Wish (GenshinxReader)

By Krekit-67

3.8K 200 99

GenshinxReader Your old friend, the Traveler, awakens you to invite you to the upcoming Freedom Festival set... More

Child Bard | 1
Commission | 2
Darknight | 3
Delivery | 4
Family | 5
The Winds Truth | 6
Moments Of Freedom | 7
Broken Song | 8
Intrusive | 9
Evocation | 10
Him | 11
Little Snowflake | 12
Contract | 13
Sixth | 14
Play Thing | 15
Fallacy | 16
Switch | 17
Formerly | 19
Habit | 20
Raindrop | 21
Fade Away | 22
Tsaritsa | 23
Poisoned | 24
After | 25
Relief | 26
Interruption | 27
Interruption - Continued | 28

Suspicion | 18

76 4 0
By Krekit-67

An awkward silence weighed heavy among the three men who sat across from each other. Two, Diluc and Childe, threw glares at each other from time to time or disapproving eye rolls whilst Aether felt himself cave in. This situation was clearly out of his control and he felt incredibly uncomfortable to be in the same room as them--or more so the feelings that were being physically displayed.

Aether had quickly explained the misunderstanding Diluc had seen when Childe was with you which had made Diluc feel both more awkward, but also angry that Childe was close with you and not an enemy.

Aether placed his hands on the arms of the chair he sat into rising, planning to escape this situation but was quickly stopped.

"Sit," Childe's eyes fell onto the blonde, "if you leave I might kill him instead of knocking him out."

"Aren't you being...childish?" Aether groaned as he fell back in his seat, folding his arms. He would suffer this until he knew you were fine after resting. Afterwards, well, he would plan his next adventure--next steps to find his sister.

"Not at all." The ginger turned his gaze back to Diluc, eyes falling back into a narrowed dissatisfied look. "This guy thinks he has a chance with my gi--" he coughed, "my best friend. His eyes are dark with intentions whenever he looks at her. I won't allow it."

"'Dark with intentions'?" Diluc leaned forward as he mocked Childe. "You're one to talk. What are a Harbinger's intentions?"

"None of your business."

Diluc huffed, "you're worse than my brother."

"Diluc, Kaeya annoys you because you're his brother." Aether laughed, "you can't compare both to one another."

"Kaeya...?" Childe raised his brows, the name familiar in his mind. Where had he heard that name?

"'None of your business'." Diluc frowned at Childe's interest, crossing his arms. "You act as if you've heard of him."

"Hmm," Childe closed his eyes for a moment, searching his memories. "I...have. Who mentioned a 'Kaeya'--ah, yes, Y/N."

Aether muttered something under his breath.

"Kaeya provoked Y/N on purpose. I have a quarrel with him."

"I dealt with it."


Diluc stood, sighing as he looked off in the direction of your room. "She nearly killed him, my brother."

"Oh--" Aether gasped to himself, his surprise loud. He almost felt he shouldn't hear this.

"I'm not surprised," Childe spoke, not a spot of shock in his voice. "Y/N's anger is...her anger leads her down a dark path."

"Kaeya sent her over the edge, I am aware of this fact. He has always been one to push and push, but I didn't expect him to do it to Y/N--for what reason? I didn't know she became like that, so for him to create such a fuss--like he knew what he was doing, it was...bizarre."

"You think Kaeya is up to something?" Aether questioned, his earlier shock having died off, now concern taking over.

"He's always up to something." Diluc looked over to the blonde, his gaze hard. "But something is different. Gunning for someone so hard so soon after meeting them? He may be my brother, but it doesn't stop my suspicion."

"What could your brother want with Y/N?" Childe grumbled. "Why would he unleash her anger? How does he know? Only a few do...the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa."

All three men stayed in silence for a time, pondering their thoughts. There was a chance they were digging too deep into this, but if there was a chance there was another angle against you, they each would want it prevented...whatever it was.

"What is Kaeya's occupation?" Childe threw out, gaining the others' attention.

"He's the Cavalry Captain of The Knights of Favonious." Aether supplied.

"Cavalry Captain. Knights of Favonious," he repeated. Childe stood up, walking over to a desk area in the living room they had all been seated in. He rustled through piled paper works and thick bound books, searching for something.

He mumbled to himself as he pulled out a large blue book, leaning down to blow away the dust. In the time he had done so, both Diluc and Aether had wandered over in interest.

"Excuse the mess," Childe spoke absentmindedly as he began to swipe through the pages of the old book. "Now then--"

"What are you looking for?" Diluc questioned impatiently.

Childe paused and looked up at the redhead, "I was just about to say."

"Go on," Aether nudged Childe verbally.

"So, a long time ago I had business in Mondstadt." He began, finding the page he wanted. "I had members of the Fatui stationed there, as my eyes. You should know there are still active Fatui members who roam free, causing...no trouble." He briefly glanced at Diluc as Mondstadt was his home. "Anyway, I had them report back to me about happenings within the walls of Mondstadt, whether small or large and I remember one interesting thing."

The page he had stopped at held another sheet of paper, crumpled slightly, but the writing was still easily readable. He slowly turned the book around so the two men could take a look.

"Little has happened this past month. There was a festival. An annoying bard sang about the wind.

We are still viewed upon as dirt by many. Even the Knights of Favonious steer clear--unless they are suspicious. Though, of course, we have done nothing to stir up trouble.

We managed to get close to one Knight, surprisingly. He seems...interested in our cause. Giving little away, he stays around often, chatting, laughing, acting like a...friend?

He has told us much--the next letter will delve deeper.

The strange thing about this Knight is not that he is a Knight, but that he is the Cavalry Captain. Kaeya Alberich.

We will report on any other happenings--especially with this interesting Knight.


Aether side-eyed Diluc as Childe finished reading the note aloud as they followed along the words. This was concerning, not just for the current situation, but for Mondstadt itself.

"I'm confused." Diluc voiced, as his eyes stuck to the note still. "This would seem like Kaeya has gotten close more as a spy than anything...except the 'he has told us much'." he lifted his head, "was there a follow-up?"

He went to flip the page but was stopped by Childe's hand. "No. I received nothing."

Diluc paused and stared into Childe's eyes, a dark look. "Are you sure about that?"

"Positive." Childe pushed away Diluc's hand, pulling the book towards himself. "Aether, I'm aware you have spent much time in Mondstadt yourself, I assume you know of Kaeya a lot more than I?"

"Of course."

"Well, what do you think of him? Has he ever taken--weirdly--excessive interest in you? Uttered anything that may make you suspicious of the man?"

Aether put a finger to his chin in thought, humming as he did. Diluc looked at Aether in interest, knowing his own brother, he was both eager and concerned to find out the truth. Perhaps sometime soon he would have his sword to his brother's neck or perhaps not.

"I can't really say he's done anything suspicious. He has always been pushy, as Diluc mentioned earlier. Any topic he will nag at." Aether sighed, "I don't think there's anything I can bring up."

"Well then, I suppose you specifically," Childe aimed his words at Diluc, "should keep an ear out on anything Kaeya related when you go back to Mondstadt. Although, as you said, he could have been trying to spy on us, but in the case that he has a third angle, it would be better to be wiser."

Diluc nodded in agreement. He didn't particularly want to be part of any plan that related to Childe, especially with what had happened not so long ago. He still wanted to swing his claymore at Childe more than anything but for the sake of you, he wouldn't. "I should set off then."

"I'll go with him--"

"Go where!?" A squeaky voice interrupted. Paimon floated in, her usual upbeat aura following her.

"We are headed back to Mondstadt with Diluc. We have a task to complete."

"Ooooh, that means we can eat plenty of Fisherman's Toast," she licked her lips and did a happy dance.

"How is Y/N?" Childe questioned the floating being.

Paimon turned to the ginger and smiled, "she's still sleeping. She seems to be dreaming a lot though, but otherwise, she is well."

Diluc walked up to Childe and sighed, "can we really trust you not to harm her? To protect her and care for her?"

"I fought off my fellow Harbinger for her safety, doesn't that say anything?" Childe quipped, "and it's not like I need your approval and trust. She will stay with me. You will leave."

Aether rolled his eyes as he moved over to hold onto Diluc's arm, preventing the redhead from getting any ideas of being physical with Childe. Here was no place for a battle nor was it the time for one.

"I trust him," Aether spoke lowly to Diluc. "We should go."

Another sigh left Diluc but he eased into the tug of Aether and began to follow him to the exit. Childe watched them disappear with a small smile on his face. He couldn't help but feel he'd won a small battle, one without the use of weapons.

After they left, he made his way back to the room you were sleeping in, keeping his footsteps light and soft. He brought along the book he'd found and settled down into a chair that was pulled up by your bed.

"Kaeya Alberich," he murmured to himself as he re-read the lines about the Knight. He wondered if this had become a deeper-rooted issue within his ranks, considering this letter was from years ago. By now, Kaeya could have much information about the Fatui, possibly even himself and the other Harbingers. Or, Kaeya lost interest and didn't get very far.

Childe moved onto the next page of the book and stared at the second letter. He was relieved Diluc hadn't managed to swipe over to this page as it was detailing not at all about Mondstadt but instead you.

It was a letter you had sent him many a year ago when your bond was deep and you had been struggling with yourself.

Childe wasn't sure why he kept the letter within this book, perhaps he knew it was safe as he had always kept it with him.

A sad smile fell on his face as he read it in his mind.


I'm not sure what's wrong with me. All I know is you are the only one I can count on when it comes to my...anger.

It happened again and it was the worst I've ever experienced. Without you here, my safety net is constantly broken.

I'm a hazard, Ajax.

I killed some of our men. I'm ashamed to admit it. They tried to help, but I was too far gone to be helped. Only the thought of what you would think stopped me, seeing as you weren't here--not that I blame you. Wherever you are, you're doing well...I hope...and getting stronger.

I don't even know if this letter will reach you, whatever corner you have gone to. But just writing this letter now makes me feel closer to you as if my words are hugging you.

I wish it was I your eyes were focused on...not some ink on paper.

I'll leave my message here, just know that I'm rooting for your return. I'm waiting for your laugh and smile. I'll always be waiting.

My love is eternal,


Childe could always feel the long sighs of emotion that ran through your writing. To say he hadn't read this in a long time, it still hit him deep. He wished he could have been there physically with you, by your side, helping you prevail instead of hearing about your suffering.

He held a hand on top of the writing, his own small sigh leaving his lips.

For a second he became lost in another world as he stared at the writing until he remembered something. He turned back a page and looked at the note he had read to Aether and Diluc. It was only stuck onto the book, as it was a letter sent to him, so the paper lifted away and underneath was a smaller, folded piece of paper.

He had stopped Diluc from turning the page earlier down to the possibility of seeing his private letter but he also knew that if he turned the page, the risk of this small note falling out could have led to more trouble--trouble he wanted to deal with himself, not with the help of that redhead especially. It was a follow-up from a different Fatuus, one who was stationed in Liyue. He had a separate account with the same cryo user, Kaeya.

Childe's memories filled with the past as his eyes scanned over the words.

Y/N's identity has been spoiled. A Knight from Mondstadt, Kaeya Alberich found out. (His reasoning for being in Liyue is not known.) All sources say he is keeping to himself, his information won't sell. We believe he has intentions but not ones that will affect our future plans.

Y/N remains safe.

How shall we proceed with the Knight?

Childe now remembered Kaeya more so, remembering experiencing his antics back in Liyue many years ago. The amount of time that had passed since his personal experience with Kaeya must have been the reason Childe's memory was slipping when it came to him. Usually, he was quick to recognise names.

Childe had returned after the report to stay by your side, assisting with small matters here and there whilst keeping you close. Though he found Kaeya not to be too worrisome, more a knowledge-seeker, but he couldn't be sure if that was true. Childe truly cared little back then about a small mouse trying to pry into fatui life, it happened a lot. He knew too you were capable--not that he thought you weren't now. He bit his lip at the possibility he made the wrong choice back then, letting Kaeya live. For if this Knight had ambitions that had built up into something disastrous or that led back to your safety, once again he would have failed.

Words : 2436

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