Codesworld (Darkekulavia Adve...

By UCS754

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Title says it all More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2: Global Warming
Chapter 3: Vs Nickocado Avocado
MrBeast Chapter 1: (4) 24 hrs in Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 5: Farm Madness
Chapter 6: Battling a Band
Chapter 7: Grilled Cheese Deluxe
Mrbeast Gaming chapter 1 (8): Minecraft But Everything Is Random
Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!
Chapter 10: Can Ganondrof come out to play?
Chapter 11: Bahama-dness
Chapter 12: Meme Review #1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 1 (13): New Perils Part 1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2
Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 3 (15) Greater Toronto Area (Oh Shit wrong term)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics
Dimensional Arc Part 5 (17): The cake is always a lie
Dimensional arc Part 6 (18): Where it all started (For Darkekulavia)
Dimensional Arc Part 7 (19) Scottstale
Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine
Dimensional Arc Part 9 (21) Kadien's and Laurie's Five Nights
Dimensional Arc FINALE (22) Team (Fortress) Work Makes The Dream Work
Codesworld Short: Kadien's Real Body
Chapter 24: Zanta Claws
Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans
MrBeast Chapter 2 (26) 50K game of Real Life Monopoly
Codesworld Short: Spelling Bee
Chapter 27: The Date (Valentine's Day Speical)
Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb
MrBeast Gaming Chapter 2 (29) World's Largest Explosion
Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear
Trepidation Arc Chapter 1 (31): Lullaby's Treat
Trepidation Arc Chapter 2 (32) The search begins
Trepidation Arc Chapter 3 (33): The Fate of Unknown Suffering
Tripedation Arc Chapter 4 (34) Innocence Doesn't Get You Far
Chapter 35: Tier List 1 (CDW Edition)
Tripedation Arc Chapter 5 (36): Forgiveness won't work against a Lord
Trepidation Arc Chapter 6: Triple Threat of Killers
Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover
Trepidation Arc FINALE (38) Revenge of a Nephalem and The Corruption King
Chapter 39: Surf And Turf Wars
Chapter 40: Project T.E.R.I.OS
MrBeast Chapter 3 (41) Press This Button To Win $100,000!
Chapter 42: Codesworld Christmas Blast
Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies
Chapter 44: Real Date
Chapter 45: Cat? It's a Kitty Cat!
Chapter 46: Pizza Pandemonium
Chapter 47: Return to Freddys
Teaser for the next Arc

Chapter 23: Hammer and Fail

57 3 137
By UCS754

The scenes changes the gang's house where the Gang are all reunited including Kaiden and Crystal. After the Red Skull and Joker debacle. Batman decided to let go free so they can help other parts of the world and the gang had decided to allow them to move in so they could a place to stay when they are not fighting crime. Right now everyone was in the kitchen as the people who were in the Red Skull and Joker Chase talked about their experience.

AGOTI: So wait. You guys to all of these universes.

Scott: Yep.

Crystal: Yeah. We did you think I got this from.

Crystal then takes out the Portal Gun that's got from her dimension.

Russell: What is that?

Crystal: It's a portal gun.

Aldryx: Oooooooh. Does it actually work?

Crystal: Yes. But I won't use it right now. It might mess up the kitchen.

Dawn: Well that's important is that we are all alive.

Laurie: Agreed. Although Kaiden did die, kind of.

Solazar: What do you mean kind of?

Kaiden: I don't wanna talk about it.

Solazar: Ok. My apologies Mr.Kaiden.

Suddenly Kitty came through the front door.

Kitty: Hey Guys! I'm back.

Emma: Kitty, where the hell have you been?

Kitty: Well, I've was just walking around downtown when I saw this on in a store.

Kitty then pulls out this.

Kitty: I can't believe someone was selling this!

AGOTI: What is it?

Kitty: I think it might be an antique. Plus It looks valuable.

Russell: It looks like Junk.

Kitty: I can't wait to- Hey!

Cody: Well whatever it is. It can go in your room with the rest of your rubbish.

Kitty takes her to her room as she starts mumbling.

Kitty: Stupid people.... Don't like anything cool I find....

She opens the door and which it filled with stuff.

Kitty: Oh no!

Suddenly everything in Kitty's room starts coming out. Covering her with it. The gang comes sees what the deal was.

Laurie: Geez. How much stuff you got in there. Looks a tornado went through there.

Tankman: No kidding. And I thought Steve's place was a mess.

Cody: Whatever it is. It looks like we need more space around here.

Emma: Well, I guess the only logical option is to add an extra floor on the house.

Solazar: Agreed. We could hire some builder and then can go from there.

Russell; Now where in the hell are we......

Everyone turns to see Cody, Dawn, Scott, and Tankman in construction gear they had in chapter 2.

Russell: You can't be serious right now. Do you 4 have any experience.

Dawn: Yes. We done this before I'm sure we can...

Dawn turns to see Cody messing around with a hammer.


Before anymore chaos could happen. The show transition to the next scene.

The scene changes to everyone outside the house getting to ready to work on it. Solazar comes to the table with Blueprints.

Solazar: Alright, I have some vague blueprints.

He then places the blueprints on the table and it looks like this.

Dawn: Ok. It looks like we have everything we need expect nails.

Cody: Oh yeah that's pretty important. Hey Kitty. Can you get some Nails from the store?

Cody then looks up to see Kitty juggling objects like a hammer, a drill, a workers helmets, a chainsaw and even Crimson somehow.

Cody: KITTY!

Kitty: Alright, alright I'm going!

Kitty gets in her and Emma drives off to the store as Crimson was able to land of her feet. When suddenly.

???: Well, Well, Well!

Cody instantly knew who that voice belonged to.


The camera the cuts and shows these three along with a theme tune.

Eduardo: What are you losers up to now?

Cody: Well, If you must know, we're building an extension to our house.

Suddenly the person in the blue spoke

Jon: Pfft, we did that last week. Didn't we Mark?

The camera then zooms hour and shows this.


Mark: Took us, what? Couple of hours? It's probably what inspired you to do it.

Cody: Actually, it's because Kitty had-

Eduardo rudely cuts Cody off.

Eduardo: Anyways, we'd love to stay and watch you guys fail, but we got better things to do.

Jon didn't know what he meant and was confused.

Jon: We do?

He then realized.

Jon: O-Oh yeah, real better things!

As the trio walked away Eduardo downtalked Jon. That is when Russell spoke up.

Russell: Hey. What did our neigh-bores want?

Russell then held up his hand as for someone to high-five and AGOTI as everyone looked at him.

AGOTI: What? I couldn't leave him hanging.

Cody: Nothing, it's just poking fun again.

Scott: Actually, who are they anyway.

Dawn: Ya. You never told about them.

Cody: Well it all started before we went on that Dimensions journey...

The scene changes to someone on the gang's front with a few boxes out soda.

Delivery man: Yeah, I got a delivery here for Mr.Johnson for 8 packages of Diet Soda. Can you sign here buddy?

Cody was confused as he did order 8 packages of Soda, but not diet soda.

Cody: Diet Soda?! W-W-Wait minute, there has be some sort of mistake here. I ordered-


Cody looks to his right and who does he see next door with regular soda? Eduardo. The two have an intense stare-down and a new rivalry started.

*Flashback ends*

Tankman: So let me get this straight. You and that Mexican person, started a rivalry.....over Soda?

Cody: Yep. And ever since then, it's just been...

Suddenly he get cut off by a sound of a drill.


The scene cuts to the store called "Massive Tool Center" with Kitty inside pushing a shopping cart down the aisle.

Kitty: Alright. Now to find that thing I completely forgotten about.

Kitty tries to think about what Cody told her to get.

Kitty's mind Cody: Alright Kitty, listen to me very carefully. I need to take you this money and buy ANYTHING THAT ISN'T NAILS!

After "Remembering" Kitty pushes the cart and starts her shopping trip.

The gang started at least some of the work that they could do without the nails. Soon they see Kitty driving into the driveway with a bag.

Emma: Oh good, Kitty is back. Did you get the nails?

Kitty then shows her sisters the bag and it was filled all sorts of random stuff.

Emma: Kitty, where are the nails...?

Kitty then realized that she messed up.

Kitty: Oh yeah, they were out of nails...or something.

Cody then takes a look at the bag and sees what Kitty has.

Cody: Fine, looks like we'll just have to make do with this stuff for now.

Tankman; Ok, what's next on the list.

Cody: Let's see here. "Obligatory Building Montage"

Scott: Again? Fine get the music again.

After the finish the montage the gang take a look at the finished project.

Cody: Looks like we are all done.

Emma: Uhh, Yeah....

Why was Emma so unsure? Well this is why.

Kitty was already inside the new roof testing it out.

Kitty: Well, if I have to give it a bit of constructive criticism, it would probably be that this is THE BEST THING EVER CREATED BY ANYONE EVER!

???: Well, it's certainly an improvement.

The whole gang turns and Eduardo and his friends.

Eduardo: Nice roof you got there!

Laurie: Really?

Eduardo, Jon, Mark: NO!

They all walk away laugh as Cody had enough.

Cody: Alright that's it, NO MORE GAMES!

He picks up a phone book and a phone and calls the one called the one he needed.

Cody: Hello, Instaroof? Yeah, yeah.... We are at 2564 Euclid Avenue... Five seconds? Yeah that's pe-

Before Cody could even finished the helicopter appeared with a new roof and just dropped on top of "roof" that the gang made including Kitty who was still inside. Everyone enters to see the new part of the house.

Crimson: Well it's good thing we had these stairs here or Kitty would've...been crushed

The all see Kitty who was knocked senseless after the roof got on top of her.

Everyone looks around the newly added attic when Cody gets an idea.

Cody: So, everyone up for moving Kitty and her things to the attic please say I.

Everyone said I expect for Kitty who just made some random mumbled gibberish, clearly still out of it.

Emma: Soundly like a yes to me.

Cody: 100%.

The scenes then changes to that night with Kitty sleeping in her bed in the attic with all her things in there as well. She awaken when her hears a demonic growl.

Kitty: Uh? What was that? Guys? I-is that one of you?

She hears more demonic mumbles before seeing what was making all that noise as it lunges at her.


Emma was still awake and couldn't sleep due to all the noise Kitty was making.

Emma: Ugh, I thought we were done with this when we left our parents house.

The Scene changes to everyone eating breakfast in the kitchen and having conversations. Cody turns to Emma who was seems pretty tried but was still just able to make her way through the day. Cody decided to check on her.

Cody: Hey Emma are you ok?

Emma: Not really. Kitty kept me up all night!

Cody: What do you mean?

Emma: Well, She just kept screaming, crying, begging for help as things were breaking, the evil laughter, sobbing, her TV keeps turning on and off and suddenly enigmatic winds came through... Y'know that sort of thing.

Dawn heard the entire thing and knew something was up.

Dawn: What is wrong with her?

Emma: How should I know? I may be her sister but I know there are a few things I don't ask.

Cody: Maybe we should go and see what's happening up there.

After telling the gang what is happening they all entered the attic and looked organized and clean. Not normally Kitty's styles. Speak of, she was looking out the window but turned around and saw the gang.

Kitty: Hey, everyone! How are we doing this fine morning?

Everyone was surprised that the place was organized. Especially Emma.

Emma: Wow Kitty. This place is actually clean.

Kitty: Indeed, I figured I'd straighten up and little bit.

Russell: I surprised you knew how to, due your childish nature.

Kitty: Well, I figured it was time to grow up, and become more mature.

Cody: Huh? I'm impressed, being tidy, not being childish.

Scott: Using words with more than two syllables.

Cody: Yeah, who are you and have you done with the real Kitty?

As the gang laughed, that Kitty was looking at them with her head had turned around to her back. Cody was the first notice

Cody: Oh f-

Suddenly everyone was blasted out of the attic and Kitty had red eyes and was floating. Ever her voice sounded different.

Demon Kitty: Finally, after centuries of waiting, I can finally take over the world! I will level mountains, destory monuments, enslave th-

Suddenly the real Kitty talked back.

Kitty: But I like monuments!

Demon Kitty: What?

Kitty: I don't wanna destory monuments!

Demon Kitty: I don't care!

Kitty: You can't d-

Demon Kitty: Silence mortal! The world will tremble at my feet.

Kitty: Not if I have anything to say about it

Demon Kitty: Well you don't?

Kitty: Why not?

Demon Kitty: Because I'm controlling your body!

Kitty: I hate you. You threw away by milk!

Demon Kitty: The milk was expired!


Demon Kitty: How dare you?! You know what? Screw this!

That's when the demon releases Kitty from it's control and goes back into the house. Fixing that wall is destroyed in the process. Kitty comes and scenes and speaks to the gang.

Kitty: Guys! I think our house might, MIGHT, be a little processed.

Crystal: And there its. The last horse crosses the finishing line.

Laurie: Well can we still get in.

Kaiden: Well I don't see why not, we just open the do- Oh, now I'm going backwards.

Kaiden was indeed going backwards. Right into his and Crystal car.

Cody: Well, I can't believe I'm going to say, but it looks we have to ask EDUARDO, for help

Russell: No way. They will never help us.

Dawn: They could. We just have to be really, REALLY subtle.

Tankman: Oh, you want subtle. Let me do it! I know how to do it.

The scene changes to Tankman and the gang in front Eduardo's door and they had just rang the doorbell and Eduardo soon answers and see Tankman.

Tankman: Pardon me neighbor! What a lovely day! Could we perhaps borrow a cup of your finest sug-

Suddenly Kitty jumps in.


Eduardo chuckled as he calls the boys.

Eduardo: Jon, Mark, come check these douchebags out.

Jon and Mark then appears behind Eduardo.

Tankman: Ya for real, it appears we have very slight, teeny tiny, spirit infestation.

The camera the shows the house that has a huge glow of red.

Mark: Ah, it stupid as always to me.

Jon: Yeah, Ghosts? Spirits? Sounds like you bozos have watching too many.

Suddenly a demon hand comes and taps it extension of the neighbors house, revealing that is was just a piece of cardboard.

Eduardo: Oh, Lordie! The ghost has transformed our extension into a pure car- eh we'll help you guys.

The scenes changes to the Insta-Roof center. Suddenly yelling was heard.


Kitty: Too cold! It's hurts my teeth?

Everyone else was confused.

Emma: Wait, when did we start talking about this?

Manager: Oh yeah. As for the ghost thing, that sounds about right. Didn't you get spirit insurance.

Everyone then looks at Cody and then it hits him.


The scene cuts to past Cody getting the roof.

Past Cody: Hello, Instaroof? Yeah, yeah.

Past Cody then looks at the camera with this expression.

The Manager sighs and pulls out the ad.

Manager: People need to start ready in ad.

Solazar takes the ad and reads it.

Solazar: "Caution: Roofs may contain, Ghosts, Spirits, Poltergeists, and.....Rabid Ferrets"?


anager: Ya, Our factory is between a cemetery and a vet.

Suddenly a rabid animal started attacking one of the employees in the background.

Manager: It's not ideal.

Cody: So there is nothing you can do about the ghost?

Manager: Not unless you got that insurance. Sorry y'all.

Everyone expect Russell then left the center but Russell had a few words to say.

Russell:  Y'know what this place is a whole lot a bull-

Before he could finish, a rabid ferret attacks Russell. Lucky he was able to get it off when help from the gang. That is when the met up with Eduardo, Jon, and Mark.

Cody: So, any luck with the psychic?

Eduardo: She said haunted house are stupid and said you guys are stupid.

Jon: I thought she said we were stupid.

Eduardo was pissed and so he did this.


Scott: So what now?

Kitty: The only thing we can do.

Cody: Exactly, and that.

Cody *Crosstalk*: Move really, really, far away

Kitty *Crosstalk*: Break everything in the house?

Cody and Kitty: Wait what?

Dawn: Actually, Kitty has a point. I mean it cleaned everything in her room, so maybe it just hate messes.

Kitty: Oh, right, that's-that's what I meant. Cause of the ghost. I-I didn't forget.

Eduardo: You guys are so lame, like we wanna spend all afternoon watching you destroy your earthly cherished possess-

Eduardo then realizes what that means starts wearing a devilish smirk.

The scene then changes Eduardo, Jon and Mark sitting in chair with popcorn and soda. While the gang made their own pieces of armor with random things they found in the street. Once they finished, they started hyping each other up.

(Best I could find)

Mark: Nice armor, idiots!

Suddenly this happened.

Suddenly the gang then entered they house ready for battle.

Tankman: HOLY SHIT, it's exactly the same...

Indeed, nothing has changed but then they remember.

AGOTI: Wait wasn't it the attic we were supposed to go?

Cody: Oh yeah..... CHARGE!

Everyone then charges towards the attic and starts destroying everything and making a mess. That when a this things shows up.

The gang then start to battle the demon as the neighbors were still outside just laugh at what the gang was doing. Back to the battle and everyone was getting destroyed by the Demon and was about the deal the finishing blow to Cody, who had taken the most damage during the battle.


The Demon was confused as he heard the name.

Demon: Hang on a tick, did you say Cody?

Dawn: Um yes?

Demon: Wait one second. I have to check something.

The demon then gets it's destination paper and reads it as everyone struggles to get up. That is when the Demon realizes something.

Demon: Blimey! This is a bit of a cock-up, but I have the wrong house! Oh, I'm so sorry about this... I'm actually after a "Mr. Eduardo".

That is when Cody smriks and tell him that he is right next door. With an evil laugh the demon then goes to the neighbors house and it was their problem now. As they dealt with that the gang then tried watch was happening. Especially Cody was smile as he was finally getting revenge. Dawn walked up to him with a question.

Dawn: Should we help them?

Cody: Nah. I think to of this as my revenge.

Eduardo then climbs up the fence as speaks the gang.

Eduardo: I'll get you for this, you dirty sons of a bit-

The demon punches Eduardo as the gang goes back inside and the Neighbors continued to be tortured.

*End of chapter 23, this is the longest one yet*

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