Sorry | Murphamy AU | vol.1

By mumblingmurphy

61.2K 3.2K 1.5K

[ THIS IS UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION !! ] "Would you stop romanticizing this?" "Why? We're going to die anyway... More

Author's Note {Please Read}
1. Project
2. Like morbid butterflies
3. The art of time
4. Broken noses and butterflies
5. Comedically and tragically beautiful
6. Permanent solutions for temporary problems
7. Irrationality killed the cat
8. An affair with the huntsman
9. Everything will be okay, one day
10. Berlin, 1848
11. Years of subliminal messaging
12. Death isn't colder than heartbreak (it isn't)
13. A worthless apology
14. Hold on tighter for a better kiss
15. Written in bark
16. Young and ignorant
17. Behind whatever shows
18. Touches like glass
19. Naive for things of choice
20. Sobriety with hands of gold
!!please read!!
21. Stay awake for another confession
22. Asleep too soon
23. A familiar face is always odd
[Ch.25 • Gonplei1]
[Ch.26 - Gonplei2]
[Ch.27 - Gonplei3]
[Ch.28 - Gonplei4]
Ch.29 - Camp Gonplei #5
Ch.30 - Hello Jake.
Ch.31 - Not Again
Ch.32 - Tattoo
Ch.33 - Nicer ones
Ch.34 - Memes
Ch.35 - Chef
Ch.36 - Date
Ch.37- The Truth
Ch.38 - You'll Celebrate It
Ch.39 - Too Good
Ch.40 - Visual Learner
Ch.41- Teddy Bear
Ch.42 - 'Cute'
Ch.43 - Mortified
Ch.44 - I Pray
Ch.45 - HIM
Ch.46 - The Story of Mbege
Ch.47 - Pull A Dante
Ch.48 - Tease
Ch.49 - Trigger
Ch.50 - Impossible
Ch.51 - Running out of sass
Ch.52 - F-boy Bell
Ch.53 - Taking a break
Ch.54 - Just One Yesterday
Ch.55 - "It"
Ch.56 - I swear
Ch.57 - Sinclair
Ch.58 - Mystery man
Ch.59 - Rebecca and Mark
Ch.61 - Torn
Ch.62 - Win
Ch.64 - Stupidity
Ch. 65 - Out in the open
Ch. 66 - You Broke My Nose!
Ch. 67 - Medicine Cabinet
Ch. 68 - Five
Ch. 69 - Say your prayer
Ch.70 - Paint
Ch. 71 - Metal Tracks

Ch.60 - Best Friend

299 25 10
By mumblingmurphy

Bellamy P.o.v.

"Where's Murphy?" Octavia asks, sitting in her spot at the dinner table. Every chair is filled except for his. "Did something happen?" she asks, eyes widening and I sigh. "He went home, O." my father tells her and she furrows her eyebrows. "This is his home, he lives here." she states and my mother gives her a sympathetic smile. "His father came and got him." my mother tells her and she doesn't understand. "Murphy doesn't have a father." she argues. "It's a long story but I promise that you'll still be seeing a lot of him." I try to reassure her but she shakes her head, upset. "No, Murphy lives here." she repeats and I run my hand through my hair. "Octavia, Murphy's not gone forever." my mother tells her and I see Octavia start to tear up. "Please don't cry, he's just in another house, he's not dead." I tell her, but I regret my words. Octavia doesn't even entertain the possibility of Murphy dying anymore.

Large tears fall from her face, "Bellamy!" my mother scolds and I wince. "No, I'm sorry, I just mean that he's just not here anymore." I say and that doesn't come out as I thought it would. "Bellamy!" this time my dad shouts and I groan. "Please stop crying." I beg and she sniffles and blubbers. "But he's my best friend." she stutters out between sniffles. "And you're still his, what can I do to make you stop crying?" I ask, wanting my 10 year old sister to stop. "I wanna see Murphy." she tells me and I, look to my parents who shrug, leaving it up to me. "Alright." I tell her, getting up and pulling her up with me. 

I walk over to the counter to pick up my phone, but it slips through my fingers, shattering on the ground. I gasp and freeze in shock. My father claps sarcastically and I glare at him. "That's coming out of your allowance." she tells me and I ignore it, picking up the broken object, trying to turn it on but the screen stays black. I huff, leaving the house with Octavia by my side. 

I ring the doorbell and Octavia has a stern emotion on her face. The door opens, revealing a middle aged, auburn haired woman who looks confused. Octavia looks into the house and her face beams. "Murphy!" she squeals, running into the house, past the lady. "Uh, come in?" she asks the statement and I scoff. "Octavia, hey!" Murphy exclaims, picking her up. "What are you doing here?" he asks her happily. "She misses her best friend." I tell him and he turns around, looking even happier when he sees me. "It's been like three hours, not even." he tells us laughing and I shrug. "I miss you guys too." he tells us, putting Octavia down. 

"Murphy, are you still going to come over on Saturday mornings to watch tv?" she asks him and he blushes, looking at his feet. "What?" I ask and Octavia looks like she's made a mistake. "Sorry!" she hisses and I scoff. "Murphy..." I pry at him to tell me. "I may or may not wake up early to watch cartoons with her." he tells me and I chuckle. "Murphy?" I hear a woman call and I assume it's the woman. She walks in with his father and a guy I've never seen before. "Uh..." Rebecca says, looking at us. "Oh, uh, Octavia and Bellamy, this is Rebecca and Mark." he introduces casually. "Nice to meet you." Mark tells me, grinning and I nod nervously. Mark seems off. They kind of drift away. "You happy now?" I ask Octavia who nods happily. "Alright, well... I guess we'll get going." I tell him and he shakes his head. "No, stay." he whines and I smirk. "I'll take her home and be back soon." I inform and he smiles. 

I rush home, drop Octavia off, and then run back to Murphy's. 

When I get there, he takes me to his room. "I shattered my phone." I tell him and he cackles. "Of course you did." he tells me and I drop my jaw, shoving him playfully. "This fucking sucks." Murphy mumbles, flopping onto the bed covering his face with a pillow, groaning into it. "Yeah, I dunno what I'm gonna do without my teddy bear every night." I tease him and he only groans louder. "Shut up." he mutters and I remove the pillow from his face. He glares and me trying to hide a smile but his eyes betray him. 

I fell in love with him because of his eyes and I know that it sounds weird, but it's true. There's something about them. Maybe it's the way that he expresses himself through them or the way the shade of blue varies depending on his mood. I notice that the happier he is, the more blue/grey they seem and the sadder he is, the greener they appear to be. He's seen and been through so many events and you can see them in his eyes. I'd often get lost in them while we'd be in conversation, for the sole reason that I'm trying to read his thoughts. 

The door open slowly and Murphy removes the pillow from his face, and I look to the door. In walks Rebecca. "Hey." Murphy greets lazily and I stay quiet. "Your father told me to tell you that you should start getting ready for bed." she tells Murphy who smirks. "It's 10." he informs her and she shrugs. "Yeah it's late." she tells him, her calm appearance faltering for a moment and she walks out. I look to Murphy who looks weirded out. "Can I stay over at your place tonight?" he asks, looking at the door and I nod. "Yeah defiantly, come on." I tell him and we scurry downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Rebecca asks and we halt in front of the door. "Bellamy's." Murphy tells her and she raises an eyebrow. "No you're not, you're going got bed, you'll see Bellamy at school tomorrow."she tells him and Murphy rolls his eyes. "Fine," he says then turns to me. "Sorry." he mumbles. "It's fine, I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him and he nods. "Love you." he coos and I give him a kiss goodbye. "Love you too." I tell him, waking out.

Murphy P.o.v

I sigh, closing the door behind him and when I turn around, all eyes are on me in shock. "Yes?" I ask, pissed off. "What was that?" Mark asks in a negative tone and I narrow my eyes. I look to my dad who looks worried. "What do you mean? we said goodbye." I tell them and I look at Rebecca who looks upset. I then look down at her necklace which has a pendant on it and I sigh. The pendant is a cross. "But you kissed." Rebecca mutters and I nod. "Yeah, that's what fiancées do." I tell her, crossing my arms over my chest. "Fiancée?" Mark sputters and Rebecca's eyes widen. "You're letting him get married?" she asks my father who sighs. "I don't really have a say, Becca." he tells her then looks at me apologetically. "I don't want to live in a house with that fag." Mark whines and I drop my jaw in amusement. "Mark." my father reprimands and I chuckle to myself. Rebecca stays quiet, clearly siding with her son. I suck my teeth, looking at my feet. "John? are you alright?" my father asks, stepping towards me and I look up, grinning. "Oh, I'm fine, it's just funny how he thinks I give a shit." I admit and their eyes widen at my language. "You know, I've met people like you Mark..." I tell him, walking up to him, standing fairly close. "Do you have a problem with me being gay, Mark?" I asks and he nods sternly. "The Lord doesn't approve of it." he tells me. "The Lord can suck my ass, he's never done shit for me." I growl through my teeth and Rebecca and Mark gasp. "You're going to hell." Mark tells me and I smile. "To be completely honest, I'm glad that I am because that means that I won't be in heaven with you." I tell him and I turn on my heels. I take a few steps before someone grabs my shoulder. Because of previous situation, I have very quick reflexes, therefore I rip the hand away quickly, turning around. "Don't fucking touch me." I growl to Rebecca whose hand it belongs to.

I storm upstairs and slam the door loudly. It takes me a few minutes to calm down. So my dad, surprisingly, isn't the problem. It's his wife and son. My dad clearly doesn't have the same beliefs as them, but he obviously believes a bit since he doesn't really stand up for me.

An hour later, I'm in bed, on my phone when I hear a knock. "What?" I ask and the door opens. My dad walks in, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Are you okay?" he asks and I nod, sitting up. "Yeah, I'm used to it." I say the truth with a shrug. He looks at me with sad eyes. "You look like you can take care of yourself though." he tells me jokingly and I scoff. "Yeah, I had to learn." I tell him trailing off and he loses his smile. "I'm so sorry John, for everything." he tells me and he looks genuinely sincere and I smile. "It's okay." I mumble quietly and he takes me in for a hug. I really don't like being touched by people other than Bellamy. I'd grown to love giving Octavia hugs, and sometimes I'd let Susan hug me. This is different because this is my father. My parent who isn't a drug addicted alcoholic... was a drug addicted alcoholic. I relax, returning the hug. "I'll talk to Rebecca, okay?" he asks and I nod pulling away. "Thanks." I tell him and he smiles, leaving. "Goodnight." he wishes, closing the door.

Hey, hope you enjoyed, if you did you can vote and check out my other fanfics.You can also follow my IG @bellamy.murphy

Love you lots!Xx

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