30 day otp challenge Errormare

By Error_The_Glitch

12.3K 218 39

I'm not even sure if this is still a thing people are doing but whatever! most of them will be fluff with the... More

Lazy Morning
Bridal Carry
Against the wall


524 12 16
By Error_The_Glitch

-A very hyped up Error (the glitch)
I lost my motivation
-Error an hour later who still hasn't written anything

Nightmares POV-
I was looking through my closet trying to find a nice outfit to wear after I finished my shower. Me and Error has planned an outing, more specifically at my old AU. I wanted to take him stargazing and well, Outertale would be perfect for that but in Dreamtale we have beautiful stars that tend to glimmer gold and purple, the sky projecting all different dark colours of the rainbow.

Not even mentioning we've had millions of dates there so I thought a change would be a nice change of pace.

I found a small turtle neck sweater a semi dark grey and some black skinny jeans to pair with them. I also had decided to put on some small slightly heeled boots rather than my usual slippers, plus tennis shoes felt a little too informal for such a uh- I suppose you could consider important date.

I made my way down to the Living area of the castle where the boys had been sitting at and watching TV. I rushed past them into the conjoined dining room.

"What's with the attire boss? Ya late for a date or somethin'?" I sighed as I grabbed my bag and walked into the TV area once again.

"Yes I am actually, now if you'll excuse me I must leave" Killer, who had previously asked the question, jolted up at the fact.

"Really!? Damn I thought you were a loner!!" Dust just snickered. I rolled my eyes, "no, unlike you lazy piles of dust, I actually go out every once in a while and enjoy a nice outing."

"What girl would wanna go on a date with your angry, brooding ass?" I stopped what I was doing and looked Dust dead in the eye.

"Dust, I think we all very well know that no one in this castle is going out to see a woman anytime soon, for multiple reasons, first of all, anyone that is attracted to a woman, probably can't pull bitches, second, we're all at least somewhat gay, including me."

The three stared dumbfounded at me. "Hey shit boss is gay???" I stared at him confused, "bitch I'm wearing a turtle neck, skinny jeans, and heeled boots to a date and you don't think I'm gay???"

Horror snickered, "that outfit truly does give off gay vibes, lol".

I rolled my eyes and continued our the door and finally teleported into Error anti-void and saw him sitting to himself in his beanbag seat.

He was wearing a white button up that was tucked into navy blue skinny jeans and black chucks. He was staring at the seemingly nonexistent ceiling with his arms crossed, one leg crossed over the other and his foot bouncing impatiently.

I sighed and them smiled walking up to him. "Sorry glitchy, for being late. The idiots kept me as I was trying to leave." (Also, may I just state that the two of us looked pretty gay in this situation.)

He perked up and gave me a smile of sympathy with a small snicker. "Really? How so?"

I rolled my eyes at his teasing accent and dat down next to him. "I had to explain I was gay to them" I groaned out as I flumped back in the seat.

Error started laughing aloud looked over at me, "how did you get to that??" "Hah, so basically I was trying to rush out the door but they caught me and asked if I was going on a date, I said yes, a terrible mistake on my part, and they asked what girl would want to go on date with me ans I told them that basically no one in the castle would be going on a date anytime soon, therefore leaving them dumbfounded."

Error giggled at this and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well, women suck anyways" "you just hate people in general" "thats true, but you're alright" "damn we've been dating for a year and I get 'alright'."

He elbowed me in the arm, "hey, you should feel privileged I'll even touch you with your goop and all" "okay now that's even more offensive" I made a fake cry.

"Hey I've kissed you before, and you know that's all you're gonna get from me" "I know, and I won't push because spending time with you is enough, plus I ain't gonna push sex on an asexual person."

Error gave a soft smile, "and for that I'm grateful, a lot of people can be assholes for no reason. It's always like 'oh you need to have sex to show your love' or 'oh I bet I could fix you' like bitch no you can't, I don't want your hands on me, period."

I chuckled at this, "what?" "Nah I find your rant cute. And yeah, people who say that stuff to asexual people are just weirdos, like why are they so involved in your sex life?"

"I'm not cute, but yeah, I don't like people in my business" "understandable. So, would you like to head out?" I stood up and offered my hand in which he promptly took and I pulled him up next to me. "Sure".

I teleported us into the fields of Dreamtale, it being nighttime with the glowing colorful stars and dark rainbow like sky. Error stared at the sky in amazement, I almost expected his eyes to turn into stars like how Dreams do when mesmerized or excited.

He let out a loud gasp while staring at the beautiful stars. "....Night, is this was sex feels like???"

I burst out laughing, not expecting such a blunt question, obviously being a joke. "Kyeheheh, n-no, se-x is a lot more- painful- hahaha-" His sockets started to tear up at the situation.

Error looked at me, a small smirk on his face, "then I'd prefer to be here and eat chocolate" "that works for me." I started to tone down on my laughter.

Soon we laid down and stared at the lovely stars, he would point out different ones flickering different colours and different ones showing off as different shapes. He seemed horribly excited and happy the whole time as we did so. Eventually he snuggled into my side as we watched the blinking and flickering stars, hugging my stomach close to him.

"This has been a nice date, thanks a lot, Night" "Of course Glitchy".

Omg, this was so fun, especially with being able to put my own personality and humor into it, so ya know, I think this chapter is funny as fuck, if you don't eh that's your humor lol
Remember i love yall and I'll see ya tmw!!!
-Error (not the skeleton)

[1150 words]

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