Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan1...

By kimochinoona

127K 2.5K 1.4K

Dan is an ordinary student who is studying in just one of the most prestigious universities with his best fri... More

Ch.1 My awkward Encounter
Ch.2 I want him
Ch.3 Sweet dreams
Ch.4 We meet again
Ch.5 How did I end up here? Part 1
Ch6. How did I end up here? Part 2
Ch7. Do you want me?
Ch.9 Stay away
Ch.10 Dilemma
Ch.11 Pain
Ch. 12 Apologize
Ch 13. Spicy night
Ch.14 Is this Jealousy?
Ch.15 It's getting hot in here.
Ch.16 A date?
Ch.17 Every corner of the house
Ch.18 Being with you
Ch.19 Themepark Adventures
Ch.20 Getting dirty at night
Ch.21 Confessions and Realisation
Ch.22 Who are you?
Ch.23 Hurt
Ch.24 Continued sadness and loneliness (18+)
Ch.25 Confrontation
Ch.26 Hope
Ch.27 Awkward...
Ch.28 Love 18+

Ch.8 Oh he's back

3.4K 82 21
By kimochinoona

Third person's POV


He looked up and saw the person he never expected to see.

Dan could hear the surprise in Heesung's voice. He turned to face him fully and nodded, unable to find his voice.


"It's been so long," Heesung said, smiling at him. "How have you been?"

Dan took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. 

"I've been good," he finally replied. "What about you?"

"I've been doing well," Heesung said. "I heard you were studying here, but I didn't expect to see you in this class."

The whole class was staring at them, some were taking photos of them. Surprised to see the interaction of a hot new student and the pretty nerd boy who pretty much doesn't talk with anyone.

Heesung was still looking gorgeous like he was in high school. Maybe became even more. Dan thought.

Heesung took a seat right next to him.

"Why... are you here... Heesung?"

"Why, am I not allowed to be here?" He chuckled.

"No I mean, I thought you went to Singapore for uni right?"

"Yeah, I did. But I kinda wanted to come back and continue my studies here in Korea again, so I transferred here."

"Ohh, okay."

The professor came in and started teaching, they didn't talk at all. Dan tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. He was sitting next to his ex-crush, talking to him like it was just another day. Heesung seemed genuinely happy to see him, which made Dan feel a mixture of awkwardness and sadness.

 What was I supposed to do if my high school crush suddenly came back? Dan thought.


Valentine's Day in Year 11 

"Dan, stop being a coward go confess to him."

"No Jooha I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? You are always confident right."

"Yeah, I know but what if he doesn't like me back."

"It doesn't matter, if he rejects you, then just say it was a prank."

"All right." Dan sighed.

Dan had always admired Heesung from afar, but it wasn't until he faced some difficult problems that he realized just how much he cared for him. Dan started having a crush on Heesung the day Dan fainted in the Physical Education class. Heesung carried him to the medical room. Since that day, they started talking more and became good friends.

Heesung had been there for him, lending a listening ear and offering advice whenever Dan needed it. It was during those moments that Dan started to fall for him. Heesung was the one who started keeping a nickname for Dan, Dannie. 

Valentine's Day was always a special day for Dan, a day when he thought he could show his appreciation for the people he cared about. He had received a lot of chocolates and flowers from his classmates, but there was one person he was especially excited to give a gift to Heesung.

Dan had been thinking about what to get Heesung for weeks. He wanted it to be something special, something that would show Heesung how much he meant to him. In the end, he decided to make Heesung a batch of chocolate cupcakes, his favourite treat, and buy him a bouquet of red roses.

As he walked down the hallway of the school, carrying the cupcakes and flowers, Dan felt his heart racing. He was nervous, but also excited to finally give a gift to Heesung. 

Dan's heartbeat was getting very fast.

I think I should finally confess today. Dan thought.

After school, Dan had been searching for Heesung everywhere, hoping to give him the Valentine's Day gift he had prepared. He finally spotted him near the bleachers, wiping his sweat and drinking water. Dan's heart raced as he approached him. The view was amazing to see.

He was about to go closer until a girl walked passed him and ran to Heesung. She hugged him tightly. She was Ella, the prettiest and nicest girl in the form.

The crowd gathered around them. Eager to know what was happening. Dan hid behind the crowd making sure nobody would notice him and his gifts.

"Heesung, will you be my boyfriend?" Ella asked enthusiastically.

There was silence for a while.


The crowd cheered. From that day on, they became the hottest couple in school.

Dan's heart sank as he watched Heesung say yes. Dan felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Heesung was now taken, and Dan's chance with him had slipped away.

Tears welled up in Dan's eyes as he turned to run away. He threw the cupcakes and flowers he had brought for Heesung into the trashcan, feeling like they were now worthless.

As he ran away, Dan couldn't help but wonder why he had even bothered trying. He had poured his heart and soul into preparing the perfect gift for Heesung, only to be rejected. He felt humiliated and heartbroken, wondering if he would ever find someone who appreciated him the way he appreciated Heesung.

"Why does it hurt so much?" He cried while grabbing his chest hard.

Dan ran as fast as he could to the nearest washroom, desperate to be alone with his thoughts. He locked himself in a cubicle and buried his face in his hands, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.

He felt embarrassed and foolish for thinking that Heesung could ever feel the same way about him. He had been so sure that he had a chance with him, but it had all been a fantasy. The reality was that Heesung was now taken, and Dan was left alone with his broken heart. He didn't how long he stayed inside and cried.

Until somebody knocked on the door. He quickly wiped his tears. 

"Dan, are you here?"

He recognized the voice of his best friend. Dan hesitated for a moment before opening the cubicle door.

"Yes, Jooha." 

He unlocked the door of the cubicle and hugged his best friend.

"I asked people around and they said they last saw you going to the washroom."

 He started sobbing again holding Jooha's shirt.

Dan felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw Jooha's familiar face. He knew he could always count on his friend for comfort and support.

"Heesung said yes to someone else," Dan said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I thought maybe he liked me, but I was wrong."

"Shhhh, it's okay, Baby. I already know everything."

"I shouldn't have liked him."

Jooha put a comforting arm around Dan's shoulder, pulling him close. "Dan, I am sorry, I shouldn't have forced you to go. But always remember you are the prettiest human alive, I will always be there for you. But you know what? Heesung's loss is someone else's gain. You're an amazing person, and you deserve someone who will love you for who you are."

"Thanks, Jooha," Dan said, his voice still hoarse from crying.

Jooha gave him a smile. "Anytime, Dan. You know I'm always here for you."

Dan nodded, feeling a little better already. He knew that he would be okay in the end, even if it hurt right now. With Jooha by his side, he knew he could handle anything that came his way.

From that day on, Dan started avoiding Heesung, anytime he saw the couple around the campus, he would go in the other direction. 

Dan knew that he couldn't face Heesung anymore. The pain of seeing him with his new girlfriend was too much to bear, so he made the difficult decision to distance himself from Heesung altogether. He stopped talking to him and even changed his route to avoid crossing paths with the couple.

It still hurt him, to see his crush with someone else, smiling and holding hands.

How silly? he thought he would give his first kiss away to Heesung if he accepted him. How silly, he thought. All the kind things he did for Dan, Dan thought he did that because he liked him. He was wrong.

Time in High School went by quickly.

It wasn't easy for Dan, but he knew it was for the best. He needed time to heal his broken heart and move on from the feelings he had for Heesung. He focused on spending time with his friends, like Jooha, who had always been there for him. 

Together, Dan and Jooha started working hard to study for their entrance exams for university. They spent long hours in the library, pouring over textbooks and notes, determined to do their best. Dan found that his studies provided a welcome distraction from his heartbreak.

As the weeks went by, Dan slowly started to get used to the idea of forgetting Heesung. He still felt a pang of hurt whenever he thought about him, but it was no longer a sharp pain. He knew that he had to move on with his life and focus on his future. Jooha and Dan studied their asses off so that they can go to the most prestigious University in Seoul.

The last day of high school had finally arrived, and Dan couldn't believe how quickly time had passed. It felt like only yesterday that he had started high school, full of hopes and dreams for the future.

Dan and Jooha had both worked hard and were accepted into NS University, and they were excited to start this new chapter in their lives. As they walked towards the graduation ceremony, Dan felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He had made it through high school, despite the heartbreak and challenges he had faced along the way.

The graduation ceremony was a beautiful affair, with all the teachers, parents, and students dressed in their finest clothes. They took pictures together, capturing this momentous occasion for posterity.

Jooha's mom and brother Yoongu had also come to the graduation to congratulate them. Dan felt grateful to have such a supportive friend and family by his side.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Dan felt a sense of sadness wash over him. He knew that things would never be the same again. He would be leaving behind the familiar halls of his high school and embarking on a new journey into adulthood.

"Dan, can you hold the flowers for a while? I want to pee."


Jooha told Dan that he wanted to go to the washroom, and handed him his flowers and gown to hold. Dan stood there outside the washroom, looking around at the posters on the walls.

"Dannie?" can't be.., Dan thought.

He turned around to see his ex-crush. Dan's heart raced as he looked at Heesung. He didn't want to hear anything Heesung had to say. He had moved on and didn't want to revisit the past.

He put on the fakest smile possible, to act as if nothing happened. But deep inside, he wanted to run away.

Heesung was looking very handsome, Dan thought. He was still handsome as always, his hair grew longer, making him look manlier. He wanted to kiss him so badly and hug him.

"Hi... Heesung."

"I am sorry, I haven't gotten the chance to talk to you si-"

"Since you have a girlfriend?" Dan laughed bitterly.

"Dannie, it's not that-"

"It's fine Heesung, it was better that way for you, at least you didn't have to see me annoy you all the time."

"Dan!.... Why are you getting so mad?"

"I am not, just tell me what you want to say?"

Heesung sighed" I am going to Singapore to study."

"Okay and?"


"DANNNN, sorry for making you wait so long." Finally, his best friend came to save him.

"Oh Heesung, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend right now?"

"Hi, Jooha."

"Dan, let's go, we have a lot of photos to take."


He looked at Heesung's apologetic face once last time, hoping he would never get to see him again.

***********Back to present***********

The lecture ended, and Dan was still lost in his thoughts. As the lecture went on, Dan tried to focus, but his mind kept drifting back to Heesung. He couldn't help but wonder if there was still a chance for them to reconnect. But for now, he was content just to be sitting next to him and talking like old friends.

"Dannie, the lesson ended."


Heesung chuckled and patted Dan's head. Heesung's sudden touch on his head startled him, and he tensed up, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over him.

They didn't know people were taking photos of them.

"Dannie, do you wanna-" 

"Sorry, I have to go." Before Heesung could say anything else, Dan quickly apologized and said he had to leave. He gathered his things and rushed out of the lecture room, feeling like he couldn't breathe.

He quickly messaged Jooha to ask where he was, needing the comfort and support of his best friend. Jooha replied that he was in the library, and Dan rushed over, feeling like he was running away from his past.

He didn't even notice Seungho, Dooshik and Jaekyung were walking behind him. He ran past them.

 As he saw Jooha in the library, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. He ran towards him and hugged him tightly,


"Shhh, Dan, we are in the library!"

"Sorry," Dan whispered.

"Dan? What happened?" 

"He came back!"

"Who came back?"



A lot of things were going on in this chapter, right? I just wanted you guys to have a better understanding of Dan's past here. Thank you for waiting.

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