The Band Next Door

Da TEEwaitforitHEE

31.2K 1.4K 418

Meet six normal girls...finding their way through life. As if it wasn't already way TOO complected, guess wha... Altro

Chapter 01 - Butterflies.
Chapter 02 - The Fall and All
Chapter 03 - Somebody Save Me!
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 1)
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 2)
Chapter 05 - (Christmas Special)
Chapter 06 - Cupcakes.
Chapter 07 - Bowling and bawling.
Chapter 08 - Community service.
Chapter 09 - Problem?
Chapter 10 - Drummer boy
Chapter 11 - The Pact
Author's note.
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 1)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 3)
Author's note : THE CHARACTERS!
Chapter 14 - A little too much to drink.
Chapter 15 - We surely cant handle our alcohol.
Chapter 16 - The hangover.
Chapter 17 - Consequences afterwards.
Chapter 18 - Heartbreaks and Mistakes.
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 - Too many guys!
Chapter 21
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22~ (too lazy to name the chapters now)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ;)
Chapter 26
Chap 27 (Muti-POVs)
Chapter 28
Chapter-28 cont...
Chapter 29
Chapter 32 (:
Chapter-32 (P*A*R*T*2 :D)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Rosalicious
Chapter 35: Major surprises!
Chapter 36

Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 2)

766 37 3
Da TEEwaitforitHEE


"Uhhggg" I groaned in frustration, and entered the apartment. "How dare she- and they- and EVERYONE. GOD! I hate my life." I mumbled under my breath and took out all the curse words I knew.

The apartment was messy, more than usual, like, someone just had world war 3 around here or something.

"Hey!" Sam greeted, as I was the first one to enter,"Took you guys long enough! I was star-"I just pushed her away, and went in, ignoring her. Thats how annoyed I was.I went straight towards the corner of the living room, and plopped myself on the love seat, crossing my arms over my chest and frowning as my eyebrows involuntarily knitted together.

I heard them mumble something on the doorway and I just focused my eyes on the flower vase which really needed fresh water for the half dead flowers.

Raising my eyebrow, seeing Harry coming to me, I took out my phone and planted the earphones in both of my ears before pulling up my hood and pulling my legs up to my chest.

I swear to the love of his sweet curls, if he takes a step closer to me, I would kick him right in his family jewels with all the will and power I had.

He stopped in his tracks as he saw me giving him the best death glare I owned, and, shuffled back to the group awkwardly.'yeah you better walk away!' I thought to myself and focused on the song, trying to forget everything around me.

David Guetta's - Just One Last Time ft. Taped Rai playing and I soon found myself putting my heat down on my knees, getting lost into the song. I snuggled into my over-sized hoodie as my eyes started to feel drowsy.


I shifted uncomfortably as something poked my cheek, "Nikitaa?.." I heard a heavy Irish accent call out my name. "Go away!" I shouted as I buried my face inside the hood, feeling so cozy that I wanted to stay like that forever.

"AAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!" I heard a loud scream right in my ear. I startled me so much that I ended up bitch-slapping the person it belonged to, dragging both him and Niall with me on the ground.

Actually, this wasn't so bad either. Infact, it was much more comfortable than that black love-seat.

"Get. Off. Me." I heard Ryan choking under me, waking me up for the third time. I hate when people wake me up! I tried to ignore him.

"Please." Niall begged. But I didn't budge to my matresses' pleading. Wake me up? I sleep on you, I smirked.

I shrieked as I felt water on my head and trickle down my neck. "What the hell!?" I got up to meet Tanner's gaze.

"Tanner!!" I shouted and searched for my pillow, when I realised, 'Wait, this isnt my room.' I thought to myself 'Well, no shit! Sherlock!' my conscience thought back.

I looked at the other side to see everyone, staring at me,and found myself turning into a shade of deep crimson.When I looked, they resumed watching the match on TV, like nothing happened, all except one - Tori- she wasn't either looking at me or, paying attention to what was going on the TV, she just sat on the small dinner table and played with the salt and pepper bottles, shoving them from one hand to another.

Suddenly all the memories about today's events came rushing back and I felt the anger sweep into me once more.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Zayn spoke up as he walked towards me, smiling. But I just gave him a dirty look and his smile faded. I was HIGHLY pissed at the boys for telling Shrita or anyone that I could play! I mean, how did they even come to know?!

"Why did you tell-" I started to ask them, but then changed my question. "How did you know that I could play?" I asked wiping the water on my neck, not looking at any one of them, once all the questions running through mind would be cleared I was definitely going to kill the person behind this all.


"Uhhm.." Sam looked uncertain as her eyes flickered over to each one of the boys and I raised an eyebrow.

"Harry snuck up on you when you were playing, and told Sam" Ryan told me flatly, earning glares and daggers from everyone in the room except T, her eyes just widened as her head sot up to look at my way, but I didnt look at her.

I could feel Harry shrink under my death glare as he sank deeper into his seat and tried to cover his face with the huge popcorn bowl.

"You." I started off, clenching my fists by my side. "Are." I tried to continue, I felt my nails dig into my palm from the extreme pressure.

"So dead." Ryan completed for me.

Ï felt a hand on my shoulder, "Try to calm down a bit Nik, I know-" I slapped off Tanner's hand and headed towards the couch where he was seated, he didnt even try to explain and just as I approached him, but then looked kind of surprised as I walked past him and turned right, towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

I put the lid of the pot down and then sat on it. I started to think about the whole situation and tried to calm myself down.

"Its okay, if they know now, they are your Friends," I told myself. "You're not angry at them because they know, you are scared to perform in front of the audience. Just refuse-" and I stopped as I thought over and over of the brilliant idea I had just got. "I will just refuse them!"

I took a deep breathe and got up, washing my face and drying it with the hand towel, when I heard a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" Sam asked, hesitantly, and as I pause I could hear someone's muffled shouts. Like someone had covered someone's mouth and that 'someone' was trying to talk again. Like in the kidnap movies? It was all like "mm-mhmm-umm-mumm".

"Sure"I sighed and answered, but then continued to ask what was going on. "What that weird sound?" I asked as I went to the door lock to unlock it.

"What?" Sam asked sounding uncomfortable. "Oh, that! never mind that! Its just..a-a- a DOG!"

I narrowed my eyes, as I unlocked the door, and swung it open. "What-" I asked but was cut off by woody and aromatic smell shoved into my face. And before I could realise it, something was fixed around my wrist with a click sound, I was thrown back into the washroom and the door shut and bolted from outside.

I tried to get up but something held back my right wrist.

Looking down at my hand I found...

...handcuffs? I was handcuffed to that little sneaky-sly-fox.

"What the hell!?" I shouted finally.

"See, its none of our's fault." Shrita spoke, "HE was the one who snuck up on you. Please dont be mad at us! just take out all your anger on him."

"Oh just shut up." Louis interjected. "See, you both need to solve this between you. And since Harry was too scared to apologise, we taped his mouth, handcuffed him and got him to you-" he was cut off by Niall.

"And then we handcuffed you to him so that you guys HAVE to talk, and wont run away."

"People, this is not funny! Let me out! Im not angry at anyone." I sighed.

"Really?" Everybody asked in unison with a muffled "mhm-hmm?" from Harry.

"Yes!" I replied.

"So does that mean its a yes? You're in the band?"


"They stay in there."

"But- I cant participate!"


"I-I- have to-. Im busy"

"Doing what?"

"I have to attend a marriage."

"No you dont" Tanner spoke up.

"Yes- I do! Tanner, please let me out!"

"Sorry sis, a man's gotta do what's best for everyone."



"I hate you! All of you!" I tried to cross my arms over my chest, but winced in pain when the metal cuff dug into my skin. Not a second later Harry bumped into me, making us both loose balance.

"Good!" Sam spoke up again. "Listen Liam and Tori are waiting for us in the car, we better get going." Huh?! Where are they going? just leaving us alone like this? "We're headed to the Pizza parlour, to get some food. Apparently, someone finished our whole food stock of for for the month and is still hungry. We'll be back in an hour or less."

"You cant be leaving us alone like this!"

"We already did!" I heard shrita's faint noise from the front door, and heard the front door lock.

"This is just great." I huffed.

"Mmm-mm." Harry asked me to get the duct tape off his mouth in sign language. But I just rolled my eyes at him.

When I my wrist being tugged at I gave an irritated look at him. His hands were cuffed at his back and left hand was cuffed with my right hand with another pair of chains, his hair fell into his pleading emarld eyes and I gave up and pulled the duct tape off him all at once, making sure to rip apart some facial hair.

"Owww" He squeezed shut his eyes and I just gave a sarcastic huff. We kept mum for about 10 minutes when he finally spoke and took me by surprise.

"Im sorry"

"You should be." I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked after a second of thought.

"Yes." I said and asked,"what are you doing?" When he put his cuffed hands under his butt and moved them towards his thighs little by little, until they were under his knees.

"This." he said as I felt a sharp tug on my wrist when he took out both his legs from his hands so, now they were in front of him, and he could finally face me.

We sat face to face cross-legged on the bathroom floor with my back to the wall now.

"Why did you not want any of us to know?" He asked, confused.

"I-I have a stage fright, okay?" I gave in, I couldnt hide it for any longer now. And when he laughed I punched him in the chest with my free hand. "Its not funny okay?"

"No.." He laughed a bit but then became serious again. "Its just that, I cant seem to understand how an amazing girl like yourself would not be confident."

"Amazing. Yeah right." I mumbled under my breath and down at my hands fidgeting with the cuff on my wrist.

"Its true. Over the little time of three to four weeks that I've come to know you, you've always amazing. You always do what you believe in, not a care in the world to what others may think, I must admit there have been some cases where, well- you were nervous but that happens! Shit happens! Its a part of life."

I raised an eyebrow at him. He was really bad at this motivating shit.

He sighed at my reaction and then continued, "You are so good, you cant let a mere 'stage fright' hold you back!" He tried to make sense.

"Well thats easy for you to say! You are freaking 'Hairy Stalls'!" I tried to mimick his British accent on that one. You gotta admit it he says it that way. 'Hello, Im Hairy Stalls, and we are, ONE DIRECTION!'

"I know you can do it, give it a try, love." He held my hand in between his.

I felt my cheeks reddening at the term he used to call me. I know he probably uses that a lot with everyone . So I shouldn't care.

"What if I spoil everything? What if I make a mistake and people make fun of me? What if they don't like me? What if I just freeze on stage? What if-" my ranting was stopped by a finger placed on my lips.

"I believe in you." He said putting down the finger, "and I think it's time that you start believing in yourself too." He told me with his ever piercing eyes never leaving mine.

I was taken aback by his words. Never had I felt so - I can't get the word- special? Supported? Confident? Motivated? Or a freaky mash up of all of these.

I think I might've started to have some feelings for him. 'Might? Seriously sister? You have a big time crush.' My idiotic conscience thought back. And I didn't deny it.

I just sat there and stared at him staring at me.

His eyes fell down to my lips and then went back up to my eyes, and I mirrored his actions.

He stared leaning in and I mentally started panicking. 'Oh-mi-gosh. So this is it. My first kiss. What if I spoil it? Oh shut up Niki! Believe in yourself! Like he believes in you! Ohmygod he believes in me!'

And my heartbeat tripled. 'Are you sure there isn't a spider on your back or behind you?' My, now, hyperactive conscience thought. But I just ignored it.

As our faces were just centimetres apart, I closed my eyes. And all doubts of the spider vanished.

"WE FREE YOU!" The door swung open and there stood a very chirpy Niall on the doorway with a box of pizza in his hand.

"But not so much!" Zayn said stepping in beside him and Louis stepped the other side so the door was completely blocked by the Trio of them. They had their arms crossed to their chests and they tried to give us their best CBI interrogation looks. I heard all the others laughing and eating in the living room.

Damn I was so hungry! and awkward but more hungry than awkward.

"Niall, ask her that think I told you about." Louis said looking at Harry with a stern look, while Zayn gave me the same look.

"Wait, that one, or the other one-" Niall asked confused.

"Just ask him already!" He hissed through his teeth, still trying to keep the cool facade.

"So did you or did you not-" the poor guy was cut out again by Louis. "No, not like that! Ask him with a cool interrogation face, like mine." and the next 129 seconds were used to teach Niall simply how to ask Harry, what Im guessing was how to ask him if I said yes or not?

Finally Niall got ready and I was already bored and eyeing the Pizza box in his hand.

"So," he asked "Did you shove your tongue in her mouth?" getting two immediate twats on his head. "WHAAT?!" He asked innocently.

Okay, this. Just got super awkward. I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks.

"No- actually we were-" Harry tried to answer but was cut off by Louis. Okay, is it only me or is Louis cutting off a lot of people today?

"Not that you idiot! The one before that!"

Niall rolled his eyes and continued."Was the chain a problem when you held her against the wall?" He asked getting two twats on his head again.

"No, the one after that!" Zayn shook his head.

"You guys do realise Im right here, dont you?" I spoke up.

"Why do I have to ask all the questions and get hit on the head?!" Niall retorted.

"Okay, maybe you dont." I said under my breath when they continue with their talks anyway.

"Well, I dont know, because we are your men who stand on the side while you interrogate? We're not supposed to speak! 'WE' Follow orders. 'YOU' ask all the questions, haven't you seen any movies?" Zayn face-palmed.

"I am in for the band, can we just get unlocked now?" I tried to change the Topic but these guys didnt listen to me, and Harry just stood there enjoying the show.

"I told Liam that I want to be the middle guy, but Liam just 'loves' Niall." Louis complained.

"And now Im invisible." I just gave up, and Harry chuckled hearing me mumble what I had been under my breath.

"I heard that!" Liam said from the other room.

"Well, good! I wont have to repeat it twice!" Louis back-replied.

"SHE SAID YES!" Harry shouted on top of his lungs and

"WE FOUND OUR DRUMMMERRRR!! Zayn, Niall and Louis did a little Victory dance and soon both of us were engulfed in a massive group hug, I guess everybody in this house was group-hugging in the bathroom right now.

Or just maybe, somebody was missing.

Half choking I managed to ask them all. "Where's T?"

And everyone went silent for a moment. "Tori come here!" Liam shouted and soon he peeped her head through the doorway.

"Seriously guys? In the bathroom?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh shut up and come here" I pulled her into a hug but pulled harry with me too, I felt her stiffen, which made it clear that she wasn't expecting me to do that. "I'm sorry." She went on first.

"No, I'm sorry." I hugged tighter and she hugged me too.

I pulled away and looked at her. "No more secrets?" I smiled at her pulling out the pinky of my free hand.

"No more secrets" she interveined her pinky with mine and we hugged again.

*Cough-cough* we were getting awkward stares and uncomfortable people in that little confined area of 9x9 feet.

"Yeahh.." Tanner spoke breaking the silence, "we should eat. Its almost 11 PM" And everybody shifted awkwardly out of the bathroom.

As we got out the bathroom I asked Sam, "What about this." I held up my chained up wrist.

"Oh, we lost the keys. Sorry folks, you both are stuck together." She said cooly and walked away but then soon turned around and came back, "Just kidding. Hey douche-bag!- Keys!" she directed it to Ryan.

She really did scare me there! I rolled my eyes at her and she just winked at me.

As Ryan was searching his pockets, Sam told me, "Oh and, Tanner talked to your aunt and you guys are having a sleepover here. I've called Zoey, Karmen and Kaylie too, and they're on their way."She smiled at me and wriggled the key Ryan handed to her in the handcuff which tied Harry's wrists together and they clicked open.

He rubbed the lined they had made on his skin and waited for her to open the cuff which tied me and Harry together.

"Where did you find these anyway?" I asked curiously.

"I dont know, Ryan had them in his drawer." I first raised an eyebrow at her but then nodded.

"Hey douche-bag! you forgot to give me the other key!" Shrita called out.

"No, I didnt." Ryan came out and towered upon Sam.

"Yes you did!"

"No- I didnt. See!" He emptied out his pockets "I dont have it!"

"What do you mean you dont have it!" Harry Sam and I spoke together, with our eyes wide at him.

"I must've dropped it in the car, on our way to the Pizza Parlour." He got the cue that this thing is 'serious' because of our death glares. And he went outside immediately to check it out.

I exchanged looks with Harry and he gave me a re-assuring smile. And I faked one.

We all sat down on the dinner table discussing our practice routines and how its truely amazing that all of us are would be contributing in the band one way or another.

I was seriously hungry so I reached out for a slice, only to pull you-know-who 's hand along with mine. Giving him an apologetic look, I reached out for the slice from the other hand.

I had eaten about a slice and a half of the Pizza and drank a few sips of T's cola when she wasn't looking, when the bell rang.

"Hey guys!" All of us greeted the three girls in their Pajamas.

"Okay. I thought this was pajama party" Zoey spoke a bit disappointed to see all of us in our casuals.

"Well, my top is a part of my night-suit if that helps!" I replied to her and she just rolled her eyes at me and rest of them just laughed.


We were all full but 3 boxed of Pizzas were still left, and I was getting impatient. I wanted to use the loo and I was tied to Harry with this stupid thing.

"So, what was that thing you had to tell the three of us?" Kaylie asked. And I noticed the way her and Zayn were sitting very close. I narrowed my eyes a her to look closely when I saw Zayn's arm draped over her sofa. My lips turned up to both the sides and I wriggled my eyebrows at both of them.

Zayn seemed to have seen my gesture and I thought he would either drop his hand or blush, but I was taken by surprise when he took off his hand from over the sofa to on top of her shoulders and he winked at me.

"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!? WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!" Me and Karmen Shrieked at the same time.

I looked at her and then noticed that they were talking about me and T joining the band. When I was on a completely different track.

"And I knew you would react like that." I said awkwardly. And people laughed.

"Sweet save Nik." Harry mumbled in my ear and I smirked.

The door slowly opened and Ryan tried to sneak in but I caught him.

"Hey where do you think you're going?" I narrowed my eyes at him."and where are the effing keys!"

"Uhhhm, yeah. That. I am- I looked for it-"

"Spit it out!" Harry cut the chase,

"IthinkIleftitatthepizzaparlour"He said it too quickly but we still heard it, and all of our jaws hung down. Mine probably even hit the ground.


"The key is lost." He laughed sheepishly and I swear, If glares could kill, we would've been having his funeral right now.


Hey guys, Sorry for any typos. I didnt really Proof-read. So, yeah... Sorry :) And yes, two updates in a day! xD This is like so freaking long!! And sadly now, the book would be on hold till the 22nd :/

Till then you can check out Victoria's "One Collision" or Shrita's "Stalked by Mr.Malik." <3


xX, Nikita :*

(P.S- Sam's POV will be up in 2-3 hours :3 ) *Whoop whoop*

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