Twin Flame (✓)

By _Kili_Kili_

1.8K 16 2

what if she never went back with nsb? 🔮Sequel to Stuck In Love🔮 More

001- I'm Going to Stay
002-Decision Made
003- Move In
006-Twin Flame
007- Short Story
010- Seths Place
011- Surprises
012-Little Sibling
013-Babysit a Little Longer
014- Halloween Bash
015- A Big Uh Oh
016- Girls
017- Suspicious
018- XOXO Seth
019- Proposal
020- Doctors
021- Testing
022- Telling Mom
023- Telling Seth
024-They're Back
025-We Found You
A/N Nov 14, 2022
026-Familiar Face
027-Small Filler
028-Surprises Happen Alot Here
029-Maternity Shoot
A/N Dec 4, 2022
030-Marriage and A Baby

005- Pizza

64 1 0
By _Kili_Kili_

Sam called me while Seth and I were driving back to their place.

"Sam what do you want? We're about to be at the speaker to order McDonald's." I sighed answering the phone.

"We're you going to get food?"

"Yea I'm starving. Besides, mama needs her Diet Coke." I say laughing and lightly hitting my tummy.

"Well don't get food. We're gonna order pizza and have a karaoke party!!" Colby shouted from the driver seat, as he took over the car.

"Why don't you guys just cash app me the money, tell me what to get and we'll pick it up?" I asked as we inch closer to the speaker.

"Sure." Sam hangs up.

"Rude." I mutter.

"What was that all about?" Seth asked laughing.

"Sam said that we are NOT ordering food here. He's gonna send me some money and payment for the pizza that we WILL be buying and that we ARE having a karaoke party." I say, pretty much all in one breath.

Seth looks at me blankly. "Really? They are doing karaoke?"

"What's wrong with karaoke?" I asked, but before I could get a proper answer I was shushed. It was Seth's turn to order.

"Let me just get a large Diet Coke and a large Sprite please." Seth orders.

The order taker tells us our total and to pull thru the next window.

We pay her and proceed to the receiving window to get our drinks.

Seth pulls over into the parking lot and parks so that we can safely await the pizza order.

Sam finally texts me the order. "He wants 4 large pizzas. He told us to pick toppings for our pizza, and included the toppings for the others. He also sent me the compensation for the pizza." I saying laughing after.

"Where exactly are we supposed to go for the pizza?" Seth asked.

"There's a dominoes right there." I said flashing a cheesy smile.

(See what I did there?)

"Ew dominoes? Really nasty!"

"Nuh uh! They have the best crust!" I defended. (IMO it's true: they have the best crust).

"Fine. So what's your topping choice?" He asked.


"Alright. I'll go with basic pepperoni."

I nodded and got out of the car.

We make our way inside the pizza place and proceed to the stand.

"Hi how can I help you?" Asked the teenager running register.

"Hi there, sorry in advance but I'm ordering for a party where we need 4 large pizzas." I say politely.

"Alright, shouldn't be a problem. What are the toppings?" He asked.

"On one of them can we have pepperoni and pineapple? 2 of them extra cheese and sausage? Then the final one bacon and pepperoni?"

He types them into the order pad. "Anything else?"

I shake my head no. "Just the garlic and ranch cups."

He nods and tells us the total. "You can either pay now or pay when you pick up."

"How long is the pickup time?"

"Well we're down to only two small ovens right now because the others are due for a maintenance check. So I would say for your 4 larges...about an hour. Maybe even 45 minutes."

"I will go ahead and pay now, just so I don't forget."

"Alright, and what's the last name for confirmation pickup?" He asked.

"Borden." I tell him with no hesitation.

"Alright." He types in the pin pad and tells me the total.

I hand my card to him and he prints the receipt and hand another back to me.

"See you guys soon."

"Thank you." Seth and I both say exiting the building.

"What do we do while we wait?"

"Well there is a target right next door." I say pointing to the store.

"Let me guess...squishmallows?" Seth laughs.

"You know me so well." I say placing a small kiss on his cheek and making a bee line for the store.

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