Vampires are just trouble

By litteraturegirly

27.8K 429 148

One concert.. That's all it took to change my life. My name is Clarrisa Walker and I know something you don't... More

Me...Clarissa Walker
The Meeting
The Surprise
Harry and Liam?
The Full Moon
Niall and Roxy
The Date
Where am I?
Love him. Love her
The Escape and The Fight
New Born Vampire
Vampire Power
New Member
Mind Blowing
Mood Swings
Rose As a Vampire
Full of Surprises
Prank Day!!!
Two Other Kidnappers?
Miss You So Much That I Would Kill For You
One More
He Returns
Death (OMGG!!)
I Think I Saw A Vampire Ghost
I'll Come After You
Goodbye Sweetie *The End*

Everything At Once

1.3K 10 4
By litteraturegirly

***Sorry!! But I won't be updating so much more!! I always say that doesn't I? And I have never meant it once.. Goshh.. But this time I actually mean it. Don't want to but Urrg.. I don't have network at home now and yes it sucks like shit!!! Sorry... Ahahaa but here is my new chapteer.. Love ya!!***

Clarissa's P.O.V

I followed Niall while Louis, Lorrie (holding hands while running in vampire speed) Liam, Zayn and mom followed me.

Lorrie and Louis was so cute together. They always are though.

Middle of my thought's I fall down at the grown "Ouch" I could let out.

Oh my god.. What if I hurt my baby?!? What the freak actually happen?

Oh.. I triped.. Yeah.. Yeah. Move on! Harry is in trouble

"Are you okey?" Louis said as he stopped and reached his hand to help me up.

Before I could answer and take his hand to help me Lorrie was here and speaked up.

"Oh. My. God. What happen?" she said worried and helped me up.

'Thanks for trying to help me and yeah, I'm okey' I said to Louis through our minds.

Louis nodded and smiled at me. Of course I smiled back and then got back to my thought's

What could of happen to the baby if I tripped..and I did. I don't want the baby to be any different then the others children.

I don't even know if this baby of mine is a vampire. Hmm...

That's something I can think of.

Of course If it gets different I will still love it more then ever since it is my baby. I love it anyway.

It's my baby! I actually am a mom and I am not gonna make the same mistake as my mom did.

I would be dead if my baby hated me like I hate my mom.

"Hey! Come out of your little world in there and tell me what happen?" Lorrie said as she waved her hands infront of my eyes.

I got out of (her words not mine) my little world and into the real one.

I don't like the real world. Really don't...

"oh.. Yeah, I'm alright" I said with a fake smile.

"Thats good! Yeah! But it wasn't what I asked you babe!" Lorrie said insecure.

Guush.. Need to know everything right?

Lorrie is suuuch a bad ass

***Ahaha remember babee? @Lorrie_directioner LoVe Ya!! Don't bite mje:P Gosh! Sorry back to the story***

"Well.. I'm okey and Harry is still screaming for god sake we need to find him" I said changing the subject.

But it was true. Harry was in trouble and he was still screaming.

if something happen to him I swear I will breake down! Like really!!

I ran again with vampire speed. Shit! I lost him. Niall..

"I lost him!" I said as I stopped. The same did the others.

With the others I mean Lorrie, Louis, Liam, Zayn and mom.

"What you mean you lost him" my mom said.

"I mean he got out of my sight! Niall got out of my sight, MOM" I kinda yell at her. Actually I yelled it right in her face.

I'm sorry but I'm so angry at her and something actually can have gone wrong. I don't know why Harry is screaming so god damn much!!!

"Hey! Chill! We don't have time to fight! Clarissa you are the only one who can find him. Work with us! Find more of your powers!" Zayn said.

He was right. I need to focous. This is reallity not a much as I wish this all was a sick nightmare, it isn't.

I closed my eyes and tried to focous, like really focous.

"Follow me!" I said as I ran again in vampire speed. Goosh. I'm starting to get tired. I need blood.

Yeah, I can get that after I have found Harry and that I know he's alright.

"oh no" I whispered to my self as I saw what was infront of me ...belive it or not.. My father.

Waw! This is happening TOO SOON TOO FAST!!!!

It was also a girl on the grown looking liveless. **Don't really know if thats a word:P**

She didn't move at all. She had blond long hair and I didn't see her eyes since they were closed. But she was beautiful.

She looked like someone I had met before but I just couldn't find out who.

But she was not my biggest problem even if she smelled really good though.

My father was holding Harry. Not holding like holding hands but he was trying to kill him. How the freak can he hold him like that unless he is.. NO!


I can't belive it. Well... It's a lot I don't belive...

Niall stood beside me and he looked really angry. What happen to that beast huh?

"Let him go!" I heard Louis yell.

My mom had her mouth and her eyes wide. Why was she so surprised. She probly knew and of course didn't tell me.

It is a lot she don't tell me so...

"No! He fucked my dather and got her pregnant and now he is getting payed!" My dad said.

Oh. My. Freaking. FREAKING!!

did he just say that!?

"WHAT?!? Have you been spying on me?" I yelled at him pissed as hell!

"Of course I have darling. Did you really think that I would leave you here with some ass holes?"

God. He really need to watch his language because I am getting really angry now!

Me angry as a human was a nightmare, but now I'm a vampire with MANY powers.

I can do something I maybe will regret but I can do it because am a freaking vampire now!

"Hey! Don't call them that! They are my frienes.........." I said taking a breake to be ready to say something really awkward

"And by the way you didn't see us like doing 'it' did you?" I said, REALLY awkward!

SORRY! but I needed to ask! Who knows what my dad did!?

I don't trust him anymore because he seemed really bad if it's just me..

"What?!? NO!" He yelled.

"Good.." I said a little quiet.

Awkward..... Just saying....

After like half a minutt my mom broke the silence.

"Who are you?" she said asking my dad dramatick.(or however it spells. Sorry!)

I hate drama...

"Rose?" He took a pause to have a deep breath and then speaked up again "Is it you? Is it really you?" Dad said shocked.

Okei.. I guess they didn't know..


My dad let go of Harry and walked slowly to mom.

I ran as fast as possble with my vampire speed to Harry.

"Are you hurt?" I whispered to Harry ignoring my moms and dads conversation.

"I'm so sorry Clar! I really love you and...and the baby. I wanna stay..with you and our little baby." Harry said.

My heart light up like the sun when I heard those words.

It was just what I wished for him to say and he did. He did.

I can't belive it! Again... It's a lot I can't belive guush..

"Really?" I said with a relaxing voice. I was so relaxed in that moment.

I wasn't so stressed as I have been the last weeks. I was relaxed by his relaxing voice and words.

"Yes. Really! I meant every word and spesial that part when I said I love US" He said.

"I love US too" I replied.

I'm so happy now. All my bad thoughts just got blowed away and all my happy thoughts came back again like...

I have a family...

Harry loves US...

My life is finally complete..or almost.


I...I..I.. I don't have any words. I'm just so happy.

I layed down next to Harry.. Yes.. On the grown.

I didn't care that I got dirty. I was to happy to care.

Rose's P.O.V

"Who are you?" I asked confused.

Is that really Jhon or am I just imagine this.

You know, Jhon is my husband..or was and Clarissa's father.

He hold Harry like he was stronger then him. That's impossible.

Maybe not. I could smell that he was different. He smelled different.

He didn't smell like oil. Oh.. Right I didn't tell you his job.

He works with cars and belive it or not, he spend one time ten milliards dollar.

He found once a diamond on the way to work. Weird, right?

But that was not why I married him! I was allready married to him when we got rich.

A mouth later I got pregnant with my beautiful dather.

15 years later I met Sterling and he ruined my life.

One year later I was a vampire.

I didn't tell you how I met Jhon have I? Well... Let us start then...


My friend Rebecca have birthday today. We are going to a club.

I said that we could do anything she wants and she choise to go to a club.

I said some clubs that I knew of that we could go to but she didn't chose any of them.

She said that we were going to a special place that she loves.

Specal place? Why the freak go to a club with druk boys everywhere then?

Oh well..

It is her birthday so It's her day. She decited to go to a club so thats what we're doing.

She said the name of the club was 'All The Way' I must say that it was a cool name on a club.

How could I never have heard of this club, huh? Guush.

I put on a short red dress, but not to short and black high heels.

Rebecca said that I MUST wear something sexy and this was like my sexiest outfit.

She's the boss.

Rebecca wear a black tight and short dress. Maybe too short. Uh...

She also had golden high heels. Waw!! That's HOT! She will so get some today!

"Waw.. You really wants some or what?" I said with fake wide eyes.

She always dress nice.. Or should I say hot.

"I think I will take 'or what'" She said joking. We both laughed.

"I said that this place is special so I need to look extra SeXy." She said while showing her self of.

I just had to laugh. She looks so rediculous when she tryes to show her self of.

But she was just kidding. She always does that. She is so funny! Always are!

Wish that I can just show of like her. Not be imberreset of anything.

Just do all those stupid but funny things. Ha!

"Heloo!! Someone there? We need to go! Like NOW!!" Rebecca said as she waved her hand infront of me.

I got out of my not real world and got in the real one. Don't like the real one. I hope that will change today.

" Yeah! But it's just 08 pm. The club doesn't start before 09 pm. We have lots of time!" I said to her.

"Yes but this club is big. Everyone love this club so we need to go now so we don't have to be the one whos all back in the line" Rebecca said while draging me to the car.

"How can I have never been at this club?" I asked her.

"Because you are so lame but you are not being lame today. Not at my birthday babe" She said.

Well that was nice. Am I really so lame? Whatever..

"Jeez thanks.." I said with sarcasme in my voice

She laughed and gave me a hug. We both sat in the car.

"You know that I can drive, you don't have to." I said but she just rolled her eyes.

"I can drive on my birthday Rose. Don't worry about that" She said rolling her eyes again at me.

"If you keep doing that your eyes will fall out" I said as I self rolled my eyes. Didn't think through that so much.

"And that came from you little miss rolling eyes All. The. Time" She said jokely.

I laughed and jokely pushed her soft on her sholder.

"Hey! I'm driving!" She said trying to be serious but she failed. Big Time.

We finally were there and I'm ready to patyy!! No I ain't..

I need some drinks first.. Yeah **<3**

We stood in line for like ten minuts and i thought we would never get in but we did though.

Rebecca dragged me to the pub and said that we both is gonna take a strong marganita.

Wow! She is going to GET something to night, yeah!!

She drank the whole glass in one sec and shoted "Hit Me Again!"

She's gonna be WASTED!!! Maybe she can handle a hangover. What I know? Ha..

Rebecca moved over the dance floor. I just sat at the pub drinking my marganita SLOWLY.

"I get a 'BlooD'." A man said who sat beside me giving me an dissgusting look. Like a 'FuckMe' look. ***Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!***

"So how you doing?" The man said to me while drinking his drink that I think was called a 'BlooD'

The drink was red like blood. So I guess thats why they call it a 'BlooD'

I just smiled and nodded. I didn't want anything with him so I just walked away.

Before I knew it. He took my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"Where are you going princess?" He said with a smirk.

"Get away from me!" I yelled at him.

This day wasn't how I expected it to be.

He didn't let go of me and out of nowhere another man comes in and smack him down at the floor.

"Ouch. That must have hurt!" I said looking at that patatic man on the floor.

I looked up again at an handsom man that.. I must say had an AWSOME and HOT body!

"Thank You" I said and with that he nodded and walked (handsome) away.


And the next day I met him again and he asked me on a date.

I was right. That night was different...

Harry's P.O.V

**Back to where Harry leaved the house**

I needed a snack so I ran out side and into the woods.

With snack, I mean some blood. I'm not gonna kill anyone but I will just, like I said, get a snack.

I needed a break. A break to think about, you know what.

I thought if I get a little blood maybe I can work this out. I hoped though.

Sometimes it is humans that go walks in the woods and reads books or something else.

Sometimes they just take walks. Sometimes alone and sometimes with others.

I took a pause to try to smell a human. And did I smell a human? Yes and no.

I smelled a human and another new born vampire but I ignored the other new born vampire and ran straight to my little snack.

It was a girl. Maybe she was 16. I don't know. She had long blond hair and blue eyes.

Queite beautiful but not as beautiful like Clarissa.

No one is more beautiful then Clarissa. She is like my one and only.

I keeped my distance so I didn't scare her away. Ha.. That heard like something very weird.

I took my chance and ran up to her with vampire speed and bite her straight away.

God! She tasted good!! I drank more and more. I should stop but I didn't. I couldn't control my self.

In nowhere a man catched me and pulled me away. The girl was still alive.

She was still standing on her feets.

When the man took a break from me and smelled the air, he put me down and looked at the poor girl.

He took a step closer to her and the girl screamed and tried to run away.

The man laughed with an evil laugh before going after her.

She didn't get long away from him before he bit her.

In about ten sec, he pulled the girl away and she falled down at the grown. She was liveless.

Didn't move at all. Poor girl. Hope she's not dead. She was so young.

The man turned his head to me again and ran up to me and holded me tight. He freaking tried to kill me!

It hurt so I screamed in my head so Niall and Clarissa could hear it and I screamed out loud.

Who the freak was this guy? He had black short messed up hair and red eyes. He looked, to be uniest. He looked like shit!

In fifteen sec Niall was here. And two sec after all the others was here even Clarissa.

When I first looked at her I knew my answer. I loved her and I love our baby. I need to tell her.

They all had like a big fight but I didn't hear because I was in my own world.

I imagined how it would be with a baby. Would I be a good father? I know Clarissa would be a great mom.

The man let me go and walked over to Rose. I think they had like a drama time or something.

Clarissa ran over to me and whispered to me if I were hurt.

I didn't answer and said insted "I'm so sorry Clar! I really love you and...and the baby. I wanna stay..with you and our little baby."

I love her so much and she looked so beautiful in the sun light.

"Really?" She said relaxed. I'm glad that she is relaxed for a change.

"Yes. Really! I meant every word and spesial that part when I said I love US" I said.

"I love US too" She said with a wide smile on her face.

She looks even beautiful when she smiles.

She layed down next to me and I took my arm around her.

She took her legs over my legs and that was how we layed on the grown for about maybe ten minuts.

While we just lay here at the grown I thought that I could sing a song to her.

I sang a song that I loved and maked me think of Clarissa.

"Your hand fits in mine like it made just for me

But bear this mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the those with the freckles on your cheeks.

And It all make sence to me.

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile.

You've never loved yout stomach or your tights.

The dimples in your back at the bottom on your spine.

But I love them endlessly.

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth.

But if I do, It's you, oh It's you, they add up to.

I'm in love with you and all these little things.

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea.

Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep.

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep.

Though it makes no sence to me.

I know you never loved the sound on your voice on tape.

You never want to how much you weigh.

You still have to squeeze in to your jeans.

But you're perfect to me

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth.

But if I do, It's you, oh It's you, they add up to.

I'm in love with you and all these little things.

You never love your self half as much as I love you.

You'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to.

If I let you know, I'm here for you

Maybe you love yourself like I love you oh

I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth

Cause it's you,oh It's you, It's you they add up to.

And I'm in love with you

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth.

But if I do, It's you, oh It's you, they add up to.

I'm in love with you and all these little things."

No song can describe our love but some of those words in that song was true.

I love her and all her little things.

"That was so beautiful!!" She said as she kissed me.

!!!!FIREWORKS!!!! AGAIN !!!!

"But who is that girl?" Clarissa asks when we stopped kissing or... Making out!! Yeah! Finally tough!!

"Oh shit the girl!" I said standing up running to her.

I totally forgot about her. I need to save her.

When I was where she was I saw Zayn. He was already there helping her.

Zayn's P.O.V

I just looked at Harry's and Clarissa's conversation. I'm so glad they worked it out!

And then I saw this miracal. I saw a beautiful liveless girl on the grown not moving at all.

She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

She was the girl in my dreams. I'm 100% sure about that she was her!

I ran over to her and she wasn't even breathing....or wait... She was but I know she didn't have long time.

I thought and thought and thought of what I can do to save her.

I don't know and that is so wrong! I need to know!!! She is my mate!! I know it!!!

Oh! I can make her to a vampire! That's her only chance to live and she must live! I need her.

I looked around for something I could cut my self with.

Am not trying to kill my self, I just need to give her blood.

I found a wrock. Will that work? Yeah probly.

I cut my self and the blood streamed out of my wrist.

I fast opened this girls mouth and fast took my wrist over her mouth.

Harry came and so did Clarissa. We all looked at this girl a long time and then.......

Her eyes opened...


Oh. My. Freaking. FREAKING!!! 4 days ago I had 3. 000 and now I have 4. 000. Wow!!! Happy Of Joy!!!!!

So what do YOU think?  And I hope this was a little longer because I'm so worried that I won't be uploading so much as I actually do.

I will be writing but as I said, I don't have network now. Shoot «:

Sorry for all those P.O.V's hope it wasn't sooo confusing though.

And I hope that this chapter wasn't so boring was it?

And now it's a new girl in my story!! The girl is one of my friends @HegeIsene.

She's really cool and wanted to be in my story.

I said that it would be hard but I will try and so I got this SUPER idea.

So now three of my friends is in my story. Yey!!! (:

Hey!! I wanna give a shotout to one of my friends that have helped me with three chapters to uploading.

My phone can't or won't.. No, can't upload on wattpad. It just can't.

Yes my phone is a ass. A big ass. It looks like Louis'  ahahaa just kidding.

So give a BIG SHOTOUT to one of my best friends @Lizzie_directioner.

Thank you for helping me! Love you! You are a good friend and I really hope that we will be best friends FOREVER.

Because you are a friend that every person wish for.

You are kind, funny, cool but not cooler then me(just kidding, we are both cool and I LOVE YOU)

And CONGRATSS!!! @Lizzie_directioner

She has birthday today

You are a really, REALLY good friend and you are beautiful. Never, NEVER forget that.

And by the way Niall would so have fall in love with you in just one eye contacked with you.

Sorry if I spelled 'contacked' wrong

Love you @Lizzie_directioner and I will always have you on my mind.

You are not getting out of my life easy. Mohahahaa  Nah, kidding :)(:

And I also wanna thank my other best friend @Lorrie_directioner for always being on my side and helping me with ideas.

@Lizzie_directioner also helped me with ideas, so THANK YOU GUYS!!

And I have another question for you guys........

What do you want this girl to be named? I don't have a name yet. And she is not gonna be named 'Hege'

It's a beautiful name but I want another one. Thank you!

Please comment your favorit name and the one that have the best and most beautiful name will win a follow from me and I will read and comment your story...if you have one story though

Good Luck!!

SHOTOUT TO ALL MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND MY FANS  Lovee you!!

                                                     LOTS OF LUUVE!!! <3

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