A Certain Scientific Shadow C...

By IlPrincipePapero

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After the Daihasei festival and the difficult challenge it brought to Misaka Mikoto and her friends, Gakuen T... More

Chapter 1: A new Judgment
Chapter 2: Dance class
Chapter 3: Trust Service Provider
Chapter 4: Cloudy Sky Part 1
Chapter 5: Cloudy Sky Part 2
Chapter 6: A lightning
Chapter 7: A normal day in Judgment
Chapter 8: Spiky hair Part 1
Chapter 9: Spiky hair part 2
Chapter 10: Black Rain
Chapter 11: Casual vs Pro Part 1
Chapter 12: Casual vs Pro Part 2
Chapter 13: Hear Me Out
Chapter 14: Twisted alleys
Chapter 15: Night Blue Starless Sky
Chapter 16: The Monster's Birth Part 1
Chapter 17: The Monster's Birth Part 2
Chapter 18: Common Cold
Chapter 19: Cut
Chapter 20: Meme
Chapter 21: Railgun squared
Chapter 22: Couple Counseling
Chapter 23: The last order
Chapter 24: Antibirth
Chapter 25: Rebirth 1⁄8
Chapter 26: Rebirth 1⁄4
Chapter 27: Rebirth 1⁄2
Chapter 28: Rebirth
Chapter 29: Black Wings
Chapter 30: One more, one last wish
Collab Chapter: Beyond the malice wall


339 10 46
By IlPrincipePapero


-This story is written on this time line: after the Railgun Daihasei festival (with everything canon happened before).

-Everything that happens in this story disregards what happens after the festival in the canon novel and is written without knowing it.

-Join our Shadow Crafter Discord Community to share art, memes and anime stuff!


This love in my heart, it will burn on forever
granting me courage, i hope it will never stop
and no matter where you are
nothing is too far
with our everlasting bonds, we'll reach it

We Are Hope

14 days after Chiara's Demise:

A new dawn was shining upon Gakuen Toshi, the mild sunrise was warming up the freezing temperatures of the upcoming winter; the city had already moved on from what happened, chaotic events were daily and easily forgotten.

A normal person would have never let slip the apocalypse Elana made real with her undead like epidemy and what the absurd power of Chiara caused, who almost deleted the entire place; but this city was built different.

Topsides easily disguised the mess generated by Just in Herd with a weird case of rabies, the made-up story they told consisted in a case of dangerous patient under special observation who casually managed to escape the facility; this contagious kind of infection allegedly caused the individual to lose their consciousness down to a mental state of a wild beast looking for fights and bites. The leaders of the city wanted to keep Elana's identity a secret; after all, it was because of their distraction and mistakes if Elana, an actual hazardous lab rat they were supposed to buy and sell in safety, managed to freely roam around the city and do harm.

About Chiara, they claimed that all the weird colors and the fact that the sky turned nocturnal in afternoon hours was because of a school project of newborn young scientists trying out new features for the upcoming festivals. If this explanation looks this cheap is because not everyone of the topsides were really aware of what happened and this resulted in a quick way to gloss over the case and forget about this.

At the end, only who hardly fought that day, only who risked their own life to save the fate of their friends and the world knew exactly the truth of what happened.

Mikoto was tightly hugging her big plush she used to sleep with; the lessons were about to start and she wasn't out of bed yet. Kuroko, instead, was already dressed up and coiffed; still, she would've never left without her partner.

«Onee-sama... come on! Get in your uniform! Listen... I don't' care if I get caught! Let's leave with the teleport and we won't be late!»

«Yeah... just a minute, Kuroko...» Misaka left the bed to a quick shower. She wanted some time to think and turn off the noises in her head.

The girl observed her body, covered in scratches and healing wounds; eventually, she was the luckiest one. Kuroko was waiting to remove the cast on her broken arm and Kamijou Touma's gun wounds were kept out of danger with the best doctor treatment. Even her longtime rival, Shokuhou Misaki, was still under medical observation but she didn't forget to keep her words: she used her Mental out to modify the Judgment's girls memory and remove the presence of the Misaka clones and Network, preventing Mikoto to give embarrassing explanations.

Done with the shower, she dressed up fast and turned to Kuroko to make the usual everyday question.

«Do you think we will meet him today?»

«Onee-sama... nobody knows where he went. Not even the hospital... I'd like to meet him again too... but I don't want to bask in false hopes.» Kuroko replied sighing.

«Let's go then...» The girls gathered up their bags and teleported to lesson.

If that day Misaka didn't wake up that late and with such laziness, maybe she would've witnessed something day changing for her.

Shokuhou left the Tokiwaidai complex in stress and hurry by the main entrance, running to the opposite way of the school. Her destination was the Seventh Mist's terrace, she had an appointment at noon.

She arrived there hours before and explored the entire building, going up and down all the floors, hoping to find the person she was waiting for. Her endurance was not on her side, but she kept searching.

Once the right time of the appointment arrived, she ran to the last floor and stopped on a wall to take some breath back; she was impatiently looking forward to meeting who asked her to be there by a message from an unknown number.

The boy was waiting for her by the borders of the roof, looking down to the massive view on entire Academy City from that skyscraper; as soon as he heard the girl's panting, he turned to her with the hint of a smile. The queen stared at him silently, startled.

His face was covered in bandages, but the blond hair and his cold tired eyes were still remarkable; he was dressing an elegant black long coat on a red shirt and jeans. However, what really was catching the attention was the fact his coat's left sleeve was being freely moved by the wind; this person only had one arm.

«Fran... is it really you...?» Shokuhou asked hesitant.

He approached her slowly, until their face were almost touching; the queen didn't move a single inch, this is all she was asking: Misaki wanted to take a peek under the mask. The boy lifted his only arm and removed the bandages; it was him, Fran, but his looks were slightly different: his blond hairs were shorter than usual, but tidier and slicked back with only a couple strands falling on his face; he seemed to have fully healed but his face was scarred for life by a long horizontal cut on the nose.

«I can't believe it... it has been so much time... where the hell have you been these weeks!?» Misaki wasn't moved at all, only angered; furious because the only update she got from him was now and from a random anonymous phone message.

«I'm just here to keep my part of the promise...» Fran replied.

«Promise...? What are you talking about?» Shokuhou question clueless.

Fran closed his eyes and sighed.

«Yeah... you've probably forgotten... I'm leaving Gakuen Toshi. This time for real... and forever.»

Ten days ago:

Shokuhou bypassed surveillance undisturbed, piece of cake with a power such as Mental out; Fran was being held in emergency surgery for days after the fight against Chiara and was now resting in an isolation chamber. The cloudless sky and warm sun were lighting up the atmosphere after the disaster. Luckily, the machinery of the hospital wasn't damaged at all during the fight, except for the room in the last floor that got inexplicably destroyed. Once the staff woke up from Elana's control, everybody worked hard to help the injured around the city.

«Eheheh... Fran is in that room for sure. Visits are forbidden until tomorrow, but I'm zha queen! Who's gonna stop me from taking a one-day discount! I want to be the first on to check on him!» Misaki brainwashed the nurse watching on Fran's room and put her to sleep; now she was free to go in and make fun of him as much as she wanted.

The excitement of Shokuhou immediately turned off once she opened the door and saw the pitiful state Fran was in: he was covered in bandages and injections, his muscles and bones were broken as the screens records were showing. A dead mummy was in a better shape than him. He wasn't even wearing clothes, patches and noisy intimidating machineries were his only cover.

The queen was speechless, her mouth was wide open and her body couldn't stop shaking because of the pain she was feeling by witnessing that scene.

«Didn't you imagine there was a reason if they don't all...ow visits until t...omorrow...? You dumb c..ow...» Fran said with much struggle; his voice was filtered by the bandaged and just barely audible, this was the first time he was trying to talk again after a while.

«F-Fran-san... you will get better soon, right...? I know Heaven Canceller! I expected him to have finished his work already... but...! Anyways! You will heal full, right?!» Misaki was finally able to speak, but this costed her not being able to hold in the tears anymore.

«Well, I knew you would've arrived first. I was waiting for you... because I need your help.» Fran ignored Misaki concern, she decided to let it pass and listen instead to his request. «Use your Mental Out on the hospital staff and make me invisible to them. The doctor already knows and decided to help me, you won't need to brainwash him. I desire to stay hidden until I'll be back to normal.» the boy said.

«What?! But the girls were waiting impatiently for tomorrow... they wanted to visit you all together and thank you!»

«Misaki-san. Be quiet and listen.» the atmosphere in the room drastically changed; Shokuhou felt chills down her spine. She was feeling similarly to the moment Fran threatened to kill Chiara with all his anger and hatred. He was not asking for a favor, he was pretending it and it was not a joke.

Unprepared and shocked, the queen could only nod in agreement and pick up the remote from her purse.

«After you're done, come back here. I still have to talk to you.» the boy added; this last line cheered Misaki up a little. Maybe she wasn't understanding the full situation. Maybe this was one of the unpredictable plans Fran was usual to think and she was feeling proud to be the core around it.

The queen spent the whole night meticulously erasing Fran from the memory of every single nurse, assistants and doctor; the next day they would've transferred Fran into a locked away room, under a false name, and there would've been no trace left of him in the hospital registers.

Shokuhou was feeling weird; she would've never imagined that Fran, the same old rigorous Fran, would've asked her to use the Mental Out ability for his own purposes. It was clear that there was something off about him, something different.

Misaki came back to Fran, but she couldn't really understand if he noticed; he wasn't able to turn to watch her because he was completely frozen and immobilized by the restrictions put on his body by wires and bandages.

«From tomorrow... you will officially be gone from the hospital. I also spoke with Heaven Canceller myself... he assured me he will take good care of you, even if I know you are already aware of it! Please! If I insist on this is because I want you to get well soon! So listen to all he asks you without complains!» Misaki exclaimed worried.

«I will. I would never waste his effort, especially after the fact he accepted to help me cover up my presence here.» Fran said.

«Okay, but... can I ask you why are you doing this?! You don't want your friend to see you in these conditions?!» Shokuhou asked perplexed.

«Not at all... It's quite the opposite. I don't want to see them. One person especially...»

«Huh?! But... what?! Are you talking about Misaka-sa-?!» Misaki was really dismayed when hearing the boy words, but she couldn't finish the line; the machineries started shaking and the light flickering, like an earthquake was happening just in that room.

«There is just one more thing I want from you...» the chaos didn't last long, the room stopped shaking as Fran started speaking; Fran was changing topic again but this time the queen was so focused on her surroundings she didn't notice.

«What else could I do more than this...?» Shokuhou asked vacillating.

«Erase from your memories all that happened today... this last conversation included. After nothing remained, get out of here and go away.» These words broke the girl's heart apart as she started limping towards the door to escape.

«NO! Absolutely not! Are you mad?! By doing what you ask... not even I would be aware of your location anymore!»

«And this is exactly what I want. Not because I don't trust you... but because no one should know. I will leave Gakuen Toshi soon.»

«WHAT?! Not only you want to disappear from our radars... but also want to go back to your lame archaic country without anybody noticing?! I will never assist you in such an unfair and cruel idea!»

«Please, I can't do it without you. Too many things happened since I arrived here... and many of them I have way to understand them, so I'm ashamed I can't give you a satisfying explanation. There is only one thing I know for sure. I don't belong to this place, and neither the answers I seek do. I must search for them somewhere else, and I don't want anybody else to get involved. So, just do what I asked you.»

«You know you have no way to force me to do this... give up... I would never let... I would never let you... grrr... YOU! WHY!? Why this had to be ending this way... after all the things we did together...» Misaki was trying to resist, but she knew Fran's words were eventually going to pierce her soul and convince her; then, the killing blow arrived.

«I beg you. Misaki-san.» Fran whispered, voiceless. Misaki will never be sure it was not a mirage, but she saw tears coming out from Fran's eyes then dry onto his bandages. She couldn't hold on and started crying too, kneeled on the ground, she lifted her remote and aimed to her own forehead.

«How dare a damn common peasant... give me orders with such arrogance... and how dare you, Shokuhou Misaki, not being strong enough to say no!» She yelled as her hand couldn't stop shaking. «Still... I want you to promise something back...»

«What do you want?» Fran asked.

«Promise me... promise me you will come say goodbye to me one last time before leaving. At least me. Only me. Promise this... promise!» Misaki tried to wipe her tears and sound strong and menacing.

«Tsk... let this be then. I promise... you really are softhearted, after all... eheheh...»

Misaki smiled and pressed the button.

Shokuhou left the room with void eyes and took the elevator to the ground floor without hesitation; as soon as she touched to last step after the Hospital exit door, she felt like waking up from a weird dream.

«Huh? What am I doing here...? It's so late! Shouldn't I be at the dormitory? Hmm? Was it... raining?»

Back to the present time:

«Forgotten?! How could I forget something so important! You want to leave?! But why?!» Shokuhou asked shocked.

«Sigh... I don't really owe you an explanation. I'm here just for goodbyes.» Fran replied, leaning towards the pit.

«Well, you could do me the favor and still try to give me one! I skipped school to come here! Don't tell me this is all I will get?! A simple bye bye?!» Misaki exclaimed, angrily pointing at him.

«But this... this is not science. This is...»

«This is magic.»

«Me, you... almost everyone in this city... there is something we are missing. Someone is trying to hide an important piece of the puzzle that connects the story of the world we are living in... and since I am a detective, I feel the need to uncover this mystery! I will go back to my country and tell my seniors what happened to Chiara, then I will ask them all the questions I have prepared. But even if they know better than me... there is no certainty they are willing to reveal themselves.» Fran affirmed resolute, intrigued by the memory of the words Touma and her nun friend pronounced when they witnessed the essence of Chiara and Elana fighting to decide either he would've lived or not. !

«You're looking for something more convoluted and mysterious than Gakuen Toshi itself? I can't believe something like that really exists. And more absurd is the fact you're looking for your answer in an old-fashioned country as Italy is.» the queen exclaimed shrugging.

«Old-fashioned, huh? Eheh... there is exactly where I'll find the perfect starting point. Maybe some old men from my hometown will be amused to tell me about some ancient legends and stories about magic and what really it is about.» Fran affirmed, but Misaki burst out laughing.

«Magic?! You really sound fully healed when you make this kind of jokes now! AHAHAHAHAH!» Shokuhou was laughing at him, but Fran was dead serious; his steady stare was talking by itself. The queen stopped mocking him and felt embarrassed, then tried to change topic.

«So... have you decided which accessories you want to build on the prosthesis that will be replacing your arm?» She asked.

«Y'know... the doctor did his best to heal my body but the conditions I was in... were on the verge of irreversible. I've already been filled with metal joints and connection just to be able to move again. After the huge loss everyone faced... I would feel very arrogant to walk out without leaving anything myself. My left arm... belongs to this place... But besides the big words and how I feel about it... I won't need a replacement anyways.» Fran stepped away from Misaki and focused with his eyes closed; the flying sleeve from Fran's coat was filled by darkness and a black sharp fingered arm popped out of it.

«W-wow! Really cool!» Misaki exclaimed surprised. «It's not a bad idea to surprise the opponents by using your own shadow as a backup arm. But what will you do when you won't have your power available and find yourself with one limb missing?»

«I won't be powerless anymore, in any situation. This arm is not made of shadows... but darkness. The darkness within me.» Fran's words disturbed Misaki; after looking more carefully, the girl realized that Fran's shadow was not merging to the sleeve and, instead, that arm was looking way blacker and slimier than usual.

«This means that... you learned how to control your new powers?» Misaki asked unsure.

«I'd rather say... I learned how to manifest it. If I think of what happened since I arrived here... the things that made me smile are much lesser than the one that made my blood boil. Then, since I've been fighting Chiara and even after her death... that feel of unerasable hatred remain anchored inside me... and I really can't put it to slumber back to the depth of my heart... not for now, I will need time...» Fran explained, looking grim and sorrowful.

«Fran-san... I really feel awful when I think about all you've been going through... but you should stop thinking about the bad side only! We won! We are all alright and well! I won't stop you from going back home but... why don't we spend one last day together! And why not coming back here for a holyday from time to time? With all the people who care about you! They really want to see you one last time, I'm dead sure about that! Just imagine that that Misaka-san tomboy-» As soon as Shokuhou pronounce Mikoto's name, Fran's black hand went out of control and size and morphed into a centipede that tried to attack helpless Misaki; luckily, the dark insect melted to the ground just before biting the queen.

Shokuhou fell on her back because of the fright, cold sweating and shaking, while Fran was trying to stop the frenetic pulsing coming from his left darkness arm.

«I'm sorry, Misaki-san... as I said, I still don't know how to control them appropriately. Also, I'll tell you again, I don't want to see anyone. I'm leaving soon.» Fran approached the girl on the ground and helped her getting up with his right hand.
«Wh-what was that, Fran-san?! And why did it happen just when I said the name of...»

«I strongly suggest you stop talking about her. I don't know how they will react this time.» Fran affirmed, trying to avoid eye contact.

«"they"...? W-what do you mean...?» Shokuhou questioned petrified.

«As you saw during the last fight... the power of the darkness inside me grows with the hate and other unpleasant feelings I carry inside of me. It's a pretty convenient resource, but it has high cost...»
«So, if the moment I say her name your darkness grows... does it mean that you-!»
«Ehy there, don't just jump to conclusions!» Fran interrupted. «This is much more complicated than just hating her alone. Listen, Misaki-san... the reason I came here in Academy City is because I wanted to chase her light. I was blindfolded, I just wanted to follow that light anywhere and I wanted to make it mine, only mine. But this experience taught me that I can't ignore all the others and the world around me. My egotistic actions led to unhappy consequences, and eventually someone had to die too. If I wasn't so obsessed by the love and passion I felt for that girl, Chiara would've never been able to make up her plan like she did. It was all my fault if this is the end of my story. It's not her that I hate, it's myself...» Fran sighed while watching his left hand pulse.

«Fran-san... I really couldn't imagine this was the real reason...» Misaki affirmed, with gentle tears coming out of her left eye.

«It looks like you're starting to understand. The only choice I have now is to go far, really really far from this light and try to start over. This light was not supposed to brighten up my way from the beginning, as our dear Railgun is busy following her own lighthouse... If I really want to find guidance, I should make my own path and be the warm light I wish to chase! Until then, I will not comeback here.» Fran took a black velvet glove from his pocket, wore it on his black hand and then smiled, but only his lips were smiling as his eyes were immobilized into a melancholic sensation of defeat.

«Fran-san... as always, so melodramatic. Eheheheh, this is something I've always liked of you... a lot of meaningful big words just to say that you need to walk away from the person you love because it hurts staying here since she cannot be with you. You know, you can believe it or not, but I perfectly know how you feel... I'm so sorry for trying to keep you here without knowing what the matter was. Please, have a good journey back home.» Misaki approached Fran and hugged him tightly; she had been in a similar situation still today. The boy returned the affection and hugged her back.

«Thanks for being my friend, Misaki-san.» he added, then he walked to the exit door.

«You will always find a friend in me. I will be there when you need me. Not only me, but everyone you met in your stay here! You're probably already aware but... the Judgment dropped all the charges against you since the great work during the fight and you're not banned anymore. They insisted everyday to make it true. This means everybody will be waiting for your return! Hurry and visit us again, promised?» Misaki's last words echoed in the wind; Fran opened the door and left the terrace. Even if Misaki would've never been aware of it, Fran was very happy to hear he had a place to come back in a city where he shouldn't.

The boy called the elevator to the ground floor, he entered and pressed the button; the doors closed, but only for a half and then opened again. Fran sighed and pressed the button again.

«I almost feel sorry I had to eavesdrop everything just to talk to you.» As soon as the elevator doors closed and it started going down, a shape with its arm crossed appeared next to Fran; it was Cut Meme, the invisible masked helper of Elena.

«I notice the elevator can still reveal you even if you are invisible.» Fran commented with a smirk.

«Well, I'm a person just like you after all... so, you are leaving the city?» Cut Meme asked as he moved his hand to his pockets.

«I couldn't imagine you considering me such a good friend you had to come waving your wet hanky to my departure.» Fran exclaimed sarcastic.

«You know I'm not here to chat. There's something important I want you to know. You and you only. Understood?»

After a long elevator ride, the door opened and Fran alone came out; with his eyes focused on the road, maybe the last time he was walking that street, he was heading to his room at the student's house. After collecting his important stuff, he would've left for his plane to Italy in early afternoon.

Cut Meme hid behind the wall of an uncrowded alley and, after turning visible again, he removed his mask and stared at it.

«He thinks I don't need to wear masks since we all do anyways. I don't think he's wrong but... until this city will be freed from disparity and abuses of the rich against the weak I won't let this rotten place give a face to their demise! Sooner or later, they will pay and... Grr! Ouch!» in the middle of his thought, Cut Meme felt a strange itchy sensation down his throat. «I'd really go for a Pizza right now, man!» he shouted with no self control, the people there turned to see where the voice was coming from but nobody was in sight.

«Aaaagh! Elena-sama! I left her unsupervised for too much time! I'd better come back before she gets in trouble!»

«Index! I'd really go for a Pizza right now, man!» Elena said to her friend.

«True! There should be no limit to lunch breaks!» the little nun agreed and they high-fived.

«I'm not on the same opinion...and neither my bank account!» Touma complained.

«And did we ask for you opinion?!» they both exclaimed and the level zero jump scared to the ground; trying not to fall completely, he accidentally grabbed on Index with his right hand and destroyed the Walking Church dress once again.




«Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Misaka Misaka wants a pizzaaaaaa! Maaaaaan!» Last Order said with persistence, jumping and running around the room.

«Ohi... what's wrong with you all of a sudden...? I'm trying to read here... tsk!» Accelerator affirmed annoyed while scrolling impatiently the list of stories on a big orange W site.

«Misaka wants a pizza, man. Misaka says while on the urge of ordering take away.»

«Excellent. Order ten thousand units. Misaka says ironically, or maybe not, Eheh.»

After lunch break, Fran started preparing his bag; the last thing he fit in was his special original judgment band.

«Wow. Unreal... who would've thought that of all people, that mono-neuron of Elena would've inherited the Just In Herd alpha title. Luckily, she doesn't even know how to use her own power properly, let alone an additional one! Give time one month... and the wolf mark will go extinct forever. This time we got lucky! One less enemy to deal with! Ahahahahah!» Fran was laughing by himself; Despite all the nuisances and problem he had to deal with when on duty, he would've missed the time spent in Judgment. «What a joke... this two girls eventually united in the end. I hope Cut Meme will take good care of that problematic gremlin. «Now... before I leave, there is just one more small thing to do...»

Somewhere in the tallest most imponent building, a certain individual was looking down to the city, upside down.

«It's been a wild week, isn't it?» a person with sunglasses exclaimed from the shadow of the last floor; the only light was coming from the water capsule in which a white long haired man was apparently breathing.

«Eventually, nothing went different as I was expecting. I told you many times there was no reason to take countermeasures.» he answered with confidence. «What will happen next will be more much important. Be sure to be prepared to the war and follow the instructions.»

«Ok ok, got it boss... I'm leaving then. Still-» the guy in sunglasses and Hawaiian shirt was interrupted by the upside-down individual.

«Don't worry. Your concern about the foreigner elements is not being ignored. Soon my plans will extend to them too. For now, Fiamma is the priority. And now go.» the light turned off.

After lesson break, Kuroko had some judgment work to take care of with the help of Uiharu. But first, alongside with Mikoto, the Tokiwaidai girls decided to go for a relaxing walk with their local favorite creperie stall as destination.

The line was overwhelming as always, but that crepe was so good it was always worth the wait; finally, their turn arrived.

«Welcome! Have you decided your orders?» the clerk girl asked while keeping her eyes on the stove where the pastry was already being prepared.

Kuroko went for a classic light choice, while Mikoto ordered one ice crem filled and with every addiction available.

«Onee-sama! Yours looks delicious! I would never be able to eat that whole but I still want to go for a bite, will you let me pretty pleeeease! Eheh!» Kuroko affirmed with malicious thinking.

«Ready to be served!» the clerk gave Mikoto her crepe but as soon as their eyes met, the creperie girl gasped. «Wait a minute! Misaka Mikoto?! How didn't I notice immediately!?» she exclaimed, then she shoved her head in the shelf under the stoves, looking for something.

«Huh? Maybe she wants your autograph! Well, you are the super strong and seductive Onee-sama, Ace of Tokiwaidai after all!» Shirai yelled proudly.

«Kuroko... stop being embarrassing, please... we always come here. If that was the reason, she would've asked a while ago by now...» Mikoto replied with a sigh.

«Found it!» the clerk stood up from the shelf and showed the item to Mikoto. «Talking about autograph, this is from a fan of yours. He knew you were an affectionate here and gently asked me to give you this gift the next time you visited.» Mikoto took one step back and opened her mouth, speechless. She stretched her shaky hands and left the crepe to the clerk to grab the toy instead.

It was the limited edition armored Gekota that only the launch event winners of the underground arcade possessed; Fran kept her promised and gave it to her at last.

Both joyful and sorrowful tears come out of the level five's eyes, while happily hugging the gifted toy.

«O-Onee-sama... childish as always, isn't this a little bit of a oveerract-»

«He is close! I must find him now!» Mikoto interrupted Kuroko as she quickly wiped her tears. «Ma'am please! Do you know where the boy who gave you this Gekota went?! I need to know!» she asked the clerk.

«W-where, you ask me? I have no idea to be honest. He just mentioned me he needed this favor because he had to depart soon so he wasn't able to deliver it in person.» she replied.

«What?! He wants to leave Academy City?! Without saying goodbye?! I'm gonna kill that jerk! C-can you tell me when this happened?! When did he give you the Gekota?!» Mikoto insisted, was so excited she almost pushed her forehead against the one of the clerk.

«I-it was about two hours ago...» the poor lady answered intimidated.

«So unfortunate! I won't make it in time! WAIT! Uiharu! She is the one who could help!» smug Mikoto yelled, then grabbed her phone and typed the flower crowned friend's phone number in hurry.

«Onee-sama... you're making a show of yourself. What the heck are you doing-»

«You couldn't understand, Kuroko! This is from Fran-san! He promised he would've given this to me! This means he's close and I must meet him, absolutely! I won't let him go without telling him what I feel!» Mikoto explained interrupting Shirai once again.

«You serious?! So it was that prick... can he behave clearly and coherent at least once... oof...» Kuroko sighed, but she was actually so glad she made a huge smile; finally, she knew Fran was doing alright and was still alive.

«AAAAAAH! Come on, Uiharu! Answer your damn phone! She is the only one capable to delay the upcoming flights to Italy so I can go meet him at the airport in time!» Misaka affirmed nervous.

«Ohi, ohi! Onee-sama! Uiharu is not a pocket hacker you can just use on anything conveniently illegal! Also... she is probably focused on her work! We are starting just now, so-»

«You Genius, Kuroko! Genius!» Misaka was so dragged into it that Kuroko couldn't finish a line once. «Lend me your transmitter! She will answer that for sure since it's a business call! Come on, fast!»

«This is playing dirty, Onee-sama! You can't just play around with Judgment equipment. But... ok, I'll let you this time. Let me find- EHI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?» Misaka jumped on Kuroko and started searching the transmitter in her clothes and bag, impatient to meet Fran one last time. «ONEE-SAMA?! Please stop. If you continue to touch my off-limit body parts.. I will... KYAAAA! This is my first time, please be gentle!»

The goofy behavior by both parts was really making it difficult to find the transmitter; because of the messy movements, Misaka lost the grasp on the Gekota toy that fell on the ground. Luckily, there was no serious damage.

«Kuroko! This is only your fault! Just shush and stay still while I look for it! Ok?!» Mikoto crouched to pick up the statue, but she noticed something she missed when she received the toy. «What's this...? » the girl stood up and showed it to Kuroko.

Underneath the pedestal of the Gekota, carved into the resin, there was a word.

«"Arrivederci"? What does it mean?» Mikoto asked clueless.

«This is just probably Italian, Onee-sama... just gimme a sec. I will check on the translator.» Kuroko used her phone to search for the word. «It means... "see you again".»

Mikoto vacillated, and her soul with her; the girl read the word again, then moved the Gekota close to her breast, next to the heart.

«Found it!» Kuroko exclaimed with the transmitter equipped. «Well, now let's try to see if Uiharu wants to help...»

«Nevermind. Don't bother her on work.» Mikoto said.

«What?! And how are we supposed to find Fran-san by ourselves in time?!» Kuroko questioned dismayed.

«Nevermind I told you.» Mikoto replied and Kuroko fell silent by surprise. «He said we will see again. I don't know when... but we will meet again. He'll be looking for us when he feels ready to come back... and I'll be waiting for him... because I know he will keep his promise. Arrivederci, Fran-san!» Mikoto smiled and started waving to the sky.

«Oh... Onee-sama... As always, you're right... Come on, join me to the office! All the others will be happy to know Fran-san is coming back soon! I mean- ... that prick! Whatever! Let's goooooo!»

«The express for Narita Airport is departing soon. Accompanying person will please leave the train.»

Fran chose the last wagon and the sit with the window on the right side; the train was almost full since it was going to the airport.

The express took off without delays, with the new Academy city technology he would've arrived in less than twenty minutes; Fran looked to the paper he had on his pockets.

«Yomikawa-sama forced me to go under a complete esper ability calculation test before leaving the city... well, maybe I should be proud I jumped from level two to four in such a short time... well, at least this is what the computer thinks.» Fran thought and then took a deep breath. «The first thing I want to do once I'll be in Italy again is to capture every other esper criminal who escaped thanks to Chiara plan... also, I have to prepare a good made-up story about her death. If I tell the truth, I could put both Accelerator and Academy City reputation in trouble, and this would be a legit betrayal after all the support I had from them. If I'm alive it's thanks to them... I would've never lied to my seniors in the past, my ideals were so strict and straight forward I lost awareness of the world around, but now things are changed. There is a completely different world they are trying to hide from us... magic is real and I almost lost everything before realizing it. Chiara made her mistakes... and she paid with life. Her tragic end will not be wasted, because it will mean a new beginning for me. I'm sorry I couldn't help you enough, Chiara... I will never forget and thank you enough for opening my eyes. I will do my best to learn this new power I have and control my feelings in battle. From now on, I will live to save the world from the terrible criminals infesting the planet and eventually, I will prove that the justice I strive for is worth the pain...»

Fran peeked out of the window, but the reflex caught his attention instead; everybody on his same wagon disappeared and was replaced by a group of armed people and a white coat wearing individual who seemed to be their leader.

Fran turned to politely introduce himself, but he ended up with plenty of guns pointing to his forehead.

«I've finally found you... after all this time. Eheheheh...» the leader spoke; he had long blue hair, covering his evil pleased smile.

«Huh...? Who are you again?» Fran asked forgetful.

«How dare you not remembering me... you ugly foreigner brat! I'm Muramasa! The greatest scientist in Gakuen Toshi! Or I would've been... if only it wasn't for that night you came... my project about the Misaka Network would've made me rich...» the man shouted furious.

«Do you think I remember the name of all the rats I splatted?» Fran replied arrogant.

«You might keep your mouth shut, you bastard! Maybe you don't realize this train will be your coffin! AHAHAHAHAHAH!» the scientist grabbed a long sharped machete from the bag of one of his men. «Killing you with a gunshot would be such an easy way out for you. I won't be so generous with the brat who ruined my career. I want you to die in atrocious pain!»

«Oof... I wasn't in the mood for warmup, but whatever...» Fran sighed annoyed.

«I spent days and nights looking for you and information about you... and now I know your abilities better than anybody else! Better than you do, I bet! On this train there is no shadows you can use, and we go so fast you can't use the ones outside because of your limited range! You're worse than level zero now! AHAHAHAHAH!» the man lifted him machete, ready to slice. «I will finally have my revenge on the kid that took everything from me! This is your epilogue, Shadow Crafter!» Muramasa slashed with the machete, Fran blocked it with his left arm which got completely pierced by the blade of the weapon, down to the bones; the blood came like waterfalls.

«AHAHAHAHAH! Without powers you can only use your own limbs as a shield... what will you use next? Your right arm... Huh...?!» the scientist tried to get the machete back from the arm, but it looked like it was stuck in Fran's flesh; the blade was sinking deeper and deeper into Fran's left arm. «Wh-what the hell is happening?! I can't draw it back! Nevermind, just shoot him now!» the man ordered but, as soon as he turned to look at his army, he noticed they had been all silently strangled to sleep by dozens of black centipedes; he also realized the liquid coming out from Fran's arm was not blood, but weird pitch black goo.

«WHY?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! There are no shadows here! You should not be allowed to do this!!!» the man exclaimed, ripping off his hair due to the fright; he had no way out, he was surrounded by the centipedes.

«I don't like being interrupted mid thoughts, I'm such in a bad mood now and you're gonna answer to that, unfortunately. Also, I think you came to the wrong person... I'm not the Shadow Crafter guy you were looking for.» Fran said, standing up from the sit and threateningly approaching Muramasa; the machete cut off the sleeve, showing his black left arm regenerating to new once again. Fran firmly grabbed the scientist's face with his black sharp hand while the man was shouting terror out of his lungs.

«I am... the Darkness Crafter!»


I hope my novel successed to communicate my feelings and the ones of my characters.
Thank you all for sticking with me until the end of the journey.


Huge thanks for Rolo Art for the amazing work on post story Fran's character. You can find her in all social medias!

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