Being Good Enough

By Chrisismyfav

242K 14.5K 5.5K

The older you get you the more you realize that in relationships things like looks, and background aren't as... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 24

4.4K 289 198
By Chrisismyfav

Chris's POV

"Aye, look," August said interuppting my conversation. I looked away from Trey to see three girls running at us. I could recognize them as Karrueche, Christina, and Khadijah. Not even 8 in the morning and there's already some bullshit. The girls pushed through everyone just to get to me.

"Hey Chris. Are you dating Khadijah?" Karrueche screamed.

It was like a movie. Everyone got quiet and looked over at us, trying to see whats going on. They must've been as suprised as I was. I wasn't expecting that question. Why would Karrueche think we were dating? I bet it was Christina! I looked at her but she didn't seem guilty.

Behind Christina was Khadijah. She saw me looking at her and turned red. So it was her that told? I seemed to forget anything I'd ever learned at an anger managment class. My anger was growing as everyones eyes laid on me. All I wanna do is kill Khadijah. Sadly, we're in public so it won't happen. But wait till we're alone, i'm finna beat the fuck outta her.

"Um, hello! Earth to Chris. Yes or no?" Karrueche screeched, snapping her fingers in my face. I ignored her annoying ass and continued to think.

Honestly, this is one of the most embarrassing situations I've ever been in. Now the whole school will keep talking about me and Khadijah. In what world does the captain of the basketball team (me) date a loser with literally no friends (Khadijah)? My reputation will be ruined. And what would my niggas say? Well I already know. Their asses would never stop talking shit.

But despite all that, theres a reason I've continued dating her. Khadijah is the greatest girl I've ever met. With every other girl its about sex, not with her, though. There's just something so likable and endearing about Dijah. She's by far my favorite person to be around. Its so easy talking to her, I can tell her stuff I'd never tell anyone else. I don't get why people don't like her.

I met Khadijahs eyes for a split-second. She looked so awkward and out of place in the middle of all these people because she tends to be a loner. And she looks like she wants to cry. I think I know what I want to say.

"Yeah, I am," I finally replied.

Whispers and murmurs went from person to person.

"Nigga, what?!" Nicki shouted.

"Forreal?" Trey asked with a nasty look on his face.

The only person whos reaction I actually cared about was Khadijahs. She smiled brightly which made me happy. I couldn't humilate her like that in front of this many people. If I did she probably would break up with me and not come back. And i'm not ready for this relationship to end yet.

"Are you serious right now?" Christina asked.

"Yeah, I am." I walked over to Khadijah and threw my arm around her shoulder just to prove my point.

"Ew, you can do so much better. Why her?" Karrueche angrily said.

"Why the fuck do you care?" I shot back. Guess she's still mad I cut her off for Dijah. Kae didn't reply. I took my arm off of Dijah and walked away. She followed me out of the crowd.

"Where we going?" Khadijah asked.

"To my car so we can talk,"

"Chrisss, we're gonna be late. I don't want another detention," she whined.

I ignored her complaints. She followed me to the car anyway. I checked my phone once I sat down. People were blowing me up talking about Khadijah. I can't believe I actually told the school we were together. I hope it wasn't the wrong thing to say. And while no one directly said anything rude I could tell they didn't really like me with Dijah. Should I be mad at her? Or happy?

"Are you mad at me?" She asked.

"Why the fuck would you tell them?"

She sighed dramatically, "One of them was like do you like Chris and I was like no. Then, I think it was Karrueche, she was like oh why would she Chris is too good for her anyway. And someone else said that to me yesterday. Its just so annoying like me, right?

I started to feel bad about everything that I had thought about Khadijah. I leaned to give her a kiss on cheek then pulled away. "Of course I do."

"Exactly! They act like they know about us."

"Why does it bother you so much?"

"When people don't like you, you don't care?" Khadijah asked. I shrugged my shoulders because I really don't give a fuck about people not liking me.

"Well, it bothers me. I've known both of them since like 3rd grade and I never did anything mean to them. And now the whole school knows about us because of them."

"You don't want people to know?" I thought it had been just me.

"No, its only been like 3 days since I broke up with Micheal. Everyone thinks i'm a thot."

That made me laugh since Khadijah was always so proper. I think i've only heard her curse like twice. She started to laugh along with me. I took the moment to remind myself how pretty Dijah is. She has the most bright smile with her straight, white teeth. And the most attractive lips. Her big, curly hair frames her face perfectly. Its so fun to play with. Dijah also has smooth, soft skin. I just wanna hold her all night and day. Not to mention she smells so good. Just her fragrance turns me on. (Lost In Ya Love is my song lol)

"Stop staring, its scaring me," Khadijah said.

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful," I cheesed.

"Corny but cute," She smiled, pecking my lips. She pulled away from me and her face turned serious.

"I surprised you didn't say no out there. I thought you would've," Khadijah said.

"I didn't wanna embarrass you."

"Good choice 'cause I would've broke up with you. So, do you think anyone is gonna say anything about me and you?"

"Yeah, probably," I answered. Cosidering how easy Khadijahs feelings get hurt, I hope no one says anything to her face.

"Y'know ever since I got with you, theres always drama. You're a bad influence," she giggled so I knew she was joking.

"But you still love me," I replied, getting closer to her face. Maybe i'm wrong but I swear she mumbled something that sounded like "Yeah, I do."

I didn't know to reply to that so I just kissed her. The bell interuppted our sweet kiss. When we pulled away her face was pink-ish and she looked flustered.

"Um, lets go so we're not um late," Khadijah stuttered.

We got out the car and started walking towards the building. I hope I heard wrong and Dijah didn't really kinda say that she loves me. She's a nice girl or whatever but do I love her? Nope.

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