Equestria High: Friendship by...

By Gogoup123

23.9K 289 33

Sunstone was newly transferred students loser with no friends to call his own. But just before starting the n... More

Week 0
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12 - Thanksgiving dinner aftermath
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16 Christmas Day
Week 17 New Year

Week 8 - Halloween Party

1K 13 0
By Gogoup123

The full moon glowed high above the dark trees, bathing the dirt road an eerily light. I walked alone wearing nothing but dusty blue overalls, a yellow helmet with an old gas light on top and an old rusty pickaxe. The chilling air made me shiver as my exposed shoulder hairs stood on end. Despite the nip to my bare skin I was quite giddy. This will be my first party I have ever been invited to. 

I walked up the road to Applejack's farm, seeing the spooky decorations fill the front yard. The trees had wispy ghosts hanging from their branches and cobwebs covered the windows. A mix of pumpkins and jack o'lanterns littered the sides of the entrance of the gate to the front porch. Taking a deep breath I walked up to the house's door.

*knock, knock, knock*

The front door swung open and I was pulled in by a pudgy pink hand.

"Sunstone is here! The party can now be-gin!" Cheered Pinkie. I had been spun around until I was standing in the middle of the living room surrounded by costumed fat girls. 

The one who dragged me here, Pinkie, was dressed in nothing but candy. Her pink hair was styled to look more like cotton candy and had a pink gumball pin. Her dress, going from her ample breasts going past her quaking bulbous butt to her chunky knees, was made entirely of tidied fruit roll-ups. She had candy dots on a paper belt and a peppermint ribbon brooch pinned near her right breast. Even her shoes were made of black licorice.

Going clockwise Applejack was a tree, an apple tree to be exact. Tree branch with apples tied to its branches stuck out of her hair, while still wearing her traditional cowboy hat. Wrapped around her big breasts, belly and butt was a tube brown dress that was made to look like wood. As was her stocking that wrapped around her strong thick legs that all ended with roots coming out of her shoes. 

Next was Twilight and… she was in her normal clothes? No, she was dressed as a librarian, which looked similar to her normal attire. I believe it was just me, but I think she was going for the sexy librarian aesthetic. She wore stylish black cat eye eyeglasses, a tight purple long sleeved ruffled blouse and shin-high black dress, finished with some black and purple button strapped ankle boots. Her ballooning bust and buttocks stood out the most as the costume could barely contain their mass within the fabric. 

Next in line was Rainbow Dash, wearing a roman legionnaire helmet, breastplate and skirt. Her silver armor glistened under the light, highlighting her strong bulky body. Her form fitting breastplate showed off her growing breasts and rounding belly, all cast in iron. The red skirt opened up to show her ample legs from in between the gaps.

Fluttershy stood nearby and she was trying to hide behind her long hair her fairy costume. Her long pink hair was filled with flowers of many colors and her green leafy one piece dress clung to her bubbly form. She stood at her side, trying to hide herself behind everybody but her butt was not something you can hide. Her skirt roode nearly all the way up to the top of her backside, revealing a large pair of yellow moons for all to see.

Finally was Rarity and she was all white. From her hair, irises, and her long flowing toga and sandals, everything was white and had left nothing to the imagination. Her white breasts nearly exploded out of her tunic and her flaring hips poked out from its sides. All in all she looked like a very curvaceous greek marble sculpture. 

"You made it," cried Applejack, slapping my back. Never going to not feel pain from that. Pinkie then zipped around us to the old record player and put the needle on the record. Out of the horn blasted a party style "Spooky Skeletons" dance song.

"Woo! This is my jam," hollered Pinkie as she raised her hands in the air and bucked her hips back and forth. 

"Everything is your jam." Dash rolled her eyes.

"We got snacks in the kitchen if anyone wants," announced Applejack pointing to the huge table filled with bowls of candy, pans filled with an assortment of pies, and enough cake to feed a wedding party.

"Don't mind if I do," smiled Rarity as she shimmied through the fat girls to the kitchen. 

"I'll help!" Pinkie jumped before following Rarity. 

"Sooooo Sunstone, do you like my costume," asked Twilight as she stepped forward to me, her face a little red.

"Um, yes, it looks good," I stammered as I tried all my best to not look at Twilight's stretched out blouse. 

"It's a late Victorian style dress, with my own flare added to it. Rarity helped me make it. In fact she helped us all with our costumes." She beamed with pride. 

"Do you like my costume?" Fluttershy meekly asked, putting her arms behind her back, unintentionally (or intentionally) showed off her growing cleavage, as her hair cascaded over her face. 

"It's lovely," I stammered harder as my best failed as I couldn't look away from her exposed breasts. 

"Hey check mine," announced Dash, pulling me away. I was whizzed around as Dash pumped her arms, making a pose. "Sweet uh?"

"That will be Pinkie," pointed out Applejack. 

"And you're a tree," Dash teased.

"The best tree in the orchard, Ophelia thank you very much," Applejack huffed. 

"And of course you name it," face palmed Dash. 

"Come on girls, let's get something to eat before Pinkie decides that Rarity needs more volume in that sculpture," suggested Twilight, tumbling to the two girls pigging out at the food table.

The party throughout the night went smoothly, or as smoothly as 6 hungry girls could go. Every minute they had something in their mouth. They had food whatever they did; from talking, dancing or just taking a load off their feet. By the halfway point of the party the table was clean of every crumb, that is until Granny Apple brought out more food to fill the table once again. 

Conversation of hobbies and school would occasionally rise out of the hurricane of gluttony. Rarity and Twilight was very interested in my desire to be a Crystallographer some day, talking about crystals and the scientific process on how they grow. 

Then the conversation turned to their growing weight, while they were stuffing their stomachs with more surgery confections. Twilight had been looking into it but could find nothing on their rapid weight gain, but she did note a weird thing about their growing bodies. None of the girls felt alarmed or ashamed of their added weight. That conversation was quickly derailed by Rainbow Dash's proclaiming her recent winning streak on the wrestling team.

It was past 1 at night when the party came to a close and every girl was stuffed to the brim. The walk home was a slow and tedious waddle, groaning and gurgling through the night. If you don't know any better you'll think their was monsters in the night.

I help drop off each girl to their homes, starting with Pinkie, which at this point she was wearing nothing but a two piece bikini, as the rest of her dress laid at the bottom of her stomach. Her now near naked body revealing every pound of her bottom heavy body that she gained over the last two months. 

After helping each girl get to their homes, some more grateful then others, I finally ended up at Twilight's house. Rubbing her extended belly she turned to me.

"Thank you Sunstone, I really appreciate it." She smiled. 

"It's no problem." I blushed but it was too dark to notice. 

"Sigh, I wish I knew what was going on with us but I don't feel the motivation to find out," she blurted out, continuing the conversation from the party. 

"You're smart I know you'll figure it out," I said reassuring her.

"That's the thing I wanted to say earlier… I don't know if I want to," she said deflated. 

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"There is a part of me that just wants to go for the ride, to enjoy the growth…"

"And the other half?"

"Doesn't care and that's what makes me worried, I worry that I don't care. The thought that something is changing us and I don't care scares me. That's the only thing motivating me to research and it's getting harder and harder to do with each passing day!" She cried. I could see she is physically shaking. Without thinking I grabbed hold of her hands and looked into her deep purple eyes.

"You are smart, you are brave and you are beautiful! And if you need help I'm always here."

Her eyes glistened under the starry sky and we just stared at each other. Then Twilight burst into laughter. I became confused and embarrassed by her sudden outburst. 

"That was so cheesy." I felt ashamed but Twilight interrupted my emotions. "But thanks, I need that."

We then said our good nights and I watched her go up the stairs and disappeared into her home. Despite my feelings of embarrassment I felt surprisingly good and confident. With a smile I left for my home.

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