Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan1...

By kimochinoona

149K 2.7K 1.5K

Dan is an ordinary student who is studying in just one of the most prestigious universities with his best fri... More

Ch.1 My awkward Encounter
Ch.2 I want him
Ch.3 Sweet dreams
Ch.4 We meet again
Ch.5 How did I end up here? Part 1
Ch6. How did I end up here? Part 2
Ch7. Do you want me?
Ch.8 Oh he's back
Ch.10 Dilemma
Ch.11 Pain
Ch. 12 Apologize
Ch 13. Spicy night
Ch.14 Is this Jealousy?
Ch.15 It's getting hot in here.
Ch.16 A date?
Ch.17 Every corner of the house
Ch.18 Being with you
Ch.19 Themepark Adventures
Ch.20 Getting dirty at night
Ch.21 Confessions and Realisation
Ch.22 Who are you?
Ch.23 Hurt
Ch.24 Continued sadness and loneliness (18+)
Ch.25 Confrontation
Ch.26 Hope
Ch.27 Awkward...
Ch.28 Love 18+

Ch.9 Stay away

3.8K 101 65
By kimochinoona

"Dan? What happened?"

"He came back!"

"Who came back?"



"Why would he come here now? When everything is going so well." Dan whined while hugging Jooha.

"I don't know Baby, but we can't really do anything, can we? You don't need to worry about Heesung anymore, you already moved on and that's all it matters, right?"

Dan nodded his head. Dan was perplexed, the person he wanted right now, he wasn't sure if that person liked him back too.

"I am sure you will find a better man that treats you well."

"I hope so too..."

Jooha smiled warmly at Dan and took his hand. "I'm here for you, always," he said. "Let's go for a walk and clear our minds."

Dan nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he still had a lot to process,

They were about to leave when somebody coughed, and interrupted them, forcing them to look up at the person speaking.

Speaking of the devil, Dan thought.

"Can we sit with you guys?"

A few hours back

Jaekyung's POV

I woke up in the morning to find that the spot next to me in bed was empty. I sat up, rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and looked around the room. The sun was starting to peek through the curtains, casting a warm glow over everything.

I was feeling the emptiness next to me. I was so disappointed to see my sweetheart not next to me in bed. As I got out of bed, I realized that I had finally had a good night's sleep after what felt like a long time. I couldn't help but think that it was probably due to Dan.

"Dan?" I called out, wondering where he had gone. There was no answer, and I frowned.

I walked around the penthouse, checking each room. Dan wasn't in the bathroom or the living room. My heart sank as I realized that Dan was gone.

I quickly got dressed and made my way to the kitchen, hoping to find some clue as to where Dan had gone. There was none.

I thought I would make breakfast for him again and take him to the campus in my car. I made myself a light breakfast and sat down eating it quickly and headed out to my car. I drove to the university campus, feeling more energized and focused than I had in weeks. I had one lecture today, which was pretty boring, but I managed to stay focused and take some notes.

After the lesson, I gathered up with my friends Dooshik and Seungho hyung. I felt weird and uneasy because I hadn't seen Dan since yesterday night, did he even come to school?

"Where were you on Sunday?" Seungho asked while we were walking down the hallway. Dooshik was just busy texting someone.

"I was just home."

"Oh really? Oh wait is that a hickey?" Dooshik looked at me curiously.

Dooshik and Seungho Hyung took one look at my neck and immediately noticed the marks. They started teasing me, asking if I had been attacked by a vampire or if I had gone to a wild party the night before.

I touched my neck and smirked at the memories, the little one was freaky.

"It was just a bee sting." I lied.

"What kind of bee comes into your house and bites you that hard?"

As we continued to chat, my mind kept wandering back to Dan. I missed him already, and couldn't wait to see him again. I wondered what he was doing at that moment, and if he was thinking about me too.

And then I noticed somebody familiar passing by us very quickly, wait is that Dan? He was running towards the library. I suddenly caught a glimpse of Dan running down the hall. He was in a hurry and didn't seem to notice us. My heart swelled with affection as I watched him disappear from sight.

Interesting, I smirked.

Without hesitation, I turned to Dooshik and Seungho hyung and said, "Hey, let's go to the library."

"What? That's weird coming out of your mouth." Dooshik asked.

"I think so too, what's going on Jaekyung? Did somebody hit you hard on the head?" Seungho asked, genuinely concerned, looking around my head.

"No, I just wanted to study."

"No way."

"Okay if you say so," Dooshik said while looking at his phone.

"Dooshik you too, we had other plans tho?" Seungho hyung questioned.

"Maybe next time."

"Let's goooo."

I dragged them both to the library.

As I walked into the library, I started searching for my sweetheart and finally spotted Dan, my heart skipped a beat. But as I got closer, I saw him hugging another guy and my heart sank. I felt a twinge of jealousy and insecurity, wondering who this guy was and what he meant to Dan.

But as I got closer, I realized that it was just Dan's best friend, Jooha. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked up to their table, hoping to join them. 


"Can we sit with you guys?" Jaekyung asked.

Jooha and Dan were shocked and as well as two guys walking behind him.

Jooha and Dan did have people asking to sit with them before, but not them, the three most popular handsome hunks on the campus together at the same time. It was really surprising to see them interact finally.

On the other hand, Jaekyung would never randomly approach someone like that. His friends were shocked to see that because Jaekyung wouldn't do that.

Dan and Jooha quickly moved apart, looking a bit surprised by their sudden appearance. But Jooha smiled and said, "Sure, of course."

Dan was shocked at how Jooha agreed so easily, Jooha turned back to Dan and give him a smile. Dan knew what he was trying to do.

Usually, Jooha would shoo away people because they purposely would try to make moves on him and his pretty best friend. 

As Jaekyung sat down across from Dan, the pretty little man couldn't help but feel a wave of shyness and embarrassment wash over him. Seeing Jaekyung's smiling face and noticing the hickeys he had left on his neck only made Dan blush harder. Jaekyung didn't even try to cover up as if he was trying to show others that he is taken.

Jaekyung seemed to notice Dan's reaction and couldn't help but smirk at him, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Dan tried to look away, but he couldn't help stealing glances at Jaekyung, admiring his handsome features and the way his eyes sparkled.

Dan was averting his gaze from the man in front of him. He kind of felt guilty for leaving his house without saying anything. But he really wanted to stay away, he didn't want to hurt himself in delusion like before.

The library is not even that full, you could have chosen to sit anywhere, I know what you are trying to do Jae, Dan thought.

"Oh hey Dan," Seungho spoke when they all reached the table.

"Hi!" Dan spoke shyly.

"I am Jooha." Jooha took his hand out for Seungho to shake.

"Oh, let me introduce ourselves, we met Dan in the Bar before, this is Jaekyung and this is-."

"Dooshik!"Jooha said.

"Wait so you guys know each other?" Seungho asked.

Dooshik cleared his throat.

"No. I mean, everybody knows who all of you are right?" Jooha laughed to remove the awkwardness.

"That's true," Dooshik said as if he was not happy with Jooha's answer.

Both Dooshik and Jooha looked away, not looking at each other. Even Jaekyung and Dan were shocked to know that Jooha and Dooshik were reacting that way, they knew Dooshik and Jooha were surely hiding something.

They all sat down in silence for a while. Jaekyung sat in front of Dan and kept staring at him. Dan was feeling shy again, but he pretended like he was doing his homework and acted like Jaekyung wasn't there eyefucking him and looking smug with his arms crossed.

"Oh are you okay, Dan? Why are you wearing a scarf so tight around your neck?

"It's nothing Seungho hyung, I got bitten by an insect."

Despite feeling a little self-conscious about the hickeys, Jaekyung didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying the attention, teasing Dan with his smirks and playful glances.

Dan felt a flutter of nervousness in his stomach, wondering what Jaekyung was thinking. 

"Wow, even Jaekyung said the same thing," Dooshik replied.

Jooha choked on the water that he was drinking. Seems like everyone else started to notice what was going on. Dan blushed so hard, his face became a tomato. Jaekyung smirked looking at him.

"Dan, are you okay, your face is so red?"

"I am fine Jooha."

"Guys, look at this article, the newest  and hottest ship on campus Heesung-Dan."

As they were chatting, Seungho showed the pictures to them which showed how Heesung approached Dan in class, sat next to him and also pat his head.

"You guys look good together, to be honest." Seungho chuckled.

Dan seemed uneasy by that situation. It's not the first time he heard that.

In the past, if he heard this kind of thing he would have been happier. He was already moving on from seeing his ex-crush but he doesn't want these things to be brought up again.

"I am going to the washroom." Dan stood up abruptly and walked away. He actually ran to the washroom.

Jaekyung was very jealous of the photos.

Who the fuck touched his sweetheart like that? Jaekyung watched him go, feeling a mix of jealousy and possessiveness. He couldn't stand the thought of Dan being with anyone else, and the pictures Seungho had shown only made him feel worse.

He slammed the table only for them to hear and went after him.

Without thinking, Jaekyung got up and followed Dan to the washroom. He didn't know what he was going to say or do, but he couldn't just sit there and let his jealousy fester.

Jaekyung pushed open the door, stepping inside.

Dan looked up, surprised to see Jaekyung standing there. He seemed a little taken aback, but then he looked down, avoiding Jaekyung's gaze.

 Dan was standing in front of the mirror.

Dan was just standing there until Jaekyung held him by his wrist tightly and pulled him closer to his chest. Not letting him easily escape.

"Jaekyung you are hurting me."

"Who the fuck was that guy, huh?"

"Let me go."

"You like being touched by other guys, you left me in the morning without telling and already started flirting with other guys."

"Leave me alone Jaekyung, you are hurting me."

Dan winced in pain, and he could see tears starting to form in his eyes.

Dan tried to escape from the tight embrace. But Jaekyung just held him harder and closer, forcing Dan to look up.

"Are you a whore?"

Pang! Dan slapped Jaekyung on his face, causing Jaekyung to move his hands away from Dan.

"Don't you dare call me a whore! Just because we kissed, it doesn't mean anything. You have no right to control me like that. You just wanted my body anyways."

"I am sorry Da-."

With that, Dan wiped off his tears and walked out without hearing from him. He went back to their table. 

 As expected, Dan thought. He felt so silly when he thought Jaekyung might not be that bad, he didn't expect Jaekyung, who he started to feel for, to call him a whore.

Jaekyung came back a while later. Jaekyung felt a pang of guilt, realizing that he had made Dan feel hurt. He made Dan cry.

As they returned to the table, Dan tried to distract himself by focusing on his assignments. He didn't want to dwell on the uncomfortable situation between him and Jaekyung, so he threw himself into his work.

The rest of the group made small talk, but Dan tried to avoid eye contact with Jaekyung as much as possible. He couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and betrayal he had felt earlier, and he didn't want to give Jaekyung the satisfaction of seeing him vulnerable.

But as they suddenly made eye contact, Dan could see the sorrow in Jaekyung's eyes.

However, Dan still felt a sense of guardedness towards Jaekyung. He wasn't sure if he could trust him again.

Just in a day, things turned different so quickly.

After a while, Jooha and Dan started packing up their things to go home.

As they walked home, Dan and Jaekyung maintained an awkward silence between them. The rest of them were engaged in a deep conversation. Jaekyung wanted to apologize and make things right, but he didn't know how to break the tension. Jaekyung never took his eyes off Dan, he was feeling really guilty for what he did, and he realised he was selfish and only thought for himself. 

Jaekyung moved to the side of Dan and took this opportunity to apologize to Dan. Before he was about to ask him to take him home, somebody interrupted him.

"Dannie, you are here?"

Oh who the hell is this fucking guy, Jaekyung thought as he glared at him. Why the fuck is he calling him Dannie?


"Dannie, wanna go have dinner with me?"

As Heesung approached Dan, Jaekyung stepped in front of him, blocking his path. He could feel his protective instincts kicking in, and he wanted to make sure that Heesung didn't try anything with Dan.

Jaekyung looked Heesung up and down, sizing him up. He could see the way Heesung's eyes flickered towards Dan, and he knew that he had to be on guard.

Okay yeah, he is good-looking, but not as good-looking as me, I am more muscular. I am taller than him. I am better than this guy any day, Jaekyung thought. 

Jaekyung stood his ground, his eyes locked on Heesung. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to. The tension between them was palpable, and Heesung seemed to sense that he wasn't welcome.

Heesung didn't care, he was still looking at Dan.

Dan was already feeling so overwhelmed today, he was tired, and he just wanted to leave from here. His ex-crush and the guy he gave his first kiss were standing face to face.

"No, it's alright, since we live together, we will go have dinner together," Jooha moved forward as he put his arms around Dan's shoulders.

Both of them left by saying quick byes to everyone.

"Alright," Heesung sighed and walked to his car.

"Jaekyung, stop glaring at him, he is not gonna take away your Dan," Seungho said amusingly.

"You look like you were about to murder him, how scary?" Dooshik said."When did you get so protective of Dan, huh?"

Although his friends were making fun of Jaekyung, deep inside he knew it was true. He became possessive of Dan.

Dan, I need you. I will make you mine, I won't let anyone take you, especially him. Jaekyung thought.


To be Continued.

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