
By SianaghGallagher

161K 17.3K 3.3K

Tom has always treated demons like equals, but he never expected to fall in love with one. Not Ezra, who was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 14

3.4K 335 60
By SianaghGallagher

Tom worked two more quiet shifts, and Ezra still didn't show. He wondered what the demon was doing, and whether he was busy with soul stripper duties. Tom finished at eight on a Sunday evening. The pub closed in three hours, but his dad insisted that there didn't need two members of staff working when there were only three locals in the pub.

Tom was thankful to finish, and planned to read Demon Crimes in Wileshire, but halfway up the stairs, he heard his sister and her husband arguing. Tom retreated and went for a walk instead. For the start of April, the weather was still bitter, and he zipper his coat up to his chin and dug hands into his pockets.

By the time Tom reached Berry Pond, the sun was a hint of purple across the dark horizon. He sat on a wooden bench and stared at the murky still water. The pond was lit by cute fairy lights that draped around the surrounding thin trees. Mice lived all around the pond, as did ducks and birds and foxes the occasional owl. Despite the wildlife, Tom heard nothing other than his own heartbeat.

He wished he had grabbed the book and the headtorch before leaving. Sometimes, sitting with his own thoughts was the wrong type of company. Tom thought about his future, and how he had made no effort to look at his options. Tom worried that he would keep putting it off until one day he was in his forties and had wasted years by waiting for the right time.

He picked up a small pebble and chucked it into the pond. He watched the water ripple until it was still again. Would he cause a ripple in his parents' life by leaving the pub behind? What if there was a bad fight and he wasn't there to help, and someone he cared about got seriously injured or worse? What if his parents struggled to hire someone new and they had to work too much? What if he committed to studying online and he hated it? And then he would've wasted all his savings on a life that he didn't want. What if-

Tom heard what sounded like another pebble plopping into the water. He looked up and saw a dark shape at the other end of the pond. It was too dark to see if it was anyone he knew. The the dark shape stopped crouching and started walking around the edge. For a moment, Tom wondered if Ezra had returned, but there was more than one dark shape. Tom spotted three people moving towards him, and then the pit of his stomach churned, and the hairs on his arms stood on end. He had a sudden anxiety drop and knew that demons were close.

The first one emerged into the light with a smile. "You there," she said, leaning against a thin tree, crossing her arms. "You own that pub up the road, don't you?"

"My parent's own it. I just work there," Tom said, returning the smile to hide the fact that he was on high alert. "It's still open for another . . ." he checked his watch. "Two hours and thirty minutes."

The other two demons emerged from the shadows. One was short and beefy with big arms, round shoulders, and a very broad chest. He was smiling at Tom too, but his eyes twinkled with something that made his heart thump a little harder. The other demon was tall and skinny, and she was cracking her knuckles.

"Feel free to go for a drink at the pub," Tom said. "It's demon friendly."

"Is it," the tall demon said, in a tone that was too hostile for Tom's liking.

"It is." He stood up, still forcing a smile. "I'm gonna head off now-"

"Why are you hanging around a soul stripper?" asked the woman who was leaning against the tree.

"What?" Tom asked with a frown.

"We saw you sitting together on the hill this morning."

"Oh," Tom shrugged. "He's a regular in the pub. We talk sometimes." He wasn't totally lying. Ezra had been a frequent visitor for over two weeks now.

"Is he," the tall demon said, stepping closer.

"He is. I don't get why me talking to him is a problem." Tom edged towards the path, but so did the other two demons.

"Well, your pub is one of the most violent spots in the county with the highest rate of demon deaths. We just think it's suspicious that you're seen with a soul stripper, especially him."

"How is that suspicious?"

"Do you lure the demons into your friendly pub, then provoke them, and then get your soul stripper friend to end them?"

"What? No, not at all! Our pub really is demon friendly. We like that demons can have a safe space to drink."

"We don't believe you. You're working with the soul stripper on purpose, aren't you? Just admit it."

"I'm not." Tom was offended by such an accusation.

"Then how do you explain all the violence in your pub? Demons are the only ones getting killed."

"Only if they end up spilling human blood, which is against their law. Humans are usually the ones to start it, which is why I went to angel for help earlier today. Their influence isn't working."

"I call bullshit," the beefy demon said, stepping closer to Tom. "You and that soul stripper are up to something."

It's not what you think. Tom wanted to tell them, but Ezra had told him to keep it to himself. "I respect demons. I'm not plotting against you."

"That's not what it looks like, especially with that soul stripper."

"What do you mean?"

They all glanced at each other. "He hasn't told you his past?"

Tom shook his head to say no. "I don't know anything about him. Like I said, he's just a regular in-"

The tall demon lunged forwards and grabbed Tom by the neck. She pushed his back into the tree so hard, Tom's legs almost buckled. "Don't fucking lie to us!" She spat in his face.

Tom held his hands up. Fighting her would only worsen the situation. He was outnumbered, and by a body of water deep enough for him to drown if things escalated. Tom glanced up towards the sky. There were no golden shooting stars that resembled travelling angels, but there was a slit of the moon between the clouds. Tom had forgotten what Ezra said. Demons were more violent on a new moon. "You have to believe me!" He winced when her cold fingers tightened around his neck. "I want the best for demons. It's horrible to watch them lose their souls when humans started the fighting! Ple-ease . . ." he spluttered. "Let g-go!"

She wrenched him from the tree and flung him across the muddy ground. Tom rolled and skidded to a halt right next to the pond. He couldn't swim, and quickly retreated away, but the beefy demon shoved him onto his stomach and pressed a large boot into his spine. "Admit it, you're working with the soul stripper to get rid of demons."

"I'm not!" Tom yelled, panicking when the other two demons started discussing what to do with him. When one suggested that they push him into the pond, Tom tried to fight back. He turned and kicked the demon in the chest, who only stumbled back a little, but it was enough for Tom to scurry away. He leapt over the bench, aiming for the trees and for farmer Joels field.

A hand grabbed his hood before he could fully jump over. Tom was flung backwards again, this time with so much force that he couldn't stop himself. He fell backwards, but a hand grabbed the front of his jacket before he could tumble into the water.

One of the demons gripped his neck again, tilting him towards the pond with a grin. "This is what happens to those who plot against us," she said as Tom tried to grip onto her arm.

"Please!" he said desperately. "I can't swim!"

The other two laughed, and Tom knew he wouldn't leave without getting tossed into the pond. He only had one option. He couldn't ring his parents or the police. His phone was zipped in his pocket, and he would be in the water way before he could ring them.

But the only option he had would break his contract. Tom decided that he wanted this life much more than the fate of his soul.

He looked at the faces, all menacing glares, and frightening smiles. Tom then locked eyes with the demon who held him over the edge of the pond. He tightened his grip on her arm and said, "Ezrakhell."

He expected to summon him in a single breath, or a single heartbeat. He expected Ezra to arrive the second he finished saying his name. But he didn't for long enough for Tom to see the sudden fear in the demon's eyes.

Then Ezra appeared behind everyone. Only Tom noticed him at first. Ezra was good at fitting into a moment as if he had always been there. His hood was down, and he stared around, soaking up the situation to see why he had been summoned.

Ezra looked Tom up and down, and then the demon who was holding him over the water by his neck. "What is going on here?" he asked, and his deep voice echoed across the pond. All the demons snapped their heads in his direction. Nobody answered him, so Ezra repeated sternly, "What is going on?"

"They think we're wo-orking together to get rid of demo-ons," Tom spluttered, which earnt him a slap across the face. His foot slipped and dipped into the pond. The water was freezing.

"Why would you think that?" Ezra asked the other demons.

"We saw you both sitting together. Demon's keep losing their lives at the pub you drink in, soul stripper!" the tall demon yelled, lurking towards him like a fox stalking a sheep. "Yet somehow you're always walking away unhurt."

"Because I don't rise to the provocative behaviour." Ezra stood as still as the trees. "Let Tom go."

"Why? So that he can go back to the pub and cause more fights between his locals and us demons?"

Ezra scowled. His expressive brown eyes glowed frustration. "Tom is a big supporter of demons. He's one of the most accepting humans I have ever met. You're fucking blind to accuse him of plotting against you."

"You're just saying that because you've been caught, Ezrakhell."

They spoke his name is if it was the most disgusting thing in the world. They knew him and didn't like him, and Tom wanted to know why. "Tom and I are working together to figure out why this county is so violent. He's getting me books from the library so I can investigate," Ezra said simply.

"Tom told us that you're just a local, and that's why you were talking on the bench. He's a fucking liar." The demon prepared herself to push Tom backwards, but he gripped her wrist tighter.

His neck had started to cramp. "Ezra wanted to keep that a secret, that's why I didn't tell you." He glanced to the side. The murky water was so close to his heels. "I wasn't lying when I said I had asked an angel about the violence. I saw her today in the library when I was getting another book for him. Please," Tom begged when she looked like she didn't believe him. "The pond is deep. I can't swim."

Ezra then stepped forwards, realising the seriousness if the situation. "Let him go, and I'll tell you why I am in the area and what I'm doing," he said calmly.

"Why would we believe you of all demons?" the tall woman asked, stepping in his way. "Push the human in, I want to fight."

"If you push him in, I'll take your souls. You're threatening to end a human life, you're already breaking the law," Ezra warned.

The beefy demon looked towards the pond, then back at Ezrakhell. "He's not worth it," he said and disappeared.

"No!" the tall demon roared and threw herself at Ezra. The one holding onto Tom looked him in the eyes with the most bone-chilling stare he had ever seen. In one swift motion, she let go of his throat and pushed him into the pond.

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