starting over (COMPLETED)

By Juliebragg18

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The past hurts and Ethan can't seem to get away from it when his ex-husband shows up on his door step . All t... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter five
chapter 6
chaper 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11


212 15 4
By Juliebragg18

Ethan was in disbelief as he heard Dave talk about why he was found on the floor bleeding, he said his husband had been abusing him for  year now, Dave  said it had never been as bad as that day, he said his husband was insecure and always angry with Dave for having a more successful career, and it got worse when Dave would tell him he wasn't ready to have children and that they should wait untill they had enough for them to have kids but his husband wouldn't have any of it he talked about how Dave was not fulfilling his job as an omega and Dave had yelled back at him and then the man hit him.

"what happend why did he almost kill you then that day" Ethan asked still shocked from what he was hearing .
"I found out I was pregnant and I was not ready so I aborted it behind his back but he found out and he hit me he assaulted me in every way Ethan" Ethan said while he cried.
"Dave you need to do something about this you can't let him do this what if one day he does kill you " Ethan says.

"what about you are you gonna tell Harry that you know what he has done" Dave says .
"I will I just need time" Ethan says.
" I know how you feel I feel the same it's scary and hard to be without the person who you thought loved you " Dave  says holding Ethan's hand.

That had been a week ago and now
Ethan had finally told Dave  his paln.
"Ethan that is crazy" Dave said in disbelief.
"but I think it's a good plan, imagine starting over a new life far away from here away from them this is the best option trust me" Ethan says confident he thought about it and he was going to leave with or without Dave.

"b-but my life here work and gosh I can't do it" Dave says
"I understand and am not forcing you too but this is my decision tomorrow morning as soon as Harry leaves for work am gonna get on that bus I don't know where am going but am going "Ethan says.

"what about Morgan?" Dave  asks.
" I-I don't know he and I we are Bearley friends ok" Ethan says he himself couldn't belive the words he was saying.

"please, I know you feel something and I know you two could be something beatiful what if Morgan is your happiness here"

"I have thought of that and I have concluded that am not staying I am doing this for myself i don't like this place and just because I think me and Morgan could be something shouldn't change my mind easily, this time am doing things for myself for me for my benefit " Ethan says.


"Ethan!" Ethan turned when he almost entered the bus Dave was running towards him breathing heavily.

"you came " Ethan said with a smile as the two hugged.

"you were right it's time to do things for myself too  for happiness I thought about it last night and I quit my work to join you" Dave says with a smile.
"am coming with you" Dave  says and the both of them enter the bus going to where it would take them.

Harry'S POV

Harry got home by 10pm, he was exhausted as usual from work and he just wanted to have a long hot shower and sleep.
The house lights were already off, he guessed Ethan was sleeping he checked the microwave for dinner but there was nothing there, he also noticed how the dishes from last night were not washed, he wondered why Ethan wouldn't do the m he when he knew Harry hated seeing dirty dishes.

He moved upstairs to their shared bedroom he noticed Ethan was not there as well he couldn't hear the shower sound either, he shrugged his shoulder and undressed getting ready for shower when he entered the bathroom he notice a piece of paper stuck on the mirror.

'Please read this' the later said and he untaped it and on the other side was a page full of words, he carried the paper with him back to the room after seating down he finally started to read.

'Hey, I guess you're reading the letter now honestly when I started to write this I had no idea what to write, but I guess I'll just get to the point I saw you with her in your office'

Harry felt his heart beating harder he felt nervouse and was suddenly sweaty he didn't know whether he should continue to read or not, but he continued anyway.

'Harry, I have loved for a long time , you showed me kindness you made me feel like I was part of something incredible, you were my first  everything my first friend, my first kiss,my first boyfriend then my  husband and after that my first family as you know I was an orphan since I was 8 years old, even as I write this letter am crying because I just can't belive it you did this to me you  had my heart in your hands and you broke it took advantage of it, most times I let it slide, I kept my anger to myself for all those years I let you walk all over me for a long time I only realised this now you never stopped your friends from calling me names, you told me I was just insecure and that I was being dramatic, and now I dont know,  Sharon out of everyone the one woman you called your best friend the woman your mother had always wanted you to marry, I guess she will be thrilled when she finds out anyway, maybe Sharon can give you the kids'
Harry has tears in his eyes as he read each line .
"I don't care about that " Harry whispered to himself.
'I know your gonna say you don't care that I couldn't give you children but I know it bothered you, you just never said it you stopped loving me like you used to I just know it or maybe you never loved me at all, am going far away a place where you don't exist and I don't want you to look for me you have done enough, I wish I could say I hate you but that is impossible but maybe am gonna feel like that one day who knows I wish you and Sharon  all the best I hope she can give you the type of life you wanted kids and a wife who is educated someone you could be proud of showing everyone plus your mother likes her already
I left our divorce papers in your office I already signed my part I don't need anything from you just sign it if you really respect and care about my feelings you're probably thinking am a coward for not facing you through this and  all I can say is that you are right but I don't want to see your face any longer I don't want to change my mind because of the feelings I have for you I don't want to keep my feelings bottled up again  and I just want to be away form you I can't help but think about you with her I don't think i will ever forget  this is my good bye.

Harry was crying by the time he was done reading the letter he destroyed the
marriage,because of his selfish needs he let someone get between Ethan, Harry will admit that when he met Ethan he really didn't mean to get this far with him he just wanted to know what Morgan was obsessing over, of course Ethan was beautiful human being but he was also poor he would never match up to them but he talked to him and the guy was charming he never complained about the life he lived he was kind and polite and naive and Harry liked that, that Ethan was innocent bring that he would never complain no matter what he liked that Ethan was easy to manipulate but as they stayed together for years Harry started to fall in love, so why did he do this why did he cheat in ethan ?, now he  was gone forever no! He was going to find Ethan and make things right he won't sign those papers he loves Ethan, he was going to make things right  but he can't help but feel as if it was over and Ethan was gone that Ethan would never love him.

'Did Ethan make the right decision?'

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