To Hell And Back || The Scorc...

Od goldendragons

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"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends, and... Viac

To Hell And Back
01 - Anne, I-
02 - A Forgetful Mind
03 - Survivors
04 - The Smell
05 - Empty, Silent Room
06 - Tattoo
07 - Three Dreams
08 - The Rat Trap
09 - I'm Going To Win
10 - Screaming
11 - Alone
12 - The Death Of A Friend
13 - Into The Fire
14 - Changed
15 - Free Tommy
17 - Hot And Feisty
18 - Not So Safe
19 - Death Is Not An Option
20 - Fall
21 - Kill Her
22 - It's Over
23 - A Cold Shower
24 - The Flare
The End
It's Up!

16 - Joining The Boys

7.5K 285 136
Od goldendragons

Running to the boys was not easy. First of all, the heat made me start sweating earlier then I wanted to. Then there was the wind that kept picking up ever so slightly. Nevertheless, I continued running until my lungs burned.

I was almost there when I saw some of them pulling out weapons. They had mostly knives, but they also had a few spears and a machete. I made sure to make it clear that I had no intention of using my weapon on them by waving my hands in the air. They didn't seem to care. This definitely wasn't going to go well at all.

I slowed down just when thunder boomed in the sky. I cringed at the loud noise but walked forward anyways. Dirt flew in my eyes so I had to keep rubbing my them to stop them from stinging.

"What the shuck do you want?!" I heard one of them yell.

I looked up at and raised my hands in the air. "I just want to talk, that's all, I swear!" I responded truthfully.

When they appeared to not want to kill me, I progressed until I was standing in front of all of them.

"I want to make on thing clear," I started. "We didn't kill Thomas. I know you can't see him over there, that's because he went off to find Teresa on his own for some reason."

"How do we know you ain't lying?" a boy questioned.

I placed my hands on my hips with a sigh. "If we really did kill him why would I risk my life coming over here by myself. It doesn't make sense. Plus, the only reason we were going to off him in the first place was because WICKED told us too. We were forced too. If we weren't forced, we would have left you all alone. No one wakes up in the morning and decides to kill a random kid, well maybe except those Cranks. We haven't gone that crazy yet."

The boys whispered amongst themselves until a blond boy, Newt, stepped forward. When he looked at me I could see a sadness in his eyes. A sadness that came from a missing friend.

"We believe you," he stated. "Is that all you wanted to talk to us about?"

I shook my head. "No. I wanted to ask you about, well, me."

"Go on."

I stayed quiet for a minute or so because I didn't know how to begin. After racking my brain, I decided to start from the beginning.

"When I was in the Maze, the girls maze, I had these weird dreams with fire and blood. I kept having those dreams over and over again. I thought they might have something to do with this scar that I have in my face," I began. "That was the first thing that made me different. When we got out of the Maze and went to that building we found tattoos on our backs. Mine said I was part of Group A. That really freaked me out then 'cause we didn't know about you guys. Then I had three dreams, or memories."

I didn't want to tell them about the first two. Who knows how they would react. If I was going to keep myself alive, I needed to be more careful.

"The first two don't matter. But in the third one, I was in your Maze. I was... I was with a guy named, Minho. You could probably imagine my surprise when I saw him because I thought the dreams were just that, dreams. So, I came here to get real answers and not just things Tommy boy told me he heard," I finished with a huff.

"It's all true," Newt said. "You were in our Maze. You got that scar from Leo. We thought he bloody killed you, apparently he didn't."

My heart rate picked up at the thought that a whole other chunk of my memory was taken from me. Was this all part of my plan that I devised with WICKED? If it was I must have had the Flare because this is all fucking crazy. Why would I put myself through all of this? Nothing in this world would be worth going through this kind of pain.

All of a sudden Minho burst through the group of boys and stalked toward me. He held a knife in his hand that he seemed to be preparing to use. I took a few steps back but before I could react he tackled me to the ground.

"Minho stop!" Newt commanded.

He pressed the knife to my throat despite what he was told to do. The same fire was in his eyes that I saw days earlier. Looks like he finally snapped.

"Your not, Anne," he spat. "She's dead. I saw her die."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am Anne. You can cut me with that knife and see that I bleed. I'm real," I claimed.

He looked into my blue eyes, searching for something. "Prove it. Tell me something she would only know."

"Incase you've forgotten, I had my memories taken away from me. The only thing I know about being in your Maze is what I learned from Thomas, Newt, and my dream."

"What happened in your dream?"

Minho still hovered over me, having no thought of moving. This potion, ironically, was the same one, minus the anger and knife, from the dream.

"You were giving me a piggyback ride and we fell. You were hurt or something then you pulled me in the grass, and I was below you like this. Then we..." I trailed off, not wanting to say it in front of the other boys. But when Minho pressed the blade into my neck, I was forced to continue. "We kissed, okay? Is that enough for you not to kill me? I'm pretty sure your not supposed to cut the throat of a girl that you used to love."

Newt pulled Minho off of me and I grumbled as I got to my feet. I brushed the dirt from my clothes angrily. I don't even know why I'd kiss that guy. He's such an asshole with a huge ego.

I felt something go down my neck. I brought my hand up to touch and see what it was. On my finger tips was blood. My rage increased at the sight of it. I wasn't going to hurt him but look what he did. I glared at Minho before kicking him in the shin.

"Arg," he moaned. "Not again."

"An eye for an eye," I smirked.

"We better get going," Newt said pointing to the sky. "Don't want to be stuck in another buggin' storm."

I nodded, "I think I'll stick with you guys. I need to get away from the girls for awhile. Plus I'm supposed to be with you dudes in the first place aren't I."

"Good that. Let's go," Newt said with a slight smile.

For the past hour I kept on catching Minho taking "secret" glances at me. Every time I would look at him, he would look away like he didn't notice me. I got so tired of our little game that I finally gave in and went to talk to him.

"Are you going to apologize?" I asked.

He scoffed, "I don't apologize."

"Eh," I shrugged. "Neither do I. Guess we have that in common. But at least I'm not a complete asshole."

"You shouldn't be taking. You kicked me on my shucking burn. I already got kicked there twice by that stupid shank up there," he said, nodding his head in the direction of the man and girl.

"What's there names anyway?"

"Jorge and Brenda. Thomas has a crush on the girl. It's pathetic."

I chuckled. "Is it like your crush on me?"

Minho looked disgusted. "I do not have a crush on you."

"Says the boy who missed me so much."

He looked away from me, his face turning into stone. I knew I hurt his feelings by mocking him, but I don't remember what I had with him. I don't know if I ever will remember. If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't be taking this as well.

"Look," I said gaining his attention. "If it means anything, you were hell of a kisser from what I remember."

He smirked, obviously forgetting about what I said earlier. "You weren't too bad yourself. But I'm still better."

I shoved his arm. "Maybe I'll have to prove you wrong."

Minho looked surprised for a moment at what I had just said. "Maybe you will."

I stopped snd turned him toward me. I began to lean in but at the last minute I bolted away.

His shoulders sagged in disappointment. "Wait for me!" he yelled as he started to come after me.

I glanced back Minho and smiled. "Only if you can catch me, asshole."


Everybody say sausage, keep it going.

~Remember to vote and comment!~

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