Jealousy - Iwaoi

By WALK3R105

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Iwaizumi has been in love with his best friend for the majority of his life. When one of his female friends c... More

Fresh start
Afraid of change
Growth and repair
Water fight
How it used to be
Stronger together
Gone away
Perfect pair
Back to normal
A little nudge
What if
Forget me nots


159 3 8
By WALK3R105

Beep beep beep

Oikawa had been in the hospital for 6 hours and hadn't yet woken up. He had been given stitches on the back of his head and a small piece of glass that was stuck there had been removed. He looked like he was dying when he first arrived at the hospital but now he's been cleaned up, he almost looked normal.

His friends had been sent home and the police had been sent over to investigate the situation at Mattsun's house.

While Oikawa was sleeping soundly, Iwaizumi found he couldn't sleep at all. So much had happened in such short time and Iwaizumi was having trouble processing everything that had happened. He couldn't believe how far Emiko had taken things.

He had been so caught up in Oikawa's safety and the fact that Emiko had pretty much tried to kill him that he'd forgotten what Oikawa had confessed to everyone. He suddenly remembered it just as he was about to fall asleep.

He almost felt the urge to scream. While he was furious with Emiko and extremely concerned for his best friend's health, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. 'Could this mean- do I really have a chance? No, I'm probably not his type. I imagine he'd want someone attractive, not some scruffy looking guy who always makes fun of him.'

Iwaizumi let his thoughts sink in. It at least meant he had a small chance but would Oikawa really be interested in someone like him. There had been several moments where it felt like it but Iwaizumi couldn't possibly think what Oikawa would see in him.

He eventually drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning, but Oikawa never left his thoughts. He just prayed that he would be okay.

Meanwhile, Oikawa was more than okay, currently dreaming of his happy memories.


(In middle school)

It was the day of their classmate's party and Oikawa was ecstatic. He was rushing around picking out clothes, brushing his hair, grabbing accessories. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi was nervous. He'd never been to a party before. For his and Oikawa's birthdays, they'd always just do something together, just the two of them.

"Hey, Iwa? Are you sure you're okay?" Oikawa was concerned for his friend. All he wanted was to see Iwaizumi happy. "We don't have to go if you don't want to."
"Don't be stupid, we are practically ready now and I know how important this is to you."
"Thanks Iwa!"

Oikawa jumped onto his best friend and wrapped his arms around him. "You're the best!"

They weren't the first to arrive at the party. It was being held in some sort of community centre and was already full of kids by the time they arrived. "Hey Oikawa, good to see you! And you too Iwaizumi. Make yourselves at home!" The kid said cheerfully.

"Come on Iwa, there's snacks over here!" Oikawa exclaimed, dragging Iwaizumi over to the snacks. Iwaizumi felt his nerves start to disappear. As long as Oikawa was by his side, he knew he'd be fine.

They spent a good amount of time by the snacks, to which Iwaizumi wasn't complaining, especially since they were further away from everyone else. "Y'know Iwa, you look really handsome tonight!" Iwaizumi was caught off guard. He hadn't expected Oikawa to say that just out of nowhere. "N-no I don't! You do!" Iwaizumi replied, almost yelling at him.

"What are you stupid? We both look handsome!" Oikawa laughed and Iwaizumi blushed, only just realising that Oikawa had complimented him. Oikawa was oblivious to Iwaizumi's thoughts and continued to shove snacks into his mouth.

"Ooh, I love this song! Can we go dance?" Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi with the most adorable smile which had Iwaizumi thinking to himself 'how could I say no'. Oikawa grabbed Iwaizumi's hand and dragged him over to the dance floor after Iwaizumi had given him a shy nod.

He wasn't sure how to dance at first, awkwardly swaying side to side. "No Iwa, you're doing it wrong! Watch me." Oikawa said and began to perform ridiculously bad dance moves. "Pfftt you look like a clown." Iwaizumi howled.

"Oh shut up! Just join me!" Iwaizumi's laughter began to fade and he suddenly got nervous again. He started to move, feeling like all eyes were on him. But once he looked back at Oikawa, something in him snapped. Oikawa looked ridiculous but at the same time, he'd never been more attractive.

Suddenly, Iwaizumi started to let loose. He grabbed Oikawa's hands and waved them around in the air. "Yes Iwa I knew you had it in you!" Oikawa shouted over the loud music, a huge smile plastered over his face.

Iwaizumi couldn't help but laugh. He looked so stupid. They both did. Everyone else was dancing normally, some people looking at the two and laughing. But they were laughing too. They were having fun. And Iwaizumi couldn't be more grateful for his best friend.

The upbeat music soon came to a halt and was replaced with a slow song. Everyone stopped jumping around and started to adjust to the new music. Some people left the dance floor while others found a partner and began to dance slowly.

"Shall we?" Oikawa said, holding out his hand to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi couldn't resist and took it. He wrapped his arms around Oikawa's neck whilst Oikawa placed his hands on Iwaizumi's waist.

Iwaizumi looked around at everyone else and began to feel nervous again. "Oikawa, I don't think we are supposed to be doing this."
"Why? Everyone else is." He replied with a shrug.
"But this is a couples dance." Iwaizumi said, his palms sweating.

"Well I guess we'll just have to pretend to be a couple then." Oikawa said with a smile. "But we're both boys!" Iwaizumi hissed, panic setting in.
"It's wrong! Everyone else here is a boy with a girl." Iwaizumi felt a pain in his chest. He wanted to be a couple more than anything but what would people think?

"It's not wrong! My cousin is a boy and he has a boyfriend. But we don't have to pretend to be a couple if you don't want to. We can just be friends." Iwaizumi felt the pain get worse. 'Friends'. That's not what he really wanted, but he nodded his head anyway.

They continued to dance, some people giving them dirty looks. Oikawa didn't care, whilst Iwaizumi was panicking. Suddenly, he couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the building. "Iwa!"
"Oh yeah, go run after your boyfriend!" Oikawa heard one of the kids shout at him.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Oikawa said, turning around to face the kid. "It sure seemed like it. You were all over him. It's disgusting."
"It's not disgusting!"
"Oh so you admit that you do like him?"
"What? I-"

"You're just a dirty little fa-" her words were cut off by a blow to the face. Oikawa looked down at his fist and looked at the kid, his breathing quickening. "Oh you're gonna regret that!" The kid exclaimed as she got up from the floor. She punched Oikawa in the eye, causing him to stagger back, a sudden kick causing him to fall over.

"That's what your kind deserve. You're disgusting. Rot in hell." The kid said as she walked away. "You're going to be sorry...

Iwaizumi had heard the commotion inside and had rushed over to see what had happened. "Oikawa!? Oh my god what happened!?" Iwaizumi helped him up. "Let's get out of here."

Oikawa had to hold onto Iwaizumi for support as they exited the building, a crowd of children watching with stunned faces. "Oikawa, I'm so sorry I left! I just got so scared and I-"
"Hey it's okay, I can look after myself."
"Really? Because I left you alone for 5 minutes and came back to see you on the floor with a bloodied nose and a black eye."

The two paused for a second, and then burst out laughing. If there was anyone who could find humour in a fight, it was them. As soon as their laughter died down, the mood became more serious again. "But seriously Oikawa, what happened in there." Iwaizumi asked as he tended to Oikawa's injuries, holding a cold compress to his eye and dabbing his face with a wet cloth. "Oh um, some kid was making fun of... our dancing."

"Well screw them! We don't need those stuck up snobs to have a good time."
"Y-yeah." Oikawa was slightly taken aback by Iwaizumi's words. "How about we go home and put on a movie?" Iwaizumi suggested.
"That sounds perfect."
"Spending time with you is all I need to be happy. But I hope you know I'd do anything for you 'kawa. We are a team after all."
"'Kawa?" Oikawa was blushing furiously, finding extreme comfort in Iwaizumi's words.

"Oh hell no. I'm never calling you that again." Iwaizumi exclaimed but it was too late. Oikawa was grinning at him mischievously. "Oh no no no!" Oikawa tackled Iwaizumi to the ground, forcing him into a hug. "Hahaha I really do love you Iwa." Oikawa laughed. "Haha, love you too... 'kawa".

Heyyy!! I thought it was time for some more fluff! In case you weren't aware, the memory was continuing from the one he'd had in a previous chapter. I think I'm better at writing fluff than angst lol, so I guess that means more fluff is in order. Also, I have lots of other stories I'm writing alongside this one. There's a kagehina royalty AU I'm in the middle of (in case anyone is interested). I also have another kagehina one that is publicly uploaded but DO NOT READ IT!!! It's so bad and I'm so embarrassed 😭😭 I gave up on it in the end once I realised how bad it was lmao but I keep it up to remind myself of how far I've come and how my writing has changed. Anywaysss sorry for the long AN 😂 I hope you guys are okay ❤️❤️

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