wrong person to rob

By nonexistent2244

88K 3.3K 431

stiles was an infamous criminal, he was incredibly good at reading people, hacking into anything he felt like... More

the supernatural
curse good morals
double planned escape
trickster spirit
now we wait
escape #2
sour wolves
training sucks
battle stations
shit hits the fan (kinda)
control (:
sleeping arrangements
pack time.
what on earth
new friend
free time, fuck.
stiles? stiles!
loving care
a start on allies.
allies to friends.
late night talks
a rocky plan
hitch in the plan
flowers and sprouts
finally alright

really bad meetings

2.4K 93 15
By nonexistent2244

stiles sat on the island, still buried in the book with a lukewarm cup of coffee beside him. scott walked in with a small smile, that changed to a frown as he sniffed the air.

"jesus stiles you smell exhausted. did you sleep at all last night?"

stiles shrugged not looking up. he took a gulp of his coffee and stared intensely at page 682. the words had stopped registering a while ago but that didn't stop stiles from trying.

scott walked towards him and snatched the book out his hands. stiles scrabbled to grab it from his outstretched hand.

"i'm almost finished, cmon"

scott just rolled his eyes and left the room. stiles sighed defeatedly and placed his head in his hands. he had learnt a great deal from the book. such as being susceptible to foxglove, the opposition of him to canines, one of the reasons he didn't like the smell of scott or many others. he also had to be wary of negative emotions, for some reason were foxes were more easily consumed by their bad emotions. it could lead to colossal damage if he wasn't careful.

scott came back a few moments later. stiles looked around him confused
"where's my book?"

"stiles go to bed"

he shook his head hard

"well why not?"
scott asked exasperated.

"i can't sleep, got insomnia or whatever"

scott swallowed. he didn't know how to deal with that, derek might as derek has episodes of it aswell.

"you could ask derek?"
he offered. stiles only scoffed bitterly.

"like he would speak to me let alone help me out, don't forget he's still fuming about the mission i fucked up"

scott sighed. he could smell stiles' guilt, frustration and sadness. he wished he could help but after all, he was still a kidnapper in stiles' eyes. before he could offer any consolation at all stiles stood up abruptly.

"i'm gonna take a walk"

stiles muttered exiting quickly. scott nodded and watched him leave.

stiles didn't go on a walk, instead he headed for the training room, praying no one else was in there. luck was on his side as the room was empty, he looked up at the pen still lodged in the tile, a puddle of water surrounded the battered punching bag he had practiced on earlier.

most foxes could only be one thing so stiles expected himself to be a water one.

he walked towards the water and focused on lifting it up. the puddle trembled but didn't budge. he tried again, it moved harder but then settled down. he huffed angrily and left the room, he grabbed an energy drink and re-read one of the werefox, books. like hell he was going to sleep

it was 8pm when a knock on the door echoed round the house. scott who was previously  losing badly to stiles in mario kart froze. no one had a meeting scheduled and everyone who lived here had a key that they definitely wouldn't lose.

he made his way slowly to the front door, derek  appeared next to him. stiles stood in the kitchen doorway watching this take place. derek looked through the peephole and visibly tensed, he turned to scott and whispered something incoherent in his ear. scott turned deathly white and hurried back down the corridor.

"go to your room, now"

stiles gaped, completely out of the loop but did as he was told. he went to his room and shut the door, then he held his breath, waiting but he didn't know for what. he felt like a child being sent to his room for bad behaviour but something in scott's tone said this was serious.

a dozen footsteps echoed down the corridor.

"follow me."

he heard derek growl from outside. the footsteps quietened down. stiles sat still for a few minutes, his thoughts running wild, eventually he relented and creeped down the corridor in search of everyone. he came to a stop outside the meeting room. muffled voices could be heard inside.

he put his ear to the door and listened intently, he silently gasped as he recognised a voice.

"listen, mr. hale, i know you and there's not a chance you would have been able to pull something off like that. at first i was pissed because you blew up all my stuff. but now i'm intrigued, either you got smart or you got someone new. i'm thinking the latter."

derek stayed silent.

"so who is this mystery guy?"

no response.

"that's fine, i'll get these two to find them"

derek growled lowly

"you will not."

he heard a bitter chuckle, followed by slow paces to the door.

"if we find them we won't hurt them. we just wanna take a look"

stiles scrambled away from the door and bolted down the corridor. he knew he couldn't stay in his room, it reeked of him. he sprinted up to the library and quietly shut the door. after what felt like forever but could have only been a few minutes footsteps approached slowly, he heard a man sniffing heavily.

a shadow stopped at the door,stiles held his breath, a sheen of sweat encased his forehead.

"in here boss"

he heard a gruff voice bark.

more footsteps and the door slowly opened. stiles scrambled to the back of the room and shot behind a bookshelf.

"you sure?"

"it reeks of him"

stiles' heart was beating a thousand times a second, his hands had visibly begun to shake.

suddenly someone grabbed his collar and yanked him off his feet.

"got the fucker"

stiles squirmed in the man's grip, a futile act to escape. he slowly looked up and locked eyes with cruncher.

"guard the door, make sure mr. hale can't get in"

the guard went and placed all his weight against the wooden door. as if on cue loud pounding could be heard on the opposite side.

"i'm going to rip your throat out"
he heard derek shout.

stiles silently prayed he got past. he needed derek to save him. stiles hated himself for thinking that, like a damsel in distress who needs a handsome man to save him.

cruncher got closer and sniffed hard. his face morphed from a look of confusion to greed and maliciousness.

"holy shit, a werefox?"

he stated as if this was the biggest deal in the world.

"you didn't say you were hiding a rare treasure up here"

he yelled to derek.

"don't fucking touch him"

he retaliated.  cruncher just chucked and approached stiles slowly, he got very close to his face and whispered.

"mr. hale sure does care about you huh? yknow you would make a perfect mate"

an angry slam came from behind the door but the guard held strong.

"seems like someone agrees."'

stiles spat on his face. he was burning with anger and fear.

cruncher froze, he slowly wiped his cheek off and turned to face him again.  eyes blazing a dangerous blue. the coyness previously displayed had vanished, replaced by simmering fury.

"but maybe i should take you now? then teach you a few lessons on how to treat those higher than you"

he grabbed stiles by the neck and slammed him against a wall, stiles struggled to breath and let out a guttural yell.

cruncher got closer, his teeth elongated as he leant down to stiles' collar. stiles tensed, frozen with fear however as soon as he felt the first sting of his teeth a switch was flipped in his mind. like a doorway had been opened.


he yelled, everything around him was launched towards the opposite end of the room. cruncher hit the wall with a thud.

he staggered up, wiping the blood of his lip and grinned.

"now that's interesting... an air based fox. pretty common but i'm not complaining.

stiles' eyes switched from purple to a deep blue as he got lost in his fury.

he formed small ice shards, sharp enough to cut deep and sent as many as he could manage at cruncher. he ducked away from most but a few caught his face, one straight in the eye.
he yelled out it pain, clutching his face tightly. the body guard by the door was caught in the cross fire and slumped to the ground, derek shoved through but stopped when he saw stiles. cruncher clapped slowly nearby

"holy shit, he can specialise in two. you are coming home with me, that's for sure"

stiles yelled out in anger then  sent a larger shard that impailed crunchers leg. he screamed loudly as the ice froze the blood oozing out.


derek tried, but all his attention was on cruncher.


he barked. stiles turned slowly, his eyes keeping the abnormal blue.

derek carefully inched closer, expecting to be thrown to the side any second. when nothing happened he grew bolder and strode forward. he gripped stiles in a tight hug. scrunching his nose at the foul scent of cruncher still lingering on his neck.

as discreetly as possible he scent marked stiles. only to get rid of the other scent of course, no other reason he assured himself.

stiles seemed to find himself again as he collapsed into derek.

"are you alright?"

he felt stiles nod against him before his breathing turned even. he had passed out.

derek carefully carried stiles back to the room and placed him on the bed. he was about to leave but lingered at the door for a moment, admiring the sleeping fox.

he rubbed the thoughts away and he, scott, isaac and peter dragged a crying cruncher and his other goon down to the basement( they would deal with them later.

EbonneeGray  thanks so much for helping me with this and also for being like, insanely nice (:

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