoyu:I can easily decide whether to deal another blow based on the damage to my opponent

Ash slumps against the wall his hair covering his eyes

Haoyu:I'm not sure if I told you before but "this" is a truly unbeatable item so just the fact that I used it alone is breaking the rules

Verdandi then appears behind him as he looks at the slumped Hybrid

Haoyu:when combined with my borrowed power it's even more "unfair". Plus, aside from when you're in "Kai Morningstar" state, you're even weaker and clumsier than you where in the competition. Master,can't we just stop this here?

A small rock then bounces off his head as he blinks his eyes

Ash:...I guess not even your prescience is perfect...

He says before spitting out some blood causing it to melt a small hole in the ground


Haoyu:'...when did he throw that rock? I was so focused on him that I didn't even see it'

Ash huffs and pants in exhaustion still slumped against the wall

FLASHBACK: a slightly older Charlie is seen sitting on a hill humming to herself


[Name: Charlie Morningstar




Relationships:daughter of Yahwe, neice of the Jade Emperor, youngest Angel, Lucifer's little sister, younger sister to Amenadeil,Raphael, Micheal, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Lucifer, Remeil, and Azrael, older sister to, Casteil and Uriel

Position:The Lord of Fire, Ruler of the flame, the crimson Angel, successor of the first heavenly realm, Ruler of the tenth heaven, heavens and earth's strongest warrior, protector of mankind and Gaia, God's heir, the supreme God, above the gods and the heavens, Maitreya?, the one who gifted fire to mankind, Angel of War, Saint, original Saint of war, Angel of death]

Charlie lights a small flame in her hand as a small portal opens up infront of her to show humans, and places her hand in the portal as a small barn fire is made as she smiles to herself

Charlie:there now you guys won't get cold anymore you can even cook whatever you caught over it now...

She says while pulling her hand out the portal and watch the humans from the portal with a small smile


Charlie looks over her shoulder to see her older sister and her mother Murata

Charlie:hey Sis, hey mom!

She says with a wave and a smile as her mother smiles back at her

Murata:hi, honey. I see your looking over the humans again

Charlie:I can't help it, they're just so interesting...

She says while looking back at the portal

Raphael:you fiddled with them again and gave them fire didn't you?

Charlie sweats nervously


She says in an almost ashamed tone as her mother sits down next to her along side Raphael

Murata:well...I don't believe that's something to be ashamed about at all my little flame

Charlie:but Urlang and most of the others say otherwise...that I should be ashamed for helping and protecting them. Failed experiments and toys in Lu Tsu's words

She says as Murata brings her daughter's head into her chest while resting her chin on the top of her head while rubbing her youngest's head while Raphael watches the humans in interest

Murata:well then don't listen to them, you made this decision so you should stand by it. It's the same thing I've told your brothers, that they need to be strong and stand by their decision and make their own path. So if you do believe that you have made the right choice you stand by it and ignore the naysayers. Do you understand?

She says while looking down at her as Charlie nods her head

Murata:good. And maybe some day you'll find someone special among them

She says as her daughters groan and sigh

Charlie:*groan* Raph~ make mom stop~!

Murata:what? It's only natural, besides Azrael acted the same way. Now look at her

She says while motioning to the portal as the two red heads look into it to see Azrael on a date

Raphael:huh. Never knew she swung that way

She says as Murata then looks at Charlie

Murata:let me see

Charlie removes her gloves to reveal her heavily burnt arms along side large cuts and bruises

Murata:how long have you been hiding these from me and your father?

Charlie everts her eyes away from her mother's yellow ones


Charlie:*quietly* acouple of weeks

She says quietly as Murata sighs while Raphael looks at her

Raphael:who did it? I know for a fact your flames can't do that much damage to you

She says in an angered tone

Charlie:okay, I'll tell you but please don't get mad

She says while looking away from them

Murata:we won't

Charlie:I went down to the human world

Raphael:*agitated* Charlie...

Her sister looks at her

Charlie:I know! I know! That was a horrible idea!

Raphael:yeah! You could have!-

Murata raises her hand at the both of them her eyes closed

Murata:Raphael. Let Charlie explain herself

Raphael huffs and folds her arms as the portal closes


Murata then looks down at her youngest daughter and signals her to continue

Charlie:I was on my way back when I was attacked by a couple monkeys...

The older red heads raise a brow at her

Raphael/Murata:a couple?

Charlie:okay, but one in particular did this to me. He was a stone monkey from what I can remember

She says as the older females sigh as a low shine emanates from Murata's hands as Charlie's burns, cuts and bruises heal

Murata:well, I'll have to discuss this with your father and the others

Charlie then grabs her hands

Charlie:please don't! Look I'm okay with dad but not Uriel or Micheal or the any of the others please! They probably only attacked me because I got to close to their home or young!

She says as Murata pats her head

Murata:calm down Charlie, we don't want a repeat of last time. I'll make sure to only speak of this with your father and we'll take it from there.

She says referring to the small flames and steam coming off of Charlie who pulls her hands away from her mother


She says while scratching her head nervously before turning to her sister after hearing her clear her throat

Raphael:so until then, you should get yourself some "armor" from big H


TIMESKIP: Charlie is seen with her gloves back on and inside a building and infront of a long time friend of hers

Hephaestus:first off, it's good to see you again after to long kiddo


She says as said female is seen jumping in excitement

Hephaestus:and that you need the strongest armor possible?

Charlie:*rapid nodding*

Hephaestus sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose

Hephaestus:I can't believe all the work I'm getting lately. What's with these orders?

She then began to pace around the room

Hephaestus:I thought that bald guy seemed nice but then he goes and asks me to make him a weapon that can cut through anything just because some demon boy had a sword exactly like that...then that hairy flirt asks me to make him a sturdy club for his son...then some kind of girl...then a bloody stone monkey and a blue hair demon boy come in asking me to make the same kind of armor and a sword that can cut through space....

She then looks at the red haired Angel

Hephaestus:and now, your also not satisfied with the "Barbadium" armor?

Charlie nods still shaking and bouncing in excitement

Hephaestus:you guys can be a real bunch of nuisances...

Charlie then looks down her excitement gone

Charlie:I know...

Hephaestus then turns to her smoker pipe in her mouth

Hephaestus:then your gonna have to bring me something stronger aswell. The ultimate ingredient

Charlie:the ultimate ingredient?

Hephaestus:something "alive", like you or me. Something divine. I already got it from that demon boy, now I just need one from you and the monkey

Charlie then places her hand on her chin and hms to herself

Charlie:maybe I can help you?

Hephaestus then thinks for a sec

Hephaestus:your turning fifteen tomorrow, right?

Charlie gives her a small nod while removing her hand from her chin

Hephaestus:all right then, tomorrow I expect you to be here at 8 in the morning at the sharpest, got it?

Charlie salutes and gives a rapid nod at her

Hephaestus:good. Now run along, don't want to get in trouble with Raph, Amenadeil or Lucifer

She says only for the red head to hug

Charlie:I missed you and I won't let you down bestie!

She spreads her wings and flies off before Hephaestus can say anything as the God chuckles to herself

TIMESKIP: Hephaestus' shop is seen destroyed and in ruin and on fire as Charlie takes her glove off and holds her hand out to the flames


And closes her hand into a fist extinguishing the flames as she puts her arm down and her gloves back on and turns over to see the monkey King and a blue haired boy with an injured Hephaestus and walks over to them

Hephaestus:man, Charlie you really gave that bald guy a run for his money, huh?

Charlie says nothing only having her hair covering her eyes while clutching the finished Yamato in her hands

Hephaestus:you three passed the test

She says before looking at the two fifteen year olds, specifically the red head

Hephaestus:here's my late birthday present for you, Charlie. Hope you like it

She says as the <Morningstar Dragon Robe> wrapps around her only this time the warm grey tailcoat becomes white with a red fire and golden edge with a golden belt, a Cape with a red and gold fire imprint, the purple become red and gold

Charlie:thank you...

She says before handing the Yamato over to the blue haired demon boy

Charlie:here, it took us a while...

She says still trying to hold in her tears as Hephaestus casts her a sad look before patting her on the head before Jaicheondaeseong walks over to her furnace. As the <Abyssal Dragon Robe> wrapps around the demon boy's body as he looks over it before looking over to where Charlie was to see her gone

A FEW WEEKS AGO: Charlie is seen with Hephaestus after finishing the two Dragon robes

Hephaestus:just so you know, since your blood was in the mix, part of your consciousness will be part of the armor, hence forth "you" will determine whether the owner is worthy and decide their fate. And as soon as that person becomes unworthy of it..."you'll" leave them immediately...

FLASHBACK OVER: Ash is still seen slumped against the wall his head hanging

Ash:'at the time I gave up on my own life...then, the Dragon Armorsuits abandoned me right away...'

Ash then begins to stand up

Ash:seriously...I know I've used it once...but it really is an unfair item. I was practically invisible to begin with, but then I got Incursio's armor and the dragon Robe and put them on, and you know the rest. Oh, did that sound a bit cocky?

Ash fully stands up his arms resting at his sides

Ash:while living as Kai Emiya for the last 4 years...I started to wonder something as I watched Rukia Kuchiki and Ichigo Kurasaki and the others. What am I now that I'm not Kaicheondaeseong? Am I worth anything now?

He then looks at his studen both his pupils becoming four star pointed and glowing purple


Ash:what does "power" mean in the first place? Why is it that they don't feel weak at all even though they can't even begin to be compared to Kaicheondaeseong in terms of physical power? Now I'm determined to prove everyone wrong

He then gets into a fighting stance

Ash:I want to prove that I'm more than strong enough as "Sung Ash-woo", even though I'm not Kaicheondaeseong anymore...I want to prove that I'm worthy

Haoyu then gets into a fighting stance

Haoyu:I'm not surprised, master!

Haoyu throws a punch at Ash who dodges while kicking Haoyu's leg as the wall behind Ash is caved in

*WHAM* *pow*

Haoyu throws another attack at Ash who dodges


He throws another attack at the hybrid who dodges



He grunts in frustration and throws a front kick at Ash who dodges it and kicks his leg as the wall behind the hybrid is caved in further and destroyed

*WHACK* *pow*

Ash pivots and throws a back kick at the same wall that was destroyed and ends up caving it in even further and completely destroying it




Melina and Jin glance at the hole in the ground to see a small corner of it collapse and smirk before turning their attention back to their fights

WITH ASH: Haoyu looks up to see rocks and debris falling down



Ash gets into a fighting stance with his right arms wrist touch Haoyu's left wrist both in the same fighting stance. As Haiyu looks down to face his master

Ash:separate hands


The debris and rocks continue to fall around the two fighters as Haoyu throws a kick at Ash who jumps up into the air and wrapps his arms and legs around Haoyu's leg

Foot grip]

Ash then twists his body while holding onto Haoyu's leg

Ash:'I don't know about physical attacks but even the dragon armorsuits is helpless against submission'

Haoyu:'damn it, my leg...!

Haoyu then jumps into the air and twists in the same direction Ash twisted


Ash:'Haoyu! He jumped in the direction that I twisted his leg!!'

The combatants fall to the groind with a thud as Ash continues to hold onto Haoyu's leg as the rocks and debris fall on top of them


Ash bears the pain while clenching onto Haoyu's leg whole gritting his teeth as Haoyu is unaffected by the falling rocks and debris

Haoyu:'I misted my chance to twist-...!'

He looks up at the debris to see a small grey object falling down as he immediately recognizes it


Ash:I have you in a perfect hold. Not even your prescience will help you avoid this

Neuntote falls onto Haoyu's back and ends up going straight through his chest while breaking his rib cage and spine




Haoyu:'just now was that five second into the future?!'

A cross then appears in his palm


Haoyu looks at his palm before placing it on his chest

Ash:t-that skill?!

A low glow emanates from Haoyu's palm as Ash is sent flying off of him as the rest of his hoodie is destroyed leaving him in his jeans and the Jersey that was tied to his waist as Haoyu quickly gets up and moves out of the way as Neuntote connects to the ground


Haoyu:wow~ that was so close just now!!

Ash falls to the ground

Ash:'He used the skill on avoid it? He took advantage of the dragon armorsuits defensive ability. He understands it even better than, I thought it was just luck when he copied the Renewal skill after seeing it just once, but just now...that was definitely...'

Ash sits up with obvious struggle as he coughs up some blood and looks at Haoyu

Ash:'Soljin Park's and Mubong Park's borrowed power and skill! This just proves to me on just what the hell He is...!'

Ash quickly gets up and kicks the boys leg again

Ash:'for now...'


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