The Broken Mate

By HumbleSmith123

1M 36.5K 1.4K

Lola's life came crumbling the moment she met her mate, Alpha Torian, smooching and kissing another lady in h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
New Book Alert!!!

Chapter 73

8.3K 341 15
By HumbleSmith123

"Time to see the love of your life for the last time before death. You won't believe she doesn't care if you die or live, even after all you have done for her; how you risked your life and everything just to keep her safe. Don't you think she is being so selfish?" The Demon king mumbled into Blake's ears while untying the knots.

My heart was racing so fast as I tried not to hide my happiness, which was boiling inside me. I knew Blake was also aware that we had gotten the last chance to set things right. Deep in his chest, there must be the same race going on in his heart.

Once we get to look into each other's eyes, we will be able to share powers. For real, I can't take out the deadly serpent inside him. That is because my powers aren't enough, but the moment I transfer all the inner energy and magic to him through eye contact, He would be able to force it out himself.

I peered at the black cloth covering his mouth and saw his lips had curled into a smile, making me feel so elated that my eyes became teary. I couldn't stop praying for the demon king to hasten up as he was going too slowly with a mischievous smile.

"I will first untie your mouth so you can tell the whole pack how you regret having Lola as your mate. I know you really regret it, because she is so wicked to let her mate die," he added, and this time, I could hear every member of the vampires in the room yelling angrily at me with resentment.

"If my son ever dies, you will have to kill me too. How can you be this coldhearted even after he showed you the deepest love anyone could." I heard the vampire king's voice, laced with pure sadness and heartbreak.

"Lola, remember all he did for you. Even if you hate me for always wanting you dead, don't pay back by killing Blake. He had always been so good to you. Let the demon king have the share he asked for. My son can't die." The vampire queen added with an overwhelming sadness laced in her tone.

She was sitting flatly on the ground like a grieving mother. Her voice tells you how much she loved her son. She had been crying ever since it all began, and now she had even lost her voice.

I glanced at her and could see too much pain in there. If there was anything too painful for a mother, it was seeing her child face death. It was just 5 minutes until Blake would be gone. I can't imagine how much grief and agony would be consuming the innocent woman right now.

Sophia walked up to me.

"I hope you rethink your decision. Blake can't die. You can still train and get back your powers, then come back in a few years to defeat the demon king who has also lost half of his powers," she whispered into my ear.

"I don't give a damn about Blake!" I shouted in an angry tone, and there was absolute silence as everyone cringed and stared at me with wide eyes filled with shock.

"Fine... I'll make sure he dies then. "Wicked soul," snorted the Demon king, rage welling up in his eyes as he saw that the last move he had planned to use to bring me down was flopping.

"I don't give a fuck!" My voice hitched and cracked while saying it the second time because I was telling pure lies and it really sounded weird in my mouth. If there was anyone I could die for, it would be Blake.

He was the only man that had stood beside me when everyone left me. When my pack and all their members turned their backs on me and treated me like a slave, he showed me love.

Not minding that he was a vampire, he was ready to risk it all for me. It was so clear that I would have been killed by my pack hunters that day in school, but Blake took me away. He ran off with me and hid me with the vampire clan.

The Demon King was now filled with rage as he untied the gag on Blake's mouth. Those pink lips were still so inviting and I can't wait to devour them after all this is over.

"The bitch you called your mate chose her wolf kingdom over you. What do you have to say? It's just two minutes before the serpent eats up your organs!" He howled, and I noticed Blake gnashing his teeth and making a deep growl.

"Let me see the witch one last time. I can't believe what my ears were hearing. I needed to be sure all those words were coming from the lady who I had risked it all for!!" He bawled in a sad and heartbroken tone, and I was already hearing my inner self laughing.

I was the only one who could tell he was only acting out the script. His voice sounded so real, but I know it whenever he is just pulling a stunt.

Blake was a good actor. No one would ever expect that it was all a trick to get his eyes opened real quickly so I could transfer all my powers to him.

It also baffled me how much he trusted me to believe I would transfer my entire powers to him so he would save himself, even when I never said I would do that, even though it was the only option.

The demon king was about to loosen the knot when he paused and looked up at me. This made my heart skip a beat as I wondered if he had remembered that I would be able to merge powers with Blake to save him from his serpent.

My lips were clamped as I maintained a straight gaze, trying hard not to give myself away with my countenance.

"You are really doing this?" He sneered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let him see me as I say it in his face that I am not saving him. After all, he is a vampire, and wolves have no business with him. It isn't my fault that he fell for me" I stated bluntly, and there was an uproar as all the vampires began to jeer and hurl insults at me.

"You all see who you nearly made your queen? "Evil girl" Sophia's father added, and with anger, the demon king untied Blake's eyes.

Those deep blue eyes fell on mine, glistening like ripples as they blinked.

"Let's end that asshole!" I grinned as I said those words to Blake via mind link, and he nodded back with a smile so beautiful and bright that my inner beast leapt and panted in delight.

"That's her. The heartless girl you call your mate!" He growled, but with a smile on our faces, I muttered those ancient spells that hit me like a tsunami.

My entire body seemed like it was pierced with countless arrows as I felt my powers being sucked up.

"Why are you both smiling? You think I was bluffing when I said you would die?" The Demon King, who was yet to understand it all, asked, sneering at me and Blake.

"It is just 30 seconds and you will feel the hellish pain which would bring an end to you. See your mother wailing out her throat and eyes!" He bawled, smacking his head in irritation.

"You are a dead man already!" Blake burst into laughter, and that seemed to be when his senses returned!!!

"No!!!! Cover his eyes!! She is giving him her entire power!" He shouted and quickly tried to cover Blake's eyes with the black cloth, but it was too late. I was done and all my strength had left me, forcing me to fall on the ground.

Blake broke off the chain used to bind him just with one move as his eyes all turned red with a different aura raving around him. I was too weak to see it all as all my strength was gone, but I managed to see the godlike Blake. A man with all my powers combined with his own

Blake's POV

The Demon King was too late to remember the mistake he was making. Lola had already transferred it all to me, and now I felt like a god with strange, enormous, and compelling powers, overwhelming and consuming every part of me.

I broke off the chain like it was nylon. The moment I saw Lola collapse on the floor, extreme rage filled me to the brim.

The demon king knew it was all over for him when he saw me shoot out his serpent out of my body through my mouth, crushing it with my boot. The only option he had was to run for his life, but at the same time, it was useless. His speed was like a crawl to me.

I attacked him with all the fury boiling in me from seeing the love of my life lying weak on the floor. He was at the door when I caught up with him and gripped his neck with all my might. I wasted no time in pulling out his gullet. With my claws, I struck his chest and pulled out his heart. It was dark and filled with spells.

This was where the lives of all his demons were attached, which enabled him to control them all. Crushing this will also release everyone with heart demons and kill the demon king, turning him to dust.

"Go to hell!" I howled and dropped the heart there on the floor, then used my boot to crush it into pieces, forcing a very loud resonating scream from the demon king.

"I can't believe I am coming to an end!!!" He cried out as we all watched his body turn dark like a burnt carcass before shattering and vanishing into the air like dust.

I ran off to where Lola was and carried her into my arms.

"I did it!! I killed him and all his demons!!" I screamed, kissing her cheeks, waiting for her to open her eyes, which she did slowly.

"Really?" She mumbled and I nodded, making her smile in satisfaction.

"Now, I have given all my powers to you. I am powerless while you remain my hero and guardian angel," she purred, tears of joy falling down my cheeks. This was the greatest sacrifice anyone could make.

"You are my queen." You are my life. We will rule the vampire kingdoms together. Anyone that touches the strands of your hair in an attempt to harm you will be beheaded," I cooed, looking into those beautiful and charming eyes.

Her smile was just so enchanting that I felt like I was drowning in it. I feel like clinging to her forever.

"Help me up..." She chuckled, which I did.

My parents were all amazed and short of words. Their tears dried off. Sophia and Torian were also looking with their mouths agape. Two people whose faces I can't recognize were also standing at the door with their eyes wet with emotions.

"Today, I sacrificed all I have for Blake. You all must have seen it all and clearly understand everything that has just happened now. I am not evil. We have killed all the demons. Do I still deserve to be loved? " Lola's soft voice rang through the entire room, and there was silence at first before my mother broke it.

"My daughter, I love you with all my heart!! I am very stupid to ever have planned your death! Please marry my son. "Rule over us as the vampire queen," she purred, getting down to her knees.

"Please rule over us," everyone in the room repeated, and went to their knees, bowing to her.

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