The Little Shop

By homebodies

198K 4.3K 653

Five young lads... and one even younger little girl? AJ Burrows is seven years old and crying in a fitting ro... More

The Girl in the Shop
The Man Wearing a Hat
The Missing Lady
The Little Lion Man
The Peter Pan Costume
The Woman Who Stays Oblivious
The Radio Host
The Party
The Bit with the Monkey and the Ripped Skirt
The Pirate Dance
The Bus Drivers
The Filler Chapter
The Spanish Lady
The Charades
The Pretty Girl From Sheffield
The Boys and Princess AJ
The Dancing Lasted All Night
The Lazy Day
The Summer Begins
The End
Author's Note

The Truth Comes Out

3.4K 142 20
By homebodies


The Truth Comes Out, in which Shannon's best dish is lasagna and we learn AJ's real name.


"What were you thinking?" Marcy scolded. 

"You could've been thrown in jail," Tom said, shaking his head.

"Are you hurt? Did anyone touch you?" I asked, inspecting Zayn's face for scratches or bruises. "How'd you get this?" I asked, pointing to a mini bruise on his chin.

"Ran into Louis," he shrugged.

"Idiot," Louis scowled, rubbing the back of his neck, where Zayn's chin got him.

"Now, Louis," Harry sighed. If our tour team was a family, Harry and I were the mums, and our managers were the fathers. "Don't be rude to Zayn. Yes, he made a few mistakes, but no harm done! None of you were charged with anything, right? They dropped all the charges!"

"Yeah, they're just calling it a misunderstanding," Niall said. "You're lucky, though. They could've charged Sienna with more than one crime."

I glanced over my shoulder, where she and AJ were buttoning up their coats. We were boarding the plane to Heathrow in an hour or so, and AJ was still oblivious to last night's events.  Harry, Niall, and I took her to an amusement park while the rest of them (the trouble makers) were away. What a bummer. I know Louis was really looking forward to watching Niall eat to much and then puke on the upside-down bits. 

"Pity you missed the rollercoaster," I sighed. "It was sick."

"Did Niall chunder?" Louis asked.

"Yes," Niall grumbled, crossing his arms. 

"I tried to tell him that three candy floss, one chocolate bar, and two mango flavoured slushies was too many... but he just didn't listen," Harry chuckled, shaking his head.

"Shame," Zayn said. "I would've loved to see that rainbow." He scrunched up his nose right after, to convey his sarcasm. 

"You would've loved the mango slushie, Lou," Niall said. "I would've had six more, but after I released the contents of my stomach on the upside down bit, I wasn't feeling up to it."

"Is that so?" Louis asked, throwing an arm over Niall's shoulders. They began to follow our managers to the car.

I jogged to catch up to Harry and Zayn, who were speaking in hushed tones about this thing or another. "I still think you should've thought things through more. I mean, you could've been beaten with those police bats..." 

"Look!" AJ said, pointing across the street as we all piled into the van. There was a huge poster depicting a woman singing on a heart shaped stage. The words were in Spanish, so I didn't know what the advert was for, but I found myself reaching for my phone to call Emma. I felt like I was under mind control.. but I didn't mind; I was long overdue for a call back home. 

"It's an advert for a Love Festival next week," Niall translates. "It says, 'Local superstar Rosaria Almaraz will perform her greatest love songs, including her famous covers of Every Time We Touch, and Fotografia at this year's Love of Ages Festival.'"

"Wow," Harry said. "I wish we'd still be around," he sighed. With a grin, he glanced over at me. I smiled back, but I don't think my smile was all that convincing. 

I couldn't take it anymore; I whipped out my phone and shot a quick text to Emma. I knew a text was nearly equal to a phone call, but I had to hear from her. Emma replied almost instantly with an excited greeting. I guess it really had been a while since we talked. I asked about her day, to which she replied that she was feeling a bit sick. She asked about my day, and I told her Louis and Zayn were almost arrested. She wasn't surprised. We arrived at the airport soon after our conversation had only just begun, so I promised to call her once we landed, and she replied that she'd come pick me up at the airport. 

"Who're you talking to, Li?" Niall asked, slinging an arm over my shoulders. "Emma?"

I nodded. "She's coming to pick me up in Heathrow."

"We can cover for you, you know. So that you two can get some alone time," Niall offered. I was about to protest; I wasn't one to go against Marcy's instructions. As a second thought, however, I remembered the fact that Emma and I haven't been alone together in over five months, and that the only physical contact we've had in that time has been quick hugs and kisses. I think I'm going to explode.

"Yeah," I said, finally. "Yeah, okay."

The airport was crowded. It seemed to be largely people coming into Spain, possibly for the Love of Ages Festival. We were among the minority of people that were leaving Spain, so once we got to our gate, things calmed down dramatically. We ditched our stuff and headed off in every direction to grab some snacks for the plane ride. The ride from Spain to Heathrow was short, so there wasn't an in-flight meal, which meant all we'd have were those fancy warm nuts and glasses of chardonay, which doesn't taste nearly as good when you're thousands of feet in the air. So, we took it upon ourselves to make our own unhealthy, crisp and soda meals. 

Just as I was stocking up on bottles of water and Pringles, I felt a tug on the leg of my trousers. I spun around and grinned at AJ, who was holding up a colouring book. "Liam, look! A princess colouring book! It comes with crayons and everything."

"Is there a pink crayon?" I asked, leaning down to her height. AJ peered inside the book, where the clear package of seven crayons was. Sure enough, there was a bright pink crayon that almost hurt my eyes to look at. "That settles it. It's got a pink; we're buying it."

"Really?" AJ asked. I nodded, and she followed me to the register.

"Place your loot, Princess AJ," I said. She laughed and did as she was told, placing her colouring book up on the counter. She rested her arms and chin on the counter and peered up at the woman working there as she scanned each of my bottles of water.

She smiled and waved at the woman, but the woman took no notice. AJ furrowed her brow and stood up on her toes, leaning over to read the woman's name tag. "Hello, Martha!" she said sweetly, grabbing at her colouring book the moment it was scanned. "I'm AJ," she said, bending over and sideways to see if she could catch Martha the Cashier's gaze.

Martha didn't respond. AJ's frown grew even deeper. "Thanks. Keep the change," I said, handing over the last euros in my wallet. I was secretly trying to get rid of them, because we'd be going to America after these next few Euro-Shows (as Harry calls them) and I had no use for a bunch of euros in America. 

Martha still didn't respond to us. AJ scowled. "BYE MARTHA!" she said loudly. Martha didn't look up, but raised her hand in a silent farewell, which seemed to satisfy AJ, because she adopted a smug grin and led the way out of the little airport shop.

Back at home base, Zayn and Niall were sitting on the floor, legs crossed and knees touching playing a serious game of Knots and Crosses on the back of a receipt. It looks like Niall's absolutely stumped, and Zayn's got his usual proud smirk going on, so I think Zayn's got him beat before the game's even ended.

"What'd you get?" Louis asked, turning to look at us. I was about to answer, but then I realized he was speaking to AJ, and closed my mouth. 

"Liam bought me a colouring book," AJ said. She held it up to show Lou, flipping through the various scenes of balls and castles and fancy gardens. She explained that if she wanted to be a princess, she was going to have to make it through the entire colouring book. 

"I'll help, if you'd like," Zayn said with a chuckle. AJ began nodding furiously, so Zayn patted the spot next to him on the floor, and the two of them spread out on their stomachs, colouring in the first page of AJ's colouring book. Silently, Harry took out his phone and snapped a quick photo. Zayn's right arm was spread over AJ, his elbow resting on her back as they were colouring, whispering to each other about colour choices.

"What are they colouring?" Sienna asked, walking up behind me. She had a container of chips and cheese. She held it out to me, offering me some, but I shook my head.

"Princess colouring book," I said.

"Where'd she get that?" Sienna asked, furrowing her brow. "Or did one of you just happen to have an unfinished colouring book in your back pocket?"

"I bought it for her," I said. "I hope that's alright."

Sienna looked like she was about to protest, but soon, her expression seemed to just melt into a smile. "It's totally fine. At least she'll be quiet on the plane."

"She's not normally very fussy, is she?" I asked, smiling slightly.

"Well, no, but better safe than sorry, right? I can't just expect her to be an amazing passenger all the time, right? She's only seven," Sienna said. She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly before sitting down next to Harry. He showed her the picture he'd taken, and she requested that he send it to her. 

I couldn't help but smile to myself; Sienna was really warming up to us. I was proud of us, that we'd proved to her that we were responsible enough to be around her daughter. AJ was a good kid, and I think her having playmates that act closer to her age will be good for her. 

When we got off the plane and went our separate ways, Sienna suggested that the boys and I start coming over more regularly. I suggested we start tonight. She said she thought it was a great idea, and thus the idea for dinners whenever we're in town was born. 

"We're going to Sienna's flat for dinner tonight. No vulgar sayings on t-shirts or bears having sex on jumpers," I announced, looking pointedly at Zayn. Niall snickered under his breath, but only Harry and I noticed, and he covered Niall's mouth with his hand, to which Niall responded (I assume) by licking his palm. Harry drew back his hand twice as fast as it was placed over Niall's gob, and laughed as he wiped Niall's saliva off on his shirt.

"What you're wearing now is fine," I said, nodding at Louis, who was standing up.

"I was just going to put on some proper trousers; it's cold out," Louis said. 

Harry nodded. "It's supposed to rain."

"I should put my boots on," Zayn said, hoisting his body up from his spot on the couch next to me. I slapped his bum as he began to walk away, but he paid no mind to my actions. I rolled my eyes, because I could tell he was smirking. 

"Is Shannon coming?" Niall asked Harry. 

"Here?" Harry asked, scratching the back of his neck. He was avoiding the question, obviously.

"No, to dinner, you dipshit," I said playfully, chucking a pillow at his head. He caught it in the air with his left hand and set in down on the arm chair next to him.

"No, Shannon is not coming," Harry said curtly. Then, he stood, turned on his heel, and walked briskly down the hallway and into his room. I heard the door slam shut behind him. 

"She's coming," I tell Niall. "She said she's making lasagna."

After the three little divas were finally dressed and ready, Niall decided he needed to pee, and Marcy decided that she couldn't possibly drive us over until she'd called her mum for the fifth time today. Harry offered to drive instead, but she told him "not to be ridiculous" and made him sit down on the couch.

When we were finally walking up the stairs to Sienna and AJ's flat, Niall announced that he could smell the food. I informed him that we were a floor away, still in the staircase. He insisted that he could distinctly smell basil. I let him believe that he could.

"I'm thirsty," Louis said.

"We know," Zayn said softly, reaching over to ruffle his hair. This was the third time Louis had mentioned his thirst since we exited the car (he mentioned it two more times before we reached the flat) and and the eighth since we left our flat.

Sienna opened the door to her flat wearing a pair of trackies and an Oasis jumper. Louis looked like he approved as he moved past her into the living room. I watched as he pulled off his shoes.

"Is your bird planning on attending, Liam?" Sienna asked, slinging an arm around my shoulders playfully.

"Yeah, she said she'd come," I responded, pulling my jacket off and hanging it up on a peg by the door. "She should be here any minute."

"I'm excited to meet her. If she's anything like you described, she should be just brilliant," Sienna said with a wink. Harry snorted and whispered something into Zayn's ear, to which Zayn replied with an odd look.

"No, Haz, they're obviously pen pals or something," Zayn said. I reached over and flicked Harry's nose. "Aw, don't pout, Li," Zayn cooed. I quickly refrained from poking out my bottom lip, which wasn't something I realized I was doing in the first place.

"AJ! The lads are here!" Sienna called out, leading us through the flat. We'd only ever been in the living room and AJ's room, so when we wandered through the kitchen, past about three other closed doors, and into the dining room, I wondered exactly how big this flat was. Sienna seemed to notice, because she said, "Maybe AJ will take you all on a little tour."

"Yeah, okay," I said with a half-smile. It seemed that Sienna had that uncanny parent super power, where they can tell what you're thinking by the way your face is scrunched up in confusion.

"How big is this flat?" Niall marveled, looking up at the high ceiling, which held a crystal chandelier and a mural of the night sky. Everything in this flat seemed like it was hand-picked by Sienna or AJ.

"Bigger than our last one," Sienna laughed. "That flat had one bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchen."

"What an upgrade," Zayn said, sitting down at the table. He leaned forward and began messing about with the center piece, a little set of chimes that made the faintest, dream-like sounds. 

"Good evening, Little Lady," Louis said. I looked up from the chimes to see AJ prancing into the room. I was impressed by her attire, even more casual than her mum's was; a onsie. "I should've worn my onsie," he said, lifting her into his arms.

"We could've been matching," AJ agreed. "Liam, where's your girlfriend?"

"She'll be here soon," I said, smiling at her. 

"Good, because I made her a present," AJ said proudly, sticking up her chin and placing her fists on her hips. Louis set her down on a chair and then plopped down into the one next to her. Instantly, AJ reached out for a slice of what looked to be French bread. 

"Don't spoil your dinner," Sienna said in a sing-song voice as AJ's hand was half way to her mouth. AJ paused to look up at her mother, smile, and then take a huge bite of her bread. Sienna sighed. "Why don't you show the lads the flat? They've never been around."

"Sure, mum," AJ agreed, sliding off her chair. She waved us along, walking briskly with her bread in one hand. She was just like a tiny adult, the way she walked, spoke, and carried herself. "Okay, so this is the dining room."

"Right," Zayn agreed, following her across the room. I shrug and stood back up from my chair; my tour group was leaving without me. 

"This room is Mum's exercise room, and also where her work stuff is," AJ said, opening the first door we passed, she reached inside to flick on the light, and waved her arms around, flinging bread crumbs all over the place.

AJ walked across the hall and opened the next door. I reached into the first room and shut off the lights. I could tell that AJ wasn't planning to do so herself. "What room is this?" Harry asked kindly, trying to humor Tour Guide AJ.

"This is the second toilet. It's the one that nobody uses," she said. She flicked on the light, to reveal marble floors and a mirror that spanned the entire wall above the sink. I didn't see a shower or toilet, but AJ explained that they were around the corner so that you didn't have to "watch yourself pee all the time" or something.

"That's very smart," Louis said, holding back a laugh.

"I know. Mum designed this entire flat all by herself," AJ said proudly. The third, and final door, it turns out, was Sienna's room. It was bigger than I expected, with dark walls and a bed that could probably fit everyone that was coming to this flat tonight. From the closet, Shannon emerged, tying her hair into a ponytail. AJ explained that her mum had a telly and a very comfortable couch inside her closet. 

"What's in that door?" Harry asked, pointing across the room.

"That's the toilet that we actually use. It's got a very fancy bathtub," AJ said matter-of-factly. 

AJ's tour ended with the living room and her bedroom, which we'd all already seen, and then a balcony with wicker chairs and a glass coffee table. It had a nice view of the London skyline, which was impressive. I made a note that once the lads woke up a bit from the naps they'd all taken in the car and became a bit more rambunctious, that'd be a nice place to take Emma.

We returned to the dining room, where Shannon and Sienna were chatting and waiting for us. We took our seats once again, and they included us in their debate over which season of Gossip Girl was best (so far). Niall offered that the second season is often best, while Louis argued that first seasons tended to be closest to what the writers originally imagined for the show, although they were both speaking out of their asses, because neither of them have ever seen Gossip Girl. 

The doorbell rang soon after, and Sienna went to answer the door. I started to get nervous, because I haven't seen Emma in person in ages. What if she doesn't like Sienna and Shannon and AJ? Don't be ridiculous, Liam. Who wouldn't love AJ? 

Emma and Sienna reentered the room, already laughing, which relieved some of the stress that was weighing down on my chest. I stood to greet Emma, whose eyes were crinkled with that always-genuine smile of hers. I saw her smile light up even brighter when our gazes met, and she threw her arms around me.

"Liam!" she cheered, squeezing so tight that I was afraid I was going to pass out. That was Emma for you; so completely into hugging you or talking to you or kissing you or listening to you sing. That was what I loved about her; her passion and genuine and intense emotion. It was so refreshing.

"Hey, babe," I said into her ear. I didn't even mind that our ribs were so pressed together that I could barely expand them enough to breathe. Emma pulled away and looked over my shoulder, motioning with her eyes at the people sitting behind me at the table, only five of which she'd ever met before. She cleared her throat. "Oh, right! Emma, this is Shannon, AJ, and you've met Sienna. Oh, and the boys of course."

"Nice to meet you," Emma said brightly. I pulled out her chair for her, and she plopped down happily. 

"Likewise," Shannon said, her left eyebrow raised. She seemed genuine, though, which lifted even more pressure from my chest. 

"Liam was right; you are very pretty," AJ said kindly. She seemed slightly mesmerized, watching every little thing Emma did. When Emma reached out and put her napkin across her lap, AJ quickly did the same. She sat up straight, like Emma, and tucked her hair behind her ears, the way Emma had. Probably to AJ's excitement, Emma had a head of nicely-tamed curly hair. They were very tight curls, pretty small and spindly, and a shade of dark brown that matched her eyes. 

"Thank you," Emma said. "I adore your hair. Red is the new blonde, wouldn't you say, Liam?"

I nodded. "Absolutely."

"How old are you, sweetheart?" Emma asked, reaching over to take a sip of her water. AJ followed suit and took a small, lady-like sip before responded.

"Seven," she said sweetly. "How old are you?"

"Twenty," Emma said with a smile. "Seven's a good age. I wish I were seven. Do you like being seven?"

"Seven's a great age," AJ said.  Emma tilted her head to the side ever-so-slightly. AJ tilted her head.

"So, AJ... what does that stand for?" Emma asked. She glanced at me, probably looking for the answer. A timer went off in the kitchen, and Shannon shot up from her seat, probably to retrieve the food. 

"It's a secret," AJ said.

"I bet it's beautiful, whatever it is. You know, Emma is short for Emmaline," Emma said. She grinned at AJ.

We carried on our conversation. Emma asked Sienna about her job, and Sienna asked if Emma watched Gossip Girl. She did. Shannon returned with the food, and Sienna and Louis served everyone up. 

"Thank you, Shannon, this looks great," Sienna said.

"Yeah, thanks. It looks really good," Niall agreed. His mouth was already full, as was Zayn's and my own, but we all nodded in agreement. Shannon took a little bow.

"It smells delicious, too," Emma said sweetly. 

AJ nodded quickly. "Delicious," she repeated. 

"So, the latest episode of Gossip Girl was..." Sienna started to say. I tuned out. This lasagna is so good. Smells good too. You know what else smells good, Liam? What, Liam? Emma. Emma smells really good. Kind of like lavender. But also like vanilla. Vanilla and lavender. Like a candle. Emma is so pretty. It's sweet that AJ wants to be like her. Emma is so sweet, too. Always so polite. And she smells so good. All the time. Always like a candle. Emma is so good at everything. This lasagna is so good. Harry's pulling an odd face. So is Zayn. Everyone is. What's going on? Do I look as confused as I am? Maybe I should listen... 

"Wait, what?" Louis asked.

"What?" I asked.

"What?" Zayn asked.

"My name is Adrienna-Josephine," AJ said, matter-of-factly. I practically choked on air. Niall paused his eating and looked at her. 

"Why, that might just be the most beautiful name I've ever heard," Emma said. "Thank you for telling us; I was dreadfully curious."

"As was I," Louis said. 

We carried on eating dinner, but I felt like I'd just been told that Germany was actually called Germanacanany. 

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