Written Desires | J.hs

Autorstwa dionnes_tapes

72.8K 4.1K 1.9K

Haven Miller was in love with Jung Hoseok. Or more specifically, his writing. He was a famous author of erot... Więcej

"in my dreams"
"she's all that"
"meet and greet"
"V is for voyeurism"
"i know this girl"
"making a move"
"so anxious"
"i know your little secret"
"forbidden fruit"
"a night to remember"
"the assignment"
"private affairs"
"guy talk"
"good girls make bad decisions"
"when the moon meets the sun"
"next step"

"morning affection"

2.1K 118 35
Autorstwa dionnes_tapes

twenty two
3rd person

The smell of fresh linen and pine blend in with the sheet's usual scent of detergent and French vanilla. Cocoa butter is just a plus, considering the fact that haven usually lathered her body in the soft coconut scented cream every night after a shower. A warm ray of sunshine slithers in through the slightly parted blinds, the slant of light reflecting off of the right side of the woman's cheek as she slept soundlessly. Dreams of memories of last night turn to a liquid morning dew in her panties. Haven was used to having wet dreams so she was used to the feeling. She was used to early mornings and she was used to the sunlight hitting her face. But she wasn't used to waking up beside another.

"Mhmm." The woman grunted softly, stirring in her sleep. Someone was latching on to her and couldn't seem to let go. She felt the iron grip on her waist and it made haven's body two times as warmer.

Her brown eyes slowly open up so that she could see what was going on. She had crashed. Drinks with Marco and Dominic somehow turned into her being sprawled across Hoseok's lap, getting a spanking in her living room. But that was all have  could remember from last night. Everything else was scrambled and she couldn't seem to piece together just why this man was laying beside her.

Haven's teeth sunk into her plush bottom lip as she looked up at him. He was so beautiful even as he slept. His eyelashes curled into black wisps, and tickled his tanned eyelids. Strands of his platinum blond hair stick to his forehead, and his lips press together in a hard line. The beauty mark above his lip is a distinctive yet beautiful feature that heaven can't help but giggle at. Staring at the little mole as she took a sharp breath, subconsciously dragging her finger along his exposed chest.

Suddenly, she didn't really care about how they ended up in this situation. All she truly cared about was staying in his embrace. This used to be all she could ever dream about. And now, somehow she was living it. Haven wouldn't question a dream come true. She could only bask in it.

It's perfect. She thought to herself, a small smile forming on her lips as she admired him up close.

"Wait- it's perfect." She whispered, eyes widening almost as if she saw a ghost. Haven jumped up from bed, somehow managing to break the iron grip he had on her waist as she shot out of bed and raced to the bathroom connected to her bedroom. Haven slammed and locked the door behind her, panting as she slammed her back against the door.

Fuck. She was a fool. This was her first time spending a night with hoseok. It would have been his first time seeing her with messy hair, morning breath and streaks up dried up drool on the corner of her mouth. Haven was far too busy living in the moment to even realize how imperfect she appeared — or would have appeared — before this man.

Ignoring her headache, Haven rummaged around her sink until she grabbed a hold of her toothbrush and toothpaste. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, being sure to floss and thoroughly get between any creases and crevices.

"Hair..." haven sighed out of frustration, looking at her hair in the mirror. She really needed some braids or locs or something. She loved wearing her natural hair but dealing with it every morning was simply time consuming.

She reached for a scrunchy and a brush, doing her best to put it in a low ponytail. Sure there were loose, stubborn strands that chose to stick out from the rest and get in her face. But haven didn't mind them. It looked better than before.

Her heart raced as she gripped the counters edge, staring at herself in the mirror and trying to remain cool, calm and collected. She suddenly felt foolish. Foolish because she rushed to seem presentable for this man when they weren't much of anything. Friends, sure. But they weren't fucking. Hell, she didn't even see what was between his legs yet. She cooked him meals on Sunday's and that was that. Nothing had actually began yet and here haven was. Wanting to look good for him.

The sad part about it was that she didn't feel bad about it. Foolish, yes. But she didn't feel bad. And that worried her, in a way. She was sure that she would do this again, had he ever had to wake up beside her again somewhere down the line. And heaven couldn't find it in herself to feel bad. Perhaps, she wouldn't even feel like a fool next time. Her wanting to look her best for him was justified. He was a good man, a man she had looked up to for the longest. And now that they were involved it just gave her all the more reason to put forth some effort in her appearance.

Knock knock knock.

Haven looked towards the door as the sound of knocking took over the bathroom. She knew it could've been nobody else but him.

"Y-yeah?" Haven stuttered, voice coming out a pitch lighter than it usually was.

"Is everything okay? I heard you get out of bed." His morning voice is soothing. Deep and comforting. Haven felt her knees buckle as she nodded, despite knowing that he couldn't see her.

"Mhm. Yeah. Everything's fine." She lied.

"Well, can I come in?"

Haven wanted to say no. But she had no reason to. She had no reason to be freaking out this badly. Her anxiety had skyrocketed and she didn't know why.

Haven unlocked the door before pulling it opened. Standing there was the man of her dreams. Shirtless with his dress pants hanging loosely off of his slim waist. His skin looked to be more tanned in the mornings, she noticed. The edges of the petals to his sunflower tattoo stopping above his collar bone.

Haven is taken aback, stupefied. She gawked as she dragged her eyes up from his torso and to his face. Where she could see him staring at her with amusement, slowly the life flushes into his brown eyes.

"Goodmorning." He said.

Haven blinked a series of times, her lips moving to say something but she couldn't form words. "M-morning." She stuttered, clearing her throat afterwards. "Excuse me. Goodmorning." She said again, more clearly this time.

Hoseok scoffed humorously. He stepped into the doorway, holding out his arms and bringing them around haven's waist. A small yelp of surprise left her lips as he pulled her in. Looking into her eyes that he couldn't help but compare to those of an innocent little deer — he smiled softly.

Haven stared ahead as he leaned in to peck the corner of her lips. It felt natural, normal. Almost as if this were apart of both of their daily routines. Haven liked that feeling.

A shaky breath left her lips as she slowly looked up at his face. "Why only the corner?" She asked, curious as to why he didn't kiss her lips.

"How about I brush my teeth first, beautiful?" He asked. Haven smiled. "That's fair." She said. "I have a spare in the cabinet."

Hoseok nodded and walked past her to get the spare. As he did so, heaven took out a towel for him to wash his face. When she heard the faucet turn on, she turned to leave. But she didn't get very far.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked. Haven turned her head. He wasn't even looking at her. His eyes were fixated on the toothbrush as he covered the bristles with toothpaste.

"I was just going to give you some privacy." Haven said softly. Hoseok shook his head.

"Keep me company." He said. Haven bit her bottom lip. Not was she was expecting, but she wouldn't deny him.

The woman stood perched against the counter as hoseok began to brush his teeth. For the few minutes if took, haven occupied herself by fiddling with her fingers and thinking about what she wanted to cook for breakfast. Dominic and Marco wouldn't be coming over this morning so she would be eating alone. That saddened her.

Too deep in her thoughts, Haven didn't notice that the faucet had been turned off and hoseok was finished washing his face and brushing his teeth. It is only when she is being swept up off of her feet and placed on the counter that she notices.

"Hey!" Haven giggled, caught off guard. Hoseok stood between her legs, arms holding her waist as he smiled widely. His pearly whites on display, lips taking form of a heart as he looked at her with delight.

"Did I scare you?" He asked. Haven shook her head, placing her hands on his shoulders. "No." She said.

"Mhmm." Hoseok hummed. His thumbs made tinny circles on her skin. The longer he held her waist, the more Haven felt her skin was on fire.

"Now can I get a kiss?" Haven raised her eyebrows in question. Hoseok chuckled, pulling her to the edge of the counter so that they were chest to chest. Minty breath mingling with hers as his lips ghosted over her lips. She smelled so damn good. There was never a time where she didn't smell like cocoa butter. He could lay under her all day.

"You can get anything you want out of me, dear." Hoseok whispered, eyes flickering down to her lips. Haven caught the double meaning behind his words but there was no reason for her to address them.

He went in for a second kiss and this time, his lips landed on top of hers. It was...gratifying. This was one of the best mornings haven's had in awhile. She felt a lot less lonely than she did every other morning. Being in his arms, kissing his lips, waking up to him.

They pulled away after a few seconds and there was nothing more heaven craved in that moment than to have his lips on hers again. But she didn't want to seem greedy. So she settled for his touch instead.

"I was Um...just about to fix breakfast. Do you want to stay?" Haven asked.

Hoseok didn't have much to do so he didn't see any harm in staying. He wouldn't miss out on her cooking for the world.

"I would love to stay." Hoseok answered without an ounce of hesitance. It didn't even seem like he thought about it. Haven found some type of comfort in that.


Haven made chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Hoseok knew she was talented in every sense of the world. A magnificent woman who had attended culinary school that could make almost anything from scratch. She was patient and took pride in her craft, always making sure she put the correct measurements of everything into her ingredients for her dishes. It was entertaining watching her move around the kitchen.

Hoseok watched from a safe distance. Sitting perched up at the island, holding a glass of water. The smile on his face was permanent. Although she was moving fast, she still moved with grace. There were barely any spills or mishaps. She watched her step and it was almost as if hoseok wasn't even there. This was Heaven Miller in her element. Her natural habitat.

When the meal was finished and after it was served, they sat and ate at the island. She had freshly squeezed fruit juice and they washed down the delicious waffles with the tasty drink. Hoseok helped her wash dishes (after he went in for seconds) and afterwards, as heaven organized all of her spices, hoseok leaned against the counter and kept her company.

He couldn't look at her without thinking about last night. It humored him how they had done some adventurous things but had yet to have sex. It was like a fun little teasing game between the two. Haven hadn't yet complained about it, and he wouldn't blame her if she did. It was bothering him to. Making him impatient, primal. He craved her just as much as she craved him. But hoseok realized that they couldn't make the next step until Haven did something very important.

"Haven." Hoseok called out, crossing his feet at the ankles as he tried to gather haven's attention.

"Hmm?" The woman hummed in acknowledgment, standing a can of black pepper up in the spice cabinet. She was so particular about where the spices went and how they were arranged. Hoseok thought it was adorable. A cute little reflection of how meticulous she was when it came to her kitchen.

"I was thinking about something and I wanted to talk to you about it."

"I'm listening." Haven said. Hoseok cleared his throat.

"Are you, by any chance...on birth control?" Hoseok questioned. Haven stopped what she was doing. The question lingered in the air for awhile, but hoseok wasn't backing down.

He didn't want to question haven about her health. What she consumed into her body. He didn't want to make her feel insecure. But, if they planned to do this sex thing - he would've preferred if she got on birth control.

It was for safety reasons. And because hoseok didn't want children, he was certain haven didn't want any. Not with him anyways. It would be best to just take extra measures. You could never be too sure.

"Ermm...I'm not." Haven said. She had no reasons to be these past few months. The first time that she had sex in awhile was when she hooked up with that guy at the club. Before that, haven had been celibate.

"Why?" She asked, turning around to face him fully. Hoseok shrugged.

"I was just wondering. I know the day is...bound to come where we take things to the next level. I don't want to get into anything without being ensured that we're both going to be doing things safely." He explained.

"So you want me to get on birth control?" Haven asked. Hoseok shook his head.

"I don't want you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with doing." Hoseok said. "I plan on wearing protection. If taking a morning after pill seems best for you then that's fine too..."

Haven sucked in her bottom lip. She heard about the affects that birth control took on other women. It made them emotional, their bodies went through tremendous changes. But that wasn't the case for all women. Each individual was different.

Haven didn't want this opportunity to slip her by, and getting on birth control would be much easier than having to take a morning after pill every single time. Even if hoseok planned on wearing a condom whenever they did take things next level.

She just wasn't sure about it. Only because they weren't a couple, yet she was already making changes to her body for this man.

"If you have to think about it so hard then it's best if you don't do it, baby." Hoseok said, getting off of the counter and pulling haven in. "I just wanted to have it out there."

"N-no I just..." haven placed her hand on his chest. "I was just thinking. I wasn't on birth control because I hadn't been having sex. But I think it's best if I get on birth control since we're going to be sleeping around—"

"Don't say it like that." Hoseok cringed. Haven laughed.

"Since we're going to be sleeping together." She said teasingly. "I think that makes sense."


"So I'll go to the doctor and pay to get the shot or whatever." Haven said. Hoseok nodded.

"You don't have to pay for anything. I'll pay for it. And while we're on the topic of paying for things," he squeezed her body. "I'll take care of you from now on."

"Woah, slow down. I have a job and I can take care of myself. I understand you paying for birth control but saying that you'd take care of me is just extreme."

"It's not extreme." Hoseok shook his head. "The way I see it, you deserve to have someone pay for your things. Jewelry, food, clothes. I want it all to be on me." He said. "Or atleast, a good amount of it to fall on me."

"Why?" Haven raised a brow. Hoseok hummed.

"Because you're a beautiful woman and I want to spend my money on you. What more reason do you need?" He asked.

"A better reason than that. It's millions of beautiful women in this city alone." Haven said. Hoseok kissed his teeth. This is why he liked her so fucking much.

"None of them compare to you, dear." He said lowly, eyes flickering to hers. "I don't have much of a reason. I feel like it's right and it's something I want to do. Why can't I do that?"

Haven quite literally felt a flood between her legs.

"I'm not saying you can't. But You're not my sugar daddy, hoseok. You don't owe me anything." She said.

"Sugar daddy?" Hoseok threw his head back in laughter. "That has a nice ring to it. Maybe we can use that as a role play."

"You're ridiculous." Haven slapped his chest, stepping away and walking around the island.

"I'm just teasing." He said, catching up to her and pulling her back against his chest. Haven tilted her head to the side as he buried his nose in her neck.

"You're not funny." She said lightly, the ghost of a grin on her lips as he began to kiss her neck.

"I'm a writer, baby. Not a comedian." He said. Haven hummed. Perhaps he was right.

"Well Mr.writer, when are you going to push out more work again? I'm sure me and your other fans will love to read what you've been cooking up."

Hoseok hadn't been doing as much writing as he probably should've. Namjoon was right about that one thing. He was behind on his work, but he would catch up soon.

"Uh...soon." Hoseok said. His phone began to ring in his pocket. Hoseok sighed, keeping one arm around Haven and using the other to fish out his phone. It was the divorce lawyer. Fuck.

"Look baby I'll come back and visit you later. I have a meeting and you just reminded me that I have some writing to turn in."

"Oh...of course. I'll see you later then." Haven said, turning around just in time to see hoseok hanging up his phone and placing it in his pocket. She wondered who was calling him but realized that it wasn't her place to question. So she only caught his lips and gave him a quick peck before patting his chest.

"Bye." She said softly, knowing that he had everything and could just shoot straight out of the door.

"Bye." Hoseok said, giving her butt a light tap before rushing out of the kitchen.

Haven stood back against the island, smiling like a fool as she heard him leave the apartment. All she could think about was how he would look when he returned a day from now, or maybe even two days from now. No matter how long he stayed away, she knew he would be back.

A/n: for my babies 🥰

I'm so sorry it's been damn near two months since I last updated. Y'all, literally idc how much I fuss about being rushed to update - if it's been awhile since I last updated this story PLEASE harass me abt it. Screenshot this as proof that I gave y'all permission and send it to me too 😭💀 bc two months is just outrageous I'm so sorry.

Excuse any mistakes <3.

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