Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.2K 472 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 34

36 6 1
By MindfulWriter1666

Ha Jun's POV

"C'mon Ho-yeon you got this!" Ha Jun cheered as he watched Ho-yeon trying to steady herself.

"Ha Jun, you know good and well that I can't ice skate like you." Ho-yeon quivered out as she slowly stepped into the rink.

Ha Jun chuckled as he grabbed her hand and led her into the rink.

"Okay...okay...everything's cool." Ho-yeon shuddered out as she slowly slid on the ice.

"See? You got this." Ha Jun assured her.

The minute he said that, Ho-yeon was slipping and sliding until Ha Jun caught her.

"Yeah, got this my ass." Ho-yeon scolded.

"Love you too." Ha Jun teased as Ho-yeon smiled.

"Remind me again why we're here on our 8 month anniversary." Ho-yeon sighed.

"Because you mentioned that you never did ice skating before." Ha Jun replied in a smug tone.

Ho-yeon regained her balance as her and Ha Jun began to slowly skate on the ice.

"Okay, so far everything's good." Ha Jun thought to himself.

He stuck his hand into his coat pocket to check to see if the ring box is still in there then smiled when he felt that it was still there.

"Now we wait for the right opportunity." Ha Jun thought as he continued to skate alongside Ho-yeon.

Yn's POV

Jesus Christ, I've never been this nervous before in my life!

So, here I am in Dong Wook's car on our way to his mother's house. I was showing all sorts of signs that I was nervous: Jumpy leg? Check. Fiddling with hands? Check. Sweaty palms? Check.

Dong Wook looked at the corner of his eye to see that I'm a subtle nervous wreck then grabbed my hand to squeeze tight.

Either he has the magic touch, or he just knows how to calm people overall. Either way, I almost immediately calmed down after he began to rub the surface of my hand with his thumb. I looked at him to see him smiling but he still had his eyes on the road then smiled at him.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrated. I looked to see a text from Ha Jun.

Ha Jun: SOS! What do I do leading up to the proposal?

Me: Well, do they play music at the ice park? Like, do they do requests?

Ha Jun: I think so?

Me: What's yours and Ho-yeon's favorite song?

Ha Jun: Angel Baby by Troye Sivan

Me: Ask if they'll play that, that'll set the mood between you two.

Ha Jun: Okay thanks.

I turned off my phone to see that car has stopped. I looked up to see this nice two story house that looked like it belonged to just a normal modern family. Dong Wook stepped out and opened my car door.

When I stepped out, my legs were trembling.

Why am I so nervous? I don't know, maybe because of the fact that I'm meeting my boss's mother! From what I heard, the bosses' moms are usually more intimidating than the boss themselves.

"Oh no, she's gonna take one good look at you and believe that you're not good enough for her son!" Anxiety exclaimed.

"Do you have the right outfit on?"

"Is your breath okay?"

"Don't just stammer while speaking!"

"Well, look who has returned." An elderly woman chuckled as she stepped out. "And who is this young lady here?"

"Mother, this is Yn, she's the worker I was telling you about." Dong Wook introduced.

"Well, you didn't tell me she was a beautiful young one." The mother chuckled out as she examined my face.

My face turned red as I began to speak.

"H-hello ma'am." I greeted as I bowed down.

"Oh honey I don't bite." The mother assured me. "I only give out food and love."

I gave her a small smile as we walked inside. 

When we walked in, I saw his sister, Seong Hee, and his little nephew Si An.

"Hey, I'm sure you remember my sister and nephew." Dong Wook stated.

"Yes, hello Seong Hee." I greeted. "Hi Si An."

Si An ran up to me and hugged my legs while he giggled.

"I'm guessing this is Si An's girlfriend huh?" Seong Hee joked.

I couldn't help but laugh as Si An looked up at me.

"Yes, and I love her so much." Si An coo'ed out.

The mother came in and picked Si An up.

"Alright Romeo, it's time for you to go wash your hands for dinner." The mother ordered as she carried Si An to the bathroom, much to the little boy's dismay.

"So Yn, how is this stick in the mud treating you?" Seong Hee asked.

"H-he's a good boss." I stammered out. 

"Hmm, I wonder...are you single?" Seong Hee asked, which completely threw me off guard.

"O-oh! Y-yes, I've never been in an actual serious relationship before." I admitted.

"Really?" Seong Hee asked in shock.

I nodded my head.

"Well, chances are that you'll find someone eventually." Seong Hee chuckled as her eyes darted towards Dong Wook.

I don't know if she was referring to him or not.

When Seong Hee walked off, it was only me and Dong Wook in the living room. I looked on the fireplace mantel to see a photo of Dong Wook when he was a baby.

Oh my God, he looked so fucking cute! You should see his chubby little cheeks.

"Yes, that's me when I was a baby." Dong Wook chuckled out.

"You look so cute." I commented.

"So, tell me...how come you've never been in an actual relationship?" Dong Wook asked.

I gulped.

"Where you saving yourself for the right man?" Dong Wook asked.

"Well, back then no." I replied. "I mainly stayed away from boys because of my grandmother."

"Boys are dirty low down creeps who only want one thing from you!"

"If you even think about having sex with a boy, you're not pure."

"No boy is gonna want to have you if you're gonna keep acting like this."

"Those were the things she would always say." I explained.

"Where was your mother in all this?" Dong Wook asked.

"Dead." I simply answered back. "She died when I was 16 and my grandma was the only legal guardian to take custody of me."

"My condolences." Dong Wook apologized.

"To be honest, I come from a whole family filled with poison and my mom was the only antidote within that family." I sighed. "I did used to date one boy when I was a freshman, but ever since my grandma found out, she went nuts and cussed the boy out. After that I wasn't allowed to be seen with him and we just separated like that."

"How can a woman be that hostile to a then teenager boy?" Dong Wook asked.

"Apparently, my own grandmother." I replied with a sarcastic chuckle. "I still remember when I was 15 and she caught me hugging the same guy, she took me to a clinic to have them do a rape kit on me. Luckily, the people up there were really nice and they never forced me into performing one on me, despite my grandma wailing and gnashing her teeth." I explained.

"Grandma! Can we please go!" I cried out.

"No! You're gonna get that test even if I have to hold you down while they do it!" My grandma yelled.

At this point, I was in tears and the doctor noticed me being in total distress.

"Ma'am, I won't touch this girl if she's not comfortable with it." The doctor declared. "I don't have her consent."

"She don't have any consent! I'm her grandmother! I grant her consent!" My grandma screamed.

"Ma'am everyone is entitled to consent regardless of age." The doctor explained. "Now, do you want me to do a test on you?" The doctor asked me.

"No." I croaked out.

"Very well then, have a good day ma'am." The doctor dismissed.

"You little fast ass tramp! I hope that boy winds up knocking you up because you refuse to listen to me!" My grandma degraded.

"Grandma! All we did was hug!" I cried out. "I can't get pregnant from a hug!"

"But that's one step closer to it!" My grandma yelled in my face.

We were causing so much commotion that security had to be called to have us be taken away. I'm sure we were never allowed back into that clinic again because of her.

Dong Wook just stood there as he saw my eyes becoming glossy.

"What bothers me even more is that...I felt like God had taken away the wrong person, because my mom is 6 feet in the ground while my grandma is still wandering this earth." I choked out. "I did everything I could to make sure that I hope I don't see her ever again; I had to get a job at 14 and save up to go to the college that I've been wanting to go to, despite my grandma wanting me to go to a college that she went to." I explained as I began to feel my throat going dry.

Dong Wook didn't say a word and just pulled me into a hug. He rested his chin on my head as he rubbed my back.

"Hey, dinner's almost re-" The mother cut herself off to see me crying.

"What happened?" The mother asked.

"Just some unpacking." Dong Wook mumbled out as I sobbed into his chest.

The mother grabbed me by the hand and led me to the couch.

"Now, I'm not gonna force you to talk but, I don't have a problem listening to you vent." The mother assured me.

I wiped away my tears as I began to speak.

"Well...it may sounds silly but..." I began.

Ha Jun's POV

"Psst! Hey!" Ha Jun whispered out to the DJ at the booth.

"Hmm?" The DJ hummed looking at Ha Jun.

"Can you please play this one song for me please?" Ha Jun asked.

"Sorry, I don't do requests." The DJ rudely replied.

Ha Jun frowned.

"Please, can you make an exception? Look, it's me and my girlfriend's 8 month anniversary and...I'm planning to propose to her here, so I thought about playing our love song for her." Ha Jun explained.

"No way du-"

"I'll give you $20." Ha Jun bribed.

"Deal." The DJ replied as he began to play the song.

Ho-yeon's eyes lit up as the song began to play. Ha Jun skated over to her to grab her hand.

"Hey, it's our song." Ho-yeon pointed out. "You remembered."

"Hey, I wouldn't dare to forget the song that reminds me how much I love you." Ha Jun declared as they began to skate.

When the song got to the chorus, Ha Jun could just feel the love brewing between him and Ho-yeon.

You're my angel
Angel baby, angel
You're my angel, baby
Baby, you're my angel
Angel baby

Ha Jun then thought that this would be the perfect opportunity so he pulled Ho-yeon to the center of the ice rink.

"Hey, why we stopped here?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Um, Ho-yeon...I still remember when we first met, I thought you'd see me as just another fuckboy." Ha Jun began with his palms sweating. "As time grew, so did my love for you and I'd travel from here to Busan on foot for you, I'd eat my least favorite dish for you, and I'll even have to give up my dancing career for you if you'd want me to. Because Ho-yeon, all I want is you and I want you to answer me this..." Ha Jun continued as he pulled out the ring box and got on one knee. Or at least tried because there was ice.

Ho-yeon covered her mouth as Ha Jun opened the ring box revealing a diamond ring.

"Ho-yeon, will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?"

October 13th, 2022

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