Riptide (Chicago PD)

By KNeill006

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Sandrelly Santos packs up and leaves Brazil abruptly. She's happy to leave her friends and family so whatever... More

Meet Sandrelly
Surf's Up
Neon Paint
Broken Arm
Home Sweet Home
Team VS Team
The Streets
I miss mom
The Man In Black
Punch Ups
The Chase
I say it's him
Gone wrong
Resting time
Who is Ava?
Home for the Holidays


642 12 8
By KNeill006

"He was a few years above me. He got arrested a few times for dealing but his father always got him out of it and said it was his doing."

"How is he a cop, let alone a Sargent?"

"Police doesn't work here the same way it does in America. When the police come knocking, most people hide or just pretend to not be in. In the favelas, police will literally raid the place, looking for drugs and gang members. They wreck homes."

"That sounds awful."

"I remember one time, Sandrelly came home in tears. She walked through the door fine but as soon as she saw our worried faces, she lost it. They were told to do a search and Peter just shot up the place because they needed to catch these people. He killed an innocent family, two children were killed."

"That's horrible. Why hasn't anyone fired him?"

"They can't. He's one of the richest families in Brazil. His brother runs the family business, he took over once their parents died."

"What's the business?"

"Drugs. Well that's what most of us say anyway."

"Is it though?"

"Think about it. Narcotics Sargent, gets away with practically anything. Drugs would go missing all the time from the evidence locker, it got worse when he became Sargent. He can easily hide the family business."

"I think you're on to something."

"I'm not the only detective in the family." Said Sandrelly as she took a seat.

"What?" I asked.

"This was my initial idea and Sandrelly has helped me build it up over the years. I used to be a detective until I married Helena and I got shot when she was pregnant. I didn't want to take any chances so I quit and we made this life." Explained Roberto.

"I followed in his footsteps." Said Sandrelly.

"Someone had to carry on my case." Laughed Roberto.

"And if you've came to ask Jay if I am okay, I'm fine, Pops."

"Why did you leave?" Asked Roberto.

"Jay, can you explain for me. I have to get ready for work."

"It's not my place." I said.

"Jay, I trust you. Please explain."

"Okay. I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's fine. It was a stressful day."

I sat down on the beach for about an hour talking to Roberto and explaining what had happened here as well as in Chicago. He said he wanted to rip Peter's head off but I told him that if he does that, he'll lose the case he has against him.

"Thank you, Jay. I give you permission to date my daughter."

"We're just friends, Sir."

"First off, call me Pops and second, I know you both like each other. Everyone can see it and it is painful watching you two flirt. Please get it over with and ask her out."

"Okay. Okay. I'll talk to her."

"Good. Now off you go. Tell Sandrelly she can stop working, I taught Diego how to make my famous burgers."

"If you teach me, I'll help work the restaurant."

"Ha! No. You just want the recipe."

"Yeah, I do."

"You marry my daughter, you can have it."

"I'm going to go. I'll let Sandrelly know."

I let Sandrelly know that she could stop working and then I went back to my room so I could have a shower and get changed.

I heard a door close as I got out the shower, I figured it was probably Diego because I had seen him earlier.

I didn't bother shutting my door because I was only looking for clothes at the time. I turned around to see Sandrelly by my door, her face was screwed up as she tried to look past me.

"There's no girls in here." I laughed.

"I know. Turn around." She said and walked into my room.

I turned around as she walked into my bedroom and shut the door. There was a moment of silence before she slowly trailed her fingertips down my back. I froze on the spot and wondered what she was doing but before I could ask her, she left.

She went to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit.

"What's that for?"

"Your back. Now turn around."

She poured some cleaning solution on my back and got some bandages out to dress it.

"How did you manage this?" She asked.

"Kev slipped on the rocks and took me out and then when you slipped, one of the boys pushed me and I smacked my back again." I said as I turned around to face her.

"Turn back around." She said.

"Don't like the look of my abs?" I questioned as I stayed where I was.

"Do you ever listen?" She huffed with a small smile.

I watched her leave the room slowly and I tried my best to not look at her ass or her body for that matter. She turned around and smirked at me as she walked back into my room and pushed me onto the bed. I was sat on the bed in my boxers as she knelt down and looked up at me. I froze and went to get back up but she pushed me back down.

She ran her hand up my chest as I panted like a fucking dog. She kissed my neck before she travelled down to my abs. She kissed my abs and then I felt something wet on my skin. She licked my abs and I let out a hiss.

"You're not a cat, Halstead." She said as she got up and left my room.

"Really?" I said.

"What?" She asked all innocently as she walked back to the bathroom.

I got changed and went to get a cold drink but stopped when I saw Helena there.

"Hey, Jay."

"Hey, Ma'am. You have a lovely home."

"I'm glad you like it. Diego said he wants to teach you how to surf."

"Today?" I asked as she looked at my wet hair.

"No, he said tomorrow. He's currently teaching your friend, Antonio."

"Yeah. He's obsessed with it."

I turned my back to her as I got some ice in my cup and grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

"Why won't it go down?" She asked and I just froze.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"The sun. It's hot in my shop because the AC has broken. I feel like I'm melting."


"What did you think I meant?" She asked with a small laugh.

"I don't know. I'm going to go and work on the case." I said and went upstairs.

"Have fun."

When I knew Helena was gone, I walked out to where their pool area was and took a seat on one of the deck chairs so I could face time Will.

"How's it going?" He asked through the phone.

"It's great. Maceió is a beautiful place."

"You want to move there?"

"Move? No. Spend an entire summer up here? Hell yes."

"Take me with you next time."

"I will."

"Your hotel has a pool?"

"It does but no, this is Sandrelly's house."

"You're staying with her family?"

"Apparently you can't say no to her mother."

"You really can't." Said Abi as she walked through the gate and sat on the other deck chair.

"Who's that?" Asked Will.

"This is Abi, Sandrelly's friend. This is my brother, Will."

"Ah, you're the one who is liking all my Instagram posts."

"That would be me, yes." Said Abi.

"Dm me and we'll talk more." Said Will.

"Okay. I'm going to go now but before I do, how is work going?"

"It's stressful. We've had multiple people brought in for spiked drinks from this party downtown and we've also got a missing kid."

"Missing children are the police's problem."

"Not when they were stolen from the hospital, there not."

"Send me the details."

"No, Jay. You need to work your case. Terry's got this one and Sev is helping."

"Why's Sev helping? He's a firefighter."

"You don't need to tell me his job role. It's not like I've known him for five years. He's helping because he knows what this kid looks like and the kid was from an arson investigation."

"You sound like you have your hands full and that you need sleep. Love you, bro."

"Love you, Jay."

I ended the call and looked over to Abi who was smirking.

"He's cute when he's tired and he's got good humour."

"He's also a doctor who lives in Chicago, which isn't close to here."

"Oh shut up, Jay. I'll get him somehow."

"By kidnapping?"


"Whatever, Abi. You have fun. I'll see you later."


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