The Prince And The Assassin

By GilHaku

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(Rewrite for for the book with the same title) The Crown Prince. A title meant to be for Hiro, but was stripp... More

0•The Prince of A Corrupted Empire
0.2•The Prince of A Corrupted Empire
1•Murasame Vs. Enki
2•Night Raid
3•Niavety Of The Recruit
4•Enki Vs. Spectator
5•The Naive Fantasy
6•1 down 8 remains|A new Enemy
7•The Sorrows of The Prince and Assassin
8•A New Assignment
9•Another Lost, 7 remains.
12•Kill the Bandits
14•Night Raid Vs. Invaders
16•New Mongrels- I Mean Members
18•New Threat
20•The Fated Confrontation
21•Kill the Jeagers

10• The Jeagers

723 35 8
By GilHaku


In the hot spring near Night Raid's base, the pink-haired sniper of Nigh Raid could be seen sittinhg in it. She flexed and closed her hands a few times before she nodded and stood up all fully healed and detremined.

Mine: "There! I'm all healed!"

After putting on her clothes, Mine ran through the halls of their base as she tightened the string on one of her arms using her mouth.

Mine: 'I've waited patiently while my broken bones healed... But now I can fight again...!! I have to work to cover Sheele and Bulat's share of the fighting too!!'

Opening the sliding door that led to the training ground, Mine stepped out. She then raised her arm out as she yelled to everyone.

The sound of strained, grunting noises took the pink-haired snipers attention as she saw Akame and Leone on Tatsumi's and Lubbock's back, the two doing push ups as they were both struggling to breath. While on the left was Hiro, who only had his pants on and was asleep. It seemed to her that the blonde had just finished his own training and passed out.

Tatsumi: (strained voice) "Yo, Mine."

Akame: "Great! Your all better!"

Mine: (sweat drops) "What are you doing?"

Leone: (grins) "These guys are always training, so we're helping them out."

Tatsumi:(continues to do his push-up as he spoke) "...I could tell the moment I put on--Incursio is packing so much power it saps my strength too quickly. I have to build up my body so I can be like Aniki... And wear it for long periods of time...! As I am now... I can't use it's invisibility for more than a second."

The pink-haired sniper blushed at Tatsumi's determination. Ever since Bulat's death, Tatsumi seemed to always be eager to train, wanting to level up as fast as he can. He inherited Bulat's Teigu, Incursio. The brown-haired teen wished to make Bulat proud and that is what he will do.

Mine then gazed ta Hiro who was still asleep.

Mine: "What happened to the nudist?"

Leone: (shrugs her shoulder nonchalantly) "Dunno. He was already unconscious when we got here."

Akame: (glances at Hiro) "He's just resting..."

Mine: (sweat drops) "You sure he's not dead?"

Ignoring the unconscious blonde, Mine then looked at Lubbock, slightly impressed at the fact he was training.

Mine: "It's unusual to see you so drenched in sweat, Lubbo."

Lubbock: (grins) "There's only three of us guys left now. So I figured I'd better start pulling my weight too."

Leone: "You talk big, but you haven't even done even halp the number of push-ups Tatsumi has done."

Lubbock: "Tch!"

Akame: "It's not his fault. There's a big weight difference between Leone and me."\

Letting out a collective gasp, Tatsumi, Lubbock and Mine was taken by surprised of what Akame had just said. Seconds later, Leone had gotten off of Lubbock's back and tried to punch the head of the monotone assassin but was caught by Hiro who was now awake as he moved Akame away from Leone using his other arm.

Mine: "How...? You were unconscious a while ago."

Hiro: "Don't ask questions on what you won't understand kid."

Najenda: "You're all here."

Letting go of Leone's fist, Hiro and the others turned their attention to Najenda who just spoke up.

Tatsumi: "What's with all the bags...?"

Najenda then explained the situation and to where she was going.

Tatsumi: "You're travelling to the Revolutionary Army's Headquarters?"

Najenda: "I'm delivering the three Teigus we confiscated from the Three Beasts."

Tatsumi: "...That Ax is wicked heavy, though."

Najenda: (picks up Belvaac with relative ease) "Oh. This old thing? Look. I can't use it as a weapon, but I cam still transport it."

Tatsumi: (whispering) "Is the boss a super-human?"

Lubbock: (whispering) "Duh, she's an ex-general. Didn't you know?"

Najenda: "Take care of things for me while I'm away, Akame. The focus of your strategy is 'work together'!"

Akame: (nods with a straight face) "Yeah, I think I've got it."

Tatsumi: "Hey! How apathetic! Are we going to be okay!?"

Lubbock: (Chuckles) "That's her way of saying she'll get the job done."

Najenda: "While I'm at HQ, I'm also hoping to pick up a few new members. Though I don't have high hopes......of securing many battle-ready recruits."

Tatsumi: (looks down) "...I'm sorry... I'm always so weak."

Puffing out smoke from her cigarette, the former general of the Empire closed her eyes as she began to speak.

Najenda: "The Three Beasts you battled......Were the axis of Esdeath's army, the strongest offensive power in the Empire. You defeated all three of them......And confiscated three Teigus. No matter how matchless Esdeath may be, their defeat  certainly weakened her forces. And it's eased many people's fear regarding the timing of the launch of the Revolution. Not only the people on the ship......But also the thousands of soldiers who will be fighting in the Revolutionary Army were saved as a result. You're strong. You're doing great."

Tatsumi: "Boss..."

Leone: "...I was keeping my mouth shut so you wouldn't get too full of yourself, but... Bulat told me this..." 

Tatsumi: "Aniki...!"

Hiro: "Heh. You did great kid. You're still learning, as of now you still haven't earned my full praise, but I will tell you this. You're doing good, keep it up."

They were all taken by surprise, no one, not even Akame expected Hiro to encourage Tatsumi. The brown-haired boy began top hold in his tears. Those words of encouragement from his comrades and mentor, were something he needed to hear. He had to get stronger for Bulat and Sheele's sakes, so their death deaths weren't in vain. Najenda nodded as she began to leave not before saying one last thing to Tatsumi.

Najenda: "Be proud of yourself, Tatsumi. And survive. So that you can become the man Bulat saw in you."

While Najenda left Night Raid's base, in the Capital. Esdeath stood in front of three graves. They were the graves of her now dead subordinates.

Esdeath: (laying down some flowers for the graves) "Liver. Nyau. Daidara. You lost... In other words, you were weak. The weak are picked off... My helpless servants... And it's because you were so helpless......That I will avenge you." 'The new Teigu wielders.......Arrive today.' (walks away from the graves) "I don't know what kind of people will come, but......I think I'll have some fun with them."


Later on in the day, in the Main street of the capital...

A dark blue haired male could be seen just outside the main street of the Capital. A proud smile on his face as  a sack of fish was slung on his shoulder. He was dressed like a sailor with a sword hung from the back of his waist.

Wave: 'My name's Wave. I am a man of the sea, doing my part in the Empire's Navy! But now I've been summoned by the Empire's security squad. It's a promotion. This is my first time to the Capital, so I made sure not to dress like an unfashionable hick......And picked out the coolest possible clothes I could find! Everyone back home was singing my praises. The seafood my mom had me bring  as gifts......Is the best there is. But......I get the feeling everyone's sneaking looks at me... Could my manners be off?'

Despite his confident monologue, Wave would awkwardly glance at the citizens he passed as he made his way to the palace. Although he was unable to hear them, he was definitely receiving odd stares from them. Some of the citizens eyed his clothes and began to  murmur something along the lines of "Country boy" and "A real bumpkin".

Letting out a small "heh" and continuing his way towards the palace, ignoring the murmurs of the citizens he passed.

Soon enough, he found the place he was looking for, entering inside the palace as he was very excited to be meeting the people he was to be working with.

Wave: 'First impressions are everything. I'll make sure they don't underestimate me!!' "Hello! I've come from the Imperial Na.......Vy...."

His voice trails off as he opened the door and looks inside the room. As his voice stopped short, he sees a bare chested man who had a mask on his face, sitting patiently in a chair. The man said nothing other than stare at Wave, who quickly closed the door.

Wave: "Pardon me." (quicky closing the door as he feel on his butt) Uuuhhhh... Is this the torture master's room? Haha... Oops." (takes a look at some paper) "I'm supposed to go to the meeting room of the security squad... I thought. This is the right place..." 'Which means that guy's my colleague!! Typical Capital wierdness. Even pirates dress more normal that that!!! I'll just be careful not to rile him up.'

Nervously, Wave opens the door once again as the man sends his piercing gaze. Wave nervously  lets out a "hello" as he walked on over to a seat on the far side of the man. And as he walked there the masked man kept his gaze on him.

Wave: 'Whoa, whoa... What's the big idea...!? He won't stop starring at me!! It's not good mom! I wanna come home already! I can't hold my own against the rough waters of the Capital!'

The dark blue-haired man perked up as he heard the door open. Entering the room was a young girl, around the age of 14. She had a short black hair  that was put into a twintail style, her having black eyes that showed little to no emotion. The young girl's clothes consisted of a black sailor's uniform with a black skirt, accompanied by a red belt and red skirt cover as a katana was strapped to her waist.

Wave's face lit up as he thought that a normal girl had joined them. 

She then casually walked over to the chair across Wave, then pulling out a bag with a label that read, "Kurome's candy", without a single thought the girl began to munch on her candies not even bothering to introduce herself to the other two. Though seeing the label on the bag, Wave guessed that her name was Kurome.

He then got up and walked over to her, with the intention of introducing himself. The girl now noticed his presence as she looked up at him.

Wave: "Y-Yo. You've been summoned here as a Teigu wielder, right? I'm Wave..."

The girl then hunched over, making Wave look confuse. She then responded in a straight face, having her arm huddled over her bag protectively.

Kurome: "I'm not giving you any candy."

Wave: 'She's a wierdo too!' (walking back to his seat and sits down) "Sorry for bothering you."

Once he had sat down, Wave eyed his two new colleagues. Kurome continued to eat her candy with no care of her surroundings, and the other kept staring at him. Wave has no idea what in the world was going on.

Hearing another voice behind the door as it opened up, the dark blue-haired man turned his attention to the newly arrived as he saw a girl wearing a green military jacket and metal arms had come in. She had auburn hair that was of shoulder length and amber eyes, the girl being accompanied by a dog like creature as she had a bouquet of roses.

Seryu: "Excuse us! I'm from the Capital Garrison. Seryu Ubiquitous! And Koro!"

Wave: 'Oohhh... Finally, a serious candidate!'

As soon as the bitch- I mean girl finished her introduction, she then threw the bouquet of roses in hand into the air as she kneeled making Wave even more confused.

Seryu: "Dr. Stylish. The preparations are complete!!

Wave was already thinking that his new teammates were a bunch of weirdoes, but now. They broke his expectations of having a normal comrade as a man wearing glasses and a doctor's coat walked in with a smile on his face.

Dr. Stylish: "Taking care with one's first impression... Is the most stylish etiquette... A man can have."

Wave: 'Now it's a nancy!'

Dr. Stylish: (staring at Wave) "Oh my. From the looks of you, you're  just an ignorant country boy--But a mighty handsome one nonetheless! I'll polish you right up. I look forward to it!"

Wave: 'And he's... Got a thing for me....!?'

Then, one more person walked in as he said "hello". Wave lazily looked up, already expecting another weirdo in his team. And what he saw was a blonde man with a feather in his hair as the man mostly wore while clothes. The man also had a book in his hand.

???: "Looks like I'm the last one here."

Wave: "Yo. Nice to meet you. The name's Wave..."

Run: (smiles) "I'm Run. I look forward to working with you from now on."

The dark blue-haired man perked up, standing up from his seat and grasping both hands of the man in front of him. Run looked at him confused as Wave had hopeful eyes, thinking he had finally met someone sane

The masked man then stood up and got a tray with some small cups on it.

Masked man: "Everyone... I fixed some tea."

After giving almost everyone their own cups, the mask man placed the small cup in front of Wave as he apologized.

Masked man: "I'm sorry. Even though I was the first one here, I didn't saw anything to you... I'm rather bashful... I got nervous. But I'm probably the oldest one here... I shouldn't be acting this way! I look forward to joining with you as a fellow Teigu wielder. My name is Bols and I'm from the Incineration Squad."

Wave: (laughs nervously) "Ha ha..." 'He'd never struck me as the bashful type...'

Dr. Stylish: (staring at Bols) 'The Incineration squad... A stylish unit that torches people, objects and anything else that stands in their way... That explains his looks. Not my taste.'

The doorknob of the door could be heard turning once more as another masked woman walked in. But what surprised Wave was that this person was from the Imperial Army just from her uniform. But they could not identify who it was because of the mask she wore on her face, the only distinctive feature she had was he light blue hair.

Wave: "Hmm... Who's this?"

Esdeath: "I don't recognize you six! What are you doing here!?

Wave: "Whoa. Whoa. We were told to come here--"

The man of seas... or so he call himself, was cut off as Esdeath had suddenly kicked him in the chest. The poor man was sent flying back, skidding back across the floor, Wave stopped skidding a few feet away from the table. Due to this, everyone else was now on alert, except for Kurome who continued to munch on some candy.

Esdeath: "...Some of your targets will be assassins. You must always be on your guard!"

Charging to the next person, the light blue haired woman sent a flurry of kicks towards Run who moved back as he blocked them all swiftly using the book in his hand. Esdeath noted this man had good reflexes.

From behind, Seryu and Koro leaped up, the auburn-haired girl having a wicked grin as she reeled back her fist, but Seryu was caught off guard when Esdeath caught her metal arm, flipping her over and slamming her on the ground, Seryu grunted in pain as the icy general froze the of Koro who was flailing in the air as Esdeath had caught it.

Esdeath: "For an attack from behind, you were far too overt about your intentions!"

Finally getting out of her chair, Kurome was the last one who would face Esdeath as she continued to munch on her candy. Esdeath was taken by surprise and was impressed of Kurome's speed as the girl jumped up, unsheathing her Katana and swung it swiftly at Esdeath. Too bad it did not do anything other than shatter the mask of Esdeath.

Esdeath: "Even if I'm just playing around......I can't go easy on this one" (grins) "That's the Teigu Yatsufusa... It deals quite a cut..."

Due to the cut done by Kurome, the mask of Esdeath shattered revealing who she was to the six. Once the mask completely fell off, Bols gasped as he immediately recognized who she was.

Bols: "G-General Esdeath!!"

Finally getting up, Wave sat up slowly as he grabbed his head.

Wave: "Ow." (sweat drops) 'Even our boss is crazy!?'


Esdeath: "Did that tactic surprise you? I thought the usual greeting would be too boring."

Wave: "I'm used to rough handling,"

Seryu: "Thank you for your guidance."

As of now, the newest security team of the Capital had finished saying their greeting and were now wearing suits. Esdeath grinned at her new squad and turned around heading for the Throne Room of the palace with her team following her.

Esdeath: "Now! We'll have a proper meet-and-greet party after our audience with His Highness."

Wave: "W-We're meeting the Emperor already!?"

Run: "That's quite the thing to schedule for our first day."

Esdeath: "I'd like to take care of all the bothersome business first. You can introduce yourselves in the next chapter."

Wave: (confused) "Next chapter?"

Dr. Stylish: "General Esdeath. does our team have a name?

Esdeath: (grins) "Hm. We each posses a unique skill set. We will hunt down bands of wicked insurgents without mercy... And so......We are the security squad......The Jeagers."


Told you all the next chapter will be released early. 

Anyway, with the formation of the Jeagers, the team of our heroes gains a new enemy. The stage is slowly being set...

Who will win? Those who wish to recreate a new or those who wish the protect? 

Things are just about to get interesting!! Hahahahaha!!

Anyway, GilHaku signing off, See ya~

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