Divorce ✶ five hargreeves

By bucksapocalypse

607K 17.5K 7.7K

in which five hargreeves is reunited with an old "friend" ten days before the end of the world. or in which i... More

𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞
𝟎𝟎𝟏, 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮
𝟎𝟎𝟐, 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
The End of The Beginning
Rewrite help!
One for Sorrow


7.5K 279 102
By bucksapocalypse

ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴏꜰ ᴅɪᴠᴏʀᴄᴇ
'ᴠɪᴠᴀ ʟᴀ ᴀᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘꜱᴇ'

The door to Five and Inanna's hotel room was pushed open and a chorus of voices, happily singing the last karaoke song that had been sung, hit Inanna's ears as she slipped her black heels on, using the wall to keep her steady while she lifted one foot up off the floor.

"The walls are incredibly thin, Five" Inanna rolled her eyes at Diego's comment which Five had ignored as he entered the hotel room and shut the door behind him — silencing Klaus and Luther who had continued singing.

Five tucked his hands into his pockets as he walked further into the room, switching on a lamp closest to the door when he passed it.

Five leaned against the wall, watching Inanna as she crossed the hotel room and picked up the pair of silver earrings which she had found in an abandoned hotel room.

"Sounds like you all had fun" Inanna glanced to Five as she took out her gold dainty earrings which had been gifted to her in 1961 for Christmas by the old couple she was living with.

"If I pour bleach in my ears do you think it will erase Luther's awful singing from my mind?" Five asked.

Inanna shrugged as she swapped the gold earrings for the silver ones. "No" Inanna shook her head with a small smile. "If I have to be tormented by Luther's terrible vocals, then you have to be too".

Five untucked his hand from his pocket, pushing his hair back off his forehead. "When did Luther torture you with his voice?" Five asked Inanna.

"When you were busy conversing with your 100 year old self" Five raised his brow, gesturing for Inanna to continue by waving his hand. "He was making a love sick mix tape for his soon to be wife and I had nothing better to do than judge his poor taste in music".

Five ducked his head and his hair fell in front of his eyes as he hid his smile, picturing the disgust on Inanna's face and wishing he had spent that time with her instead of hunting for answers that didn't exist.

"How come you never made me a mix tape?" Inanna asked running her hand through her hair which had been curled by Delaney while Anna helped Sloane get ready for her wedding.

Inanna knew why Five hadn't made he a mix tape, not only would it had been near impossible to make but they both knew that unlike Sloane who had loved the mix tape, Inanna would have hated the sweet gesture and the memories that it held.

Five looked back up at Inanna, casting his eyes over her and taking in her appearance. When it came to Inanna's clothes, Five never had an opinion on them, but secretly he loved when she wore black as it made her hair appear brighter.

"You are so beautiful" Inanna ducked her head, like Five had done moments before, keeping her hair out of her face as her lips curled into a smile.

Inanna chuckled quietly as she looked back to Five, letting her smile grow when her eyes met his "You don't look so bad yourself" Inanna responded.

Five shook his head as he tucked his hands back into his pockets and crossed the room to Inanna. Five stood in front of Inanna, keeping a small distance between them.

"Turn around" Five nodded as Inanna tilted her head at his words. "Please" Five added dropping his voice to a whisper when Inanna raised her brow trying to figure out what Five was thinking.

Inanna did as Five asked, turning around so her back was towards him. "Don't be weird" Inanna mumbled tilting her head up to the ceiling.

Five took a step towards Inanna as he pulled a black box out of his suit jacket. "Have some trust in me, sweetheart" Five brushed his finger tips over Inanna's neck as he moved her hair over her shoulder.

"If you bite me, I swear I'll bite you back" Inanna closed her eyes as her heart began racing and she subconsciously balled her fists up at her sides, Five's whispers causing goosebumps to raise on her skin.

"And I don't doubt that" Five opened the black box as he spoke.

Inanna flatted her hands against her thighs, remembering that her body could no longer give away how she felt in that moment, like it had done in the elevator a couple nights before.

It fell silent between Inanna and Five for a moment as Five pulled a silver necklace out of the box. He slipped the box back into his pocket, leaving Inanna's brain to wander more, but when the cold jewellery touched her warm skin, Inanna reopened her eyes.

"What is this?" Inanna lightly touched the necklace as Five clasped it together behind her neck.

Five shook his head at Inanna's question, knowing that she didn't mean 'What is this?' but rather 'Why have you given me this?'.

"Your neck looked rather bare" Five dropped the jewellery from his fingers once it was locked around Inanna's neck. He pulled Inanna's red hair away from it, letting it fall across her back again.

Inanna ran her fingers over the necklace while Five tucked his hands into his pockets and took a step back from Inanna again, giving her space as he knew there was still things that needed to be discussed between them. Inanna tilted her head, looking down at the necklace as she pulled it away from her skin to properly see it.

The silver necklace was simple, with a tiny silver heart placed in the middle. It was simply perfect. "Did you steal this from one of the hotel rooms?" Inanna asked.

Five shook his head as Inanna turned on her heel to face him. "No?" Inanna's brows furrowed.

"Do you like it?" Five asked. Inanna nodded as she gently dropped the necklace back against her skin. "It was supposed to be an anniversary present, but you disappeared from the Commission before I could give it to you" Five dropped his gaze to the necklace to avoid Inanna's intense stare which soften.

"You've had it all this time?" Inanna asked, her voice was barely above a whisper and she struggled to make it any louder.

"I was planning to give it to you on the little road trip we went on with Klaus" Five's gaze found Inanna's again. Inanna nodded as she bit the inside of her lip.

"There was a museum along the way" Inanna recalled the museum that Five had drawn a heart around and as Inanna took a step towards him, placing her hand on his forearm, Inanna felt her chest tighten, realising that she, the world and their murdered mothers had ruined the plan Five had been so excited for. "I thought we could make up for all our lost anniversaries, or at least begin to but the universe is against us" Five shrugged, blinking away the tears and he swallowed harshly.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Inanna asked.

"Because there was never the right time" Five placed his hand over Inanna's, rubbing his thumb across the back of her palm. "I love you more than you know, Inanna Hope".

Inanna's expression softened completely with Five's confession, her eyes conveying the love she held for the man in front of her. "Hope-Hargreeves" Inanna corrected as she took a step towards him, pressing her body against his.

Five's soft smile tugged into a smirk and his eyes flickered down to her lips. "Can I kiss you before we get going to this wedding?" Five asked moving his hands to Inanna's waist. Five didn't dare to comment on the change in Inanna's last name, knowing that she could take her words back just as fast as she had laid them out to him.

Inanna ran her fingers up Five's arm as she shrugged. "Only if you make it quick, I promised Delaney that I'd help her get ready".

Five's right hand left Inanna's waist and as he placed his hand on her cheek, cupping her jaw with his fingers, Five pulled her impossibly closer by her waist. "Could Anna not-".

Inanna rolled her eyes "You're wasting time".

Five didn't utter another word as he pushed his lips against Inanna's, letting her taste the alcohol that he had drank at Luther's bachelor party. Five wasn't intoxicated, not in the slightest — though he did plan on being so by the end of the night — and neither was Inanna, with the drink she had shared with Delaney down at the bar and the whiskey she had drank alone, she was very much aware of the time.

Inanna tore her lips from Five's, pressing her right hand on his chest and her left against the table that Five had lifted her up onto.

"As much as I would like to take this further-" Inanna tilted her head back, looking up at the ceiling as she spoke, allowing Five to trail warm kisses down her neck to her collar bone. "-I have to go and you have to get ready".

Five pulled away from Inanna with a final kiss being placed on her forehead. Five tilted his head, setting his hands on her thighs where her dress had ridden up and Inanna smiled almost shyly at him, knowing that Five knew exactly what he was doing.

"You're the worst".

"And you're going to be late" Five responded.

Inanna's smile tugged into a smirk and she shoved at his chest. Five stepped from in between Inanna's legs, dragging his hands down her thighs to her knees as he stepped back to allow her the space to stand up from the table.

As soon as Inanna had managed to leave her hotel room, she found Delaney in another hotel room on the same floor, struggling to zip up the yellow dress she had picked out of her family's store. Inanna helped Delaney with her dress and further helped Delaney by placing the last couple of pins in her hair for the evening. Once they were both ready, and a little anxious, Inanna and Delaney found their way to the reception of Luther and Sloane's wedding.

"I'm sweating" Delaney fanned herself with her hands as she looked at Inanna with wide eyes. "We are so late, so late" Delaney muttered.

Inanna and Delaney weren't late at all and Inanna believed they'd arrive before the others, but Delaney thought otherwise and had practically dragged Inanna out of her hotel room and to the elevator.

"We're fine" Inanna chuckled as Delaney's eyes seemingly widened further.

"Fine?" Delaney's voice jumped up in pitch. "I think my heart is going to jump out of my chest" Delaney said pressing her hand over her heart.

Delaney didn't stop panicking until the elevator doors opened into the reception and she saw that the room stood completely decorated with tables, lights and flowers, and without another person in sight.

"Oh, thank God" Delaney exhaled deeply as she walked into the room, letting her tense muscles relax for the first time since she had began getting dressed.

Inanna and Delaney were alone for a few minutes, which both of them were grateful for as it allowed Delaney to calm her nerves before the others arrived, but when the elevator opened again and Five arrived with Klaus, Allison, Lila, Diego and Ben, Delaney became anxious all over again.

"Not sure this place is gonna be big enough" Klaus said with wide eyes as they exited the elevator, joining Inanna and Delaney.

"This better be an open bar" Allison muttered.

"Hey, come on" Lila turned to Allison. "It's for Luther. Let's perk up" Lila said.

Five walked over to Inanna with his hands tucked into his pockets, admiring the room that had been decorated by the few hotel workers that still lived.

"Are they coming?" Delaney asked grasping Inanna's forearm which was covered by the long black sleeves of her dress.

"Would you look at us. Matching again" Lila chuckled, brushing her hands over the dark dress she wore which resembled Inanna's in a way — they were both black, short and long sleeved.

"I didn't choose this dress" Inanna said.

Delaney's brows furrowed as she turned to Inanna, recalling how Inanna had in fact chosen the black dress from her store. "Yes you-" Inanna glared at Delaney and her words fell short.

Five leaned into Inanna with his hand on her waist. Five kissed her cheek and Inanna gently pressed her hand against his cheek making Delaney smile at the sweet act.

"Surprised your here before us" Five said as he tucked his hand back into his pocket and looked between Inanna and Delaney.

Delaney wasn't sure if Inanna and Five had talked things over before the wedding or if they had just decided amongst themselves that for the sake of the wedding and their family, they would put a smile on their face and talk afterwards — It was the latter, although they hadn't agreed to it.

The elevator door dinged again and Luther stepped out with Viktor, who Luther had asked to be his best man. Inanna wanted to look away from Viktor, knowing that she and him had much to still talk about, but she didn't. It was Luther's wedding and she wouldn't ruin that for him or Sloane.

"I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good" Luther muttered to Viktor.

"Ah, I see you've gone for the oversized button-down" Allison said leaning against the bar next to the elevator. "Original" Allison smiled sarcastically at her brother.

"You do realise there's no paparazzi here, right?" Viktor asked Allison.

"What? Dang it" Allison muttered as Luther stepped between them, shaking his head.

"Listen to me, you two. This is my day, all right?" Luther pointed at himself. "So if you two can just get along for a couple of hours, you can consider that my wedding gift".

"Well, he started it, so-" Allison pointed at Viktor who's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You literally just started it" Viktor argued.

Inanna rolled her eyes as they continued bickering. "Oh my God" Inanna sighed, rubbing the bandaid which was hidden underneath her hair which fell in front of her face. "Both of you shut it before I throw you out of the window" Inanna raised her voice to be heard over them as she pointed towards one of the large windows with her thumb.

Allison and Viktor turned to Inanna and Allison raised her brow, her eyes alone telling Inanna that Allison was wondering how she'd manage that.

"Don't worry, Allison" Inanna glanced down to her hand as a flame lit her skin a light. "I have my ways" Inanna raised her brow, copying Allison.

Allison rolled her eyes turning away from Inanna and Luther walked over to Inanna to thank her as Klaus slapped Diego's arm with a face of shock and confusion.

"What happened to Little Red?" Klaus asked Diego.

Diego knocked Klaus's hand away from him as he nodded. "Harlan happened" Diego said.

"Harlan?" Klaus looked from Inanna to Diego. "What else did I miss?" Klaus asked.

"Inanna killed Harlan" Diego shrugged.

Klaus's eyes somehow grew wider as his mouth fell open. "What did he do?" Klaus asked grabbing Diego's arm.

"He murdered our mothers and her parents" Diego nodded his head subtly towards Inanna who wasn't aware of the conversation that was happening as she listened to Luther and Delaney's conversation about Anna being Sloane's bridesmaid. "A well deserved death, if you ask just about anyone" Diego hit his hand against Klaus's chest as he turned to him. "Don't ask Viktor though".

"Are you nervous?" Inanna asked Luther as he tugged at his shirt collar.

Luther shook his head no. He wasn't nervous, he was terrified. "I'm good. It's all good" Luther gave Inanna a wavering smile as he glanced over to the elevator.

"Just don't say the wrong name" Inanna shrugged as a wave of confusion washed over Luther's face, knocking her smile off hers. "That Friends episode where Ross said Rachel's name at the alter instead of Emily's?" Inanna's confusion mirrored Luther's as she realised that he had never seen that show. Inanna looked from Luther to Five who averted his gaze away from her. "Oh my God, you really were tortured children" Inanna mumbled.

"That's what does it for you?" Luther asked Inanna who nodded.

"But anyways, it still stands, as long as you say Sloane and not Allison, everything will be good" Inanna smiled with a tilt of her head as Luther glared at her.

The elevator dinging for a fourth time, halted Luther's reply to Inanna as he turned to look at the door with a deep breath.

The elevator doors opened slowly, revealing Sloane in the white wedding dress she had tailored herself, holding a bouquet of flowers with Anna stood next to her wearing a dark blue dress and holding a smaller bouquet of flowers.

Sloane exited the elevator first, feeling everyone's eyes on her and Anna followed her, smiling at Delaney who squeezed Inanna's hand tightly to calm her nerves.

If it was anyone else, Inanna would have elbowed them in the side, but Delaney had been kind to Inanna since the moment they had met and continued to be so even when Inanna believed she didn't deserve such kindness.

"Let's get this over with before I die of cringe" Ben muttered.

Inanna sat at the back of the alter with hers and Five's laced hands resting in her lap as she watched Klaus prepare to marry Luther and Sloane. Delaney had tried to convince Five and Inanna to sit at the front with her, but they were against it and left Delaney to sit by Anna who stood behind Sloane, hold both bouquets.

"Dearly beloved-" Klaus started. "-we're gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh? 'Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an amen?" Klaus shouted raising his hands above his head. There was a chorus of amen's, cheering and whistles from Diego.

Klaus turned to Luther "Luther, do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady?" Klaus asked.

"I do" Luther responded taking Sloane's hands in his.

"Sloane, do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard-" Klaus punched Luther's arm. "-for the next 24 to 48 hours?".

"Give or take a day" Five spoke up. Klaus shushed him and Inanna rolled her eyes at Five's input.

"I'm gonna try" Sloane nodded with a large smile.

"Well, then..." Klaus chuckled as he wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry" He mumbled. "I pronounce you married as shit!" Klaus shouted extending his arms out to his sides. "Viva la apocalypse!".

Inanna let go of Five's hand and Sloane kissed Luther as Inanna and the others clapped and Diego cheered.

this might be one of
my favourite chapters.

also inan and del have
my whole heart.
delaney wasn't even
supposed to live this
long originally but i
am very happy she is
still here...

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