The Dragon's Daughter (Aemond...

By nazinadoz

56.2K 1K 44

Story will be set in HOTD with some significant changes. Aemond Targaryen is heir to the throne. Aegon is his... More

Back to King's Landing
The Heir
Warm Welcomes
Family Dinner Part 2
Family Dinner Part 3
Family Dinner Part 4
Dragon Date
Dragon Date part 2
Ladies Day
A Walk With The Queen
A Walk With The Queen Part 2
The Ball
The Ball Part 2
The Ball Part 3
Gifts Part 2
The Tourney
Kidnapping part 2
Kidnapping part 3
Kidnapping part 4
Kidnapping part 5
Revenge Part 2
Happy Ending

Family Dinner

2.3K 46 0
By nazinadoz

*Vyserra's POV*

Vyserra was very pleased with the rooms she had, she had been assigned those in the same tower as her aunts and uncles. All of her ladies were there to meet her and they had a bath drawn when they saw Silverwing in the sky.

Vyserra was full of nervous excitement. She couldn't stop thinking about the short exchange with Aemond, although she still didn't know if he could have been flirting with her, or teasing her like she was still a child. She was sure he wouldn't think that when he saw her outfit for tonight.

Vyserra picked her most sultry dress, she should have been saving this for a big ball but she wanted to wear it tonight, she took her hair out of the braids and let it fall in natural curls that went down to her lower back. She had been getting ready for a few hours and had to have a glass of wine for her nerves too.

There was a knock at the door and her mother entered. She caught sight of Vyserra and her eyes widened. "Wow, OK. Vyserra you look unbelievable. Sorry, I don't think I've seen you properly dressed up since your wedding and you have matured since then too." Rhaenyra came and kissed her daughters cheek.

Vyserra smiled, it was nice to feel feminine again, "You look beautiful as ever mother, it has been a while since I've seen you look this good too!"

"I am going to be busy in King's Landing keeping the eligible men away from you Vyserra, there will even be a few there tonight in fact," Rhaenyra said.

"Who then mother do you have your sights set on for me?" Vyserra said.

Rhaenyra took her hands and led her to two chairs and motioned for the ladies to leave. "My sights have always been high for you daughter, of course you had to marry during war, but my sights are higher even than that. You always got on with your uncle so well as a child, and look at me and your father, it is a very similar situation... And look at you Vyserra, you were made to be a Queen."

Vyserra raised her eyebrows and wasn't quite sure of what to say. She never knew her mother had been thinking about this. 

"Anyway, that is up to you daughter. You can have any man you want, including Aemond. He's a good man. But if you fall for one of the others, even a knight or a lower lord now Vyserra you have my blessing, you married once for duty and you deserve happiness. But I remember the huge crush you had on your Uncle as a child," she poked Vyserra who blushed.

"Ok that is enough," Vyserra laughed and covered her face. Her mother looked at her, pulling a funny face, "I mean it! Please don't mother because I'm going to feel so embarrassed!"

"Oh Vyserra! Alicent told me he came to meet you off Silverwing, you've spent a few minutes with him and you're already acting like a love stricken girl!"

"For Gods sake Mum!" she had gone red now, she got up and poured herself half a glass of wine and drank it in one. Her mother got up and took her hand.

"I promise I'll say nothing. I want this to be your choice, I want you a chance to fall in love before the rush of a betrothal too. Let's go to dinner," Vyserra looked at her with a grumpy face and took a deep breath, "I promise I'm saying nothing!"

Vyserra could feel her anxiety increasing on the walk to dinner. She hoped she wouldn't be so obvious. Her mother knew her very well, they really were like best friends and she could never keep a secret from her, so there was no surprise she could tell her thoughts, she also knew if she promised she'd say nothing that she wouldn't. Vyserra took another deep breath, she could feel the wine going to her head which gave her some confidence.

Her father was the first one the saw in entering the room. He raised his eyebrows and hugged her, "I keep forgetting your an adult, even when your a widowed parent, you look beautiful, just like your mother." Vyserra poked him in the stomach, "Which one of these men am I going to have to kill first?"

Vyserra knew Aemond was in the room, she could feel his presence but she was doing all she could not to look around for him. Then her mind started going mad with anxiety, what if he came over and she caught sight of her mother? She knew she'd go red and start laughing with embarrassment, best to seek him out, or someone at least.

She turned around and initially saw Helena sitting with a few ladies and made a beeline for her. She could see out of the corner of her eye Aemond speaking with Luke and Jace but she pretended she didn't see them.

"Hey there she is! VYSERRA," shouted Luke. What had they being saying about her she wondered? She looked at Aemond a split second, he had looked at her and raised his eyebrows, she ignored this as the only other option was her going bright red.

Vyserra looked at her brother and checked no high lords or ladies were looking, then made a rude hand gesture at him. She saw Aemond snort and she looked back to Helena and her friends and was being introduced to them. 

She was only sat for a few moments when Helena said to Vyserra, "My brother's been looking for you, and now he's pretending not to stare at the back of your head, but I see him," she said in her wistful way and this time Vyserra's cheeks definitely heated up, but none of the ladies said anything. "He's coming over now."

Shit shit shit Vyserra thought, what now? She wasn't prepared for this. Deep breath. Vyserra had had so many conversations with men before now and not one had made her nervous, which made this situation even worse.

She didn't look, but it was only seconds before she could hear Aemond behind her, "Sister, you are supposed to be introducing our extended family to the small council and their family you know."

"Ahh, I forgot," said Helena in her weird manner.

"Princess Vyserra, there are some people who would like to meet you," Aemond extended his arm to her and she finally looked at him again. She took his hand and stood up. 

"Thank you Uncle," he looked even better tonight in his black dinner outfit. 

When they were out of earshot of Helena's group he said, "You look stunning Vyserra, but if you get caught making those horrid gestures, what high lord will want to marry you?" he laughed.

"Oh I'm sure I'd find someone desperate enough to marry me even with my horrible attitude Uncle, anyhow, I may just marry a lowly knight" she was glad the compliment came backhanded because she couldn't have dealt with it any other way. 

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