WE Are (Veddie) [Venom&FemEdd...

By FragOpHeda

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"Been to countless worlds. None of them strangely sad and beautiful as this one. Understood feelings like col... More

Stupid Bond
Favourite Bite
Fire Balls
Best Behaviour
Netflix And Chill
Heads, Heads, Heads
Dance [P.1]
Dance [P.2]
Our Head
Best Friend
Looney Tunes
Sexy Time
Black Spots
Little Sh*t
Master Plan
Sex Life
We Are
Trust Me
Love Me
Normal Stuff
Take You
Inside You
Stay With Me
Seduce Me
Sweet Boy
A Badass Powerhouse Duo
Down For It

Taste You

495 12 0
By FragOpHeda

After Eddie finishes off every last bite of each dessert – with Venom sweetly watching her – and they’ve finished the three bottles of champagne, Venom insists on clearing up their mess later, and instead, they both head back downstairs to their apartment.

Eddie digs into her pocket for her phone and grins when she sees it’s only just passed midnight. She slips her phone back into her pocket, pulls out the small wooden box Patrick and Toxin gave her and says, “I got a better idea over Netflix and chill...” Her grin widens, eyes glinting in mischief when Venom simply blinks and waits for her to go on. She does with, “How about we get high as fuck, find a rave, and let fuckin’ loose for the night?”

Venom blinks again, looks slightly lost. “You mean... together?

Eddie nods. “Of course. People will either recognise their Lethal Protector, and wanna thank him and take stupid selfies with him, or they’ll think you’re just another guy in an awesome rave costume. Either way, who’s seriously gonna fuck with you?”

Venom likes the idea of that – of dancing in a club with his girl, just like normal couples do. However, he does have one question. “Do I get to kill anyone that tries to touch you?”

He inquires so seriously that Eddie has to fight not to smile. “No.” It doesn’t last long, she ends up smiling anyway when he only lets out a little snarling huff of disapproval. “Raves aren’t known for their social distancing, V.” She teases, then with a sweet smile, she compromises with, “But you can definitely get a little violent if anybody decides to get over handsy. The jealousy may be unbecomin’, but you know I love watchin’ you scare the shit outta people.” She throws a flirty grin over her shoulder as she turns back to her wardrobe.

Venom can’t help feeling his pride swell, can’t help preening at her words. “OK. Let’s go get wasted!”

Eddie chuckles. “That’s the spirit.”

“This one, Eddie... please?”

Eddie turns to face him just in time to see a small tendril float passed her. He reaches into her wardrobe for the blue dress she wore for Anne and Dan’s engagement party, and she can’t help shoot him a soft smile. She managed to clean it well enough, but – “It’s got a tear in it, V.” She takes the dress from his tendril, shows him the small hole in the left side of the waist.

“Doesn’t matter. Will still look perfect.”

Eddie rolls her eyes, but can’t help smiling, and really, can’t refuse him, either.

[20 Minutes Later.]

“Fuck, I haven’t been to a rave since I was 17.” Eddie is not at all nervous about people staring at the 7 foot alien standing right beside her, and totally nervous about the fact that she might be the oldest fucking person in this club.


And now, she just feels old.

Even if her rack does look sensational in this dress – Venom’s right about that, at least.

Calm, Eddie. We’re here to have fun.” Venom lays a hand on her shoulder, smiles when he feels her relax under his touch. “Do you have the –“

“Oh, yeah. Right here.” Eddie digs into her leather jacket pocket, pulls out the small wooden box. She hands it over to him, wrinkles her face slightly when he opens the box and gives the mutant brains a little sniff. “What’s it smell like?”

Venom blinks, then tells her, “Apples.”

Eddie chuckles.

Venom grins. “Ready, Eddie?”

“Fuck, yes, I am. Let’s do it!” Eddie feels the excitement finally set in – the kind of excitement you feel when you’re on one of those memory making night outs with the people who matter most to you.

“Bottoms up!” Venom cheers, small tendril slipping out of his arm and into the box.

Eddie wrinkles her face is disgust, but can’t look away as his tendril all but throws the small dried up piece of brain into his mouth, like some kind of garbage disposal... which is pretty much what Venom is...

“Rude.” Venom mutters after swallowing the small morsel.

Eddie smiles sheepishly. “Sorry. You weren’t meant to hear that.”

Venom narrows his eyes a little more when she teases him, rolls his eyes and grabs her hand in his. “It shouldn’t take too long for the effects to kick in. Let’s go make a scene on the dance floor!”

Absolutely not.” Eddie shoots him a withering look. “No makin’ me look like an ass. Let’s get a drink first and wait for this shit to do its thing.”


Eddie rolls her eyes, but can’t help smiling as she lets him pull her into the club.

[15 Minutes Later.]

Getting in isn’t a problem, at all. In fact, the two burley bouncers only seem to fan girl all over her other half. They even ask for selfies – just like Eddie said people would. She would be annoyed if it weren’t for the fact that she can clearly see Venom loves all of the attention. She can’t blame him – not after all she’s learned about his past.

Then, when they’ve barely step foot inside the overcrowded underground hall of spotlights and heated drunken bodies all moving vigorously to the pumping music, they’re already being flooded with camera phones and about a million over enthusiastic comments and questions.

Eddie would step in for him if he wasn’t so enthusiastic in return. And with Venom standing at least a foot and half taller than anybody else down here, it’s easy to understand why he would turn almost all their heads. Still, he doesn’t seem to be the most “dressed up” one here, Eddie has to smile in amusement when she sees a group of friends dressed as Oompa Loompas, another two men dressed as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, and then a group of girls all dressed up as some crazy ass manga shit that Eddie just about can make out that fact alone.

Again... she’s old.

Though, she doesn’t seem to be alone, nor does she seem to be the oldest here, by very far as her eyes catch sight of a greyed old man around his 80s dressed up as fricking Gandalf.

God, she really did miss partying her ass off.

An hour later, Eddie finds herself at the bar, nursing the little bit of brandy left swaying in the glass. She sighs, can’t help feeling slightly left out as she glares at the young blonde currently chatting her other half up. The bitch isn’t even subtle, but what annoys Eddie even more is that she’s still not fucking high!


Venom’s eyes catch hers from across the bar, and Eddie is then only left with the guilt when he leaves the girl in favour of walking over to her. She doesn’t want to be selfish with his attention, she knows he deserves all the praise he gets from other people, too, but she still has to fight not to smile smugly – because he doesn’t even seem to bother excusing himself, he simply leaves the blonde mid conversation.

Eddie clears her throat, gulps down the last of the brandy and quickly orders another two before Venom is then stood beside her, people easily and quite eagerly – in a friendly and enthusiastic way, not a terrified, runaway... way – making way for him. “You enjoyin’ yourself, V?”

She may shoot him that little smile of hers that’s impressively genuine looking, but Venom knows better. “Jealousy is so unbecoming, Eddie.” He teases, grins cheekily when she sends him a half playful, half actual genuine glare.

“Those stupid mutant brains were duds.” Eddie huffs, gulps down half of the first glass. “Typical.”

“We could go find Fire-Balls and eat his brains... finally.”

Eddie chuckles. “Very temptin’.”

Venom shoots her a cheesy grin. “Do you want me to ask if anybody here has some cocaine, or LSD, or something? They probably wouldn’t even want me to pay them.”

Eddie chuckles at that. “You’re enjoyin’ this fame thing far too much.”

“And you’re not enjoying it nearly enough.” Venom counters with a more smug grin.

Eddie rolls her eyes, but seeing as her other half makes them both practically indestructible, she actually considers his offer. “You know what? Lemme finish these two drinks, and we’ll see if anybody has some lovely Mandy, shall we?”

Venom narrows his eyes at her clear taunting. “You love Barry just as much as I do.”

“Impossible.” Eddie laughs, then, huffs her way through the last her of second brandy. “I can’t believe the brains didn’t work.”

[Minutes Later.]

Literally just 8 minutes later, Eddie can feel the Earth moving along with everyone else dancing along with them just as strongly as she can always feel the bond between her and her symbiote other half.

“OH, MY FUCK, THIS IS AWESOME! MUTANT BRAINS ARE AWESOME!” Eddie screams, both hands gripping one of his forearms as they both messily jump up and down to the music.

“I KNOW! WHO EVEN CARES ABOUT MANDY?! I DON’T!” Venom lifts both hands and shrugs, like that’s just that and then the both of them proceed to burst into a fit of laughter... for the fifth time in just 11 minutes.

“HEY, MAN! YOUR COSTUME IS FUCKING RAD!!” A young skater looking guy with paint of almost every colour striped all over his face and bare, sweaty torso yells over the music.

Venom turns to face him with an overly excited, “SSSANK YOU!!”

ISN’T IT FUCKIN’ AWESOME? I MADE IT MYSELF!” Eddie chimes in, sends her other half a cheeky grin when he sends her a playful glare.

NO WAY!” A young brunette that seems to be the guy’s girlfriend suddenly appears over his shoulder and stares at the other couple in wonder, her eyes blown wide.

Eddie glances to Venom, sees the milky whites glazed over and chuckles (she probably looks way more fucked up.) “TOTALLY WAY! MADE IT MYSELF, FROM SCRACTH!

“SHIT. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO THAT AS, LIKE, A CAREER, OR SOMETHING!” The guy yells ever enthusiastically back at her, his own blue orbs glazed over with whatever the hell he’s on – speed, by the looks of his jittery dance moves and clenching jaw.

“I TOTALLY DO!” Eddie chimes back.

“FUCKING AWESOME!” The girl gushes.

“FUCKING AYE!” Her boyfriend intensely agrees.

“FUCKIN’ AYE, ALRIGHT!” Eddie pipes back, then turns back to her other half with a grin.

[A Few Hours Later.]

It’s almost 4 a.m. by the time they’ve finally left the club. They walk home side by side, Venom still in his more humanoid form as he stalks along beside her, like some giant alien bodyguard escorting her home. They’re tethered together at the back of their waist, but it’s not enough as Venom finds himself slipping his hand into hers. He feels all warm when she grasps back, tiny fingers curling around his large inky digits, and it’s not just because they’re both still high as fuckery.

It’s because of Eddie.

Lovely Eddie...

His thoughts don’t get to go very far as a loud scream suddenly rips through the air.

Eddie sighs, looks up at him. “Heroes never get a real night off, do they?”

Venom smirks at her, then is left staring rather bewildered after her as she suddenly takes off running. He pauses for a moment, wants to see what she will do without him, simply watches the scene through her eyes.

There’s a young woman half Eddie’s age, with a man twice Eddie’s age latched onto her.

He listens to the old man tell Eddie to get lost and mind her own fucking business, grins proudly when Eddie simply walks forward and lands a hard punch to his face. He listens to the old man’s nose crack, listens to him scream and rage and curse at her. He listens to Eddie tell the girl to run, watches as she does so. He listens to the old man angrily tell Eddie that she cost him and that she will just have to do instead, because he’s not fussy, and she’s got a pretty mouth that a lot of people would love to –

Venom blocks out his words, lets out a loud snarl as he finally gets his symbiote ass moving after her. However, by the time he’s standing in front of her, Eddie is literally on top of the man, ploughing both her fists repeatedly into his face. Venom stands there, simply frozen in complete and utter awe as he watches her, watches the man’s blood spray all over her as she instead begins to bash his skull repeatedly into the concrete below.






Bash, bash.


By the time the man is left barely moving and Eddie is left heaving as she tries to calm herself down, Venom is simply left breathless as he just stares at her, wide eyed and slightly slack jawed.

Eddie pulls herself up from the man, wipes her bloody hands on her already red soaked blue dress, wipes the back of one hand over her red splattered cheeks.

The movement doesn’t do anything at all to clean any blood away, only smears the bright red across that lovely pale glowing skin of hers, and Venom is simply fucking transfixed.

Eddie clearly misunderstands his silence, her heart already still racing, now also racing nervously as she mumbles out a sheepish, “Heh... sorry?”

Maybe it’s just because she’s high as fuck still, but she’s pretty sure she should care more about what she just did...

On the other hand, this guy literally just admitted to sex trafficking, so...

Venom blinks, finally, somehow, composes himself. Well, just enough to speak anyway. “I’m sorry, Eddie, but I have never been more aroused in my entire life than I am right now.” He knows he sounds more casual about it, but he really is sorry.

Eddie can’t stop the thrill that shoots up her spine any more than she can stop her heart racing for much more pleasant reasons. She pauses, gives herself a moment to recover from his admission before shooting him a slightly challenging look and asking him, “So, what do you wanna do about it, V?”

Venom glances down to the adorable ratty Converse she wears with that pretty blue dress, smiles fondly for a moment, is then smirking back at her as he slowly closes the distance between them. He looms over her, skin crawling pleasantly at their closeness as well as those pretty ocean orbs staring back up at him, waiting... for him. He leans down, quietly breathes in her scent before telling her, “Want to taste you, Eddie. Every inch of you. Outside. And inside.”

To say that Eddie then quite literally throws herself at him would be quite the understatement. Venom, at least, seems just as enthusiastic as her, his arms coming up to wrap around her waist, to press her tightly against him. She presses her kisses all over his face, chuckles when he lets out those pleasant rumblings. “I don’t know how the fuck this is even gonna work –“

“Can show you.”

Eddie is only helpless when that curling tongue of his lolls out of his mouth and he runs it cleanly through her half open cleavage. She can only shiver and let out a soft moan when he licks all the way up her neck, pulling away just under her ear with a low and clearly pleased grumble. “Holy fuck.” She whispers, voice slightly cracking, stomach flipping, skin itching for more, and her damn panties already almost soaking through!

She’s sure he can damn well smell her when she sees his tiny little nostril holes flare, but he really is a sweet gentleman, because he makes no comment about it – decides not to absolutely mortify her, because seriously, how easy is she?

Again, maybe it’s the mutant brains’ fault. But still...

Venom lets out another pleased grumble, eyes half closed as he presses his forehead to hers. His tendrils slowly seep out from his waist, waiting for her approval, though, one is sneaky, unlike the rest, gently latches onto her left knee, slowly spirals up her thigh. He enjoys her little intake of breath when he gives her left ass cheek a more than appreciative squeeze, voice low as he tells – practically pleads with – her, Let me taste you, Eddie. Let me make you feel good.”

“Fuck, I – yes –“ Eddie cuts her ramblings short, is then literally laughing over a dead guy’s body as the symbiote swings her around. He presses her back against the cold brick wall, but Eddie doesn’t even notice, is more winded from the feel of his warm and oddly soft tendrils sliding carefully, but clearly very eagerly all over her.

Venom presses his face into her deliciously hard and yet, still soft belly, lets out more pleased grumbles, feels her place a hand to his other cheek. If he had a heart of his own, it would be racing right now, like Eddie’s sweet little heart (so sweet, he has to fight himself from eating it sometimes.) He simply cannot believe he finally gets a real taste of her, the usual nerves now dull to him, instead, his entire being wired and in the moment.

Two tendrils slide under her dress, and Eddie feels herself shaking with nerves as much as excitement. Though, her racing heart can only melt so much with how gentle he is – another two tendrils slide her dress up over her hips just as the other two tendrils slide her panties down. He takes far too long for her flushed cheeks to take when he presses his maw in between her thighs and breathes in her scent. She almost shoves him away, but instead, finds herself gasping loudly at the first swipe of his tongue.

He does it again, and already, the back of Eddie’s skull is lightly thudding against the brick wall behind her. “Oh, holy fuck, V, you – Oh...” She then, loses all capacity for speech when one of the more ridged parts of his tongue brush firmly against her already throbbing clit. He licks up the entire length of her slit, and already, Eddie knows she really isn’t going to last long.

Though, it seems Venom is not at all interested in her lasting long, instead, seems pretty damn happy to taste as much of her as he possibly can AND make her feel as good as possible as quickly as possible. His large inky hands grasp her thighs, both keeping them apart and making sure she keeps from sliding down as he feels her knees buckle.

“V, fuck, I’m not gonna – f-fuck...” Eddie is panting out her words, her fingers digging into his impossibly large shoulders.

Yes, Eddie. Let go. Let me taste you, my love. Taste so good. Better than chocolate. Better than even brains.’

Eddie half moans in delight, and half groans at herself, because the brains part should not be just as arousing as the rest of what he just thought!


Mine, Eddie. You are mine.

Through the combination of his overly possessive tone, even in thought, and then, the moment he slides his tongue into her quivering hole, Eddie doesn’t stand a chance. The tip of his tongue brushes firmly over her g-spot, and then Eddie’s pretty sure she whites the fuck out for a few seconds as the goddamn hardest and longest orgasm she’s ever had rips through her every atom, she damn well swears. She doesn’t even let out a full wail, is instead silenced as her eyes screw almost painfully shut.

Venom’s seen the saucy videos she watches, knows that this much lovely mess is always a very good sign. Though, their bond is always the first to tell him if he’s done good.

“F-fuck, V, w-wait –“

Venom immediately pulls back, stares up at her with slightly alarmed widened eyes. “Did I –“

“Oh, my fuck. You just made me come so hard that I nearly passed out, and you’re still doubtin’.” Eddie breathes out, chuckles, is thankful that he’s still holding her up, because she really doesn’t trust any of her limbs right now.

Venom blinks, tries not to sound so nervous as he asks, “It was... good?”

Fuck, yes.” Eddie chuckles at his dopey grin, leans down to press a sweet kiss to his shiny forehead. “I just need a second, that’s all.”

“Let’s go home?”

Eddie nods. “I’m gonna have to burn this dress for the evidence.”

Venom grins, simply tells her, “We will get an even better one.”

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