Stolen Kisses (Kyoya Ootori F...

By The-Insecure-Otaku

11.7K 248 8

Hazel Haninozuka none other than the little sister of the one and only Mitsukuni Haninozuka aka Honey. Both a... More

Chapter 2: Ouran Academy
Chapter 3: Curiosity Killed The Hazel
Chapter 4: The Host Club?
Chapter 5: Hazel Haninozuka, The Sisterly Type
Chapter 6: The Big Secret
Chapter 7: Suspicions...
Chapter 8: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 9: The Host Clubs Beach Fun
Chapter 10: Overlyprotective
Chapter 11: First Date
Chapter 12: Teasing and Karate?
Chapter 13: And The Bullying Begins
Chapter 14: Honey's 3 Bitter Days
Chapter 15: Hospital Visits
Chapter 16: I Love You
Chapter 17: Hazel Has A Fever
Chapter 18: Is It Hot In Here?
Chapter 19: Weird Feelings
Chapter 20: I Win (SMUT)
Chapter 21: My One and Only

Chapter 1: Hazel Haninozuka

1.7K 21 1
By The-Insecure-Otaku


Age: 17

Birthday: January 15th

Star Sign: Capricorn

Gender: Female

Height: 4'11 (150cm)

Weight: 40kg (90lbs)

Blood Type: AB

Ethnicity: Asian

Nationality: Japanese

Relatives: Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Older Brother)

Yorihisa Haninozuka (Father)

Yasuchika Haninozuka (Younger Brother)

Takashi Morinozuka (Cousin)

Satoshi Morinozuka (Cousin)

Akira Morinozuka (Uncle)

{Personal Status}

Favorite Subjects: Language, History, Literature

Favorite foods: Sweets, but not too many, Pancakes/Waffles

School: Ouran Academy

Occupation: High School Student

(Hazel's Pov)

Ya know for someone as curious as me, I'm surprised I haven't seen what Mitsukuni and Takashi do after school...I mean I know that they're involved in this host club but...what the hell is a host club? Honey rambles on about it all the time but I don't know what it is, who's all there, let alone where it's even at...How come I'm not aware of this? I'm home pretty much all alone aside from Yasuchika but most of the time he's working in the Dojo...Hmm curious...

Oh, sorry I should probably introduce myself. Hi, I'm Hazel Haninozuka and I am the younger sister of Honey Haninozuka and the older sister of Yasuchika Haninozuka. I am 17 years old, living with my brothers and parents...although my parents work a lot as do my brothers and Cousin Takashi Morinozuka who I'm very close with seeing as I hang out with him everyday.

What you might not know is the Morinozuka's have been serving the Haninozuka's for generations so Takashi is always there for both me and Mitsukuni...or should I say Honey because everyone calls him that. But I love Takashi, he's really sweet and kind, he's like another big brother to me...

You could say I am kinda like Honey in some ways, but you can also say i'm a lot more shyer and quieter than he is. He's super energetic and playful all the's probably from the amounts of sugar he eats 24/7 that he bounces off the walls like crazy until it runs out and he hits rock bottom which is when he naps and then the cycle just continues.

Me, Honey, Takashi and Chika are very close to another aside Honey and Chika who aren't very close really which makes me sad because I want them to love each other and get along but they don't...I mean I know Honey loves his baby's just sad that Chika doesn't really due to him betraying his Dojo for this host club...or so I've been told because Chika rants a lot to me about me it...I hope they both grow out of it really...It's sad to see them fight and get stuck in the middle of it.

How me and Honey are so alike is we both love sweets and are very childish...well, he's more childish than I am because he's so crazy and energetic but sometimes I can be quiet childish as well. We both also have the same hair color and are the same height...well I'm probably in inch taller than he is, but I am also a year younger than he is...

Oh and I have bright purple eyes which I don't know how or why but I'm not going to complain because everyone likes my eyes so I don't mind. It's actually pretty funny because a lot of people think we're twins because we look almost exactly alike which makes us both giggle because we're not twins really. But I love my brothers and my cousin Takashi more than anything.

I guess you can say I'm also sometimes funny, and outgoing but that's mainly only around my family. Around other people, I am very shy and quiet but once you get to know me than I can act just like Honey...although I don't eat as much sweets as him because I'll get me, it's happened too many times that Takashi has basically forbidden me to eat as much as Honey which is agreeable...

I also don't carry around a stuffed animal like he does...even though my room is filled with stuffed animals because who can go wrong with plushies? They're super cute and adorable, not to mention soft and squishy...Who doesn't love plushies?

But I also go to Ouran Academy just like my Brother and Cousin. However, I'm a 2nd year so I don't see them much till lunch and a little bit after school because Honey and Takashi have their famous host club and Yasuchika who goes to Ouran Middle school, is the captain of the karate club so I don't see them much unless it's the morning or later in the evening...

Even though I'm aware of this host club, I never really thought about it much until recently because of how much both Honey and Takashi are gone...It gets very, very lonely being at the house by myself and I get quite sad really...I mean I try not to and I feel like if I were to follow them to this host club, they'd get mad at me so I don't...

So I normally just go home, watch t.v, read or eat some sweets and do martial arts. Sure, I'm not as strong as my brothers nor cousin but I do partake in martial arts because not only is it quite fun, but I like the exercise and I wanna be strong like my family...

But the more I practice the better I'll get and since Honey and Takashi do their host club, sometimes Chika teaches me some martial arts which he says I get better at every day and soon enough maybe I can be as strong as they are which is pretty exciting afterall...

Anyways lately I've been very curious about where this host club is and what it's all about...I really wanna find out and see what my cousin and brother do...maybe one of these days I'll find the courage to actually follow them...I just hope they don't get mad at me...

I mean I don't have many friends's just me, my cousin and my brothers...I was far too shy to make friends so I just didn't...but maybe there's something I can get out of this host club...guess we'll just see what happens...

(This is the other story I have that somehow i'm almost done with. It's only up to chapter 11 but enjoy! I guess)

(1100 Words)

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