A Star Wars Story

By N7Legion-Games

157K 2.7K 1.7K

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their respective owners. This is my what if story. More

Phantom Menace Ch:1
Phantom Menace Ch: 2
Phantom Menace Ch: 3
Phantom Menace Ch: 4
Phantom Menace Ch: 5
Phantom Menace Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter
Attack of the Clones Ch: 1
Attack of the Clones Ch: 2
Attack of the Clones Ch: 4
Attack of the Clones Ch: 5
Attack of the Clones Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E1 Ambush
Clone Wars S1 E2 Rising Malevolence.
Clone Wars S1 E3 Shadow of Malevolence
Clone Wars S1 E4 Destroy Malevolence
bonus chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E5 Rookies
Clone Wars Bombad Jedi
Clone Wars Trespassers
Mini Chapter.

Attack of the Clones Ch: 3

5.5K 110 79
By N7Legion-Games

Obi-Wan, Lama Su and Taun We come out onto a balcony. Below is a huge parade ground. The rain and wind are brutal. Thousands of Clone Troopers, their faces covered by helmets, are
marching and drilling in formations of several hundred.

Lama Su:
(beaming) Magnificent, aren't they?

Obi-Wan nods slowly.

The tour then continues through a classroom filled with identical young boys.

Lama Su:
We take great pride in our combat education and training programs. This group was created about five years ago.

You mentioned growth acceleration...

Lama Su:
Oh yes, it's essential. Otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now, we can do it in half the time. Those items you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago, when Sifo-Dyas first placed the
order, and they're already mature.

Lama Su conducts Obi-Wan through a large eating area. Taun We follows as they walk by hundreds of Clones who look exactly alike, all about twenty years old, dressed in black. They are seated at tables, eating.

Lama Su:
You'll find they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host.

Who was the original host?

Lama Su:
A bounty hunter called Jango Fett. We felt a Jedi would be the perfect choice, but Sifo-Dyas hand-picked Jango Fett himself.

Where is this bounty hunter now?

Lama Su:
Oh, we keep him here.

The tour continues through a long corridor filled with narrow, transparent tubes into which Clones are climbing. Once in the tube, the Clone goes to sleep.

Lama Su:
Apart from his pay, which is considerable, Fett demanded only one thing - an unaltered clone for himself.
Curious, isn't it?


Lama Su:
Pure genetic replication. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... and no growth acceleration.

I would very much like to meet this Jango Fett.

Taun We:
I would be most happy to arrange it, for you.

She said to Obi-Wan.

Sabé and Anakin are in the middle of an idyllic hilly meadow, its lush grasses sprinkled with flowers. At a distance, a herd of Shaaks graze contentedly.

Beyond is the shimmering expanse of the lake. Several other lakes stretch to the horizon. The warm air is full of little floating puffballs. They sit on the grass, in a playful, coy mood, talking. Sabé is picking flowers.

I don't know...

Sure you do... you just don't want to tell me.

Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on

They only work on the weak-minded. You are anything but weak-minded.

All right... I was twelve. His name was Palo. We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older then I... very cute... dark curly hair... dreamy eyes.

All right, I get the picture... whatever happened to him?

I went into public service. He went on to become an artist.

Maybe he was the smart one.

You really don't like politicians, do you?

I like two or three, but I'm not really sure about one of them. (smiling) I don't think the system works.

How would you have it work?

We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it.

That is exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree. In fact, they hardly ever do.

Then they should be made to.

By whom? Who's going to make them?

I don't know. Someone.


Of course not me.

But someone.

Someone wise.

That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.

A mischievous little grin creeps across his face.

Well, if it works...

Sabé stares at Anakin. He looks back at her, straight faced, but can't hold back a smile.

You're making fun of me!

(sarcastic) Oh no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator's bodyguard.

You're so bad!

Sabé picks up a piece of fruit and throws it at him. He catches it. Sabé throws two more pieces of fruit, and Anakin catches them.

You're always so serious.

I'm so serious?!

Anakin then starts to juggle the fruit. Sabé laughs and throws more fruit at him. He manages to juggle them too
until there are too many, and he loses control and ducks, letting food fall on his head. They both laugh.

We later see Sabé running through the field to see Anakin riding on a Shaak. He then attempted to stand on it, but the Shaak bucks him off, and Anakin falls and gets trampled by the Shaak as it runs away. Anakin was barely moving which concerned Sabé, she then ran to him with haste.

Annie, Annie! Are you all right?

She turns him over. He is pulling a stupid face at her and laughing. She yelps in mock fury and takes a swing at him. He catches her arm. She struggles. They roll over in the grass, embracing, and looking into each other's eyes.
Suddenly, they become aware of the contact between them. They let go of each other quickly and sit up, looking away.

Cut to Revan, and Padmé who were in bathing suits and were near a waterfall, Revan watched the beautiful amazing woman swim right near the waterfall. She turns to him with a smile, and gestures for him to join her, which he does. They began to swim and found themselves behind the waterfall and they sat down watching the water fall. She laid her head on his shoulder, and clinged onto his arm.

Nothing could make me feel safer than to be loved by you. I was surprised at first to hear you say it at first, but after I heard it, I was.... happy to hear it. I love you. With all my heart.

They share a passionate kiss behind that waterfall.

Back on Kamino, we see Taun We, and Obi-Wan stand in front of the door to Jango Fett's apartment. Taun We rings a doorbell. As they wait, Obi-Wan notes the door lock entry mechanism. Then the door opens, and a ten-year-old boy, Boba Fett, looks at them. He is identical to the boys in the classroom.

Taun We:
Boba, is your father here?

There is a brief pause.

Boba Fett:

Taun We:
May we see him?

Boba Fett:

He then leads them into the apartment.

Boba Fett:
Dad! Taun We's here!

Jango entered the room wearing a large long-sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled up. He eyes Obi-Wan with suspicion.

Taun We:
Jango, welcome back. Was your trip productive?

Jango Fett:

Obi-Wan and Jango Fett size each other up. Boba Fett studies both of them.

Taun We:
This is Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's come to check on our progress.

Your clones are very impressive. You must be very

Jango Fett:
I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe.

Ever make your way as far into the interior as Coruscant?

Jango Fett:
Once or twice.

Obi-Wan eyes Jango Fett carefully.


Jango Fett:
(eyes Obi-Wan carefully) Possibly...

Then you must know Master Sifo-Dyas?

He paused for a moment before moving across the room, and talked to his son in Huttese.

Jango Fett:
(in Huttese) Boba, close the door.

Jango was now standing in front of the window, and Obi-Wan continued to stare at him

Jango Fett:
Master who?

Boba went to close the door where his father's armor was laying.

Sifo-Dyas. Is he not the Jedi who hired you for this job?

Jango Fett:
Never heard of him.


Jango Fett:
I was recruited by a man called Tyranus on one of the moons of Bogden.

Obi-Wan was stunned to hear this name.


Jango Fett:
Do you like your army?

I look forward to seeing them in action.

Jango Fett:
They'll do their job well, I'll guarantee that.

Thanks for your time, Jango.

He said as he gave him a bow.

Jango Fett:
Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi.

As Obi-Wan, and Taun We leave the apartment Boba turns to his dad who was deep in thought.

Boba Fett:
What is it, Dad?

Jango Fett:
Pack your things. We're leaving.

Cut to Naboo:

The setting sun touches the mountain peaks. The lake glows in the rose-tinted light. Floating lamps gleam softly like
jewels at the lodge. We see Padmé in her evening gown...

Revan was in his jedi robes without the armor plating, and cloaks.

You know, we could have had the servants make dinner, you didn't have to.

I know, but I wanted to.

Revan didn't want to be served, or catered to, he preferred to do things himself. Padmé admired that about him, he never wanted for anything.

So tell me, how did you come across that ship?

She said as she dug into the amazing food he made.

Short answer; Pirates. But if you want the longer version, I was in the middle of a task that Master Yoda had sent me to complete in order to be Knighted. These Pirates were raiding a small town, probably about a dozen or so. They stole that ship from a smuggler who failed to pay on time, and killed him for the trouble he caused them. I attempted a diplomatic solution with them but it turned into an aggressive negotiations.

"Aggressive negotiations"? What's that?

Aggressive negotiations with a lightsaber, or two in my case.

They both slightly chuckle at this.

This is really good. Where did you learn to cook like this?

My mother taught me the basics, and the rest I learned from Master Yoda.

Master Yoda can cook?

She asked with a slight chuckle.

His favorite is root-leaf stew. Believe me, it's worse than it sounds.

I'll take your word for it.

She giggled again. They continued to eat, and talk through their dinner.

Meanwhile Anakin, and Sabé were eating together at another dinner table. Nandi, and Teckla were seen serving them their desserts which was fruit.

And when I got to them, we went into... aggressive negotiations. (to Teckla) Thank you.

"Aggressive negotiations," what's that?

Uh, well, negotiations with a lightsaber.

(laughing) Oh.

She picked up a fork and knife to cut her eat her fruit, but Anakin lifted his hand and used the Force to levitate it to him. He then picked up his fork and knife and looked at her.

If Master Obi-Wan, or Revan caught me doing this, they'd be very grumpy.

He cuts the fruit into several pieces and sends one back to Sabé. She bites it out of the air and laughs.

Later that night.

Padmé, and Revan were seen in her room, a fire lit up the room, and both of them were sitting next to each other slightly nervous of being near one another.

I want you to know, that I fell in love with you the moment I met you. You're as beautiful as the day I met you.

She got up, and walked towards her window. The moon could be seen shining through it. She turns to him.

I fell for you Revan. I've been trying to resist these feelings I've had for you, because I'm a Senator, and you're a Jedi. But the reality is that I don't want to ignore them anymore.

So, you meant what you said under the waterfall?

She approached him, and grabbed his cheeks, and made him look into her eyes.

Every word. I meant them with all my heart. But where does that leave us?

Yoda knows of my feelings for you. And cautioned me of my attachment to you. But I told him the same thing I told you. I'm in love, and that love gives me strength.

Who else knows?

No one else.

She paused for a moment before she was pulled in for a passionate kiss. Normally she would have rejected the idea but instead she embraced it. She wanted to share this moment with him as long as possible.


A fire blazes in the open hearth. Sabé and Anakin are sitting in front of it, gazing into the flames.

From the moment I met you, all those years ago, a day hasn't gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now
that I'm with you again, I'm in agony.

She began to shift uncomfortably as he gets closer to her.

The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you
makes my stomach turn over - my mouth goes dry. I feel dizzy. I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me. What can I do? I will do anything you ask...

There was a silence The logs flame in the hearth. Sabé meets his eye, then looks away.

If you are suffering as much as I am, tell me.

...I can't. We can't. It's just not possible.

Anything's possible. Sabé, please listen...

You listen. We live in a real world. Come back to it. You're studying to become a Jedi Knight. I'm a Senator's bodyguard. If you follow your thoughts through to conclusion, they will take us to a place we cannot go... regardless of the way we feel about each other.

Then you do feel something!

Jedi aren't allowed to marry. You'd be expelled from the Order. I will not let you give up your future for me.

You're asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could wish my feelings away... but I can't.

I will not to give in to this.

There is silence as they stare at the fire. Anakin is thinking.

It wouldn't have to be that way... we could keep it a secret.

Then we'd be living a lie - one we couldn't keep up even if we wanted to. I
couldn't do that. Could you, Anakin?Could you live like that?

Silence for a moment.

No. You're right. It would destroy us.

Back on Kamino:

Taun We was was seen walking with Obi-Wan back to where they met.

Taun We:
Tell your Council the first battalions are ready. And remind them that if they need more troops, we will need
time to grow them.

I won't forget. And thank you.

Taun We:
Thank you.

Obi-Wan makes his way out to his ship into the driving rain. He pulls his robe around him and stands braced against the gale. He then glances back towards the closed door confirming that Taun We has left. He then walked to his ship, and addresses Arfour.

Arfour. Scramble code five, to
Courscant: care of "the old folks home."

Arfour beeps and whistles. The panels light up inside the cockpit. A transmitter disc emerges from the top of the starfighter and the message is transmitted.

Yoda sits with Mace Windu. between the two Jedi, a hologram of Obi-Wan speaks.

I have successfully made contact with the Prime Minister of Kamino. They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army. I have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter is the assassin we're looking for.

Mace Windu:
Do you think these Cloners are involved in the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala?

No, Master. There appears to be no motive.

Do not assume anything, Obi-Wan. Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind the plot.

Yes, Master. They say a Master Sifo-Dyas
placed the order for a Clone Army at the request of the Senate almost ten years ago. I was under the impression he was killed before that. Did the Council ever authorize the creation of a clone army?

Mace Windu:
No. Whoever placed that order did not have the authorization of the Jedi Council.

Bring him here. Question him, we will.

Yes, Master. I will report back when I have him.

The hologram of Obi-Wan fades.

Blind we are, if creation of this clone army we could not see.

Mace Windu sighs heavily, and spoke.

Mace Windu:
I think it is time to inform the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.

Only the Dark Lord of the Sith know of our weakness. If informed the Senate is, multiply our adversaries will.

Cut to Anakin's bedroom.

Anakin moves restlessly in his sleep. He mutters to himself. Sweat forms on his forehead. He turns violently.
He cries out.

No... No... No... Mom!... Don't, no, don't!

He wakes up suddenly, and was out of breath.

Meanwhile in Revan's room we see Revan sleeping restlessly, and next to him was Padmé, who was sound asleep.

Revan could see death, and destruction. Sand People being slaughtered, and at the center was Anakin, and their mother, who laid lifeless. He jerked up, but realized he was in Padmé's bed, and slowly let himself out of her room.

The next morning Revan was seen meditating. Several small items were seen levitating around him. Padmé sees him, but quietly walked away.

Please stay.

She paused as she looked at him, unmoving.


Your presence calms my mind. I could only hear noise till now.

I heard you last night. Did you have a nightmare?

She asked with genuine concern.

Yes, I fear for Anakin. I saw our mother, and I saw him. Pain, Suffering, and Death I feel.

She watched as the small items went back to where they were, and he slowly got up.

Anakin is in pain, and I need to help him. I fear that what may come will destroy him.

I'll go with you.

Just then Anakin is seen approaching them.

I need to go back to Tatooine.

I'm coming too. And don't bother arguing. She's my mother too.

Anakin smiled slightly and nodded.

Back on Kamino:

Jango's ship, Slave I, rests on the landing platform. Jango and Boba are preparing to board. Obi-Wan rushes through the tower door and runs toward the ship.

Boba Fett:
Dad!! Look!

Jango Fett turns to see Obi-Wan charging out of the tower toward him.

Jango Fett:
Boba! Get on board!!

He shouts.

As Obi-Wan runs, he draws his lightsaber from his belt, and ignites it. Jango Fett draws his guns and fires at the charging Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan deflects the blasters with his lightsaber. The bounty hunter rockets up, and away continuing to shoot at him.

He then disappeared behind a tower. As Obi-Wan was searching for him, Boba was in the cockpit of the ship, and began pushing buttons.

Slave I then began to shift with the guns pointing at Obi-Wan. Meanwhile Jango was then seen on top of one of the towers, he then released the rocket that was attached to his jetpack. The rocket crashed into the ground near Obi-Wan and exploded sending him back causing him to loose his lightsaber. Boba now in position began to fire at Obi-Wan, and the explosion of the blasters sent him flying back even further.

Jango now seeing his opening charges at Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan thinking quickly jumps into the air and kicks Jango, knocking him down, and caused him to lose one of his pistols. Jango recovered from being dropped as Obi-Wan charges at him to kick him again but Jango counters it, and forced Obi-Wan to the ground. Obi-Wan then kicked him in the helmet sending him to the ground.

Boba was able to get a glimpse of the fight from the cockpit. Both Jango and Obi-Wan continued to throw hands at one another. Jango had more experience with hand-to-hand and was becoming a challenge for Obi-Wan. Jango then headbutts Obi-Wan sending him to the ground.

Obi-Wan sees his lightsaber and attempts to use the Force to get it, but Jango prevents this by using a grapple line, and wrap it around Obi-Wan's wrists and proceeded to drag him while using his jetpack. Obi-Wan was then being dragged around like a rag doll but came to a stop near a pole and used it to his advantage and yank on the wire which caused Jango to crash.

His jetpack then flew off on its own and crashed causing it to blow up. Jango then grabbed his pistol that flew out of his holster and attempted to shoot at Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan dropped kicked him sending him over the edge not realizing he was still attached to him.

Obi-Wan :
Oh, not good!

Still locked together, Obi-Wan and Jango Fett plummet down toward the raging ocean. At the last moment, Jango Fett sees the edge and digs his forearm claws into the surface. Obi-Wan slides past him as Jango finally came to a stop. But the weight of both of them was still dragging Jango over the edge. Obi-Wan was still holding onto the wire for dear life, and after a bit of struggling on Jango's part, he finally ejects the wire free from his wrist. Obi-Wan fell towards the ocean desperately unwrapping the wire from his wrists he then tossed it, and wrapped it around a pole to stop his decent.

Jango cautiously looks over the edge to see the crashing waves and nothing else. He then began to make his climb back up.

Obi-Wan then swings and drops onto a small service platform just above the waves. He hauls himself to his feet, and used the Force to open a door and ran in.

In the cockpit of Slave I Boba then began to push some buttons, and the engine roared, and sirens whaled as Jango finally made it back, and proceeded to board the ship.

Obi-Wan then comes running out onto the landing platform and spots his lightsaber laying on the ground. This time, he retrieves it successfully and ignites it on just as Jango's ship began to take off.

Obi-Wan takes a small tracking device from his belt and throws in onto the hull of the ship.

Jango's ship lifts off from the platform and heads up into the lowering sky. It disappears. Lightning flashes.
Rain lashes the tower and streams across the surface of the platform where Obi-Wan stands, watching.

The Nautilus was then seen coming out of Hyperspace, and approaching Naboo.

I never thought I'd see this dust bowl again.

Padmé placed a comfort hand on his shoulder as he continues with landing.

Anakin, and Sabé hailed a rickshaw, and Revan and Padmé hailed another. Revan didn't wear his mask this time, but he had on his full armored Jedi robes. They made their way through town of Mos Espa with Artoo, and Beedee following them. They finally came to a stop at one of the shops, and both Revan, and Anakin helped the ladies out of the rickshaw.

(to the droid driver) Wait, right there.


The four of them approached the store where Watto was sitting in front of it. He is using a small electronic screwdriver on a Pit droid. Three other Pit droids were chattering away, and are trying to help, but they only seem to make him madder.

(yelling, in Huttese) No, not that one - that one! [No chuba da wanga, da wanga.]

(arriving) Excuse me, Watto. [Chut, chut, Watto.] Let me help you with that. [Ding mi chasa hopa.]

Anakin takes the head of the Pit droid, and starts to play with it. Watto blinks in surprise. He then looks to Revan who glared at him.

What, what do you want? Wait you're Jedi. Whatever it is... I didn't do it.

Watto drops the screwdriver and curses loudly in Huttese

We're looking for Shmi Skywalker.

Watto looks at them suspiciously. He looks at both of them back and forth.

Revi?? Ani?? Little Ani?? Big brother Revi??

Anakin then fixed the Pit droid head, and sets it down in front of him.

It is you! Ani, and big brother Revi!! Ya two sure sprouted! Weehoo! Jedi! Waddya know? Hey, maybe
you two couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of

Our mother...

Oh, yeah. Shmi... she's not mine no more. I sold her.

Sold her...?

Years ago. Sorry, Annie, but you know, business is business. Sold her to a moisture farmer named Lars. Least I
think it was Lars. Believe it or not, I heard he freed her and married her. Can ya beat that?

Do you know where they are?

Long way from here... someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think...

We'd like to know.

He said with a serious look.

Yeah... sure... absolutely. Let's go look in my records.

They all go into his shop.

Cut to a veiw of a red planet of Geonosis circled by a large asteroid field. Jango Fett's ship appears out of Hyperspace, and begins its approach. Not long after Obi-Wan's ship appears out of Hyperspace and proceeded to follow.

Inside the cockpit of SlaveI, a small blip shows up on the ship's scan screen.

Boba Fett:
Dad! I think we're being tracked.

They looked at the screen to see Obi-Wan's ship following them.

Jango Fett:
He must have put a homing device on our hull. Hang on, son! We'll move
into the asteroid field. And we'll have a couple of surprises for him.

Boba began to chuckle at this.

Jango pushes some buttons as they moved into the Asteroid field. A compartment on the back of the ship opens up to reveal a charge.

He then releases a charge which drifts toward Obi-Wan. As the charge approaches Obi-Wan's Starfighter, Arfour beeps.

Obi-Wan :
Seismic charges... Stand by.

He avoided the seismic charge as it hits an asteroid.

Jango Fett then dropped another, and Obi-Wan manages to outmaneuver both the blasts. Jango looks at this with irritation.

Jango Fett:
He doesn't seem to be able to take a hint, this guy.

Jango flies down a narrow tunnel in one of the larger asteroids. There wasn't a whole lot of room to maneuver in the tunnel, and Boba Fett was clenching his seat for dear life.

Boba Fett:
Watch out!

Jango manages to maneuver through the tunnel, and exit out behind some asteroids.

Obi-Wan who wasn't far behind eventually exited out too, but Slave I appeard behind him.

Boba Fett:
Get him, Dad! Get him! Fire!

Jango Fett fires lasers at the Jedi Starfighter.

The ships flip, roll, and turn at incredible speed, dodging, weaving and firing. They tumble from near misses.

Oh, blast! This is why I hate flying.

Eventually Obi-Wan was hit.

Boba Fett:
We got him!

Jango Fett:
We'll just have to finish him.

Jango Fett pushes a button to open an outer hull door and releases a guided torpedo. The torpedo closely
follows Obi-Wan's Starfighter.

In Obi-Wan's cockpit his skill is pushed to the limit as he throws the ship from side to side, avoiding great rocks and the torpedo. Then a huge asteroid tumbles across his path. There seems no way he can avoid it.

Arfour, prepare to jettison the spare parts canisters. Fire them now!

In Slave I's cockpit they see a huge explosion, and the visual of Obi-Wan's ship went away off their screen.

Jango Fett:
Well we won't see him again.

Boba Fett laughs, as the ship emerges from the asteroid belt and heads down toward the planet of Geonosis. But unbeknownst to them Obi-Wan's ship was seen clamped onto an asteroid they had passed.

An:(And that's the end of this chapter, I apologize for the delay and hope to see you in the next chapter).

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