mayas sister

By greysanatomy7564mcu

58.2K 1.2K 41

trouble lies around every corner it seems to follow maddy everywhere she go's.This is a story of maya bishops... More

party p2
I trusted you
oh god
can i stay here
new recruit
coming home
family drama
new job
its just a crush
giving up
leave now
what i wanted all along
saved by the bell
the start of something.
I'll be back
goodbye Seattle
love is hard
she will hate us or she won't
a question from the author

back sooner that you thought.

773 28 2
By greysanatomy7564mcu

Well 1 year of this is starting to show, I'm constantly exhausted, I get little to no sleep, and Andy has stopped calling heard she got back with Sullivan, not exactly happy about that but I suppose there is nothing I can do.

We have a mission today and I'm leading as their captain, yes you heard it I'm back as the rank of captain.
I'm not sure about this one, been planning it for a few months these guys were trying to capture are clearly dangerous, the marines have tried before, and the last group didn't come back.

As we walk through the desert conserving our water, we reach the edge of the village we are meant to be liberating, we all knew this was going to be difficult but I don't think any of us knew what was coming looking around you wouldn't think that this village has been held captive for nearly 5 years, liberation missions have been tried before but they usually just retreat, I know the look in my teams eyes they don't want to do that, it's the look as we will succeed or we will die trying. usually, I wouldn't be this nervous but when there's a possibility of being blown up again, I would be a fool not to be a little scared.

walking cautiously through the village and around the outside off the houses looking through cracks in the wall trying to get a gauge on the situation, I can't see anyone in this building but there are some papers pinned on the wall, from this point of view it looks to be the building of a new bomb, I couldn't tell you what type, but not one that has been tested that's for sure, if I look even closer at the pin board I can see pictures of our base, opening the door i can immediately tell that there next target is going to be our base there is photos of my entire team on the wall, we are in more danger than we have ever originally thought I know my team wants this town to be free but I believe we won't make it far enough into the place to do that we need to make a new plan before going in all guns blazing, exiting the building i feel shards of metal and wood going into my body maybe they have tested that bomb design after all......


waking up feeling like your dead isn't a fun feeling although a few years ago i would love to have not woken up, on a passenger carrier, I can see body bags on the other stretchers looks like only two of us survived, we knew the risks, I just wish I could have brought them back to their families alive. slowly everything starts to fade to black ......


Everything hurts, I just want maya and Andy by my side, but they don't even know I'm going to be coming home, I hate saying this, but I hope I get sent to Grey Sloan, maybe carina will be there, hopefully not she shouldn't have to see me like this I don't want to open my eyes again, all I know is that I haven't been given pain killers al I know is that there is a turner kit on my leg and my arm in a sling. also, compression bandages on my abdomen, this one really caused some damage ....


finally, the plane has landed, they take the only other one that survived off first, she has crutches and seems to be alright, as they are taking me off, I can feel my heart begging to slow and my breathing becoming shallow....

well, that wasn't a fun experience as they remove the defib from my chest all I can think is have they called maya, I wish I saw her before I left as the way this is going, I might not get to again.


people say that they look forward to coming home from war or deployment but honestly, I think I'm more scared of ending up in a body bag, I have been resuscitated twice in the last hour, but we have finally made it to the hospital.

I hate hospitals well, I hate being the patient, they remind me of death, fitting considering what has happened. Looking around this room is peaceful and terrifying, no one's around, so it's quiet. My leg is still in compression bandages, I have a feeling I know what's going to happen, and I know this means I'm not going back to station 19 or any of my old jobs. My phone is on the table, reaching for it my home screen flashes with a call from maya.

Maya: hey, just wanted to see how you were.
Maddy: been better.
Maya: where are you right now.
Maddy: if I flip my camera, you will be able to tell.
Maya: is that grey Sloan.
Maddy: it might be, hasn't been a good few days.                                                        Maya: I will be with you soon, want anyone else to come with me.                     Maddy: nope, see you soon.

all I remember is that everything was fading into darkness as I hung up the phone. everything is slowly fading to black once again.


Mayas Pov

I knew when she disappeared, what she was doing well mostly after she facetimed me in the middle of the desert, but this has been a difficult year, watching Andy move on without her, watching her kids that are now my kids get older and a little wiser, but most of all not having one of my favourite people by my side to help me through the hardships of life.

Andy got back with Sullivan after she was missing for 2 months, a little soon if I may say so myself but I guess it meant more to Maddy than it ever did to Andy. for some reason thinking about her made me want to call her the first time it didn't ring I've had a bad feeling recently about her I don't like not being able to protect her she may be 24 but that doesn't change the fact that she is my little sister.

the second call finally goes through the room she's in looks familiar

Maya: hey, just wanted to see how you were.
Maddy: been better.
Maya: where are you right now.
Maddy: if I flip my camera, you will be able to tell.
Maya: is that grey Sloan.
Maddy: it might be, hasn't been a good few days.                                                                                        Maya: I will be with you soon, want anyone else to come with me.                                                  Maddy: nope, see you soon.

she's home finally home, but the state she is in is a little scary i saw the stitches on her face and when she flipped the camera, I could see the bloody gauze and the compression bandages this is going to be worse than before I can feel it.

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