His Wickedly Enchanting Princ...

By Tressa0526

193K 5.3K 1.1K

Nevaeh Queen is the daughter of former queen Narissa of Andalasia. Growing up on the Isle of the Lost, she's... More

◇Chapter 1: A Princess Like None Other ◇
◇Chapter 2: 2nd Chances ◇
◇Chapter 3: Goodbye Horrible Island ◇
Chapter 4: 👑Royalty Among Royalty 👑
Chapter 5: 😎A Princess in Leather 😎
Chapter 6: 👑A Badass Princess Meets a Badass Warrior 😎
Chapter 7: 🌃Night in the Museum Summary🌃
Chapter 8:🥰Oblivious Cafeteria Crushes🥰
Chapter 9: 😇Remedial Goodness 101😇
Chapter 10: 📕First Day of Classes📕
Chapter 11: 📚Bonding in the Library 📚
Chapter 12: Shadow of Vulnerability
Chapter 13: 💅Boss Bitch pt.1💅
Chapter 14: 😳Boss Bitch pt.2/Giselle's Daughter 😳
Chapter 15:🥍 Tourney 🥍
Chapter 16: 💔Break Up With Your Girlfriend 💔
Chapter 17: 😏The Locker Scene/Maelynn😏
Chapter 18: 🐶Overcoming Fears/ A Voice is Heard 📢
Chapter 19: 🎨A Paintball "Hangout"🎨
Chapter 20: 💇‍♀️A Talk With Jane/Lonnie's New Hair 💇‍♀️
Chapter 21: 🥳Detention Removal/A VK Family😊
Chapter 22: 🛍Encounter with Grace/ Shopping with Evie 🛍
Chapter 23: 😍French Fluffiness😍
Chapter 24: 📕History Rivalry 📕
Chapter 25: 🏝Their Willow Tree🏝
Chapter 26: ❤"Love Potion"❤
Chapter 27: 🧐"Did I Mention?"🤔
Chapter 28: 😳Close Call😑
Chapter 29: 🥳The Date pt.1🥳
Chapter 30:💜 The Date pt.2💙
《☆Story Progress ☆》
Chapter 31: 😌The Aftermath 😌
Chapter 32: 🤢Spying Chad 🤢
Chapter 33: 😠Audrey's Confrontation 💔
Chapter 34: 😏Mal Takes the Bait😏
Chapter 35: 🧐Mission: Find My Father pt.1🧐
Chapter 36: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.2💜
Chapter 37: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.3💜
Chapter 38: 🌸The Better Charming Sibling🌸
Chapter 39:😡A Heart of Hatred and Lust 🤮
Chapter 40: 💜Finding My Father pt.4: Andalasia's Secrets🤨
Chapter 41: 👀Hidden Eyes 👀
Chapter 42:🥰 Finding My Father pt.5: Andalasia's Secrets pt. 2🥰
Chapter 43:👑 Finding My Father pt.6: The Zepherian King🖤
Chapter 44:🥰Jet Aftermath 😌
Chapter 45:🥳 Back in Auradon😌
Chapter 46: 😊The Second Date😊
💜👑Nevaeh's Official Bio👑💜
Chapter 47: 🤔Misplaced or Stolen Things 😒
Chapter 49: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.1
Chapter 50: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.2
Chapter 51: ⚖Consequences⚖
Chapter 52: 💥 Family Day Chaos pt. 1💥
🥳3rd Place!!!🥳
Chapter 53:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.2💥
Chapter 54:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.3💥
Chapter 55: 😳Bitter Confessions😳
Chapter 56: 🌈The Calm After the Storm🌈
Chapter 57:👑 Paying the Price💰
Chapter 58: 😯Coming to His senses 😯
Chapter 59: 🧚‍♀️Fairy's Secret🧚‍♀️
Chapter 60:🤴 Coronation Catastrophe pt.1🤴
Chapter 61: 👑Coronation Catastrophe pt.2😱
Chapter 62: 🤴Epic Family Reunion 👸
Chapter 63: 🥵Passion Ingnited🥵

Chapter 48: 📞Parents' Call/ Operation: Missing Underwear👙

2.3K 72 34
By Tressa0526

*Friday- 2:00 pm.*

Friday was pretty hectic for Nevaeh. Essays due, chemistry project due, clients who asked for specific outfits to be ready for Family Day and the Coronation, and STILL her underwear were missing!

"Honestly, I feel like I'm going to crash." Nevaeh sighed, tiredly as Ben led her to remedial Goodness 101, her last class of the day.

"Not to mention that last night, I could've sworn that I felt something rub against my cheek and legs." She stated, causing Ben to look at his girlfriend with concern and worry.

"Are you going to ask Ms. Ella for an extension or even Mr. Hamada?" He asked, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth. Nevaeh shook her head.

"I don't think so. You know how Ms. Ella is when it comes to me," Nevaeh explained before going to impersonate their English teacher. 'Oh, Nevaeh, you need an extension? Really? Are you sure you just aren't lazy? It'd explain why you wouldn't be able to turn in the assignment on time. Typical behavior for a villain kid.'  No, I think I'll be able to get by if I take, like, zero breaks, plus having lots  and lots and lots of coffee." She said, with a determined nod.

"Just don't overwork yourself. I'll see you later." Ben said, leaning down to give her a kiss. Once they separated, Nevaeh went to the 2nd row in the front on the left, and set her things down.

A few minutes passed before the other four VKs piled in. Sensing someone's gaze on her, Nevaeh looked up, only to be met by Mal's gaze, before the purple haired fae turned back around to look at the front. It had been a while since Mal had said what she said to Nevaeh about her and her parents, yet she hasn't bothered to apologize! Not to mention the way that she treated Raelynn was just awful and how she hadn't apologized to her either.

                                                       ~Time skip because I'm Lazy~

"Children, excuse me, um as you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep an because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance," F.G gave a breathy laugh as she came up to them. "We've arranged for a special treat." With that said, she went up to the front by the board where a TV was placed, and with a push of a key on her keyboard, the once black screen  now showcased an up close image of Maleficent.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear." Maleficent spoke, zooming out so she wasn't so close to the screen anymore.

"Kids." F.G gestured for the VKs to come forward. Walking forward, Nevaeh found it amusing how a fae who claims herself to be powerful, can't grasp the concept of modern technology.

"Evie! It's mummy!" Exclaimed the Evil Queen, wavering once she was able to see her daughter. Nevaeh looked down at her phone upon realizing that an unknown number texted her.

(615)***-****: Nevaeh, this is Orion, or I guess Dad now. Ben gave me your number after your visit, and I just wanted to check in on you. Don't mind my formal texting, I'm not used to this. I just wanted to let you know that I look forward to seeing you again at Family Day, as well as meeting my niece for the first time. Until then, I wish you well.

"Look how beautiful. You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." E.Q boasted as Nevaeh smiled down at her phone. She saved the number into her contacts as: Dad   before paying attention to the current phone call that was being held.

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent quipped.

"Nevaeh, darling, it's been too long. Oh, my, you're practically glowing." Narissa said, a fond smile on her face.

"It's nice to hear from you again, mother, and yeah, I am. There's been some recent changes in my life, actually. All for the better, I promise you." Nevaeh blushed, causing Narissa to narrow her eyes at her daughter.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" She started, causing everyone's eyes to widened as they all shot to look at Nevaeh.

"Nevaeh, I swear to Hades, if you're pregnant-"

"Oh my gods! Mom, no! Gosh, you're so embarrassing!" Exclaimed Nevaeh, her eyes wide and cheeks red.

"Wildflower, it's my job to be embarrassing." Narissa smirked, a laugh flowing from her lips. Maleficent rolled her eyes, fake gagging at the mother-daughter reunion.

"Is it Orion's job, too?" Nevaeh prompted, a suggestive eyebrow raised. You wouldn't really be able to tell on screen, but at the mention of that name, a whole wave of locked away memories came flooding back for Narissa.

"Who is she talking about?" Maleficent demanded, narrowing her eyes at Narissa.

"I have no idea." Narissa said in an expressionless tone, at least to everyone but Nevaeh, who-because she was raised by the woman- could tell that was the tone for her knowing something, but not being able to give it away.

"Who's the old bat?" Cruella spat. Narissa subtly let herself relax a bit, thankful for the topic change.

"This is Fairy godmother." Mal explained.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent tauntingly asked.

"I turned a pumpkin into a BEAUTIFUL carriage!" Exclaimed F.G.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella to 1 am? I mean, really? What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" Laughed Maleficent as she teased the other older fairy, the other VK parents accompanying her in laughter except Narissa.

"They were mice! They were-they were mice." F.G exclaimed before moving to the side and towards the back of the TV.

"Hi, mom," Mal greeted, acting as if she was actually happy to see her.

"Mal!" Yelled Maleficent, making Narissa and Nevaeh wince.

"Could you be any louder? I don't think they heard you." Narissa groaned with a roll of her eyes.

"I m-m-miss you." Stuttered the dark fae.

"You children are never far from our thoughts!" Jafar exclaimed with a big grin.

"I got it," Maleficent snapped at Jafar. "How long must mommy wait to see you?" She continued.

"Well, there's a big coronation coming up, so some time after that." Mal stated with pursed lips.

"When?" Demanded Maleficent.

"Friday, 10 am." Nevaeh intervened, her eyes sharpening into daggers at Maleficent. Being with Ben and now having recently found her father, Nevaeh knew in her heart that if Maleficent dared to show up, she wouldn't hesitate into taking her down, regardless if she was Mal's mother or not.

"Are you sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magi-You! You little nugget!" Exclaimed Maleficent who almost revealed her true intentions before E.Q shoved her; both Narissa and Nevaeh rolled their eyes. Like mother, like daughter, I guess for it seemed that both fairies couldn't help but be so obvious.

"Yes, mother, I completely understand." Mal plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Carlos, is that a dog? Why, yes, baby, it would make the perfect size for a pair of earmuffs!" Cackled Cruella as her face moved closer to the TV, even going to squeeze the fake, stuffed dalmation keychain that she had hooked on her coat.

"He's the perfect size for a pet! And FYI, your dog is stuffed, so give it a rest!" Snapped Carlos as he protectively held Dude in his arms. This being the first time that her son had actually barked back at her, Cruella became surprised, her lips immediately zipping shut as she stared at her son with wide eyes while Jafar was laughing.

Then, a banter soon broke out between Jafar and Cruella and had quickly escalated, causing Jay to quickly turn off the TV.

"I am so sorry." Apologized F.G with a saddened look on her face as she looked at her students' somber expressions.

"Thanks for the surprise." Jay said albeit reluctantly before he and the rest began packing up and getting their things.

"M, what do you think our parents are going to do if we don't get the wand?" Evie asked in a hushed whisper, pulling the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

"I think they'll be proud of us for doing our best." Mal pushed her lips together in her lie.

"Really?" Asked Jay incredulously.

"Hell no." Said Nevaeh.

"Yeah, we're definitely goners." Mal sighed. After departing and going the separate ways, Nevaeh went to her dorm, planning to get a few minutes of rest before crunching down on all the work she had to do.

~20 minutes later~

"Okay, Nevaeh. It's crunch time." She said to herself, a determined expression on her face after waking up from her twenty minute nap, feeling somewhat rested. 

Beginning with her Magical History homework, she spent an hour working and revising her essay on King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. After that, was her homework for her Virtues & Values class, which only took ten minutes since it was just a small worksheet before moving on to her math homework, and thankfully she was really, really smart, so it was only another hour shaved off and done with.

 Following math was Chemistry, taking an hour and a half, and concluding her school work by reading the Greek play: Antigone, and then writing an essay about for her English class; Ms. Ella's dislike for the girl was shown very clearly in the work she'd give Nevaeh, but that wouldn't stop the latter from pushing on.

A total of 4 hours and 50 minutes she had spent before setting off to work on the outfits for her 3 clients: Allie, daughter of Alice in Wonderland; Tristan, son of Tarzan and Jane; and Arianna, who was the daughter of Queen Anna of Arendale. She needed to make 6 outfits; 2 suits for Tristan to wear at Family Day and the Coronation, 2 Coronation gowns for Arianna and Allie that could be shortened to be suited for dancing for the after party, and 2 semi-formal dresses to wear for Family Day.

Piece by piece, sketch by sketch, and stitch by stitch Nevaeh worked herself into a frenzy, only using a little magic here and there for help. Once she had them completely finished and branded: Queen Couture, she had magically shipped them to their respective owners. 

*Top half is for Allie's Family day outfit (left) and Coronation outfit (right); bottom is vice versa for Arianna; Tristan's Suit on the left is for Coronation and outfit on the right is for Family Day*

*Her business card and logo^^*

"Now, how to solve the missing underwear situation..." She said to herself before letting out a yawn just as Lonnie entered their dorm.

"Woah." Gasped the Asian teen as she took in Nevaeh's messy hair, the fact that she hadn't changed into comfy clothes since school ended for the day, and the tired expression on her face.

"Nevaeh, what have you been doing?" Lonnie asked as she walked over to her friend.

"I just finished sending over some clients' orders for dresses and suits for Family Day and the Coronation. And now, I'm going to begin my plan to find my missing-*yawns*- underwear." Yawned Nevaeh as she rubbed the sleepy feeling in her eyes away; Lonnie looked at her friend in concern.

"Nevaeh, you missed dinner. The underwear can wait till the morning, right now we need to get you something to eat." Lonnie scolded trying to bring to light to Nevaeh about how she was straining herself, but Nevaeh was stubborn.

"Wait, ju-just let me do the s-spell real quick." She stuttered groggily.

"To see but not be seen, orbs of light are what I need.

To bring secrets out from the dark, hidden in this room they'll be

Until I let out a spark of three." Recited Nevaeh.

As she did the spell, Lonnie texted Ben about what was happening. Navy blue mist swirled out of Nevaeh's hands before bursting into mini, golden orbs of light that settled into the walls of their dorm, completely out of sight. It was with the finish of that spell that kind of drained Nevaeh, and because she hadn't eaten, her body's low energy made it easy for her to faint just as Ben had entered the room.

"Woah! Easy there, beautiful." Ben said gently. He was able to catch her before she could hit the ground.

"Wh-what are you doing here, beasty?" An exhausted Nevaeh asked.

"Lonnie texted me about your situation. Ma reine, I thought I said NOT to overwork yourself." Ben gently scolded as he held her in arms, guiding her to her bed.

"I just wanted to get everything done today." She whispered before being startled at the grumbling sound her stomach made, causing her to blush.

"I'll go get fetch something from the kitchen. Lonnie, can you make sure she eats it all before she goes to sleep?" Ben asked, gently stroking Nevaeh's hair.

"Of course." Lonnie nodded her head, a cheeky smile on her face as she watched the interaction between the two royals.

"I'll be right back with some food from the kitchen, try not to fall asleep, okay?" Ben asked gently, causing Nevaeh to gently nod her head. Planting a kiss to her forehead, Ben got up and went to the kitchen to whip up a small meal for her, later returning to the dorm with a plastic plate of two turkey club sandwiches, some chips, and strawberries.

"I have some last minute things to look over, so I won't be able to stay. I-"

"Don't apologize, beasty. It's totally fine, so I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Nevaeh cut him off. She wasn't going to let him feel guilty for not being able to stay with her, especially with his coronation being close and Family Day being in two days; she wasn't that petty.

"Just so you know, I love you, ma reine." He gave a pointed look after stating such, making her playfully roll her eyes.

"And I love you, too, mon roi." She smiled.

"Awe." Lonnie awed, making the couple remember that they weren't alone.

"Goodnight, girls." Ben chuckled before leaving the dorm.

"You guys are too fucking cute!" Squealed Lonnie, turning to face Nevaeh once she closed the door. 

"Thank you, Lonnie." Smiled Nevaeh as she ate the food that was brought to her, feeling her energy being restored. Once done, she set aside the empty plate on her nightstand before starting her nighttime routine, all beginning with a shower. Once done and had changed into a baby blue, silk nightgown, she went to bed.

"Night, Lonnie." She said.

"Night, Nevaeh." Lonnie replied. With that said, clapping her hands twice, Nevaeh magically turned off the lights before falling asleep.


(A/N: Heyy, everyone, happy to say only 2 more chapters until Family Day!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, until next time!


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