
By carolinavanity

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{Book 3} With the help of my new family and friends I knew things would be easy planning mine and Nicks weddi... More

Before you read...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 18

132 3 0
By carolinavanity

Zach's POV

Time was passing and I didn't know what do with Cameron. It's been a week since the accident and nothing me or Michael have said to him has gotten him to react.

"I don't know what to do anymore" Mikey says out of nowhere while we eat breakfast "things are getting so awkward"

"Cameron needs to open up more about this but he's only going to it with Laura." I point out

"But he won't even talk to her"

He was right. Not since he ran out when she first woke up has he tried to talking to Laura once.

"We have to do something."

"What did you have in mind?" he asked

"No idea, but something that involves getting Cameron out of this house and seeing Laura."

"Maybe we could make them meet up without either of them knowing?"

"And how would we do that" Mikey prompted

"Let's come up with something with everyone" I say grabbing my phone

My first instinct is to call Valerie but then I remember she was going to work so I hang up and call Estefania.

"Hello" she answer

"Hey Nani, you have a second?"

"Yes, what's up?"

"Are you at the bakery?"

"I am but I'm only supervising today."

"And who else is there?"

"Umm just me but Carolina is on her way with Genesis."

"Perfect. Michael and I are heading over there as well."


"I have an idea I want to run through you guys"


"I want to get Cameron and Laura talking again"

"Oh, well hurry down here. I want to see how I can help."


Getting out of the house was easy Cameron was always out of it, working out or playing his guitar. Michael and I don't take long to get to the bakery but have to wait for all the girls to come over to sit with us.

"Okay we officially closed for lunch" Valerie says walking over to me

She kisses me sweetly before sitting next to me. Genesis, Carolina and Estefania join us soon after carrying some plates with sandwiches.

"Thank god, I was hungry" Mikey says grabbing one before Gen put some down on the table.

I laugh and decide to speak "okay guys, I think it's time we do something about Laura and Cameron"

"Agreed" Carolina says "and I've been thinking about something"

"Good cuz I've got nothing" I say

"I mean if any of y'all have anything in mind, share" Caro gestures

"Nothing over here" Val says

"Ditto" Gen and Estefania say

Carolina grabs a sandwich and takes a bite before finally speaking.

"Okay so we all know the first we have to do is get them talking and maybe we could trick them into doing so."

"But how?" Val asks

"Zach and Michael need to get him out of the house, and we get Laura out as well with a lie" Nani suggests

"Okay okay, but where do we trick them into meeting?" Mikey says with a mouthful

"Joe's place" Gen snaps "You guys can say that all of the bros are getting together to watch the Lakers game tonight, no girls no drama"

"Perfect and we could say all us girls are getting together to see some things about my wedding."

All of us smile and agree to the idea.

"When?" I wonder

"Tonight" Gen says "Now or never guys, they can't go any longer without talking"

"Let's do this thing!" Michael says getting up

"Good luck" Val smiles at me

I kiss her cheek and frown "I'll need it"


Cameron looks at me skeptical.

"And all we're going to do is watch the game?"

"Yes" I lie

"Why can't we just watch it here?"

"Cuz our TV blows compared to Joe's home theatre"

"I really don't feel like going out"

"No shit" I say "But tonight you're coming out with all the guys, live a little"

Both Michael and I pick up Cameron from the couch and pull him to the door.

"Fine, let me go."

I look at Mickey and grin. I can't believe he was agreeing to go out. As both guys walk out and go into the car I call Valerie to see what's up.

"Hey, we've already got her here" she whispers

"Awesome, we're on our way now."

"Everyone is here also"

"Taylor, Nick and Joe?"

"Yeah, now hurry. We'll lead her to the living room when you guys get here."

"See you in a bit."

I hope this goes well" she adds

"Me too"


It's nearly sundown as we drive up to Joe's place. I see Taylor outside talking on the phone; I guess he was the one keeping watch for the girls. Soon he hangs up and waves at us as I park.

"Ready for the game?" he asks all of us

"Yep" Cameron mumbles

I give him a look as we walk inside; let the show begin.

Joe greets us inside as we head to kitchen with him and Nick. Carolina walks into the kitchen as well and heads over to greet us all; I was very surprised to see Cameron not get mad over her being here.

"Well you guys have fun; I have to sort some things out upstairs." Carolina waves

"Wait" I hear Cameron say.

All of us get on alert real quick but he simply walks over to her and whispers something.

"Sure Camm" she looks up at us "Give us a second?"

I was confused but she gives Nick a look, one that he understands before they walk out of the kitchen.

"Let's go to the living room" he says

We all scurry over there and find all of the girls already there. Laura's face changes looking around at all of this but she calms down seeing that none of us are Cameron.

"What are y'all doing here?" Nani pouts

"Just thought we'd visit, it's been a long time since we're all together" Taylor says sitting next to her on the couch

"How's the seating chart coming along?" Nick asks

"Fine, Carolina went to look for her guest list so we could finish-" Gen delays

"There she is now" I say seeing her walk down the hall holding Cameron's hand

At first sight it only looked like us guys were in the room to Cameron but as he took a few more steps in and his eyes went straight to Laura; shit hit the fan.


Cameron's POV

I see Carolina walk into the kitchen and I feel relived because she was the only person who understood me right after I found out about Laura. She wasn't here to stay with the guys so I knew I had to take a moment and try to talk to her about how I felt.

"Wait" I say as I walk over to her "Can we talk?"

"Sure Camm" she smiles "Give us a second?" she says to everyone before going out into the hallway

My heart was beating quickly, I needed to vent to someone.

"Talk" she said

"I think I'm going crazy" I say

"Why Cameron?"

"I've spent all my days wondering what if Laura was still pregnant."

"And how did that make you feel?"

"Happy, I already getting to my late twenty's and a baby would of seemed like a good way to commit and get a new chapter in my life started."

Carolina took my hand and squeezed it as we kept walking.

"Cameron you may think that now but, I still remember when I had my pregnancy scare and trust me the thought of having a baby is beautiful but the both of you have got to want it."

I don't say anything and look up the hall to see the guys all together chatting.

"You need to start by talking to Laura" was the last thing I heard as I go into the room seeing everyone sitting together in the living room.

I let go of her hand automatically and my eyes find Laura's. I see her stand up not looking away from me.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I say fuming "you set me up"

"We just want you guys to talk" Carolina says

"I thought you were my friend!" I yell at her

Nick soon pushes me back "don't talk to her like that"

"Cameron don't" I hear Laura voice in my ear as she pushes me away from Nick

"Don't touch me"

I storm out of the room and all I can hear is Laura screaming me name behind me. I can't believe everyone tricked me; I wasn't ready to see Laura, not yet.

I make it out the front door and realize I didn't drive here so I head to the front gate.

"CAMERON" I hear Laura again

I wasn't planning on turning around until I felt her hand pull my arm around making me face her.

"Talk to me!" she shouts

It was now night time and I couldn't really see her, but I could see everyone else on the porch watching us.

"Get back inside" Laura yells at everyone "I can do this alone"

Everyone hesitates but does as she says until we are left alone, with just the night as our audience.

"There's no way to escape me now." She says inching forward

The moon shines down on us a bit and I take a better look at her. She still looked beautiful even though her scars were still healing.

"What do you want to hear?" I say

"Why did you run out on me in the hospital? When I needed you the most you left me!"

"I couldn't see you, I had to be alone"

"But we had to be together with this, I'm the one who lost the baby here, not you!"

"It was my baby too Laura!" I yell "I wanted that kid"

"We didn't even know about it, how could you be so torn up about something we didn't even know we had?"

"How could you say all of this? You didn't want him" I spat

"Cameron, I've been seeing a psychiatrist. He's helped me so much to see that this was not my fault and me caring too much about this is only going to stop me from moving on with my life; our life."

Her words hit me like bus. She was right, we didn't even know about her pregnancy, so why was I so caught up on something I never knew about, never held? I finally meet her eyes and didn't think twice to bring her close to me for a hug.

We both held on to each other and let out a cry. This was what I needed, to have her in my arms telling me I would be okay, that we would make it through this; together.

"I love you" I tell her pulling away "I'll always love you"

She looks at me surprised. I had never told her I loved her before and now more than ever did it seem to be true. I knew I didn't deserve her forgiving me after being a jerk. More than anything I was waiting for her to break up with me and move on with her life.

"I love you too" she says

Sealing the deal I smile at her wiping her tears away, I lean and kiss her. Oh how I missed her lips on mine, so soft and rich.

"I'm so sorry" I tell her

"Shut up" she says kissing me again.

To say I missed her fell short.


i was so done with laura and cameron drama



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