Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

608 157 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

Physical Therapy (Edited)

8 2 0
By phoebesmith25

(Eric's POV)

So it's been couple days after Thanksgiving. So everyone went back to college/school. So that means Carley went back to Tennessee for her school. And Arthur, Ellie and I headed up to UCLA again.

Right now I am currently waiting to be seen by my physical therapist.

"Eric. Are you ready to head back?" Annie asked me

I stood up. "As ready as ever" I said with a smile

"Follow me" She said

We walked over to the table areas.

"Go on to the chair Eric" She said pointing to one of the table/chairs in the middle.

I sit on the chair and had my legs hanging

"So how was your thanksgiving?" She asked as she worked on my legs. She stretched them out.

"It was good. All considering" I said

"What did you do?" She asked

"My girlfriend and I told my family we were back together" I said

"Oh yeah? And how did that go?" She asked

"Better than her and I thought honestly" I said

"Alright well did you bring your swim trunks? Cause I wanna start you in the water today" She said

"Oh can't I just wear these?" I asked pointing to my shorts I was wearing

"I mean you can but it's cold out. You would want to be in dry shorts after being in the water" She said

"Then can I go to my dorm room really quick? It's like 10 minutes from here" I said

"Alright. Just try to hurry" She said

I go to my dorm room and changed into my swim trunks. Then went back to the physical therapy room.

"Alright let's get you into the water" Annie said

I go into the front of the water tub. The water started to comes on my feet. Then when it reached my waist Annie puts the water to a stop. So I could step into the actually tub. Once I am in she puts the water that was in the little waiting area. Back into the tub part of the water tub.

Once the water reaches to the top. Annie grabs a timer and sets it for 10 minutes. She did not start it yet.

"Alright. So first try to do these exercises 1 time around. But I will watch you do it some first. Just to make sure you know what to do" She said coming over to the outside of the tub

"Ok" I said and started with heel raises first. I mean that's what they call it but I just say tippy toe.

"Ok try the next one" Annie said

I did the marches next. Again not what I call them or know them as. I just say lifting my legs up.

"Next" She said after watching me do the 4 others then she went off to work with another person. Before she left she put the timer on now. So I had 10 minutes to do each exercises 2 more times.

Once the timer beeped Annie came over. She turned off the timer since it was still beeping. Once she stops the timer from beeping she looks at me.

"How was that for you?" She asked me

"A little weird to be honest" I said with a chuckle

"That's natural. You are starting to use your legs more often. It's gonna take some time to get used to walking again. I know you have been walking a lot more now" She said

"So what do i do now? Or is it time to get out?" I asked her

"I want you to walk for 10 minutes. Ok?" She asked

"Walk? How?" I asked confused

"Well you are standing on the treadmill in there" She said with a laugh

"This is a treadmill too?!" I asked shocked

"Yep. So I'm gonna put you on a speed. You tell me if it's too fast or too slow" She said

The treadmill started up. I slowly walked with the treadmill so I wouldn't fall. Annie upped the speed a little. Once I got the hang of it.

"Ok I think that's good" I said to her.

"Ok. Well the timer is set for 10 minutes. Once you're done wait for me. I'll help you get out. Then we can work on your back muscles. Since I already did your legs" She said

"Ok" I said and continued to walk on the treadmill in the water.

After the ten minutes the timer beeped again. Annie comes and turns the timer off. Then let's me out of the water after doing the same routine as it was going in.

I go into the changing area and changed into boxers, shirt and shorts. After putting my clean clothes on, I put my shoes next. Then I walked out of the changing room.

"Alright Eric sit right here in the massage chair" Annie said

I sat down.

"Now I'm gonna feel around your back. Let me know if a certain place hurts more than others ok?" She said to me

"Yeah" I said as I put my head into the opening of the massage chair

She started to feel around my back. Then she hit a spot that truly hurt me

"Right there" I said in pain and discomfort

"Yeah you feel tense" She said as she continues to do it

"So what do I do about that?" I asked as I try to breath.

"Have you been doing the exercise I gave you the first time you came here?" She asked

" I kind of lost it" I said

"Ok. Well I'll print out another copy for you. But after I'm finishing the massage" She said and continue to massage my back. "I'm gonna do the legs again. This time I'm gonna massage them not stretch them. But again tell me if I hurt you" She said and started with my right leg first

After another 10 minutes of Annie massaging both of my legs. From my thighs to my feet. I was done.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow. Please do these exercises. Even if you are feeling discomfort. Ok?" Annie said handing me the paper copy of the exercises I needed to do.

I took the paper, "yeah I will" I said. "See you tomorrow Annie" I said and left

I walked back to my dorm and laid on the bed.

"Hey coz. How was therapy?" Arthur asked me

"It was alright. Luckily Mondays I have mornings free. Cause then I can do it. And I have a few more hours until my first class of the day" I said

"Did Annie say when you'll be done with PT?" He asked me

"No she didn't" I said

"Well you go back tomorrow right?" he asked me

"Yeah" I said

"Well then you can ask her tomorrow" He said

"Alright. I mean I'm probably gonna be doing this for awhile. I mean I was paralyzed Arth" I said sitting up slowly

"I know that Eric. But you're walking again. You will be normal again" He said facing me

"Face it Arth. I'm never gonna be normal. A normal guy can play sports without worrying about being paralyzed again" I said

"Eric you don't need to play sports" He said

"What am I without sports Arthur?" I asked him

"You're my favorite cousin" He said

"I just.....sports was everything. Then this stupid crash happened 3 years ago. I lost every scholarship I had. We graduated high school. I went to work as you went to school. Then I decided to come here. We have had fun. But I mean come on. I can barely stay on my feet. And maybe that's my life now" I said walking over to my little closet

"Where are you going?" He asked me

"I got to go print out my paper for my English class" I said putting on a shirt

"Ok. Call me if you need help" He said

"I'll be fine coz. Don't worry" I said. I closed our dorm room door and went to the schools library's which was about 15 minutes away from our dorm room.

When I was on my walk I passed a dunkin. But I quickly turned around and walked in. I ordered my coffee and food.

After eating my breakfast, I was left with just my coffee. I was about 5 minutes from the library now. When I got a call. I looked on my screen and saw Carley was calling. I smile and answer

"Hello Ms.Levi" I said with a British accent trying to be cute

"Hi Mr.Wilson. Where are you going?" She asked me

"To the library. Cause I have to print out my English paper. It's due" I said

"Your school doesn't use canvas?" she asked me

"They do but my professor wants it handed in. He's like really old school" I said with a laugh

"Who's your professor?" She asked me

"You're not gonna know him unless you go here Car" i said with a chuckle

"Come on just entertain me" She said with a loud sigh

"Are you bored Ms.Levi? Is that the reason for your call?" I asked her

"No! I wanted to talk to my boyfriend" She said

"Yeah well I already told you what I'm doing" I said to her

"Yeah but I thought you would want to talk to" She said

"And in any other circumstances I would be thrilled to be talking to you. But I only have an hour to print out this. And I'm hoping no one is at the library but that's never the case. Anyways I'm about to head into the library. So I will call you back after I'm done in here. Ok?" I said to her on the phone

"Alright. I love you E" She said

"Love you too Car. Bye" I said

"Bye" She said then hung up the phone

I put my phone into my short's pocket and walked into the library.

"No drinks in here Eric. You know the deal" The librarian said

"Sorry Mrs.T" I said and threw out my empty cup. I go back over to the computers and started to log in. Once I am I put in my flash drive and printed out my english paper. Yes I did proof read it before printing the paper out. I even had Arthur read it on my computer. So 2 eyes saw it.

Once the 5 pages come out I go back to my dorm. I texted Carley that I had a few minutes before my class.

She didn't answer so I think she was in class now. I headed off to my english class. I was early though. The time it starts is 1:15 pm. And it's 1:00 pm now. So yeah I am 15 minutes early. So I just sat outside since it was a nice day out. Which is why I love California. It doesn't ever get freezing cold.

I saw one person i hated to see around. I sigh as she came up

"Hey" Bella said with a flirty smile

"Yes Bella?" I asked annoyed

"So I just broke up with my boyfriend. Wanna hook up?" She asked touching my arm

I laugh. "No" I said serious

"Why?" She asked confused

"I have a girlfriend. Someone who I love more than life itself" I said to her. I stood up and walked to another place not too far from the building I need to be in.

"Come on Eric. Whoever it is obviously doesn't know you like I do" She said

"No she actually knows me more than you do" I said smiling at her

"Is it your ex?" She asked sounding a little mad

"Maybe" I said

"Why go back to her? Isn't she in Tennessee?" She asked

"One. I never told you where she went to school. And two because I should have never broken up with her" I said to her

"But come on. When we kissed didn't you feel the sparks" She said getting closer to me

I move away. "No i didn't Bella. Now move on from me. Like you did the first couple times" I said and tried to throw her off

"Eric we are meant to be though!" She said going after me

I looked at my phone and saw a message from Carley. She just texted that she was in class and we will talk later. I said ok. I saw that it is 1:15 pm. So I walked back into the building for my english class.

I sat in the back because that's my normal spot. Timmy comes over and smacks my hand as I held it out for him to hit.

"What's up buddy?" He asked sitting next to me

"Not much. You know who's annoying though?" I asked him

"Bella?" He asked

"Bella" I said in agreement

"Well dude you should have saw the signs of her" he said

"There weren't any bad signs until she cheated" I said to him

"Mr.Wilson and Mr.Samuels would you two like to share something?" The professor said

"No sir" We said

"Then quite" He said

Timmy and I don't speak the rest of class because we didn't want to be yelled at again. At the end of class the teacher told us to hand in our papers. I set mine on the table with the rest of the papers.

I go out of the room. Next is spanish. I like this class. It's a cool class. I mean I am slowly learning the words. Yes I am in spanish 1 again because before I couldn't understand it. Because of my disability. But I do have a tutor who helps me. I've been getting B's for this semester in spanish.

After that I only had one more class for the day. Which I am happy about. It was history. One of my worse subjects honestly. I have always had trouble. Also with science. Never got that either. But every year we have to take a history and science class. I mean there'd mostly freshman and sophomores in this class.

The reason for that being is because during my freshman and sophomore year of college I was slowly passing my own classes I had to get by. Once this class was finally done I went back to the dorms.

I laid on my bed. When I heard a knock on the door. I sigh and open it. I saw it was Ellie and Sami.

"Yes?" I asked them

"Where are our boyfriend and fiance?" Ellie asked me

"I have no idea. I just got back from class" I said honestly

"Well you were with Timmy" Sami said

"Yeah we had english together that's about it" I said to her

"Is there a party tonight?" She asked

"I have no idea" I said to them

"Try calling them again" Ellie said

"I'll call Timmy and you call Arthur" Sami said

"Yeah" She said

"Good plan. Now can you two leave? I'm trying to sleep" I said

"Now what would my best friend say to you for being mean to her best friend?" Ellie asked coming in and sitting on Arthurs bed

"Carley would say let me sleep. She knows how I am without sleep" I said with my arms crossed

"Hmm" She said and called someone

Once the ringing stopped.

"Hello Ellie" Carley said

"Really?" I asked mouthing to Ellie. "Hey Car. Ellie is in my room while I am trying to sleep. Please tell your best friend how I am when I don't get enough sleep" I said to Carley on the phone

"Ellie you know how Eric gets. Why are you there in the first place?" Carley asked on the phone

"Well Sami and I are looking for our boyfriend and fiance. But we can't seem to find them. And Eric's being no help" Ellie said to her best friend

"I don't know where they are!" I yelled annoyed

Then entered Arthur and Timmy.

"Oh hi girls. What are you doing here?" Arthur asked kissing his fiancé on her cheek

"The real question is where were you two?" Ellie asked

"Can I hang up now or do you still need me Ellie?" Carley asked on the phone

I took Ellie's phone. "I love you Car. You can go back to whatever you were doing. I'll call you on my phone once I get a little nap in" I said

"Alright E. I love you too. Talk to you later" She said

"Bye" I said

"Bye" She said

We both hang up the phone. Then I threw Ellie her phone.

"Thanks for calling my girlfriend Ellie" I said annoyed

"Oh boo hoo Eric. I was worried bout my fiance" She said annoyed while glaring at Arthur

"Timmy and I just went out for drinks" Arthur said

"And why didn't you answer your phones?" Sami asked her boyfriend this time

"We couldn't really hear. People where talking and stuff" Timmy said

"Look guys you are my friends and my cousin but I need sleep. So could you guys fight somewhere else?" I asked nicely

"Sure thing coz. Come on girls. We will take you out for dinner for this problem" Arthur said pushing Sami and Ellie out of the dorm.

Once the four of them leave I finally took a nap. Not too long though because I do want to sleep tonight. After my nap I did call Carley and told her why Ellie called her.

After that call I just did all my homework for the day after tomorrow since thats when my next classes are. Once I was finally done I fell asleep and had a pretty good night sleep even though I fell asleep at 2:00 in the morning.

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