Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.2K 472 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 31

40 7 5
By MindfulWriter1666

Ji-cheol's POV

Ji-cheol was in the gym with Yoo-mi. 

"That's it! You got this!" Ji-cheol yelled as Yoo-mi continued to punch the punching bag.

Yoo-mi all of sudden felt a sharp pain in her calf then groaned in pain.

Ji-cheol let go of the punching bag and hurried over to her.

"Are you okay?" Ji-cheol asked as he lifted Yoo-mi's leg up.

"Aish! I think I caught a cramp." Yoo-mi groaned out.

Ji-cheol began to examine her leg when he heard a little squeal coming from her.

"What was that?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Nothing..." Yoo-mi lied.

A realization hit Ji-cheol.

"Are you ticklish?" Ji-cheol asked.

"N-no!" Yoo-mi stammered out.

Ji-cheol cracked a smug smile while Yoo-mi shot him a death glare.

"Don't you dare." Yoo-mi warned.

Ji-cheol began to quickly rub her feet with his thumb, tickling her.

"No! No! Stop!" Yoo-mi laughed out.

"Ms. Big and Bad is ticklish huh?" Ji-cheol teased.

Okay, so Ji-cheol should've stopped then and there because Yoo-mi punched him out of reflex then covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry." Yoo-mi apologized.

"Aish! It's okay, I should've stopped." Ji-cheol groaned out.

"Lemme see, I hope I didn't leave a bruise." Yoo-mi offered as she grabbed Ji-cheol's face to examine it.

Ji-cheol looked Yoo-mi in the eyes as she continued to examine his face. He couldn't help but blush at her touch.

"Okay, everything's all good." Yoo-mi announced.

"Yeah, you're good...I mean what?" Ji-cheol spoke.

Yoo-mi looked at him confused, but brushed it off.

"Okay? Um, anyway Ji-cheol, I have to ask you something." Yoo-mi announced. "You like someone right?"

Ji-cheol felt his heart stopped after she asked that.

"Oh no! Does she know that you like her? Is she telling you that she don't feel the same way?" Anxiety frantically asked.

"Uh, yes?" Ji-cheol nervously replied. "Why?"

"Well, I'm starting to develop feelings, and I wonder how you deal with them." Yoo-mi stated.

"Well it's plain and simple; tell them how you feel." Ji-cheol replied. "Might I ask, who is this person."

"Well, that's the thing; I like two people." Yoo-mi admitted.

"Say what?"

Yn's POV

When we pulled away, the ride was over.

Holy shit, did I just have an actual kiss? On my first date!?

"I guess, I should take you home." Dong Wook chuckled out as he got out the boat and helped me out.

We were walking back to his car at the workplace. I still can't get over the fact that we've kissed.

"Love, you're killing me right now. She only got a taste, when she's gonna get to eat that steak?" Lust groaned out.

"Baby steps, okay?" Love assured Lust.

"At this point, it's gonna go all the way until there is gonna be baby!" Lust exclaimed.

"Well, that could be the potential goal to their possible marriage." Love chuckled out.

"I had a really good time with you." I spoke.

"Yeah, me too." Dong Wook replied as he unlocked the car.

During the car ride, I was fiddling with my hands.

Dong Wook noticed it then spoke.

"Why so fidgety?" Dong Wook asked.

"Oh, it must be the cotton candy I had earlier." I lied.

Dong Wook's POV

"That's a lie." Lust called out. "She's craving more."

"Hey! Only a taste and that's it!" Self Control scolded.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous! Self Control aren't you being a little unreasonable?" Common Sense asked.

"Hey! I ain't here to be reasonable, I'm here to restrain." Self Control stated.

"Okay, that's enough self control for once. There's no need to be too uptight, but at the same time it's okay to let loose slowly one step at a time." Love explained.

"Yeah, so stop holding the dude back!" Lust yelled.

"You also gotta realize that it's not just me holding him back." Self Control stated. 

"They're right...they're not the only one holding him back." A female voice spoke.

"Oh shit." All of the emotions whispered out.

Dong Wook had a developed a bad feeling in his heart, but he shook it off as he pulled up to my apartment.

When he walked you up to your apartment, you both stopped at the door.

"Well, I guess this where we depart." You chuckled out. "I honestly wish that today didn't end."

"Yeah, me too." Dong Wook chuckled out.

You began to unlock the door then turned around to say bye, only to have his lips smashed onto yours.

"Mmph!" You muffled out.

Dong Wook then pulled away panting.

You just stood there frozen and red.

"See you tomorrow." Dong Wook announced as he hurried off.

When Dong Wook got home, he sighed as he walked down the hallway to the living room. 

Dong Wook then stopped in front of a door then pulled out a key that was to it. He examined the key then thought to himself.

"Will she be okay with this room?" Dong Wook thought to himself.

It was now the next day of work. Dong Wook was in his office planning on what to do for the Christmas get together for the job. His mind began to wander to when he gave you that surprise kiss then he bit his lip.

Lust chuckled.

"Looks like Yn isn't the only one who wants to bite of some steak." Lust coo'ed.

"Okay, you gotta stop. You sound so cringey." Common Sense sighed out.

"Don't blame me, blame the person writing this." Lust spoke breaking the 4th wall.

Dong Wook looked down to see a bulge in his pants then groan.

"Not now." Dong Wook groaned out. "Goddammit."

Dong Wook tried to get up, but it began to hurt.

He was actually nervous about anybody finding out, especially you. 

Dong Wook peeked his head out of his office to check to see if the coast is clear. Once he noticed that he was all clear, he hurried into the printing room.

"Gotta do something about this erection." Dong Wook thought to himself. 

"Oh ho ho man! I shouldn't be laughing at this!" Lust laughed out.

"You're the one who caused it!" Common Sense scolded.

Dong Wook heard the door open, making him beginning to sweat bullets.

"Morning Mr. Lee, I just came to print something and I'll be on my way." Joo-ryung spoke as she headed to a printer.

"Okay, cool." Dong Wook replied.

His heart was racing at the fear of Joo-ryung noticing his...problem, so he tried to scurry out the room before she even noticed. However, he wasn't very careful as he accidentally rubbed against her while he was making his way to the door.

"Oh sorry, excuse me." Dong Wook quickly apologized as he left the room.

Joo-ryung's POV

"I could've sworn I felt something...and I know it wasn't his arm nor leg." Joo-ryung thought as she went back to printing out papers.

Back to Dong Wook

"Aish! This is difficult." Dong Wook thought to himself as he made his way to the main lobby.

He heard the elevator ding, but when he turned around...he wished he hadn't.

"Hey, sorry I'm a little late." You announced.

Dong Wook looked to see you in a bodycon dress that hugged your curves.

"I almost couldn't get off the bus, because one man kept asking me for my phone number and he almost didn't let me leave the bus until he gets it." You explained.

"God help me now." Dong Wook thought.

"Morning Mr. Lee." You greeted.

"M-morning." Dong Wook spoke in a nervous tone as he ran back into his office.

Yn's POV

Huh, that was weird.

Oh, you're probably wondering why I'm wearing this dress. Well...

"So, Mr. Stoic Asshole likes you huh?" Ho-yeon asked me.

"I mean...we kissed so, I thought that would be saying something." I explained.

Ho-yeon chuckled.

"Well, that's a start." Ho-yeon stated as she got up from the couch. "However, you wanna make him really want you."

"R-really?" I asked.

"Mhmm, and I know just the outfit for it too." Ho-yeon announced as she went threw her closet.

I was then hit in the face with a black piece of cloth. When I held it up, I noticed that it was a dress.

"Go try it on." Ho-yeon instructed.

I hesitated at first, but I got up and went into the bathroom to change into the dress.

"Oh, now we're talking." Ho-yeon chuckled out as she turned me to the mirror.

"Oh wow, I've never worn something that hugs my body." I stated, looking very surprised. 

"And you better wear this to your job tomorrow." Ho-yeon advised me.

"But, isn't this yours?" I asked.

"Eh, I got plenty of dresses, so consider this one as yours to keep." Ho-yeon offered.

"Thank you." I thanked.

"Now remember this okay: Back straight, head straight forward, booty popping." Ho-yeon instructed. "And you def got some booty that'll pop out."

"She reminds me of Maggie when she said that." I thought to myself as I chuckled.

"Wow, I love the dress." Joo-ryung complimented.

"Thanks, I thought it was a little too much because of the curves." I explained.

"Please, you can't keep all that to yourself." Joo-ryung stated. "I know someone is gonna appreciate that body of yours."

And by somebody, she's talking about Dong Wook.

"By the way, we have a meeting today about planning the Christmas party here." Joo-ryung reminded me.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that! Thanks for the heads up." I thanked her.

"No problem, are you doing anything for Christmas?" Joo-ryung asked.

"Well, Dong Wook asked me to have dinner with his family." I replied.

Joo-ryung's eyes grew wide.

"You know what that means right?" Joo-ryung asked as a smug smile appeared on her face. 

"No?" I questioned.

"The mother is gonna wanna see you in order for her to approve that you're right for her son." Joo-ryung stated. "Trust me, it happened back in my previous marriage."

No way, me and him aren't even dating! So, why would he want me at his mother's house for Christmas? Unless she's going to ask about the book I'm doing.

Dong Wook grabbed everyone's attention.

"Everyone! Meeting is occurring right now!" Dong Wook called out as everyone made their way to the meeting room.

Dong Wook's POV

During the meeting, Dong Wook was trying to explain what's gonna happen at the Christmas party, however his mind seems to travel to you and the dress.

"I bet he wants to rip that dress off her right now." Lust chuckled out.

"Lust behave yourself!" Love scolded as they smacked Lust on the head with their cupid bow.

"Fine, fine, okay!" Lust pouted out as they crossed their arms.

Yn's POV

During the meeting, it dawned upon me that I need to get something for Jung Jae's birthday coming up. It sucks that he has to spend his birthday in the hospital, but we all promised to visit him in the hospital that day. Once the meeting was over with, I was about to head out when Dong Wook called to me.

"Ms. Yn? Can you stay for a bit?" Dong Wook asked.

"Is there something wrong sir?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was asking if you're still up for the dinner thing on Christmas." Dong Wook stated.

"Oh, of course." I replied.

I didn't want to question to why he wants me to go, because I'm sure he's gonna say the exact same thing.

"Very well, how's your friend?" Dong Wook asked.

"He's still in the hospital and his birthday is coming up." I replied. "I'm getting him a gift after work."

"Dare I might ask but, how much is his treatment?" Dong Wook asked.

I...really don't know why he wants to know that, but maybe it's out of curiosity.

"It's about...$20,000, I would say." I replied.

"Alright then." Dong Wook answered as he got up.

When he got up from the desk, I noticed something poking out of his pants. It doesn't take a genius to know what that was.

"Damn, he's packing huh?" Lust mumbled into my ear as I blushed.

"No, no! Bad Lust!" Common Sense scolded.

Should I tell him that he has an erection or will he get mad at me for looking?

"Well, it was nice talking to you Mr. Lee." I spoke as I got up. "But now I gotta go make some cock-ee- I mean coffee!"

I scurried out the room.

Dong Wook's POV

When Dong Wook realized what you said, he slumped back into the desk embarrassed.

"God, you must have some good sense of humor." Dong Wook thought to himself.

"I still gotta take care of this though."

October 9th,2022

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