Chapter 3: Curiosity Killed The Hazel

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(Hazel's Pov) *THE NEXT DAY*

I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I sighed and groaned as I tiredly hit the snooze button and remained in bed for a couple more minutes...I barely got any sleep last night. I managed to wake up around midnight, then the thoughts became sad and heavy again so it was very hard to go back to sleep...I've tried everything, reading, closing my eyes even warm milk but nothing...I didn't go back to sleep till about I'm so tired...

I whined as I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I tiredly hopped out of bed stretching and yawning as I went and turned on my light. I looked in the mirror to see my hair was a big mess which made me giggle a little. I yawned again as I hopped out of my pj's and in a nice black skirt with flowers on it, a white and grey long sleeve top, with kitty knee socks and my black boots.

Unlike my big brother who loves Bunnies like his Usa-Chan, I love cats a lot. That's why I'm kinda like Honey because instead of bunnies, I love cats more than anything. After I finished changing, there was a knock on my door as Honey and Takashi walked in ''Rirushisu are you ready?" Honey asked,

I smiled and nodded as I brushed my long blonde hair and put it in a high ponytail, ''You look cute Hazel-Chan'' Honey complimented, I blushed and smiled shyly ''Thanks Nii~Chan'' I said, he giggled as Takashi grabbed mine and Honey's bags as we both headed out to the limo and headed off to school.

As we got to school, it was the same routine, Takashi and Honey take me to class, I stay alone being sad and lonely because I have no friends. We go to lunch and talk blah blah blah just normal boring stuff I'm not gonna go on about in every chapter because boring...

When class started, I did my best to actually pay attention this time and not dwell on the bad thoughts that just so happened to pop up in my mind like those pop-up ads you get on your computer. I looked out the window and sighed softly as I continued to try my best and focus on my class and homework...which was difficult...


After class, I headed down to the lunchroom, waited in line and ordered some lunch. When I got my food, I looked around to find Honey and Takashi. Luckily, since Takashi is a giant he's easy to find since he stands out so much...not to mention they normally had a seat by the window because I like looking out at nature.

I smiled a little as I went over and sat by them ''Hey Rirushisu How was class?" Honey asked, I smiled and shrugged ''It was good'' I said with a smile nod, Takashi looked at me, ''Do you have homework?'' He asked, I looked at him and nodded as I scrunched up my nose a bit.

I don't really like homework because sometimes I daydream and don't pay attention so I miss what the teach is talking about but other times it's just too difficult for me to understand the material...Normally Takashi and Honey help me with my homework so I don't need to worry so just makes me feel so stupid sometimes...

After lunch, Takashi and Honey took me to the rest of my classes as I did what I always do. Everyday I try and make new friends but I'm not like my big brother or little brother. I'm very very shy and quiet around strangers, that's why I mainly stick near Honey and Takashi...

I never get out much of the house and the last time I tried to make friends, I was only recognized because of my siblings and Takashi...I don't want people to use me to get to them...that's just mean...I don't understand why people are so cruel like that...

Sure, sometimes I would go out into the backyard, look at the flowers and get some fresh air but I never meet people because I'm too shy and I don't know what to say let alone do, I mean I don't have an exciting life to talk about, I'm boring, my days are boring and I'm sad most of the time I mean who wants to be friends with that? I let out a sigh as I focused on class and figured out what I wanted to do today...


The bell finally rung as kids gathered their things and headed on home. I sighed as I put my books in my bag and headed out of the classroom. I looked around to see Takashi and Honey walking to what I think is their host club.

I smiled and giggled a little as I slowly trailed behind them...welp, I guess today is the day I get to figure out what they and where they go everyday...might as well since I'm already here...I just hope I don't get in trouble...Oh well...I'm quiet excited really...

I followed them upstairs and saw them walk into an abandoned music room. I tilted my head to the side in confusion as I walked up to the doors. I looked up reading the sign 'Music Room #3' I took a few deep breaths and slowly opened the door to see 7 boys including Takashi and Nii~Chan, ''Welcome" They all said, I blushed with embarrassment as I hid behind the door shyly...what have I gotten myself into? 

(I literally had Enjoy I guess)

(1000 words)

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