A Star Wars Story

By N7Legion-Games

167K 2.8K 1.7K

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their respective owners. This is my what if story. More

Phantom Menace Ch:1
Phantom Menace Ch: 2
Phantom Menace Ch: 3
Phantom Menace Ch: 5
Phantom Menace Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter
Attack of the Clones Ch: 1
Attack of the Clones Ch: 2
Attack of the Clones Ch: 3
Attack of the Clones Ch: 4
Attack of the Clones Ch: 5
Attack of the Clones Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E1 Ambush
Clone Wars S1 E2 Rising Malevolence.
Clone Wars S1 E3 Shadow of Malevolence
Clone Wars S1 E4 Destroy Malevolence
bonus chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E5 Rookies
Clone Wars Bombad Jedi
Clone Wars Trespassers
Mini Chapter.

Phantom Menace Ch: 4

5.9K 120 41
By N7Legion-Games

Race crews mill about outside the Main Hanger.

The hanger is a large building with a dozen or so Podracers being readied for the race. Alien crews and pilots rush about, making last minute fixes on their vehicles. Watto, Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar walk through the activity.

... I wanta see your spaceship the moment the race is over.

Patience, my good friend. You'll have your winnings before the suns set, and we'll be far away from here.

Not if your ship belongs to me, I think... I warn you, no funny business.

You don't think either Anakin, or Revan will win?

Watto stops before an orange racer. Sitting to one side, having his shoulders and neck massaged by Twin Twi'leks, is Sebulba.

Don't get me wrongo. I have great faith in the boys. They're a credit to your race, but Sebulba there is going to win, I think.

Watto flies over to where Sebulba is getting a massage as Jar Jar's eyes bug out in shock.

Jar Jar:

Why do you think that?

He always wins. (laughs) I'm betting heavily on Sebulba.

I'll take that bet.

(suddenly stops laughing) You'll what??!!

I'll wager my new racing pod against... say... the boys and their mother.

No Pod's worth three slaves ... not by a long shot.

The boys, then ... and I'll throw in my fifty percent of my winnings minus the cost to the parts I need.

Watto thinks a bit as Jar Jar looks around.

We'll let fate decide, huh. I just happen to have a chance cube here. Blue it's the boys, red their mother...

Watto tosses the cube down. Qui-Gon lifts his hand slightly; it turns blue. Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar smiles. Watto is angry.

You won the small toss, outlander, bou you won't win the race, so ... it makes little difference.

Anakin with Sabé were on an Eopie pulling one engine. Shmi with Kitster was pulling the other. Padmé, who was wearing the necklace that Revan gave her and Revan were both on their own Eopies pulling his engines. R2 was seen pulling Anakin's Pod. BD with the help of a few pit droids were pulling Revan's pod. Watto then passes them.

(subtitled) Ouna bakeesa. Bonapa keesa pateeso, o wanna meetee chobodd. (Better stop your friend's betting or I'll end up owning him too.)

What'd he mean by that?

I'll tell you later. Goodmorning.

Qui-Gon walks over to where Shmi is seated on the Eopie and helps her down.

R2 beeps at Threepio.

Oh my! Space travel sounds rather perilous.

BD emits a series of beeps.

I can assure you they will never get me onto one of those dreadful starships!

(to Anakin) This is so wizard Ani! I'm sure you'll do it this time.

Do what?

Finish the race, of course!

You've never won a race?

Well... not exactly...

Not even finished?!

She questioned shockingly.

Anakin looks sheepish.

... Kitster's right, I will this time.

Of course you will.

Qui-Gon and Sabé look at eachother. Sabé is concerned about this. Padmé on the other hand looks at Revan.

How about you, did you ever win a race?

Yeah, plenty of times. I even beat Sebulba several times, which Watto, and Sebulba tend to forget at times.

He said this, and both Padmé, and Sabé nerves had calmed but the bet was riding on both of them finishing the race first and second place.

One of Darth Maul's Probe Droids slowly floats down the main street of Mos Espa. It looks in shops and studies people as it searches for the Queen.

We then see a vast arena in the Tatooine desert. A large semi-circular amphitheatre that holds at least a hundred thousand people dominates the landscape. Large viewing platforms loom over the racetrack.

A two-headed Announcer describes the scene.

An:(And I just recently found out that Greg Proops is the head who talks English).


Toogi! Toogie! Toong mee cha kulkah du Boonta magi! tah oos azalus ooval Poddraces.

That's absolutly right. And a big turnout here, from all corners of the Outer Rim territories. I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.

On the left side of the tracks across from the grandstands, a line of Podracers emerges from the large hanger, surrounded by several crew members. Pods are pulled by a wide variety of creatures and are led by aliens carrying flags. The pilots stand facing the royal box.

Fode/Beed: (O.S)

La Yma beestoo.

I see Ben Quadinaros from the Tund system.

Ben Quadinaros waves his arms around excitedly.

... eh Gasgano doowa newpa Ord Petrovia!

Two time winner, Boles Roor ...

He too waved excitedly.

Poo tula moosta, woe grane champio Sebulba du Pixelito! Splastyleeya bookie ookie!!

Sebulba was waving, and pumping his arms in the air. They then go to announce a few other names.

And in the front row, nearside pole position... Mawhonic!

He waves to the crowd.

A hearty hello... to Clegg Holdfast and his Voltec KT9 Wasp!

Clegg bows to the crowd but turned his head up like a posh fool.

And back again, it's the mighty Dud Bolt... with that incredible racing machine, the Vulptereen 327.

And hoping for a big win today... Ody Mandrell, with his record-setting pit droid team.

We see Ody with at least a dozen pit droids. Three of which were smacking each other around.

We have our four time winner Revan Skywalker, a local boy, and a late entry, his younger brother Anakin Skywalker.

Wampa peedunkee unko.

The crowd cheers as Revan, and Anakin wave to the crowd.

I see the flaggers are moving onto the track.

Colorful canopies shade some of the Spectators. Vendors sell barbecued creature parts and colorful drinks.

Jar Jar:
is standing near an EOPIE who makes a stink.

Jar Jar:

Shmi then went to both her boys, and looked at them as a worried mother would.

Be safe, both of you.


I will, Mom. I promise.

Sebulba comes up to Anakin's pod engines and broke the rear stabilizing valve on his pod racer. He then approached Anakin.

Bazda wahota, shag. Dobiella Nok. (You won't walk away from this one, Skywalker. You slave scum.)

(subtitled) Cha skrundee da pat, sleemo. (Don't count on it, slime-ball.)

Anakin looks the evil Sebulba in the eye with a cold stare.

(subtitled) Yoka to Bantha poodoo. (You're bantha fodder!)

Sebulba walks away as Qui-Gon walks up.

You all set, Ani?


All right.

Qui-Gon picks him up and sets him down in the racer.

Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel. Don't think. Use your instincts.

I will.

May the Force be with you.

He said as he hands Anakin his helmet.

Revan was making final adjustments on his Podracer when he was approached by Padmé.

Hey, I just wanted to wish you luck.

Thanks, I don't need luck, but I'll take it nonetheless.

He said smiling, she too smiled at him. Just then Qui-Gon approaches them, and Padmé walked off.

All set Revan?

Yes, sir.

He said as he hopped in the pod.

Just remember, concentrate.

Got it.

Qui-Gon then sensed how powerful Revan was. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. He was calm, and there was a balance to him. How powerful was he? How connected is he to the Force? Qui-Gon then hands him his helmet.

May the Force be with you.

Qui-Gon then stepped away.

All the Pilots bow from the waist as Jabba The Hutt enters the box and waves to the crowd.


O grandio lust amu intoe tah parena, Jabba Du Hutt.

The crowd Roars. Jabba moves out of his box to greet the crowed. One other Slug-Like Hutt follows, along with humans and aliens. A Slave Girl on a chain is led alongside Jabba.

(subtitled) Chowbaso! Tam ka chee Boonta rulee ya, kee madda hodrudda du wundee. (Welcome! Begin the race!)

The powerful energy binders of the various pods ignite and engines roar.

Shmi looks nervously to Qui-Gon as he enters a veiwing platform. Padmé, Sabé and Jar Jar are already on board. The platform rises like an elevator.

Are they nervous?

They're fine.

You Jedi are far too reckless. The Queen is not...

The Queen trusts my judgment, young handmaiden. You should too.

You assume too much.

She mutters under her breath.


Start your engines.

Both Anakin, and Revan flips a switch and their engines come to life. The other pilots flip switches, and powerful energy binders shoot between the engines. Aliens carrying large flags move off the track. All Racers were revving their engines ready to race. Revan had his eyes closed, and was breathing in slow paces. He could feel everything around him, and then he saw her...

He then opened his eyes with a look of purpose.

Jar Jar covers his eyes.

Jar Jar:
Oh, dissen ganna be messy! Mesa no watchen.

Jabba bites off the head of a frog and spits it at a gong, signaling the start of the race.

On a bridge over the track, a great green light at the center flashes. The Podracers shoot forward with a high-pitches scream.

Anakin's engine floods and coughs - then dies. All the other Podracers except one swerve around him and dissapear down the track. The slave boy struggles to get his racer started. The two-headed announcer reports.


An dare ovv!

Oh...wait. Little Skywalker has stalled.

The crowd laughs and points at the stalled craft.

Quadrinaros works franticaly on his pod.


Well it looks like Quadrinaros is having engine trouble also.

Quadrinaros pounds on his dashboard in frustration.

Jar Jar:
C'mon Ani!

Finally, Anakin's engines ignite. He zooms away after the receeding pack of competitors, leaving one quadra-Pod racer still trying to get started. The two-headed announcer describes the race as it progresses.


And there goes young Skywalker...

Jar Jar:
Go Ani, go!


He'll be hard pressed to catch up with the leaders.

Shmi had a veiwing screen of Anakin, and Padmé had a veiwing screen of Revan.

The Podracers fly across the desert. Sebulba is running neck and neck with Mawhonic, with Revan hot on their tails. They round the first turn in the track, side by side. Sebulba drives his Pod into Mawhonic forcing him into the wall of a large rock formation. Mawhonic crashes in a spectacular display of fire and smoke. But Revan used this to his advantage, and passes Sebulba and left a now upset Sebulba.

Looks like Revan wants that fifth win in a row.

Anakin is much faster than the back-end stragglers and passes them easily.

One of the drivers, Gasgano, won't let Anakin by. Anakin tries to pass him on one side and is cut off. He then tries to pass him on the other side ansd is cut off. As they come up on a cliff drop-off, Anakin backs off, then guns it as Gasgano goes over the cliff. Anakin accelerates so fast that he sails right over the top of Gasgano and speeds away.

Four Tusken Raiders perched above the race course fire their rifles at the Pods racing in the canyon below them. One shot ricochets off the back of Anakin's Pod.


Looks like a few Tusken Riaders have camped out on the canyon dune turn.

Quadrinaros' Podracer then explodes in a spectacular display of fire and smoke.


Ooo! There goes Quadrinaros power cuppling.

Jar Jar:
Here comes Revan ahoo!!

The Pod drops to the ground as Revan, and Sebulba enters the arena, closely followed by all the other Podracers.

Looks like Sebulba, and Revan are fighting for first. This is amazing!!

The crowd cheers Watto was looking nervous but Padmé, Sabé, Shmi, Jar Jar and Qui-Gon watch another screen and look worried, because they couldn't see Anakin.

Ody stops in the pits. Droids work on his engines. Dum-4 stands in front of the engine and is sucked in, causing the engine to die.

Dum-4 is spit out the back of the engine, very bent up. The engine lets out a manic laughter.


Ody Mandrell! Coona wa wunda dunko!

Oh no!

Jabba flicks a rodent off the edge of the balcony.

R2-D2, and BD-2, down in the pits with Kitster, lets out a worried sigh.

Where is master Anakin?

R2 twitters something in response.

Just then they see Anakin speeding through.

Look, here he comes!

Sure enough, coming around the bend is Anakin, quickly gaining on the pack. The two-headed announcer describes the action. The crowd goes wild.


It looks like young Skywalker is moving up in the field...

Anakin continues to gain on the pack. Tension for Shmi and Sabé is unbearable.

Kitster and Wald cheer as Anakin passes.

R2 lets out an excited whistle.

He has to complete two more circuits? Oh dear!

Lap two. Sebulba, and Revan are fighting for first place and the pack race past the main arena. The crowd stands and yeslls as the Podracers scream off into the distance.

Anakin is powering around corners and over hills and cliffs, passing other racers right and left. Sebulba, and Revan are still fighting for the lead.

Anakin works his way through a dense mass of racers as they zoom over a dune sea, kicking up dust. His Pod shakes violently as he goes over a jump. Tusken Raiders continue to shoot at the podracers. One of the Podracers, Teemto was hit, and crashed.

Oh, I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt.

Qui-Gon, Shmi, Padmé, Sabé, and Jar Jar are looking for Anakin.

Jar Jar:
Here he comes, yahoo!

Fode/Beed: (O.S.)

At the start of the third and final lap, Sebulba is in the lead, closely followed by Skywalker...

Anakin finally catches up with Sebulba, and Revan who are still fighting for first. While this was going on Anakin tries to find any opening that Revan would give him but Sebulba was making it difficult for Revan to give Anakin an opening. Half of the arena were chanting for Revan, and the rest were chanting Anakin.

Sebulba then pushed Revan over.


Big brother Skywalker's been forced onto the service ramp!

Revan crashes through the gate and his engines made a winding sound as he shoots through the air. While this was happening Anakin took the opportunity to bolt ahead of Sebulba to take the lead. Sebulba was left cursing at the both of them.

Revan eventually came back down, and took the lead.


It's Revan Skywalker!

The crowd goes wild.


Amazing... a quick controlled thrust and he's back on course!

Jar Jar:
Did he crashed?

Sebulba is furious. He stay's right on Anakin's tail, crowding him and pushing him through the turns. Sebulba pushes Anakin harder, and the young boy has a difficult time keeping control.

Two Jawas are watching from a distance.

The stabilizing valve on Anakin's engines begins to shake loose, and flew off causing his engine to catch fire.


Skywalker's in trouble. Sebulba passes him to attempt to take the lead.

Anakin sees the problem and switches over to an auxiliary system. While he is trying to accomplish this maneuver, Sebulba races past him. Anakin was struggling to get his engines back on.

Meanwhile Sebulba tried to take out Revan but to no avail, Revan countered Sebulba's attacks, and maneuvers with extreme efficiency.


I can't believe what I'm seeing. That human being is out of his mind. Both Sebulba, and Revan are fighting for the first spot.

Sebulba was taken back by how good Revan was. This was not possible. He even managed to avoid his sabotaging, which included throwing items in his opponents engines, or attempting to ram them into the walls.


I can't believe it Anakin Skywalker is catching Sebulba, and Revan.

A: Inkabunga.

Jar Jar:
Careful, Ani, careful, Ani!

Sebulba veers toward the both of them, and tried to ram both of them, but the tree of them got hooked together.


Those little human beings are out of their minds.

Punda tah punda!

They're side by side!

Bongo du bongu!

As they head for the final stretch, both Revan and Anakin had a momentary mind meld, and knew what to do. They went into full thrust causing Sebulba's Podracer to come apart, and causing him to crash into the dirt. Both his engines explodes, leaving his pod intact.

Poo doo!

The crowd cheered as both of them crossed the finish line. It didn't matter which one of them came first. Because many people were happy to see two slaves winning the race. Many of them bet heavily on both of them finishing the race. Joy filled that arena, and the crowds cheered for the brothers and all chanted their name, Skywalker.

R2, and BD whistled excitedly.

Qui-Gon, and Company were overwhelmed with joy that they had finished the race.

I can't believe it.

The two-headed announcer excitedly calls the finish.


The crowds are going nuts! Oh Ah Oh Ah (rock head in tandem with partner)

The crowd began to surround the brothers. Chanting for them. Everyone rushed over to them overcome with joy. Padmé was seen hugging Revan filled with joy. Qui-Gon picks Anakin up, and held him over his shoulder.

Mom! We did it!


In Watto's box several members were not happy, others were just counting their money with big smiles on their faces.

Jabba sits asleep in his box. His Twi'lek majordomo taps him on the shoulder letting him know the race is over.

The Main Hanger is almost deserted as racers depart. Jar Jar was seen hugging both Anakin, and Revan. Sabé was seen hugging Anakin, and Padmé was hugging Revan.

We owe the both of you everything.

Thank you, both.

Shmi then grabbed both of them, and kissed them.

My boys! It's so wonderful. You boys have brought hope to those who have none. I'm so very proud of you boys...

Watto was seen paying money to those who bet on the Skywalker Brothers, which cost him dearly. He then turns to Qui-Gon.

You! You swindled me! You knew the boy was going to win! Somehow you knew it! I lost everything.

Watto flies up to Qui-Gon and puts his face right up against Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon simply smiles.

Whenever you gamble, my friend, eventually you'll lose. Bring the parts to the main hanger. I'll come by your shop later so you can release the boys.

You can't have them! It wasn't a fair bet!

Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts ... I'm sure they can settle this.

Take him!

Qui-Gon nods and starts to leave.

R2, and BD cruises ahead of Qui-Gon and Padmé, who are riding one of the Eopies; Jar Jar rides the other with Sabé. They stop in front of the sleek Naboo spacecraft. Obi-Wan comes out of the ship and joins them.

Well, we have all the essential parts we need. I'm going back...some unfinished business. I won't be long.

Why do I sense we've picked up more pathetic life forms...?

It's the boys who's responsible for getting those parts. Get this hyperdrive generator installed.

Yes, Master. It shouldn't take long.

Qui-Gon turns and rides back to town on the Eopie.

Farther down the street Qui-Gon Revan and Anakin head toward the Skywalker hovel. Qui-Gon takes a handful of credits from beneath his poncho and hands them to the boys

Hi! These are for you two.

ANAKIN: (suddenly beaming) Yes!

Shmi is at a desk when the boys approached her.

Mom, he sold the Pods. Look at all the money we have!

Anakin, and Revan pulls a handful of credits.

Oh, my goodness, That's wonderful boys.

And they have been freed.

Both of them looked at him with confusion.


You both are no longer slaves.

Both of them couldn't believe it. They were free. Revan stood there silently pondering. He then looked to his mother who had a smile, but there was sadness behind that smile.

Did you hear that?

Now you boys can make your dreams come true. You boys are free! (turns to Qui-Gon) Will you take them with you? Are they to become Jedi?

Yes. Our meeting was not a coincidence. Nothing happens by accident.

So we will come with you, on your starship?

Qui-Gon kneels down to the boys.

Anakin, Revan training to become a Jedi is not be a easy challenge. And if you succeed, it's a hard life.

I wish to come with you.

There was no hesitation in his answer, he just ran to his room to pack, Anakin was determined to go too.

I want to go too. It's what I've always dreamed of doing. Can I go, Mom?!

Anakin, like Revan, this path has been placed for you; the choice is yours alone.

Anakin thinks a bit as he looks to his mother.

I want to do it.

Then, pack your things. We haven't much time.


Anakin began to run for his room, but then realized something. Did Revan realize the same thing?

What about Mom? Is she free too?

I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn't have it.

You're coming, aren't you, Mom?

Son, my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you, and your brother to let go...

I don't want things to change.

But you can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.

She hugs him deeply.

Now... hurry.

Revan had just come back with a few bags. He looks at his brother then at Qui-Gon, and his mother.

Is this were we say goodbye to one another?

There was a silence. Revan went to hug his mother. Shmi knew this would be hard, but now it was almost unbearable, she was letting both of her sons go in the same day. But she wanted a better life for them, so she had to be strong for them.

I'll miss you both. Look after Ani, will you.

I promise.

I promise to look after them both. You have my word.

She smiled as she looked at him.

Anakin hurries to throw the last of his things into his backpack. He walks over and pushes the button on the droid to wake him up. Threepio stares at him blankly.

Oh! Oh my, oh. Hello Master Anakin.

Well, Threepio, my brother and I are free ... and we're going away ... in a starship ...

Master, Annie, you are my maker, and I wish you, and your brother well. However, I should prefer it if I were a little more... comepleted.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish you, Threepio ... give you coverings and all ... I'm going to miss working on you. You've been a great pal. I'll make sure Mom doesn't sell you or anything.

Threepio stares at Anakin as he rushes out of the room.

Sell me?!?


Oh my!!!

Outside in the slave hovels Qui-Gon followed by Revan, and Anakin were seen walking away. Shmi was standing near the doorway watching her boys leave. They get twenty feet away when Anakin turns to look back at his mother standing near the doorway. He turns back to Qui-Gon, and his brother who then turns to him. Both Qui-Gon, and Revan watch as Anakin ran to his mother. Shmi hugs Anakin, as Anakin had tears in his eyes.

(starting to cry) I can't do it, Mom. I just can't do it.


Will I ever see you again?

He asked tearfully.

What does your heart tell you?

I hope so... yes... I guess.

Then we will see each other again.

I will come back and free you, Mom... I promise.

She smiled at him, but immediately had a serious look on her face.

Now be brave, and don't look back... don't look back.

Shmi hugs Anakin, then turns him around so he is facing Qui-Gon, and Revan and off he marches, like the brave little trooper that he is. He marches right past Qui-Gon, and Revan starring right ahead, tears in his eyes, determined not to look back.

The Probe Droid beeps and whistles to Darth Maul. The Sith Lord gets on a speeder bike and follows the Probe Droid into Mos Espa.

Qui-Gon, Revan, and Anakin were seen running towards the Naboo spacecraft. Anakin was having a hard time keeping up.

Qui-Gon, sir, wait, I'm tired!

Qui-Gon turns to answer and sees a dark-cloaked figure bearing down on a speeder bike.

Anakin, Revan, drop!

Anakin drops to the ground just as Darth Maul sweeps over them. Bit for some reason Darth Maul was knocked out of his speeder bike, and crashed into the sand, but made a recovery quickly to see that Revan had his hand out as if he was pushing something. Darth Maul looked at him with rage, but Revan grabbed Anakin and took off.

Qui-Gon got in between them, and ordered Revan to get Anakin, and himself on the ship.


Revan did what he was told, and Anakin was lagging behind Revan but followed him to the ship. Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul clashed Lightsabers with one another. Darth Maul attacks Qui-Gon, as he was struggling to defend himself.

Capt Panaka was then seen entering the cockpit with Anakin, Revan, and Padmé who was close to Revan.

Capt. Panaka:
Qui-Gon's in trouble!

Take off. Over there. Fly low.

He ordered which shocked everyone.

In the distance is a small cloud of dust. Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul continue their lightsaber battle. Leaping over one another in an incredible display of acrobatics, the two warriors hear the ship fly over them a few feet off the ground. Qui-Gon almost disappears for a moment.

Before Darth Maul knew what was happening, Qui-Gon made a leap for the spacecraft's ramp.

The ramp closes, and the Naboo craft rockets away, leaving the Sith Lord standing alone.

The sleek spacecraft rockets away from the planet Tatooine.

Qui-Gon was seen falling to the ground panting, and Revan, Anakin, and Obi-Wan ran in. R2, and BD were looking over him.

Are you all right?

I think so.

What was it?

I'm not sure... but he was well trained in the Jedi arts. My guess is he was after the Queen...

I felt something, raw power, and anger from him.

Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon were surprised at this.

I felt it too.

What are we going to do about it?

Obi-Wan gives Anakin, and Revan each a glance before looking at Qui-Gon.

Nothing we can do now. So I'd say we wait.

Qui-Gon chuckles at this.

Your brother is right, we should be patient. But Anakin, and Revan Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Hi. You're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you.

Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon chuckles at this.

An:(And that's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next chapter. I also want to acknowledge some of you for your help with this story





They helped me a great deal, and I'm grateful to them. So thank you guys from the bottom of my heart).

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