Chapter 15: Hospital Visits

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(3rd Person View) *THE SAME DAY*

As soon as everyone got to the hospital, they quickly wheeled Hazel in the back for examining, if not possible surgery, he tried to follow but one of the nurses held him back. Kyoya tried to remain calm but his heart was racing and had dropped to his chest feeling like he was about to throw up...He knew Honey didn't mean it, but he was so angry that it happened all too quickly.

When the others had arrived, they all met up with Kyoya "any word?" Tamaki asked, he shook his head "they just took her back" Kyoya said, Honey had finally stopped crying seeing as he ended up passing out from exhaustion "Poor Honey" Haruhi said, "What the hell just happened?" Hikaru asked still so confused on why that happened so quickly "He didn't mean to. He had no control over it" Takashi said softly, "Everyone let's relax, Hazel is going to be okay" Kyoya said calmly,

Everyone looked at him with confusion "How the hell are YOU so calm about this?" Kaoru asked quite angrily, Kyoya clenched my fists a bit "Because it's the only choice I have! Freaking out and panicking isn't going to help Hazel's situation. So everyone sit down and shut up until we get called. She's going to be just fine and I'll make sure of that" Kyoya raised his voice a bit which caught everyone off guard. Everyone nodded but took a seat in the waiting room and just waited...

(A Few Hours Later)

After a few hours, everyone was getting more anxious by the minute. Kyoya refused to sit down, Haruhi picked at her nails, Mori's leg bounced anxiously while the twins paced back and forth and Tamaki kept talking to himself...They were just glad Honey was still asleep given that he had cried all the way to the hospital saying he was nothing but a monster, who hurt his baby sister and thought she was going to die...

He kept rambling on about not being able to live with himself if that ever happened and couldn't even handle it and cried the hardest he's ever cried before...Everyone had cried too because they all loved Hazel like a sister and they just hoped and prayed that she would be okay.

Takashi had called his father and Mitsukuni's father and little brother and told him the situation but left out that Honey caused it knowing he'd be punished for what he had did...Takashi said he'd given them all updates once he knew more.

After a while, a doctor came out "Hazel Haninozuka?" he called out, everyone stood up "is she going to be okay?" Kyoya asked, the doctor sighed "She's going to be just fine. She has a broken wrist, bruised back and she has a mild Skull fracture that luckily didn't do any damage to her brain. We were able to clean, address the wound and stitch her head back up. We wrapped a bandage with an icepack around her head to help the swelling and discomfort but she will need to stay here for a 48-hour supervision to make sure we didn't miss anything" He had said,

Everyone sighed in relief and hugged one another "Can we see her?" Takashi asked, he nodded and brought everyone over to her room to see Hazel's head wrapped up, a bandage around her torso for her back and a cast around her right wrists. She had breathing tube around her nose to help her breath and hooked up to an iv for fluids while another machine showed her vitals "Do you know when she'll wake up?" Haruhi asked, "not for a while but when she does please be quiet her heads gonna hurt for quite a while" The doctor said, everyone nodded and thanked him and left them alone with Hazel.

Takashi went and gently placed Honey's sleeping body next to hers knowing it'll make them both happy in the end. Takashi smiled knowing Hazel won't be upset or angry because it was just an accident...everyone was just happy she was alive. They all grabbed a seat and sat around the bed. Kyoya and Takashi sat closer by her and gently held onto her hand, "So what now?" Hikaru asked, "We wait until she wakes up" Kyoya said which made everyone nod and do nothing but wait.

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