A Star Wars Story

By N7Legion-Games

157K 2.7K 1.7K

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their respective owners. This is my what if story. More

Phantom Menace Ch:1
Phantom Menace Ch: 2
Phantom Menace Ch: 3
Phantom Menace Ch: 4
Phantom Menace Ch: 5
Phantom Menace Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter
Attack of the Clones Ch: 1
Attack of the Clones Ch: 2
Attack of the Clones Ch: 3
Attack of the Clones Ch: 4
Attack of the Clones Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E1 Ambush
Clone Wars S1 E2 Rising Malevolence.
Clone Wars S1 E3 Shadow of Malevolence
Clone Wars S1 E4 Destroy Malevolence
bonus chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E5 Rookies
Clone Wars Bombad Jedi
Clone Wars Trespassers
Mini Chapter.

Attack of the Clones Ch: 5

5.1K 113 76
By N7Legion-Games

In the Senate building there was a hearing being held for giving the Chancellor emergency powers to create an army. Jar Jar was voicing for a vote. Mace Windu was seen walking towards one of the open doorways, where Master Yoda, and a female Cathar youngling were at. She sat quietly, but had peeked interest in the debate.

Jar Jar:
It's-a clear desa separatists made a pact... wesa desa Federation du Trade. Senators, ''dellow felagates''. In response to this direct threat to the Republic... mesa propose that the senate... give immediately emergency powers... to the supreme chancellor.

Shouts Of Approval were heard across the room. Some were in disapproval.

Mas Amedda:
Order! We shall have order!

There was silence as Chancellor Palpatine stood, and spoke.

It is with great reluctance... that I have agreed to this calling. - I love democracy. I love the Republic. - [Applause] The power you give me... I will lay down when this crisis has abated. [Cheering, Applause] And as my first act with this new authority... I will create a grand army of the Republic... to counter the increasing threats of the separatists.

Cheers were then heard. Mace Windu then turned to Yoda.

Mace Windu:
It is done, then. I will take what Jedi we have left and go to Geonosis and help Obi-Wan.

Take her too, you will. Apprentice to Revan she will be.

Mace Windu:
Why would I bring her, if she's to be Revan's apprentice?

Know my Padawan, I do. Went to save Obi-Wan he did. A good learning experience for her, it will be.

Mace Windu bows to Yoda, and looks to the Cathar.

He then looks to her lightsaber.

Mace Windu:
What is your name, young one?

Ashla Tirgir, Master Windu.

She said as she gave him a bow, and she did it with a smile on her face. She was anxious.

Mace Windu:
Very well.

Hmm, Visit I will the cloners on Kamino, hmm... and see this army they have created for the Republic.

They bowed to Yoda, and left.

Is there anything I should know, Master?

Mace Windu:
Yes, stay by my side, until I tell you otherwise. Listen to everything, and watch for anything. Be on your guard at all times.

Right, got it. And what of my Master? I heard that he maybe a little strange.

Mace Windu:
Your Master is a great Jedi. His methods are a little different to what we are used to, but he's dependable, and will be a great Master one day. He'll be a great mentor to you as well.

She was happy to get her own Master. She worked hard, studied hard, and trained as hard as she could to get to this point. She was one step closer to being a Jedi.

We then see the Nautilus approaching Geonosis as it came out of lightspeed. Revan was hitting some buttons, and switches as they made their approach. Padmé was looking at some monitors, then looks to Revan.

See those columns of steam straight ahead? They're exhaust vents of some type.

That'll do.

Revan pilots the craft straight down into a column, flying through the steam, and landing at the bottom.

They were getting ready to leave the ship.

Padmé's outfit:

Sabé's outfit:

An:(I couldn't find a better outfit).

Revan was in his full get-up.

Look, whatever happens out there, follow my lead. I'm not interested in getting into a war here. As a member
of the Senate, maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess.

Don't worry. I've given up trying to argue with you.

I don't argue with her.

Artoo, and Beedee beeps a plaintive sigh as they all leave.

My sad little friends. If they had needed our help, they would have asked for it. You have a lot to learn about human behavior.

The four enter the stalagmite city. They stop, looking around in wonder at the emptiness. Revan had his hand on his lightsaber.

He knows something is wrong. It's not supposed to be this quiet.

Artoo stands in front of Threepio, who is fussing about.

For a mechanic, you seem to do an excessive amount of thinking. I'm programmed to understand humans.

Artoo beeps a question.

What does that mean? That means I'm in charge here!

Beedee responded to him.

Well that was uncalled for.

Artoo trundles out of the starship and down the landing ramp. Threepio follows him out of the ship.

Wait! Where are you going now? You don't know what's out there. Have you no sense at all? Oh! Idiot!

C-3PO chases him, and as Beedee followed them he then received a message. He then tends to the message. It was from a female Cathar who informed him that she was to be Revan's new apprentice, and she was requesting the location of the ship. Beedee then responded to her with chirps, and beeps.

Outside of the ship C-3PO was having difficulty keeping up with R2-D2.

Please wait! Do you know where you're going?

Artoo bleeps at Threepio.

Inside the factory the four continued forward. As they do, the surface of the pillars seems to pulse slowly and move. Several Geonosians were seen removing themselves from the pillars, and ceilings.


You feel it too?

Yes I feel it, I can hear them.

They turn to see the Geonosians in a pack. Anakin, and Revan cut down several of them with flicks of their wrists, as they ignited their lightsabers.

Padmé, and Sabé continues forward, as Sabé takes out her pistol and shoots any who come near them. Revan proceeded to continue to cover for them as Anakin rushed to protect Padmé, and Sabé. The girls make it through a door stopped to see a dead end. They were staring at a factory that was making droids. Anakin then appeared behind them only for the door to close behind them. Then the walkway retracts causing both Padmé, and Sabé to fall onto a conveyor belt leading into the droid

Padmé! Sabé!

Anakin jumps down and slashes more Geonosians while attempting to reach Padmé, and Sabé.

The girls makes their way across
stamping machines and welders as Anakin follows.

Revan then finished the Geonosians that were attacking him, and made his way toward Padmé, and the rest. He used the Force to open the door to see the conveyer belt. He jumped down onto it and rushed to search for Padmé.

Threepio, and Artoo stop at the small walkway.

Oh my goodness! Machines creating machines. How

Artoo pushes him almost knocking him off.

Calm down, R2. I almost fell. You'll get your chance-- Oh!

Artoo pushes him off, and he falls oonto a flying Conveyor Droid.

I'm scrap.

The droid picks him up, but C-3PO refused to let go of its arm.

It's a nightmare!

The droid shakes his arm violently in attempt to throw him off. Irritated the droid grabs C-3PO by his leg with its other arm.

Oh, I want to go home!

The droid then drops him onto another conveyor belt.

Oh, what did I do to deserve this?

Artoo uses his rocket jets to fly up and into the factory, and let's out a cheerful beep.

Artoo, find Padmé.

He said as he was dealing with a hoard of Geonosians. Just then he was met by heavy battle droids.

A lot of droids. They were on hover crafts floating around him.

Well, this became more challenging.

They opened fire on him, and he deflects the bolts with ease, and was forced to go into a different direction than he was planning.

Anakin continues to work his way toward Padmé, and Sabé. With his lightsaber flashing, Geonosians attacking from all directions.

Padmé wrestles with one Geonosian and is thrown into a large empty vat moving down the assembly line.


She shouts as the mechanized arms carry the vat to a position where molten metal will be poured into it. Padmé struggled to find hand holds for her to escape, but she can't find a way out.

Just then her attention is drawn to more Geonosians, and battle droids surrounding her. What could she do but surrender. Just then Artoo flies by her in attempt to rescue her.

We then see Threepio carried down the assembly line.

Hmm. I wonder what happened to poor little R2. He's always getting himself into trouble.

He head is then knocked off and lands in a droid head assembly line.

Oh, no!

C-3PO's body still standing walks onto the conveyor belt were other battle droid bodies were waiting in a line for their heads to be attached. The arm grabbed a droid head, and placed it on C-3PO's body.


The arm then grabbed C-3PO's head and placed it on a Battle Droid's body.

I'm so confused.

Meanwhile, Anakin continues to battle Geonosians. He then gets smacked in the face by one of the arms on the assembly line and his right arm which was holding his lightsaber becomes locked into a molding device.

As Padmé continues her struggle to escape the vat, Artoo finds the computer port controlling the vats and programs Padmé's to dump her onto a walkway. Where she is surrounded by Geonosians, and Droids.

Revan was almost done with his problem when Jango from a distance shot a missile at him Revan was caught in the blast, and parts of the conveyor belts were destroyed in the process.

Meanwhile Anakin was struggling to get out of his predicament when large sharp blades were seen coming down, and chopping at the devices, one of which was attached to his arm. He then proceeded to move around to avoid the blades when finally he was able to escape only to find out that his lightsaber was destroyed.

Not again. Obi-Wan is going to kill me.

Anakin is surrounded by Droidekas and from above. Jango Fett drops down, blaster in hand.

Jango Fett:
Don't move, Jedi! Take him away!

As they were being taken away Padmé talks to Anakin.

Where's Revan?

She asked in a hushed tone.

I don't know, we got separated.

Jango Fett:
If you're inquiring about your friend in the dark cloak. He's dead. Shot him myself with my rocket launcher. Took out a big part of the assembly line in the process. Your friend is no more.

Padmé didn't believe him. Revan couldn't be dead. She then gazed upward to see a shadowy figure. Who held its finger to its face as if to say "keep quiet". Then in a blink of an eye it vanished.

Count Dooku is seen sitting at a large conference table with Padmé, Sabé, and Anakin on the far side.

Anakin stands next to Sabé as they stand behind her with eight Geonosian Guards standing behind them. Jango Fett stands behind Count Dooku and six Geonosian guards stand behind him.

You are holding a Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am formally requesting you turn him over to me, now.

Count Dooku:
He has been convicted of espionage, Senator, and will be executed. In just a few hours, I believe.

He said as he smiles.

He is an officer of the Republic. You can't do that.

Count Dooku:
We don't recognize the Republic here, Senator. But if Naboo were to join our Alliance, I could easily hear your plea for clemency.

And if I don't join your rebellion, I assume this Jedi with me will also die?

Count Dooku:
I don't wish to make you to join our cause against your will, Senator, but you are a rational, honest representative of your people and I assume you want to do what's in their best interest. Aren't they fed up with the corruption, the bureaucrats, the hypocrisy of it all? Aren't you? Be honest, Senator.

The ideals are still alive, Count, even if the institution is failing.

Count Dooku:
You believe in the same ideals we believe in! The same ideals we are striving to make prominent.

If what you say is true, you should stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine put things right.

Count Dooku:
The Chancellor means well, M'Lady, but he is incompetent. He has promised to cut the bureaucracy, but the bureaucrats are stronger than ever, no? The Republic cannot be fixed, M'Lady. It is time to start over. The democratic process in the Republic is a sham, no? A shell game played on the voters. The time will come when that cult of greed, called the Republic, will lose even the
pretext of democracy and freedom.

I cannot believe that. I know of your treaties with the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guilds, and the others,
Count. What is happening here is not government that has been bought out by business... it's business becoming
government! I will not forsake all I have honored and worked for and betray the Republic.

Count Dooku:
Then you will betray your Jedi friends?
Without your cooperation I can do nothing to stop their execution.

And what about me? Am I to be executed also?

Count Dooku:
I wouldn't think of such an offense. But, there are individuals who have a strong interest in your demise, M'Lady. It has nothing to do with politics, I'm afraid.
It's purely personal, and they have already paid great sums to have you assassinated. I'm sure they will push hard to have you included in the executions. I'm sorry but if you
are not going to cooperate, I must turn you over to the Geonosians for justice. Without your cooperation, I've done
all I can for you.

Jango Fett:
Take them away.

Later Anakin, Padmé, and Sabé are standing in the center of what looks
like a courtroom. Seated before them in a tall, boxed-off area is Poggle The Lesser, Archduke of Geonosis. He is accompanied by his underling Sun Fac. Off to one side the Separatist Senators Po Nudo, Tessek, and Toonbuck Toora. Next to them are the Commerce Dignitaries, Shu Mai, Nute Gunray, Passel Argente, Wat Tambor, and San Hill of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. Along the wall about a hundred Geonosians wait for a verdict.

Sun Fac:
You have been charged and found guilty of Espionage.

Do you have anything to say before your sentence is carried out?

You are committing an act of war, Archduke. I hope you are prepared for the consequences.

Poggle laughs. Count Dooku simply smiles.

We build weapons, Senator... that is our business! Of course we're prepared!

Nute Gunray:
Get on with it. Carry out the sentence. I want to see her suffer.

Your other Jedi friend is waiting for you, Senator. Take them to the arena!

Several Guards take them to the Arena.

In the gloomy tunnel, Anakin and Sabé are tossed into an open cart. The murmur of a vast crowd is heard offscreen. Guards extend their arms along the framework and tie them
so that they stand next to each other.

Don't be afraid.

I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life.

He looks to her with confusion.

What are you talking about?

I love you.

He was shocked to hear this.

You love me?! I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie. That it would
destroy our lives...

I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. My love for you is a puzzle, Ani, for which I have no
answers. I can't control it... and now I don't care. I truly, deeply love you, and before we die I want you to know.

Sabé leans toward Anakin, and their lips to meet. They kiss. Just then Padmé was brought out to their cart.

Finally. I thought you two would never get together.

The driver cracks his whip over the Orray harnessed between the shafts. The cart jerks forward. Suddenly, there is a huge roar and blinding sunlight as they emerge into the arena

The great stadium is packed with tier upon tier of yelling Geonosians. The cart trundles to the center, where Obi-Wan is chained to one of four upright posts that are three feet
in diameter. He did not look happy. The cart stops. Padmé, Sabé and Anakin are taken down, dragged to posts, and chained to them. Anakin is taken to the post next to Obi-Wan, then Padmé, and Sabé. Padmé, and Sabé both pull a wire from their clothing and places it in their mouths.

I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message.

I retransmitted it as you requested, Master. Then we decided to come and rescue you.

He looks around, then at him.

Good job!

He said sarcastically.

Their arms are pulled high above their heads, and the cart drives away.

Where's Revan?

No idea, he disappeared right when we got captured.

I'm sure he has a plan or two. He's got a good head on his shoulders.

There is another roar as Poggle The Lesser, Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, the Fetts, and Dignitaries arrive in the archducal box.

Sun Fac:
The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the Sovereign System of Geonosis. Their
sentence of death is to be carried out in this public arena henceforth.

The crowd roars and cheers.

Let the executions begin!

The crowd goes wild.

From different gates around the arena, three monsters are driven in. One is a Reek (bull-like), one is a Nexu (lion
like), and one is an Acklay (a kind of dino-lobster). They are driven in by Picadors carrying long spears and riding Orrays The Picadors poke the monsters toward the center, then retire to the perimeter. The Nexu in a fit of rage jumps one of the Picadors, and kills him.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

The monsters toss their heads, looking around, roaring or screeching. Then they catch sight of the four captives and
start moving toward them.

Just relax. Concentrate.

What about Padmé, and Sabé?

Padmé, and Sabé had used the wires they concealed to pick the lock on one of the hand restraints. They turn around and pulls themselves up by the chain to the top of the post. Within a moment, both of them are standing on top of the pillars, trying to pull their chains free.

She seems to be on top of things.

The Reek charges Anakin. He jumps up, and the beast hits the post hard. Anakin lands onto its back, wrapping part of
his chain around its horn. The Reek backs off, shaking its head angrily, which tears the chain from the post.

Obi-Wan ducks around the post as the Acklay charges. It knocks the pillar flat, sending Obi-Wan sprawling. The Acklay
crunches the post between its claws, freeing the chain.

Obi-Wan leaps up and runs towards one of the Picadors. The
Acklay takes off after him.

The Nexu arrives at Padmé's post and rears on its hind legs.

Padmé watch out!

Padmé struggles to tear the chain free. The Nexu roars, displaying wicked, dripping fangs. She swings her chains at it, but it was persistent and claws her back.

In the archducal box, Nute Gunray beams and rubs his hands.

In the arena, Obi-Wan runs at the Picador. The Orray rears up as Obi-Wan grabs the Picador's long spear and pole vaults over him. The chasing Acklay smashes into the Orray. It goes down. The Picador tumbles onto the sand, where he is grabbed by the Acklay and crunched.

Anakin's Reek starts to buck. It charges around the arena with Anakin hanging on for dear life. He whirls the free
length of chain around his head and casts it into the Reek's mouth. Its jaws clamp hard on the chain. Anakin yanks hard on the chain, turning the Reek beginning to ride it.

Padmé then jumps off the post into the air. She swings around on the chain and kicks the beast hard with both her feet. It tumbles back onto the sand.
Padmé climbs back up the pole, scrambling to the top.

Nute Gunray:
She can't do that. Shoot her! Or something!

Sabé was still fiddling with her cuffs, and looks to Padmé.

You, alright?


She said as she got her cuffs off.

In the arena, Obi-Wan runs out from behind the fallen Orray and throws the spear at the Acklay, hitting it in the neck. It lets out a terrible screech and turns on him. The Nexu springs up and makes to leap up at Sabé this time. But like Padmé she used her chain and whipped the Nexu causing it to fall to the ground. Both now had their cuffs off, and Anakin comes charging up on the Reek, tackling the Nexu.

Both the girls jumped down onto the Reek. Sabé was behind Anakin, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, next was Padmé who was behind her.

Nute Gunray:
This isn't how it's supposed to be! Jango, finish her off!

Count Dooku motions for the bounty hunter to stay put.

Count Dooku: (smiling enigmatically) Patience, Viceroy... she will die.

Droidekas roll to the center of the arena where they transform and surround the Reek and contain the Jedi. Just then a dark figure followed by Mace Windu is seen approaching the archducal box.

Suddenly two purple lightsabers were ignited one pointing at Jango, and the other at Count Dooku who turns and masks his surprise elegantly.

Count Dooku:
Master Windu, and.... Revan I assume. How pleasant of you to join us. You're just in time for the moment of truth. I would think these two new boys of yours could use a little more training.

Nobody was able to see his expressions through the mask, but the way he was standing suggests that he was not happy.

Sorry to disappoint you, but this party is over.

Mace Windu signals, and at strategic places around the arena there are sudden flashes of light as about a hundred Jedi switch on their lightsabers. The crowd is suddenly retreats. Count Dooku's lips curl in slight amusement.

Count Dooku:
Brave but foolish, my friends. You're impossibly outnumbered.

Mace Windu let's out a slight chuckle before getting serious.

Mace Windu:
I don't think so.

The Geonosians aren't warriors. One Jedi has to be worth a hundred Geonosians.

Count Dooku looks around the great theater. His smile grows.

Count Dooku:
It wasn't the Geonosians I was thinking about. How well do you think one Jedi will hold up against a thousand Battle Droids?

Suddenly behind them dozens of Battle Droids came marching towards them, and opened fire at them. Revan jumps into the air repelling the blaster bolts, and lands in the arena. Jango then ignited his flamethrower at Mace Windu who too jumps into the air, and lands in the arena. He tossed away his burning cloak as a thousand droids appeared in the arena. Two Jedi tossed Anakin, and Obi-Wan each a lightsaber and both ignited them. Anakin had a green lightsaber blade, and Obi-Wan had blue. Both of them used their lightsabers to cut the restraints off.

Revan is seen with two lightsabers in hand, and is slashing at the droids in his way. He gestures a hand and a large boulder from a fallen down pillar, and flings it at a group of droids which let out an "uh-oh" as they're crushed. He then continued to fight the droids.

One droid was seen with C-3PO's body.

My legs aren't moving, I must need maintenance.

Obi-Wan, Anakin, Sabé, and Padmé are all bucked off when the Geonosians appeared with there weapons, and shot at another pillar that went down next to them. Padmé, and Sabé each picked up a discarded blaster, and joined in the fight.


Ashla was seen approaching the Nautilus that was confiscated. She infiltrated the hangar and began to pick off the Geonosians, and Droids that were guarding it. She was quick, and she was quiet. Then she takes out her lightsaber, and finished the rest in a few quick moments.

Well that was easier than I thought. Now let's get this beauty back up in the air.

She then boards the ship in attempt to get it in the air. That's where she met BD-2. Who beeps at her.

Oh, my gosh! A BD unit. I heard there wasn't many of you made. That you were inefficient.

Beedee chirps angrily at this.

Oh, it wasn't an insult. I think they're wrong too.

Beedee beeps happily at this.

Now let's get this ship moving. We gotta save Revan.

Beedee beeps with a shock like tone, and rushed towards the cockpit, with Ashla behind him. The Geonosians, and Battle Droids then appeared in the hangar in attempt to stop that ship, and blast them. Beedee plugs into the computer, and activated a small blaster in a compartment on the underside of the ship which began to fire. Ashla gets into the pilot's seat, and began to push buttons, and flip switches.

Beedee chirps at her.

I wouldn't say I'm the best pilot, but I'm no novice.

Beedee beeps again.

Yeah, thanks. Alright I'm punching it.

The ship zooms off into the distance.

Back in the arena we see Threepio's head attached to a Battle Droid.

What's all this noise? Ah, a battle! Oh, there's been some terrible mistake! I'm programmed for etiquette, not destruction!

Mace Windu was then seen fighting back-to-back with Obi-Wan as they swipe and mangle droids. As the fight continues Jedi are slowly being driven back. They have killed heaps of Geonosians and have knocked out piles of droids, but sheer numbers are telling. Individual Jedi are being cut down or blasted. The rest are retreating into the arena.

C-3PO's body was then seen fighting a Jedi only to have the Battle Droid's head blown off.

Revan is then seen now with one lightsaber in hand, and was now back to back with Padmé.

You call this diplomatic solutions?

No, I call it aggressive negotiations.

She couldn't see but she could tell that Revan was smiling at this with a slight chuckle.

Sabé jumps on top of the Orray pulling the execution wagon. Anakin runs, jumps, and lands in the cart, deflecting laser blasts with his lightsaber. Sabé blasts Battle Droids as the two ride through the arena.

One Jedi attempts to attack Count Dooku, but Jango shoot him several times causing him to fall off the Archduke box to the ground.

Obi-Wan and Mace Windu continue to fight back-to-back, lightsabers flashing. The Reek charges and separates the two. The Reek chases Mace Windu across the arena. Mace Windu slashes at the Reek but loses his lightsaber.

Jango Fett, watching from above, rockets down into the arena to battle with Mace Windu. Jango Fett attempted to grab Mace Windu's lightsaber but Mace Windu used the Force to retrieve his lightsaber.

The Reek then charged at Jango Fett trampling him, and damaged his Jetpack. Jango Fett quickly gets up to see the Reek charging at him, Jango quickly shoots at the Reek, and dived to the side as it fell down dead where he originally stood. Jango then turns to see Mace Windu charging at him, desperately Jango shoots at him, but he deflects all his bolts, and ended up decapitated him. His helmet still attached to his head rolled away, his body fell to the ground. Count Dooku had a look of shock on his face as Mace Windu glances up at him, then back to Jango's body. Boba Fett had a look of shock, and sadness on his face as he saw this.

C-3PO continues to shoot at the Jedi as he lets out...

Die Jedi dogs. Oh what did I say?

He then looks to a Jedi by the name of Kit Fisto.

Oh, dear. I'm terribly sorry about all this.

Kit Fisto used the Force to knock Threepio back as a battle droid lands on him.

Ohh! Excuse me. I'm trapped. I can't get up.

While riding on the Orray a Battle Droid killed the Orray causing both her and Anakin to fly off. Both of them were side by side fighting together.

Obi-Wan is attacked by the Acklay again, now equipped with a lightsaber he just slays the beast with his lightsaber.

In the midst of the battle Artoo shows up and finds Threepio's head.

R2, what are you doing here?

Artoo beeps in response, and turns facing away from him. He then opened a compartment that had a cable with a magnet attached to it, he shoots it at his head, and began to pull.

What are you doing? Oh, stop that! You're going to strain something. My neck!

Artoo successfully pulls the head off the Battle Droid's body, and drags his head off.

Now where are you taking me? Oh, this is such a drag.

The battle was causing a lot of heavy casualties on the Jedi side, and the droids were forcing them into a circle they couldn't get out of.

Artoo then takes Threepio's head to his body.

Oh, I'm quite beside myself.

Artoo then proceeded to attach his head onto it despite his constant complaining.

R2, please be careful! You're singeing my circuits! - [ Beeping ] - Yes, but is my head on straight?

Barely more than a dozen Jedi were remaining, and were now trapped in the circle. Count Dooku raises his hand, and suddenly the droids stopped attacking.

Count Dooku:
Master Windu! You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the history archives of the Jedi Order. Now it is finished.

A few more Jedi were escorted into the circle.

Count Dooku:
Surrender - and your lives will be spared.

I think I speak for all of us when I tell you that we will not be hostages for you to barter with, Dooku.

Mace Windu nodded in agreement as a few others. Count Dooku felt insulted by his outburst, and the Droids raised their weapons. When suddenly a ship that was all too familiar to Revan. It was the Nautilus, and it rained down fire on the droids. The ship was then accompanied by an army of Clones.

In the Nautilus, Ashla was seen in the gunner seat.

Whoo! I like this!

The ship was being piloted by a Clone. Apparently Ashla went to rendezvous with Yoda by his orders. A few Clones were then dispatched to go with her.

I can't believe we're riding in this hunk of junk.

It's difficult to maneuver.

Suddenly the ramp lowers, and Revan jumps onto the ramp and went inside. He then takes over the controls.

Let me show you guys how it's done.

He takes the helm, and takes off flying low so Ashla can get shots in.

It's an honor to meet you Master.

Revan was stunned to hear that. Was she talking to him?

Master Yoda, said I was to be your Padawan.

Well, I look forward to training you, my Apprentice.

She continued to shoot the droids, with a big smile on her face.

An:(And stay tuned for part 2 of the battle of Geonosis. I hope you all enjoy this, and I'll see you in the next chapter).

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