Abandoned By My Mate

By ImBrokenSaveMe

29.7K 1K 187

When Aslin is chosen to participate in the mating run she is forced to travel with three strange males to the... More

A Wonderful Family
To Be Chosen
Call me by my name
Crushes on Soldiers
Rubbed Raw
Lust Filled Heat
Foes and Friends
Needy Male
Lady Bitch
Cloaks and Jealous Males
How Do I Fix This?
Let Me Help
So Much for a Wonderful Family
What Tongue?
Mated Mind Rot
To be bonded
Pray for the Children
Talk About Family Problems
Gifts for Friends
Authors note
Sweets and Seers
The Plot Thickens
The Blood Prince*
Sugar and Spice*
Stupid Dramatic Girl*
Trama is Hard to Write*
Dancing with Disaster*
Panic and Comfort*
Morning Sex and Pillow Talk
Sorry Readers

Lessons in Being a Lady

561 18 2
By ImBrokenSaveMe

I watched my large male walk away, shifting himself awkwardly as he adjusted his member. I should be happy right now, I was fed and safe. Casi was fully healed and had checked in with me at the festival, but all I felt was unease.

More than anything I wanted to be home again. It was finally sinking in that I was stuck here. Stuck with a male who didn't really want me for anything other than sex and to fill in while he was away. At least he had been nice to me, I could have been stuck with a worse male. The face of the male I had beaten unconscious flashed in my mind.

If my mother were here she would have gasped dramatically. Thanking the goddess that I was okay. My father would have nodded and told me that he had expected nothing less from his only daughter. My brothers would have growled and asked what he looked like so they could finish the job.

My eyes welled with loneliness, the proof of my sorrow dripping down my face. I had never spent so much time without my family. Who knew it would hurt this bad?

Sobs wracked my body, the soft noise quickly followed by the sound of pounding footsteps. Azrael burst into the room, his muscles tense and eyes black, they flicked around the room looking for threats. Deciding I was safe he quickly moved towards me, hesitating before kneeling before me again.

"What is wrong?" He asked softly, his voice a balm to the pain splintering through my heart.

"I want to go home." I blubbered, his calloused hands brushing at the tears spilling down my cheeks. "I miss my family."

The towering male kneeling in front of me chuckled, "Don't worry, I sent someone to go invite them here our first night out of the garden. They should arrive within a week. I don't-"

I crashed into him, gripping his shirt in a steely grip as our lips pressed together. He responded quickly, large arms wrapping around me. Engulfing me in the warm safety of his body. Letting out a pained groan he pulled away, looking down at me with melted silver.

"Settle down, beautiful," He murmured, his thumb brushing against my puffy lips, "We have plenty of time to do all that tomorrow. You need rest."

I frowned, the ache between my legs defying his words.

"I grabbed you a nightdress," Azrael said, grabbing the soft cotton dress that he had let fall to the floor. "Do you need help unlacing your dress?"


Shifting under the soft furs I turned to look at Az, his broad chest rising and falling peacefully as he slept. He passed out as soon as his head touched the pillows. The days of travel had caught up to him quickly, and his hardened face had smoothed out as soon as he fell asleep.

Lifting a hand I traced the hard angle or his jaw line, admiring the face that had been sculpted by the goddess herself. He mumbled something in his sleep, nuzzling into my touch. For someone so large and intimidating he looked so soft and innocent as he slept. I thanked the goddess for having me be claimed by someone who was so concerned and gentle with me.

It would be hard to adjust to life here, but I would do it. I would make sure this male beside me would have no reason to worry when he left with the Prince. Placing my head on his chest I let the sound of his soft breaths and his heart beat lull me to sleep.



The clap of thunder filled the quiet room and I sat up. Looking around fearfully before a large arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me down and back into Azrael's hard chest. He nuzzled into my hair, his hand sweeping up and down my covered stomach. His member prodded my lower back insistently.

"You alright?" He murmured, his voice deeper than usual, a rasp that licked delight down my spine.

"Yeah," I replied, pressing myself harder against his chest and watching the rain pour outside the windows. "Just a nightmare."

"About?" He prompted, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"That male that tried to claim me in the garden." I muttered, flashes of his angry face appearing in my mind. "Accept this time I wasn't able to knock him out."

Az rumbled behind me, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Aslin, I wish I had been there to take care of him for you."

"Not your fault," I assured him, grasping the hand around my waist and playing with his fingers, "I should have stayed where it was safe, but I really had thought you had just left for someone better."

"Darling," Azrael growled, propping himself up and grasping my chin in a firm grip so I was forced to meet his eyes, "There is no one better."

Heat crawled up my chest into my face, "You say that now. You haven't traveled across the sea. You don't know what that land will have to offer."

"I know that regardless of what is overseas nothing and no one compares to the beauty in bed with me." He smirked down at me, kissing the tip of my nose before rolling out of bed gracefully. "I have to get to training while it's still raining. I'll send someone up to help you get dressed and then Theorn will start your lessons."

I nodded in agreement, a hand pressed to my chest in an effort to ease the pounding of my heart. He threw me a cocky grin before leaving the room.

I took my time in getting out from under all of the warm furs, the fireplace had been cleaned and was sitting, waiting to be lit. Finally getting up the nerve to swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Lady Aslin?" A voice called hesitantly through the other side of the door, "Lord Azrael assigned me as your lady's maid."

"Come in," I called, hissing when my feel touched the cold stone.

"Hello, my lady," The girl said, opening the door and tilting her head to the side.

Her dark brown hair was tied in a neat braid that fell to the side when she moved. Pale skin kissed with sun freckles. Her plain clothes did nothing to hide her beauty.

"Hello," I replied, smiling at the other female as I straightened out my nightdress, "What is your name?"

She turned into a tomato, "My apologies for your ladyship. My name is Eva, it is such an honor to serve you."

"You can call me Aslin," I replied, my smile widening at her kindness, "Will you help me pick out a dress?"

She beamed, "Of course! Do you have anything in mind?"

I twisted a lock of my hair. Looking at the cloak that my mate had gifted me the night before. I grasped the soft fur, admiring it.

"It needs to match this."


"What do you think?" Eva asked, biting at her nails as I twirled in front of the mirror.

I brushed my hands down the deep red dress. Black flowers had been embroidered at the hems adding more interest to the fabric. I doubted Az would care about that though. His eyes would go to the black gem hanging at the base of my throat. Eva had told me that most mated females wore this stone as a message to all who saw that their heart belonged to someone.

My ample breasts were on display at the top of the dress. Pale flesh peeking out to say hello. The constricting top only made them more obvious.

"Do you think I might be showing too much skin?" I asked, gesturing to my breasts and watching her reaction in the mirror.

She stopped biting her nails, "I think you look beautiful. No one would dare think of you that way even if you were walking around naked. His lordship is much too fearsome for anyone to have straying eyes. Didn't his lordship get all of these dresses for you? It would stand to reason that he approved of all of them."

I smiled, turning to face the other female, "You're right. He wouldn't have this if it was an issue."

"Would you like me to braid your hair?" Eva asked, watching me finger the soft strands.

"I think I'll keep it down today." I replied, "May you hand me the cloak? I am not quite used to the cold yet."

"Of course!" She replied quickly, grabbing the cloak and wrapping the soft fur around my shoulders, "Would you like me to light the fire?"

"Don't worry," I said, "I'll be plenty warm with this. Shall we find Theorn?"

"He should be in his study on the second floor." She stepped in front of me, leading us down the steps to a small wooden door to the left of the stairs.

She knocked on the door, waiting until a muffled come in sounded through the thick wood. Eva opened the door, her smile slipping as she looked in at Theorn. His eyes darted to her and flashing with some emotion I couldn't name before meeting my eyes.

"Good morning, Aslin," He said with a slight tilt to his head. "Are you here for your lesson?"

"Yes," I agreed, sitting down in one of the plush chairs in front of his desk.

"Good," Theorn smiled, glancing at the necklace, "I see you've learned of our custom."

"Eva was educating me about it," I answered, my stomach growling uncomfortably.

"How kind of her," He said, glancing over at her, "Please bring us some tea and something to eat."

"Of course," Eva replied, shutting the door softly before leaving.

"What do you know about the things Azrael usually does here?" Theorn asked, focusing back on me.

"I know he trains with his males," I smiled, "He also makes sure all of our borders are protected."

"Correct," Theorn nodded, "He also sends some of his males every month to go and collect taxes that go to the count who in turn gives them to the duke and then the king."

"That's a lot of hands to exchange money." I commented, frowning, "Has there ever been any issues?"

"There have been in other areas, but we are paying the count, not the king." Theorn explained, "Taxes are collected every three months and we pay the count every six."

"What are the taxes used for?" I asked, curious to learn more about how this system worked.

My father had always told me that I wasn't allowed to learn about anything more than how to run a household. He believed I wouldn't have the mental capacity to understand everything.

"We keep about 30% of the taxes to run the castle and use it for upkeep if necessary. 10% goes to the soldiers and 5% goes to charities as anonymous donations."

"So, we give 55% of the taxes to the count." I nodded, "What happens if someone is late on their payment?"

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