Rose's Grow Strong

By mony1231

53.9K 1.3K 35

Rosalia Tyrell is the twin sister of Margaery Tyrell. Ever since she was a child she knew what her job was in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (The Golden Wedding)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chaper 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Battle of The Fallen Petals)
Chapter 15 (End of Season 1)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (End of Season 2)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Queens wedding part 1)
Chapter 32 (Queens wedding part 2)
Chapter 33 (End of Season 3)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 (End of Season 4)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (End of Season 5)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 end of season 6
Chapter 66

Chapter 50

290 12 0
By mony1231

5/18/302 AC

Casterly Rock

Rosa's point of view

I sat down in my room's silk chair right beside my desk having breakfast when a raven came, its wings flapping as fast as they could as he almost crashed into the chair next to me. I looked at its leg and realized the color of the ribbon. It was a dark green and I started to panic. I knew this was from someone in my family, and I could have sworn it was from my sister, such a dark color only could mean war. I frantically came to the raven and took the letter to see what was happening now.


I have come to King's Landing to resolve the problem with Loras and I have to say I have failed. Our family is in danger. They have taken your brother and sister into the dungeons and will keep them until they see fit. Cersei did all of this, I am sure of it as I spoke to her prior to our questioning. I have to say these are dangerous times, not even the High Sparrow will listen to me as I have threatened him with our resources. I have started to pull back food for the capital but still nothing has changed as we speak. I beg of you my love not to come close to this shit hole. I want you safe and away from all of this. I want you to stay in good health, that is my number one priority. I have sent word to Tywin and hope to meet him in a week. We will figure it out, just stay safe child.


As soon as I read this I got up and turned the chair over with anger taking over me. "Ahhh!!!" I screamed as I was so upset I couldn't do anything. I wanted to go to the capital and kill that bitch. She had taken my siblings and thrown them in a pings cell, all for her enjoyment. I knew I could do so much if I wasn't with child and for more than a moment I resented the idea of my child. It wasn't the right time, everything was going wrong, and I was here unable to help.

"Rosa! what is it?" Anna came to me frightened by my screams as I passed around the room. "Is it the baby? Are you in pain," she asked as she tried to get me to sit down but I just cried out of frustration at not being able to get on Dior and fix this whole matter myself. Anna was so confused but as soon as I handed her the letter her face changed. She looked at it and then placed her hand over her head realizing how bad this all was. "Tywin will take care of it... I know it."

"I should be there for them. I am a worrier. I have trained to protect the ones I love. And I can't go... I can't help. All because..." I touched my belly as I recognized what I was saying. I felt horrible for even thinking for a second I didn't want him or her in me but I was so frustrated that is all that I could think of. "I'm sorry... I am just..." I grabbed my hair wanting to pull it all off but letting it go before finally taking a seat. "I know he will, I am just not used to having others helping me."

"It's understandable. I hated it as well. I used to stress out over the smallest things. About the maids doing the bed just right, about Jaime staying still at the dining table, about Tywin being gone for so long. All of that bothered me when I had Tyrion... Years later when I came to find out his condition... I blamed myself. I think that all my stress made him be born that way. I still do till today. That is why I care that you are healthy and well kept during these times. Childbirth is no easy task my child, you will come to find out in time, but we can make it much easier on ourselves. We just let some of the stress go once in a while." Anna spoke her words and I had to say I had never thought about it that way. Not that I would mind if my baby was born like Tyrion but I remembered the fact that he was shamed for his condition for years by the people around him.

I placed my hand over my belly once again and I realized that she was right. I could be harming him by just being upset and that wasn't right. It wasn't fair to Jaime that was worried about me from so far away. As I had my hand there I felt something kicking me and I got scared for a second. "I think... I think he moved," I said, not believing it myself. It moved... Did he know I was upset?

Anna was overjoyed as she placed her hand next to mine confirming it herself as my baby moved again. "He can hear you Rosa. You have to be calm for him... You will see everything will be alright, all you must worry only about is this little one," she wrapped her arm around me and made me rest my head on her shoulder as she confirmed me. She ran her fingers through my hair and I started to feel better knowing that I had to start letting others take care of me. They loved me and I had to accept the fact that it wasn't just me anymore.

5/23/302 AC

Dorne (Water Gardens)

Jaime's point of view

I was making my way towards the meeting that the Martells had set up to talk about my visit. Their guards were trying to seem intimidating with their ax's and curved blade swords but I knew that they wouldn't do anything to me, well at least not before speaking. "Please sit," the prince Doran commanded me as he was having his wine served. In the room were him, his sister, Myrcella, and her so called love. "As you see we just started."

"Myrcella, what a lovely dress, you might be cold," I wanted her to cover up. For god's name she was showing so much of her chest I was scared she would show much more than she needed in front of her own father.

"It suits me well father, just as the Dormish climate I must say," she laughed as she knew herself that her dress was more than provocative. I could only imagine what type of clothes she would wear when I wasn't around.

"Prince Trystane. How are you? I see your jaw is still purple." I made the comment knowing that this boy needed to understand that if he looked at my daughter with those eyes any longer his whole face would turn purple. I had to say I wasn't prepared for this part of fatherhood, when I would want my children to stay as children.

"What are you doing in Dorn. We were not expecting your visit?" Prince Doran asked as I just sat back taking a cup of wine myself before we would start the meeting. "I can tell you didn't want to be seen, or that you have not come with your wife...."

"I am just looking after the safety of my daughter Princess Mycella. I know that times have been.... difficult among us and wish to apologize for that. My queen Rosalia had to stay behind as well as with child at the moment, thought it would be best to come myself instead," I knew that they weren't expecting the brother of the queen that killed their brother to be around these parts right now, but here I was risking my own head.

"I appreciate the courtesy of coming by yourself, but I would have rather had a raven letting me know you would be coming much sooner. Instead you decided to enter my country in secret, and what then take your daughter back? Is that how the west works now?" Prince Doran knew that I was coming in a very bad way to visit them, but it was the only way when my sister wanted me killed as well.

"We were concerned not only with the princess' safety but also with our own. My sister, the so-called queen mother, is our enemy. She wants me dead and will not hesitate to take her daughter back if she has the chance. I want to say this right now. The west is in no way in alliance with her or anyone that stands by the crown in kings landing. She had harmed my wife, the queen in the north, and has threatened to kill my unborn child... Rosalia sent for me because she was afraid that Cersei could use Myrcella for her own use," I tried to explain myself as best as I could but still felt fear that they wouldn't believe in them.

"I have to say Ser Jaime... Many in Dorne want war. But I have seen war, you have seen war, your wife has seen war.... You know how many bodies pile up in the battlefields. The orphans are starving... I don't want that for my people." Prince Doran made a good point and I had to agree I wasn't ready for war in my condition and neither was Rosa. I didn't want my child to grow up with one of us missing, and I wouldn't allow it.

"No... you want to break bread with the Lannisters," his sister commented and I understood. I wouldn't like to make a deal with myself after all that was done to them, but it was necessary.

"We are not breaking bread with them... We are making sure that the Tyrells get the upper hand... Oberyn believed in Rosalia, he told me himself in a letter before his death. He knew that if there was anything good about you Lannister it was her, as she had fallen in love with one, yet never allowed that to change her goals. Now she is a queen in her own right. Breaking apart the 7 realms. Let us drink to Rosalia, the first of her name, Queen in the west," we all raised our cups with one expecting his sister spilling it all over the ground showing how much she hated the idea herself. "So do tell me... What can we do for her?"

"She wants nothing more than your support against Cersei. She wants her to be dealt with as you see fit. She killed your brother, and for that you have the right to seek revenge. All we ask is for you not to harm Myrcella. I have spoken to my daughter and she wishes to stay here. If you would allow her, she would love to be able to perform her duty and marry that... boy." It took me a while to get over the idea that Mycella would get married but it was agreed upon that she would and I had to accept that. "We don't ask for a formal alliance, just her protection, and the agreement over vengeance against my sister."

I knew that this upset Mycella since she still loved her mother but she understood what was at play right now. She needed to decide if she would sacrifice her family for her love and she had demonstrated to me that at the end of the day her prince came first. "Sounds like a fair deal. She will stay here and wed my son in 3 days. We will support Rosalia's claim to the throne on the condition that war does not extend to our lands. My son will be part of your counsel after the war and we will stand as part in your court. Our houses will be united and everything will be stable. As for Cersei, my sister would gladly take care of that herself,'' Prince Doran said his last words on the matter and everyone seemed happy even his sister looked content knowing that at the end of the day she would get what she wished for.

"You have my word and most importantly that of my wife's. I will stay until after the wedding of my daughter and if you wouldn't mind... may I inquire as to the fat of my man Bronn?" I was hoping that he was still alive somewhere. "I can throw him into the whole deal as I am sure the... Boy would like to take care of him as he sees fit. Take it as my wedding gift." I knew that whatever happened next would be of my entreatment, after all Bronn had drank my wine.

5/23/302 AC


Olenna's point of view

I had come to the end of the King's road at the far end of the city. There were no houses, no more shops, not a sole around. And here I was risking my own life to find this man. Where could he be? I knew that after all the letters that were sent, this had to be our only option. I just hoped that this would be the one that could save us all.

I had tried everything. I had stopped the crops from coming in. People were starving, making due with what they had, and the nobles started to feel the pressure. I had started to corner in the High Sparrow but still he wouldn't flinch. This was not about the gods. No, this man liked the power. As we all did, but for a man that had nothing, he was thriving. However, that wouldn't last long.

"I will walk from here!" I got off the carriage and started to venture into the woods. I didn't want these men from the kings guard to know what I was doing and I knew it would be a far walk before I would find him, or at least I thought before I heard the kings guard being attacked and killed before me by Lannister soldiers. "Well that saved me a lot of time." I commented as I leaned next to a tree and waited for him to approach me himself.

I found Tywin Lannister coming on his horse adorned with a lion with a flower crown on its neck, a nice new addition to their house. He came down and greeted me as he looked as boring as ever. I had to say I didn't like this man at all, but at least I trusted him. He was someone I hated to respect but he indeed knew how things worked around here, unlike his daughter. "Lady Olenna glad you made it here safely," that is all the man could say after killing my guards.

"Make it quick old man. My darling Rosa said that you would help me, I hope you keep your end of your bargain," that is all I could say. I hoped that this would work. I couldn't stand another day without them at my side. My grandchildren were suffering and I could do nothing, but he could help. "Now... what is this plan of your's."

"My queen of thorns, I can assure you that by the end of today you will have a win for your family. I have everything here to have at least even footing," Tywin pulled out a stack of letters as he sounded confident with what was to come. I knew that Rosa placed all her trust in her new family and I had to do the same. "This all we need to have Cersei be put in even more disgrace than your grandson could ever be, I assure you that. Now I recommend you go back home, send a letter to Rosa to join. She needs you and I think it is best for her to be back home." Tywin made his point clear and I could tell that this was not a discussion. As much as I wanted to stay, war was about to begin and I needed to leave before it was too late. All I could do was pray that my grandchildren made it out alive.

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