Saw You in A Dream

By ahhsuna

17K 451 2.5K

You've transferred over to a new University for your sophomore year, meeting a whole new friend group along t... More

I - Diamond Cutters
II - Naked Mile
III - Viagra
IV - Does the Carpet Match the Drapes
V - Sixty Nine
VI - Chef's Special Sauce
VII - Fuck, Marry, Kill
VIII - Gardens Into Graves
X - Plan B
Chapter XI - Uranus in Gatorade

IX - Run, Rabbit

1.5K 36 174
By ahhsuna

♥ The first third of the story is a bit serious but the rest of it horny as all hell. Enjoy.

♥ P.s. if you came from my tiktok WELCOME!!! And thank you for reading! I'm so grateful we're almost at 4K reads❤️ I love reading all the comments you guys are too funny

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"Do I need to grab my shotgun from its case? I can make it look like an accident.", Erwin asked, half jokingly as he locks the front door behind him.

You could only offer him a dismissing chuckle, of course he'd say something like that in a moment like this.

"All good old man," you smile warmly, "You know what me and a glock have in common? We're both 19", you joke, earning a hearty laugh from your stoic uncle.

"That's the spirit ace," he nods as he walks with you to the kitchen.

The minimalist dim lighting and sage green walls compliment the white backsplash and countertops of his modern kitchen space.

Erwin tightens his robe like a stressed single divorced mother would, before taking a sip from his white mug. You smile to yourself as the steam from his drink fogs up his glasses.

His home was warm, cozy, familiar, despite the sterility of it. Not a single thing was out of place, let alone a speck of dust anywhere. Erwin was extremely meticulous in everything he did, disciplined in every facet of his life, one would think he was a military commander with how anal he was about these things. With every inhale your nose filled with the freshness of eucalyptus and rosemary.

"Can I make you some tea?", he offered, presumably some more of what he was currently drinking.

"Oh? Since when do you drink tea?", you inquire, solely knowing him as a water drinker. The occasional freshly squeezed orange juice if he felt a cold coming on, but he felt that anything else was frankly unnecessary and unhealthy, "but since you're offering, I'd actually love some."

"I have green, jasmine, oolong, and rose..." he trails off as he places the kettle back on the stovetop.

You pull your favorite mug from the cabinet (with your dad's alma mater on it) before handing it to him, "Do you have any chamomile? It always helps me sleep."

He opens his Patrick Bateman-esque level of organized cabinet and pulls the tin of loose chamomile tea out from its spot before steeping the leaves in his fancy new infuser.

As he prepares your drink for you, you take your phone out, deciding to text Eren as he hasn't let you know he got home. He may infuriate you, but you still cared for him for whatever fucked up self sabotaging reason.

"To answer your previous question," he starts off as he takes out the jar of honey for you, "I'm actually seeing someone new. They were kind enough to introduce me to this new lifestyle."

"Oh?", your eyes wide. Since you've known him Erwin has always been a bachelor. Not for lack of external effort, women constantly fawned over him. They would throw themselves at him, but he simply wasn't interested, saying he does not have the time, or they are frankly too simple for him, they don't challenge him in any way.

He would often get mistaken for a blonde Michael Fassbender, or Chris Evans' older more rugged brother, due to his tall and muscular frame, clean cut blonde hair, and crystalline blue eyes.

So, this was a surprise to you, you didn't want to pry, but you also couldn't help but want to satiate your own curiosity.

"Mmm," he hummed in confirmation. Truly a man of few words, never revealing more than was necessary.

"How did this mystery individual get you to change your stubborn ways?", you gasp dramatically, poking fun at him.

"It is not being stubborn if one is right," Erwin nods, offering you back your freshly steeped tea, "and one may never know. I feel as though I've been swindled of my morals."

You snort as you take a sip of your tea as some of it comes out of your nose.

"A bit dramatic, no?", you joke, wiping your face with the back of your sleeve, "this tea is excellent, whoever this is has great taste. I'd like to thank them personally", knowing you can't manipulate him that way, but, it was worth a try.

"Dramatic? First it's my drinking habits, what's next? Going vegan? Oh, God forbid," he shakes his head at the thought, "Speaking of, your grandmother was severely anemic you know, make sure you're getting enough iron in."

"Don't worry, you and dad taught me the tricks of the trade, I cook well for myself most nights.", you reassure him. He doesn't show it on the outside, but he is a deeply obsessive and neurotic man.

"He always was the better cook," Erwin pauses briefly, pushing back bittersweet memories, "He was never one to follow recipes, which drove me up a wall. And he knew it too. Yet somehow, everything he made was exquisite."

And it was true. You had many memories of coming home from school, the smell of something in the oven or on the stovetop wafting through the house each time. Perhaps it was one of the only moments when he felt happiness. He rarely measured anything with cups or tablespoons, rather he just relied on his heart for guidance.

Not directly addressing the elephant in the room since you arrived, this was Erwin's way of being empathic. And you appreciated it, definitely a whole lot more than pity or forced vulnerability. This was comforting for you.

"I miss his cooking,", you smile at the memory, "He'd always have this super concentrated face on, as if what he was cooking was the most important thing in the world at the moment.", Erwin offers you a smile in return, as he knew exactly what you meant.

A comfortable silence overtook the room as the both of you remembered him fondly, until Erwin spoke.

"Perhaps that is the secret to living a fulfilling life," Erwin pondered, sipping his tea between thoughts, "Approaching everything you do with love, and a sort of gusto, where every concurrent moment is equally as important as the following."

"I want to believe that," you say, "but if love was something that could have saved him, he would have lived forever."

Erwin looks at you and smiles softly, the crows feet by his tired eyes crinkling.

"How did you become such an intelligent and well-spoken young lady?", he folds his arms, "I thought genetics couldn't transfer laterally, since I know there's no chance you acquired your smarts from your parents.", you laugh at his compliment.

"Only other option is that I was adopted," you shrug jokingly, "Or M/n slept with the mailman."

That was one thing you caught yourself doing frequently. Your father was, well, dad. Her, however, you addressed your 'mother' by her first name. There was never any maternal experience for her to earn that title.

"Nonsense, you have my perfect nose. That nose is once in a generation.", he proudly says.

"I appear to have your narcissism as well!", you argue in return.

"I prefer the term 'self-confidence'.", Erwin deadpans, causing you to laugh yet again.

You smile at him. The sass must have transferred over to you from him also.

"Say, speaking of cooking, if you are free one weekend, would you care join me and my partner for dinner?", Erwin asks, "Maybe I even let you in the kitchen this time."

This was a huge honor, as he never let you cook in his uncontaminated kitchen, not trusting you to not make a huge mess. Which was granted a fair assumption from him.

"Woah. It's that serious?", you question him with wide eyes, "Who are you and what have you done with my uncle?"

"I'm a changed man. The sheer horror. ", again with the dramatics he deadpans.

"Now, enough about me and my paramour," Erwin sets his mug down, "May I ask what is going on between you and Mr. Jaeger?"

Staring at the floor your face falls slightly, your fingers tap your mug nervously.

"I'll let you know once I find out.", you answer truthfully.

"Mmm. He's very bright. Troubled.", Erwin leans back against the kitchen counter, "This is certainly an ethical violation, and should you forward this further I will deny it. I am particularly hard on him because I know what he is capable of."

"Well, I'm actually tutoring him for your class tomorrow afternoon..", you share, remembering you had offered to help him.

"This seems like a conflict of interest," Erwin says, "But I am frankly too old to pay it any mind. Try to push him in the right direction, I am looking forward to reading his fulfilled potential."

"I'm not so sure he'd listen to me.", you admit.

"I know you have your witchy ways, I'm confident you'll figure something out.", he smiles at you before taking your empty mug from you,

"I truly enjoy all our chats and cherish them fondly. Thank you, for coming today. Your company is always a pleasure.", Erwin sets both of your mugs in the dishwasher, "Your sheets are clean and I laid you out some fresh towels. I believe you have sleepwear from your previous stays in one of the cupboards. Get some rest, darling Y/n." he walks up to you as he places a goodnight kiss on the top of your head as always since you were a kid.

And all of a sudden you're eight years old again, bright eyed, hopeful, small. It's been a long time since you've felt cared for in this way.

You drag your tired body up the stairs and get ready for bed. Tucking yourself in as always, you drift soundly asleep.


Confused. Mystified. Disoriented. Befuddled.

That's how you woke up feeling.

You stir awake the next morning after a restless sleep.

That was one of the main drawbacks of sleeping; the frequent and visceral nightmares you tended to have almost every night. Some nights are worse than others, but the confusion and fear your body feels when you wake up is always real.

Another reason why you were a night owl, the less time you spend asleep, the less chances there are to have these disturbing nightmares.

The story would usually change, but the violent content was always fairly similar; scenes where you would hurt someone else, your close friends or family, and sometimes even yourself. A lot of the time you'd be defending yourself, fighting within an inch of your life, yet nothing you did would affect your attacker. Somehow you always lost in the end.

It was traumatizing in its own regard. After waking from these nightmares, it took you a few minutes to calm down, and to realize what happened wasn't real. Even worse, you would sometimes feel phantom pain where you were hurt in the dream. For example, if someone was choking you, you'd wake with a sore throat. That's what made these apparitions seem all the more real.

Your old life plagued your REM state more often than not. Your deceased father would haunt you in your dream realm, walking aimlessly. Although one might think how nice it is to have such a reunion, even if it is brief and intangible, it was more eerie than endearing.

When he would visit you in these dreams, he lacked a face. But you knew it was him, you could feel it was him. His soft eyes and crooked smile were wiped from his expressionless face, which made it extremely distressing.

Last night, however, a new face appeared in your nightmares.

It started as they often do, quite pleasantly really. You found yourself in a colorful city, seemingly European. Pastel mid-rise buildings rose from the ground as you strolled through the cobblestone streets. The sun was low, a late summer afternoon with a soft breeze whistling through.

The more you walked, the weirder it got. The streets were completely empty, and there seemed to be no way out. All the buildings were the same, no matter how long or far you walked. To make things even more weird, you felt like you were being watched.

That is, until you came across something akin to a town square. Walking towards it, you notice an information board in the middle, as if it were waiting for you.

You start reading the strange plaque, and find out what is going on with the mysterious place you're in.

From it, you find out that you are not the only one in the town on the isolated island, and the only way to leave is to kill the one other person that is chasing you.

And from the creepy unsettling feeling you had earlier, you felt fear. Pure unbridled fear.

Panicking, you start looking around you, feeling eyes on you, although no one was there. Your immediate reaction was to run, except running in nightmares only makes you slower and more frightened. Through years of trying to run away, you learned that it only made things worse. With some experimentation, you figured out you were able to jump really far, and quite quickly as well.

So, for now, you simply walked. Wandering the streets felt like it lasted for hours, and you were getting tired. That is, until you made a left turn and came into view of a strange figure making you freeze in place. Your heartbeat accelerated and your blood ran cold.

At the end of the road in the distance stood a young girl.

Upon further scrutiny, you realize it was... you? Except, she looked like a dead figure walking. She wore no shoes, her feet and knees were dirty and bloody. Her skin was gray, postmortem-like, her hair was stringy, and half torn out of her scalp. The expression she had on her face was a terrifying scowl, and her clothes were just as dirty as she was, battered, with holes and hanging off her body.

At first, she didn't move and neither did you. That was at least until she started sprinting at you at full speed like a feral animal. The adrenaline coursing through you gave you strength to try to escape, and you tried your jumping method in hopes of getting away, which thankfully worked.

Once out of her reach, you were thinking of a game plan. With no other choice but to keep walking, that's just what you did.

After a while, you come across her yet again. Except this time, she was sitting on a bench, with her back turned towards you.

It's now or never. You wanted to escape your mental prison, and the only option was to act. It's either you or her.

Hiding behind the Ionic pillars that surrounded her, you crept up slowly. In your hand, you had mentally summoned your dad's old Gerber swiss army knife, which surprisingly often appears in your dreams as a helpful tool.

Switching it to the knife, your whole entire body trembles as you stalk the girl (yourself?) from behind. It's terrifying, really. It feels so real.

Swinging your arm back for some momentum you shriek right as you stab her forcefully through her back, twisting the knife as your hands go through the rotting flesh.

You cry out in rage and in fear, before buckling to your knees. Her head and body drop instantly, and you move to hold her in your arms. Your wails echo between the white pillars as you hold her limp body, sitting in the pool of blood.

Your screams only get louder and more desperate when you open your tear-filled eyes, only for her body to be replaced with Eren's.

Choking for air, you jolt awake at the sight, a few tears streaming down your face in the process. You felt as if all the air had been taken from your lungs, and your hands felt numb. The only comforting thing was waking up in your cozy room in Erwin's home.

Wiping the sweat and tears from your face, you take a few deep breaths calming yourself down.


The difficult thing about nightmares is that it always takes some time to remember what's real and what isn't. Their visceral nature makes it difficult to discern the blurry line between reality and fiction.

Reassuring yourself that it was simply your mind playing tricks on you, you get out of bed and change into your clothes from the previous night. Stripping the sheets, you toss them into the laundry hamper along with your sleepwear, knowing the neat freak Erwin is, he'd wash them right away.

Making your way downstairs, you check the analog clock on the wall, squinting at it for an embarrassingly long time trying to read the time. It was either 9am or 3pm, you figure the former.

Considering Erwin was nowhere to be found, you assume he had gone on his daily morning walks. You decide to leave him a brief thank you note on the kitchen island before calling an uber home.

As you walk back into your apartment, you take in your abysmal state. You felt like shit, but more so you looked like shit. Eyes puffy, distant remnants of waterproof mascara surprisingly unperturbed by the alligator tears you had shed, hair not a rat's nest, but rather an infestation.

A shower was much needed. Today was a new day. It always seems to be a new day. They never stop coming. Unwavering. Possibly the most stable thing in your life is that the sun always comes up in the morning, to your chagrin.

With high functional depression and anxiety, vanity seldom takes a break. And after last night's appearance and introductions with a particular perky breasted, curly haired, bimbo vixen, you needed to look good to feel good.

You still had some time before you had to tutor Eren, so you took your sweet time. Not that you were getting ready to impress him, I mean, you would never do that to impress a guy. Of course not. Why would you even think that? Anyway...

After giving your hair some TLC and finalizing your meticulous skincare routine consisting of every possible K-beauty holy grail, you were nearly ready to go.

Doing your makeup was more to you than just making yourself pretty, it was like a ritual. As a kid you often found yourself locked in the bathroom for hours at a time, painting your face slowly, in a detailed manner. The bathroom was your sacred place, for lack of better terminology. No one maltreated you in there. You were completely alone and at peace. With one swift lock, you were teleported into your own little safe space.

You could spend hours there, laying on the floor drawing, reading, and of course, using your face itself as a canvas. It was a subconscious avoidance defense mechanism. And looking pretty after you were done definitely boosted your self esteem as well.

You decided to go with a simple look today, natural concealer with rosy cheeks and your classic puppy eyeliner. Finishing it off with some berry lip tint and mascara, you went to get dressed.

Your black thigh high socks and plaid pleated miniskirt were calling your name, every man's sick, juvenile weakness. If you tilted at just the right angle, the underside of your ass was visible, sure to make anyone's mouth water at the sight. Feeling risky, you made sure to put on some cheeky underwear, tossing on a black crewneck over top.

With a spritz of your perfume, you toss on your shoes and backpack before heading out to the library.

As it was midday Saturday, the library was unsurprisingly empty, so you were able to find a quiet, undisturbed corner, blocked in by a maze of oak bookshelves.

There was a distinct difference between the smell of a bookstore and a library.

A bookstore was more sterile, more uniform, whereas a library smelled like autumn. It smelled as if the pages of the books weathered many seasons of humidity and sunlight alike, radiating a warm, nostalgic smell. A familiar, comforting smell.

Taking out your notebooks and pens, you place them on the table in front of you. You usually try to finish your homework during the week so you'd have your weekends free, so you sighed as you found yourself lost in thought waiting for Eren to arrive.

"Guess who,", a deep voice beckons, you can hear them smirking as their hands cover your eyes.

You'd never mistake that voice, that smell... He smells so fresh, yet so manly, so enticing, enchanting, erotic... All the 'E's'. You decided to tease him, as always.

"Hmm,", you hum, smiling, "Sweaty hands... Who else but the love of my natural born life, Connie Springer?", you jokingly guess.

"Good guess, but think more so the best looking guy ever to walk the Earth.", the voice proudly states.

"Ah... in that case, I'm positive it's Connie", you try and hold back a teasing smile.

"If you want me to shave my head, just say so.", the 'mystery' man says, letting his hands drop from your eyes.

"But then you'd actually have to use your personality to get girls," you poke fun at him. "Or, lack thereof, I suppose."
Eren sits down across from you and leans back.

"Who needs a personality when you have a big dick?", he smirks at you, keeping prolonged eye contact.

Heat rises to your cheeks, and your usual confidence wavers.

"Usually when a guy has to convince people he's big, he's obviously compensating.", you bite back.

Eren puts his arms behind his head, his shirt rising with them ever so slightly revealing the waistband of his boxers.

Is it suddenly really warm in here?

"You're more than welcome to find out for yourself.", he gives you a shit eating grin, his sharp canines on full display.

You avert your gaze, hoping he doesn't notice how flushed you are.

"I'd rather eat shit twice and die if I'm being honest.", you fake gag, scribbling random swirls on the notebook in front of you.

Eren grabs his hand and places it over his heart dramatically.

"A bit drastic, no?", he asks.

"Fine, eating shit once would be enough.", you admit.

He leans forward, his forearms resting against the table.

"What, you're not even a little bit curious?", you can't bear to look at him now. You're worried you might cave with the way he's sizing you up. He was always charming, but wow he was turning it up to eleven today for some reason.

Of course you're fucking curious. I mean, who wouldn't be? But you'd never admit that to his face.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Eren, and I prefer to live.", you manage to say back.

"But satisfaction brought it back," Eren leans in towards you even more you can feel his minty breath cooling your cheeks, "and I can guarantee I can satisfy your cat.", he coos, his eyes never leaving your face.

Your eyes go wide at his comment. Surely he was joking, right? The heat you felt all over your body was suddenly concentrated between your legs. Your body works against you as you absentmindedly squeeze your thighs tighter, desperate for some relief.

"You know what? I think I'd actually rather die now that I think about it.", you chirp back, trying to maintain some semblance of control, relaxing your legs. Ignoring the fact that your palms were sweating and your heart was racing, and you could feel your whole body pulsing.

Eren's gaze darkens, as he keeps his eyes on you.

His deft fingers make their way to one of the little ponytails, wrapping the hair around them, once, then twice.

You froze in the moment. Eren's fingers in your hair were enough to halt your breathing, you could feel your heartbeat everywhere in your body.

"I was only wondering,", his eyes darkened, scrutinizing you, "'cause I wouldn't touch you even with a ten-foot pole.", he says before tugging the strand towards him.

You had to swallow a yelp, shooting him a glare.

"Glad we're on the same page!" You offer him a disingenuous toothy smile, "Now, are you here to learn how to read or just to get on my last nerve?"

"Both." he answers honestly, leaning back into his seat.

"In that case, I'm charging you double.", you say.

"Do you take alternate forms of payment? I seem to have forgotten my wallet at home.", Eren's stupid smirk plastered on his stupid face yet again.

"You're so annoying.", you tell him.

"I just like seeing you flustered.", Eren pushes you teasingly.

"Flustered? Me?", you scoff, "You must have mistaken me for one of your little girlfriends. Hitch, perhaps.", although you tried to hide your annoyance, it was hard, her name coming out as venom.

"L/n, are you jealous of Hitch?", he's loving this. Eren is riling you up on purpose and he's loving every second of it.

"Please, as if I'd ever.", you convulse at the thought, shifting in your seat.

"So if I texted her right now, you wouldn't care?", Eren asked you.

No, you wouldn't. Right? Why would you care? It's not like you have any feelings towards Eren like that. So why does it feel like your heart is being choked out mercilessly?

"Be my guest.", you force out.

Eren keeps his eyes on you, as if expecting a different answer.

"Fine, twist my arm.", he sighs, pulling his phone out.

He types something out on his phone before the 'whoosh' sound signifies a text was sent.

The two of you meet the others' gaze, both offering each other forced, smug smiles.

His phone dings almost instantly, and the green monster inside of you seems to be feeding on your heart, quite generously.

All Eren does is smile at his screen.

"Now that that's out of the way, what are you working on for Erwin's class?", you ask him.

"I'll never forgive you for that, by the way.", he says.

"For?", you inquire.

"Not telling me he was your uncle. What if he shoots me next class?", Eren dramatizes.

"Lord knows I'm not that lucky...", you mutter under your breath.

"What was that?", he raises his eyebrows at you.

"I said 'not if I beat him to it'.", you smile at him.

Eren shakes his head, chuckling to himself.

"God, that pretty little mouth, Y/n.", he puts his palms flat on the table in front of him, and you can't help but notice his big palms, how long his fingers are, the light glinting off of his silver rings, "One day.", he laughs lowly.

"One day what?", you ask, afraid to know that answer. Fuck, there it was again, that feverish tingle under your skin.

"One day I'll shut you up.", he says matter-of-factly, tapping his fingers rhythmically against the dark wood of the table.

"Right... Well, don't hold your breath 'til then.", you blow air out of your nose, "Or honestly do! Makes no difference to me."

Eren smiles at you. Fuck the warmth you felt before, now your insides were on fire. A fire that can seemingly only be ignited and also snuffed out by Eren himself.

"Great segue," he takes his palms off the table and puts them into his hoodie pocket, "We just happen to be talking about the philosophy of death and dying in Smith's class. Have a big essay about it at the end of the semester."

"Ah, yes, my favorite topic.", you cringe internally, "What's the assignment?"

"That's the thing. It's open ended. No guidelines. He just said to write about anything that inspires us from the class.", he sighs.

"He wants you to dig deeper.", sending you've said too much, "Just in general. You have to approach it from an abstract point of view, not so much the black and white of death itself."

Eren nods slowly, "And how do I do that?"

You look around you, thinking.

"Ah!", you exclaim as you stand up, "I believe I might have just the thing you need."

"A blowjob?", Eren jokes.

You shoot him an angry glare.

He puts his hands up in defense, "Sorry, sorry, I'll behave,", just as you turn around he mutters, "For now..."

You start walking over to the bookshelf near your table, turning your back to him.

Suddenly, you felt extremely conscious of your outfit choice.

"But hey, feel free to punish me any way you seem fit.", you can feel his smug smirk and you don't even have to look at him to know.

"Funny, you talk so much about me and my mouth, and yet now it's you who can't seem to keep yours shut.", you say calmly as you look for the books you need.

"Lucky for you I know of a sure fire way to shut me up, but it involves your lips as well.", you hear him say. God how you wish you could find the heaviest book here and smack him over the head. Perhaps an edition of 'Berserk' is somewhere nearby.

Although the thought of doing dirty things with Eren in a library makes your legs quiver.

"Too bad I forgot my emergency roll of duct tape today...", you sigh, imagining wrapping it around his face so he'd shut up and stop giving you all these nasty thoughts.

"Duct tape? Kinky, didn't know you were into bondage like that."

Luckily for you and your determination to shut the idiot up, the book you were looking for was on the very top shelf under "C".

Getting on your tippy toes, you smile to yourself. Reaching your arm higher, your already minuscule skirt rides up every so slightly revealing the underside of your supple ass, and a peak of your pink panties.

You pretend to struggle to get the book, leaning up just a tad bit more. The cool air of the library helped soothe the heat you're feeling between your legs.

Lo and behold, no comments from Eren.

"Gotcha", you mutter to yourself as you clutch the book.

"Yeager, meet your new best friend Camus.", you plant it in front of him. If you were to blink, you'd have missed Eren subtly swallowing the tiniest gulp.

"What's that, cat got your tongue?", finally, sweet, sweet victory.

"Not yet, but it will if you keep it up.", ho-ly fuck. Does he mean... Oh. My. Lordy. Lord.

Eren:1, Y/n:0.

Two hours later, and the rest of your 'tutoring' session went by with no major issues. Your mind could barely focus after all those comments Eren was making. You knew he was kidding, but even worse, what if you didn't want him to be?

You couldn't stop thinking about how he just texted Hitch so easily, even more so why you felt jealous about it.

It rubbed you the wrong way for some stupid reason, and you didn't just want to let it slide.

"Alright, I gotta head out.", you say, packing your stuff.

"Thank god, thought I'd never get rid of ya.", Eren teases.

"Right, well, it's my mission in life to torment you, so...", you reply, rolling your eyes.

"Don't worry, it was obvious.", he says, packing his bag up as well, albeit having to put away significantly less colored stabilo pens, "Need a ride?"

"I'm good, but thank you,", you smile at him genuinely before delivering the killshot, "I'm meeting up with Marcel actually.", you say as you stand up, flattening your skirt.


All the color seems to have drained from Eren's face.

"You're- what?", his eyes slit, "Dressed like that?", he gestures towards you.

"Uh, obviously,", you state, "What, did you think I dressed like this for you?", you did.

He doesn't reply, his cold gaze sending a shiver through to your bones.

"Well, let me know if you need more help," you start walking away from him before turning, "Oh, and, tell Hitch I say hi!", you fake sincerity, waving him off.

Eren : 1, Y/n : 1.

After you're out of his line of sight you absolutely gun it to the parking lot. One more second in there and you would have thrown up from nerves, and you couldn't bear to see his face.


"The theme this year is CEOs and office hoes!" Sasha exclaimed, announcing it to all the girls.

"It's settled, we gotta go shopping!" Historia shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air.

The massive homecoming party was tomorrow night, after the big game during the day. You were excited, apparently it was a big deal, and every year they had a theme.

"What was last year's theme?" you inquire. Your old university rarely had themed parties, so this was a treat.

"ABC - anything but clothes," Sasha started explaining, "Connie came in wearing a trashbag." she snickered at the memory.

"It was honestly perfect since he ended up puking after, no clean-up necessary." Mikasa added. Yeah, that checks out.

"Annie's going dark tomorrow. Like, trenches dark." Sasha says, to which Annie nods.

"It's my one night a year I get to be a liability, and I intend to enjoy every moment of it." Annie adds, nodding. You've never seen her too drunk, she seemed to hold her liquor very well.

"Wanna pull trig for each other at the end of the night? Like in 21 Jump Street? Would be so romantic." you suggest jokingly.

"I think you might just be my soulmate." she touches her heart with her palm, "I'd def hold your hair over the toilet."

"Although weirdly erotic, that is one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard! I miss when it was 10 seconds ago when my ears weren't violated." Sasha gags.

"Shall we? I have to get some stuff for tomorrow, and we gotta grab alc." Mikasa says.

Everyone piles into Historia's Porsche Cayenne, as she drives you all to the mall. You were squished between Annie and Sasha, not a bad place to be at all. Mikasa sat in the front, auxing the short drive, Cage The Elephant blasting through the speakers.

Against all odds, Historia managed to deliver you guys all in one piece.

"Where we headed first?", you ask. You had a black mini skirt you'd wear, but you wanted to spice it up a bit. Connie was kindly lending you one of his white dress shirts which you were planning on tying under your boobs to accentuate them. You wanted to be noticed tomorrow tonight.

"Let's go in here!" Historia had walked into a lingerie store. The lighting was dim, but the store itself was quite regal. Plush velvet sofas, sparkly chandeliers, gold plating all around. Although it was trying to scream opulence, the garments were reasonably priced.

You decided to look for a bra that would stand out under the shirt, and settled on a perfect red lace bra, pairing it with a garter belt and black thigh high stockings. You were pulling out all the stops, especially after you heard how hard some girls go, usually showing up in little to no clothes.

Mikasa had chosen a black mesh bralette, "Do you think this would be too much?" she holds it up for you to observe.

"Meeks if you wear that I'm going to be the one taking you home tonight." you hyped her up.

"I'll be sure to be on standby to beat up any weirdo that looks at you the wrong way." Sasha defends her friend.

"Are you sure you should be on guard duty? How much can you see from inside Nic's mouth?" Annie says as you laugh.

"Touché. Y/n, as my consigliere I need you to oversee business for me tonight." Sasha informed you, to which you dutifully saluted. You were always on the lookout for your friends regardless. Guys could be fucking creeps, so you weren't a stranger to being on high alert. You were fearless when it came to defending your girl friends.

Not so much yourself, maybe. But you prided in keeping your friends safe, even if it was detrimental to your own self-preservation. They always came first.

No matter the size of the guy, you never backed down. Kickboxing classes definitely came in handy, and your dad taught you how to throw a mean right hook. He always told you to hit first and hit hard.

A pacifist at heart, he taught you things can always be solved with words. And when they can't? Your fists can do the talking for you.

You were always known as someone who could hold their alcohol easily, unlike most of your friends. Guys would prey on that. As long as you were there, they never succeeded. Always wearing a brave face you never backed down.

After a bit more shopping, you picked up alcohol and boba with the girls before going back to their place.

Historia had left soon after to go to her waxing appointment, claiming she wanted to be 'as slick as a dolphin' for tomorrow. Imagining it was for Eren made your blood boil, curdle, and drain from your body.

"I can't tell if she hates me or not." you announce half jokingly to the rest of the girls.

"Who, Historia?" Sasha asks as she paints her nails over the coffee table.

You nod in response.

"No, definitely not." she says, "I know she can be a little... difficult to understand at times, but she means well. She's... been through a lot." Sasha trails off.

"Y/n I promise she likes you," Mikasa starts off as well, "She doesn't talk to us much about it anymore, and we've stopped asking. But I will say, she's honestly really brave. I know she always seems put together on the outside, but she's fighting a lot of demons internally."


That didn't even cross your mind, selfishly. To be fair, she always seemed prim and proper, ready to please and gab. You didn't even think that there was something deeper to her than the barbie appearance.

"Is she... like, okay, I guess?" you ask, unsure of the gravity, not wanting to pry.

Mikasa smiled at you softly, "We don't even know the whole story, but I think that's something she'd have to tell you herself."

You nod, "Totally get that, I wouldn't want my personal issues aired out either." something foreign glazes over Mikasa's eyes at your statement, but you couldn't tell what it meant, "But honestly I don't think she and I are gonna be braiding each other's hair and gossiping anytime soon."

"Give it time, it just takes her a bit longer to trust new people." Sasha explains, "I promise it's nothing to do with you!" she offers you a reassuring smile, and all you can do is smile back.

Time flies by as your chatter with the girls resumes.

"So, think you and Armin are gonna go all the way anytime soon?" you ask Annie curiously. The two have been incessantly flirting since the beach weekend, but they've only kissed.

It was sweet. Armin was kind and patient. He didn't push Annie at all. Seeing the two of them interact was heartwarming, it was like a pure juvenile crush, something you haven't felt in a while. You weren't even sure if you could ever feel that, not with all the darkness plaguing your heart and mind. But you were so happy for her.

"I'm hoping this weekend, honestly." Annie says, "but, definitely not tomorrow, since I'm planning to black out by 11pm."

"I'm so sorry, I just cannot imagine Armin having sex. He's just such a sweetheart, always has been." Sasha adds. To which you can agree, but, like you said before, it's the quiet ones you have to look out for.

"He's always been really private about that stuff, ever since we were kids." Mikasa explained, which made sense. He seemed like he really respected women.

"I haven't gotten laid in... an embarrassingly long amount of time. I think my punani is gathering dust as we speak." you share, and it was true. You weren't particularly experienced anyways, having only slept with two other guys. You were just picky, and you knew you couldn't just sleep with anyone. Not that you'd ever judge anyone who did, power to the pussy for sure, but that life just wasn't for you. So you settled for lewd jokes and intimate nights with your little pink bzz bzz friend.

"Surely you finally take Jean for a joy ride?" Annie asks, to which you laugh.

"I dunno, maybe. He's a really good kisser though." your cheeks heat up at the thought, your brain remembering your steamy makeout session at the beach house. Truth is, you've been feeling a bit discouraged lately, having made no major progress with him in over a month.

"Don't tell him that, he's already cocky enough as it is." Sasha snorts, and she was right, that boy was confident as all hell.

"Mikasa, you okay?" you ask, noticing she zoned out a bit during your convo.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, no I was just trying to remember the last time I had a hookup." she smiles softly, "I can't." to which you burst out laughing at her delivery.

"I can fix that for you, just say the words baby." you grin at her, raising your eyebrows suggestively.

"Your place or mine?" Mikasa winks at you.

"Sasha's room." you nudge your head in that direction.

"I'd throw this pillow at you but I'd ruin all my hard work." Sasha rolls her eyes.

"Did Nic choose the color?" you coo at her, making kissing sounds.

Sasha doesn't even bother looking up at your taunting, "Yeah, I asked him what color he wanted to see wrapped around his shaft." she smirks to herself.

A chorus of laughter erupts in the room, along with mixed gagging noises.

"What are we talking about bitchatchos?" a voice calls out from the front entrance.

Historia strolls in, dropping her purse and car keys on the table and taking a seat on the couch next to Sasha.

"Want help with your right hand?" Historia offers her, Sasha nods, giving her the bottle of nail polish. Nice of her.

"We were just talking about how Sasha's the throat goat." you fill her in.

"God I haven't given head in a while." Historia says, meticulously painting Sasha's nails.

You've heard of girls not liking it or not liking the taste, but you didn't mind it. You were no expert, but you've done your fair share of research on the hub.

As if reading your mind, "Not that I don't like it, but when I'm hooking up with a guy I want it to be about me. He should want to pleasure me first. Also if it's a random hookup who knows where that dick has been, at least with a condom I don't think about it as much." she explains. Which, to be fair, she's not wrong. Guys can definitely be gross.

"My ex tried to eat me out once, but he had no idea where he was going." you share, cringing at the thought. Truth is, you're also self conscious at what you look like from that angle, what you taste like, how long you take, et cetera. You just have never felt comfortable enough with anyone to give it a proper shot, plus, guys aren't very forthcoming with that stuff.

"Should have drawn him a map." Annie snorts.

"Eren definitely knows where the clit is." Historia says, and your cheeks light on fire. You're not a stranger to crass jokes whatsoever, so why did this one in particular make you feel so hot and bothered?

"Eren definitely rubs a girl's left lip and thinks that's where it is, but the girl is just so blinded by him that she goes along with it and doesn't even tell him." Sasha roasts him.

Everyone laughs in agreement.

"Do you guys know what an Australian kiss is?" she asks, you shake your head no.

"It's like a French kiss, except it's down under." she finishes the joke with a corny Australian accent, earning a groan from the room.

I'd let Jean give me a French kiss down there if you know what I'm sayin ahaaa

The rest of the night goes on as you all talk and joke around, mindlessly gossiping, sharing tips and advice.

The next day flies by as well, since you're having so much fun. Everyone goes to the football game during the day to cheer the guys on, which they ended up winning thankfully. The one thing that selfishly irked you, however, was the fact that Historia was wearing Reiner's jersey. You couldn't be too mad, though, seeing as he has had it bad for her for a long time.

The evening rolls around as you all start getting ready at the girls' place. The music is playing through the speaker, drinks are flowing through everyone, and laughter fills the air.

Historia is the first one ready, and her outfit consisted of a cute set; short pink skirt, paired with a matching (very) cropped pink blazer, frilly white socks and Louboutin stilettos. Her hair fell in beautiful curls and she smelled like vanilla.

She was walking around filling everyone's drinks. Maybe you had the wrong impression about her, and perhaps you were both warming up to each other?

"Miki, can you do my eyeliner for me? I can never get that fox look as perfect as you do." you ask your friend. She struts in front of you in half of her outfit, tight black shorts, ripped stockings, paired with the black mesh bralette she bought yesterday. Annie was currently steaming the blazer she was going to be wearing.

"I'd love nothing more." she says before grabbing the tube of liner.

"Where do you want me?" you ask her.

"Mmm, wanna lay on the bed for me?" she suggests.

"Yes mommy, okay mommy." you joke at her command as you get on all fours.

Mikasa laughs, "Missionary style." she says. You laugh as well as you quickly lay flat on your back. The bed dips as Mikasa climbs over top of you, situating herself on your lap.

"I got nothing to brick but I'm still bricked up." you tell her.

She flicks your forehead, "I believe it, but you have to stay still." you nod. Being so touch deprived, you don't even realize you're holding your breath. Having an absolute bombshell sitting on you doing your makeup? Didn't have that on this year's bingo card.

You close your eyes as she focuses on her task, gently holding your face and dragging the eyeliner across your lids. You could smell her dark perfume, waves of leather and oud infiltrating your olfactory senses. Her skin was soft and supple against your own.

"Aaaand there we go, perfect." she says, sitting back up.

"Woah woah woah, without me? Just like that? On god?" Sasha walks into the scene dramatically.

She was wearing a similar outfit to you, black mini skirt with a cropped white blouse, loafers, and two pigtails.

"Alright hoes, we ready to go?" Annie walks in as well, already tipsy. She wore an oversized blue button down with the cuffs rolled up, black club master sunglasses, and white tube socks à la Risky Business.

"Let me just get dressed and I'm good." you say, thanking Mikasa for her help as she gets off of you.

You change into your cute new underwear, clipping the garter to your thigh high stockings. The black skirt slips on like a second skin, and you tie Connie's dress shirt, revealing just the right amount of cleavage. Grabbing a tie, you loosely wrap it around your shoulders, not knowing how to tie it properly. Avril Lavigne would be disappointed. You and Mikasa slip your heels on before you all stuff yourselves into an uber to the party.

*play Lights Down Low by Maejor and Waka*

"Grip it and rip it!" Annie says before taking a huge swig from her handle.

Pulling up to Reiner's mansion, you have flashbacks of the first time you were there. The first night you met Eren. Naked mile with Jean. People on the lawn were already beyond fucked up, swaying, throwing up, smoking, laughing.

"Fuck, I forgot my blazer." Mikasa says as she wraps her arms around herself, keeping warm on the cool fall night.

You and Annie walk inside hand in hand as the music and vibes envelop you, feeling the vibrations from the bass in your bones. If one could get drunk simply by the smell of alcohol, you'd be a goner, that's how much the house reeked of it inside.

"Let's go find the guys." Sasha says looking back at you, as you nod.

You see a bunch of familiar faces as you walk around, noting you'll make the rounds later.

The heels were hard to walk in, but you tried to look confident, slowly swaying your hips sensually to the music. Your goal for the night seemed to work, as you could feel a lot of gazes on you as you walked by.

However, from your peripheral you felt a blazing pair of eyes. Your stomach was doing somersaults, cart wheels, backflips, front flips, handsprings, you name it. Your throat suddenly goes dry and you could feel your heartbeat in your face as you turn your head to look over.

Lo and behold, standing against the wall was a perfectly disheveled Eren. His half lidded gaze was trained on you, leaning on his shoulders, he looked as if he would devour you. It felt primal, as if you were his prey.

Maybe he was just looking at someone behind you.

For whatever sadomasochistic reason, your body was dragged towards him, his pull was magnetic as always.

His white button down was open all the way, red tie around his neck, black slacks sans belt sitting low on his hips. His hair was messily tied as always. He looked delicious. You're only human, you couldn't help but notice. His lean abs were flexed, pecs perfect, v-line immaculate.

His gaze skims your body slowly, up and down, settling back on your eyes. If his eyes had this effect on you, you could only imagine what his touch would do. You weren't sure why you were having those thoughts, let alone if you would survive that theoretical.

As you make your way to him, he straightens up, looking even more intimidating than before, as if that was even possible. Even in heels, he still towered over you.

For the second time tonight, you forget to breathe. Neither of you say a word, your eyes speak for you.

Eren reaches his hand out to you, grabbing the tie around your shoulders.

You stifle a gasp as his hands go around your neck, the skin of your collarbones ablaze where his fingers dusted them as he slowly ties your tie for you, not even having to look at what he was doing. Your nipples tighten against the fabric of your bra, as if beckoning for more. It was such a simple act, yet it felt so intimate and dirty.

"That was... weirdly pornographic." Connie's stunned face says from beside you two.

Holy shit.

You were so focused on Eren you didn't even notice one of your best friends standing close by.

You take a step back, muttering a thanks towards Eren.

You needed a drink or ten after that encounter.

Out of nowhere you see a blonde head bobbing towards you guys, tripping over her heels as she approaches. Eren doesn't even flinch, seemingly prepared for the stunt, but Connie on the other hand catches her swiftly, his biceps flexing as they wrap around her.

Connie was surprisingly built, although skinnier than Eren and even more so than Reiner, but he still had lean muscles and a slutty little waist.

He was shirtless, except for his black dress pants and black bowtie. He looked good, and smelled better.

"Ew get your sticky hands off me Connor." Historia scoffs as she straightens herself out, whacking Connie to let her go.

"Hey, you're the one that fell for me. Not the first girl to do it and certainly not the last." he smirks, "Unless Y/n finally decides to give me a chance." he looks back up at you.

Historia convulses, "What are you supposed to be dressed as anyway, a gigolo?" you snort at her comment, which, she was spot on.

"Not what I was going for but I can be bought for the right price." he winks at her suggestively.

"I'd rather choke and die." she spews back.

"I can definitely give you something to choke on if that's what you're asking me for." he stands taller to look down at her.

She puts her hands on her hips, "Connie you're a dog as always." her brows furrow in disgust.

"If you want me to get down on my hands and knees and bark for you, I'm game." Connie zeroes in on her.

"God as if. I'd need a paper bag and be obliterated to do that." she retorts.

"Good thing there's an unlimited amount of alcohol isn't it? Get to drinking." Connie hands her his solo cup of mixed alcohol, "And I'm sure Reiner has a bunch stashed, I'll even cut out the eyes for you." insinuating he'd put it over her head. You knew Connie was bold, but your eyes widen as you watch the scene before you unfold. Were they.. Flirting? Surely not, right?

"You're incorrigible." she scoffs before turning to walk away.

"I don't know what that means but you know where to find me!" he yells after her as she storms away.

He takes a random unaccompanied drink from a table and takes a sip from it before sighing.

You have to pick your jaw up from what you just witnessed.

"Teach me your ways oh magical Rizzard of Oz." you praise him.

"You can practice on me if you want." Connie suggests, wrapping you into a hug.

"I need a fucking drink." Eren mutters, walking away from the crime scene.

You watch him leave as you join Connie, the two of you checking out the party.

"Scoping the talent?" you ask him jokingly.

"Well, the hottest girl here is already standing next to me." he smirks, "but I'm looking for someone a bit more in my league."

You nudge his shoulder.

The two of you lay eyes on Historia as she's arguing with some guy over the aux, which, to be fair, he could be doing a better job.

"Feisty." he says, more so to himself.

"I'll be back." Connie announces.

"Where you going?"

Connie grins over at you, "I"m going on a noble quest to find the clit."

You scoff, "You and Eren both." you mutter.

"Huh?" his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Nothing." you shake your head, "Go forth and multiply." you tell him as he salutes you.

What the fuck just happened. Maybe you just imagined that whole encounter? That's the only logical explanation.


You meander the party in search of your friends, greeting familiar faces and acquaintances.

On the far side of the living room you find Reiner walking through the crowd. You wave over excitedly to say hi, but, he doesn't acknowledge it. Maybe he just didn't see you, there's a lot of people here after all.

Your smile drops a bit but you shake it off, surely it wasn't on purpose. Yet, you can't help but feel a bit upset over it. You didn't like feeling off. It made you feel like you were a kid again, vulnerable and forgotten. Trying not to overthink and over dramatize what just happened, you attempt to shake off the discomfort.

"Y/n!" a voice beckons, you flinch slightly as their arms envelop you.

Your body relaxes when you realize it's just Marco. Thankfully, a friendly face. You were off guard there in your moment of weakness.

You turn to hug him back dotingly. He was wearing a tuxedo shirt and jeans.

"Hey, Jean." you smile softly at the boy next to him, greeting him with a hug as well. He looks fine as fuck, navy pants with a matching navy blazer, sans shirt. He looks like a mirage, if you were to reach out and touch him he'd disappear.

"Sasha sent us to find you, we were gonna play a drinking game." Marco says.

"Oh fuck yes, lead the way." you say enthusiastically as Marco takes your hand in his, Jean following closely behind.

The three of you make your way downstairs into the basement, which is just as spacious and opulent as the main floor.

Black couches, dim lighting, a pool table; a party room indeed. All your friends were already down there, indulging in drinks and laughter. Half the people were sitting on the couch or the floor, and you join.

"Y/nnnnnnn! I missed youuuuu!" Sasha runs over to you, nearly knocking you down in a bear hug. She was already sloshed.

You laugh, "Sash it's been like, thirty minutes." you straighten the two of you up.

"Thirty minutes toooooo long." she pouts, grabbing your hand she takes you to the others.

"Alllllright sexy people," Connie beckons, "And also Jean." he grins as Jean rolls his eyes.

You scan the room, and Eren was nowhere to be found. Whatever, why would you even care.

"For those of you who don't know the rules of Screw it 'n' Do it, you must do the task on the card you have pulled, or the dare you were given, or you forfeit the game and have to go back upstairs to drinking with the plebs." he explains.

Sounds easy enough?

"Anyone can give you the dare." he says.

Oh. Well, fuck it. You take a huge swig from your cup for courage, also wanting to catch up to your friends.

"Y/n, care to do the honours?", he offers you the homemade deck of cards.

You nod, pulling the top card from the stack.

"Party trick." you announce. It wasn't anything fancy, but frankly you didn't have anything else up your sleeve.

Pulling a bottle of beer from the cooler, you settle the cap in your mouth. Angling it so it's situated between your back teeth, you grip it and pull, popping the top off successfully.

Giving a meek smile, you sip from it, earning cheers from around the room.

"And to think I couldn't fall more in love with you!" Connie says.

Armin's next to pull a card, his saying 'Social Hour', meaning everyone had to take a sip of their drink.

For Jean's turn, he pulls a 'No Hands' card. You're hoping he chooses you to help him, but he chooses Marco instead. Feeling a bit deflated, you take more of your drink, enjoying the burn and adrenaline.

Marco pours some vodka into a shot glass before situating it into his mouth. Jean ducks below, angling his head and parting his lips so that he can accept the glass. Marco tilts downward as some of the alcohol spills, but Jean manages to catch most of it. He wipes his face with the back of his hand after a weirdly sensual moment.

"Now kiss!" Connie says, puckering his lips at the two boys, "That was so homoerotic."

"Shut up dumbass, you and Marco literally made out last time." Jean's face turns red.

"True. And I'd do it again." he says, winking at Marco as everyone laughs.

"Party trick." Reiner announces his card, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.

"Uh, I can do the lift from 'Dirty Dancing'?" he says, looking around the room. Your eyes light up. Of course he can! He's jacked, and he's a romantic. Mental note to rewatch 'Crazy, Stupid, Love' this weekend.

As if on cue, Connie and Sasha start belting 'The Time of My Life' at the top of their lungs. Their rendition left much to be desired from a musical standpoint, but seeing their heads together, their faces red from alcohol and laughter, your heart swelled from the warmth and love. They were one of a kind soulmates, destined to be the greatest of friends until the end of time.

Snapping you out of your thoughts, you see Reiner extend his large palm to Pieck. She smiles coyly as she stands up.

For the third time tonight, your heart strings feel tense. Was he ignoring you? I mean, he didn't have to choose you, but you were a bit disappointed that he didn't. He was one of your closest friends, after all.

You're overthinking it, she was just close by. Plus, she's tiny, much easier to lift for sure.

At the culmination of Connie and Sasha's botched rendition of the timeless classic, Pieck starts jogging over to Reiner.

"Iiiiiii'veeee haaaaaaad, the timeeeee of my lifeeeeeeeee!!!!! Ooooooohhhhhhh!!!!" dumb and dumber belt out at the top of their lungs as Reiner's strong arms lift Pieck way over his head. Her feet and arms gracefully point out as if she was really flying as he gently hoists her up, turning slowly in the process. Everyone's cheering, and you join the clapping as well. Pretty cool trick.

"Mikasa, can you do that to me?" you ask her.

"Even in my sleep." she shoots you a smile.

*play Wet Dreamz by J Cole*

"'Pickup'." Annie reads her card outloud. She's had a lot to drink, but she's holding herself together so far. The card she pulled apparently means she has to try and pick someone up as if from a bar.

Armin is sitting comfortably next to her. Annie turns to him, draping one of her bare legs over his thigh. Her hand makes its way to clasp his cheek, and Armin stiffens at the contact. Everyone is in anticipation of what she's going to say, but so far her performance is a success.

She leans in close before whispering something in his ear, causing Armin to turn 50 shades of red. She smiles before letting her poor victim go.

"God I wish I was Armin right now." Sasha says to which you can only laugh and agree.

Pieck pulls another 'Social', causing everyone to drink. The game was fun, everyone was laughing, joking around bonding. You still felt a bit uneasy and on edge, but alcohol never solved anything, so you'd have to wait for another time to talk to both Jean and Reiner. Yet, you still kept searching for Eren, who was MIA.

He was probably with some girl. Good. Better her than you, you convince yourself.

Sasha pulls you by the face and plants a kiss on your cheek, "You okay babe? You look upset." of course she can tell, you don't even realize you're sporting half a scowl on your face.

"Yes! I just remembered all the work I need to get done next week." you lie.

"None of that!" she bonks your head with her palm, "Think about that tomorrow, right now, drink until you forget about it." she squeezes your hand.

"'Dare or Dare'! As difficult as this is to choose, I'm going to have to go with dare." Connie puts his card down.

"Suck on Hisu's toes." Marco jokes out, knowing Connie has the fetish.

"You're kidding." he replies.

"Yeah, but also no balls." Marco eggs him on.

"No balls? Is that a joke? I have bigger balls than you pretty boy!" Connie retorts.

"Your balls are definitely bigger than your dick that's for sure."

"And yet my dick is STILL bigger than yours!"

The two boys stare at each other for a few moments before breaking into laughs.

"Alright Tori, gimme those toes baby." Connie hikes his pants up in determination.

The whole room erupts in laughter at the thought, especially knowing Connie would never back down from a dare.

"Are you fucked in the head?" she shrieks.

"Come on princess, don't knock it 'til you try it." Connie laughs.

Historia's face goes bright red.

"I don't wanna get out of the game," he fake pouts at her, "and I'm sure you're still holding out for Eren to come down."

She rolls her eyes, "Fine, make it quick." she says.

Connie pumps his fist in the air, and you can't help but laugh. The drinks are steadily flowing through everyone, inhibitions gone. Moreover, you're all friends, so nothing's weird, just funny.

Since she's sitting on the couch, Connie crawls over to her on all fours as if he's Magic Mike, truly putting on a performance of a lifetime.

He sits up, grabbing her right calf with one hand, while slowly taking off her Loub with the other. He throws it to the side.

"Those are EXPENSIVE!" she yells at him.

"Hush woman!" he holds his hand up to her and she scoffs.

You and Sasha are buckling over laughing at this point, Jean's holding his face in his hands as Marco's laughing into a couch cushion. Even Reiner's laughing at the sight.

His teeth pull down her sockette before he removes it with his hands, throwing it behind him in reckless abandon.

Historia slams her palm over her face in embarrassment.

His teeth graze her instep, before his plush lips make their way to her perfectly pedicured pink toes. He settles his mouth over one of them, making noises as if he's eating a full Thanksgiving dinner. It seems as though there's steam coming out of Historia's ears; her face is bright red.

Connie looks up at her from the floor, and, although you're not one for feet, you had to hand it to him, he made it look somewhat enticing.

She leans up smacking his shoulder, "Alright enough!" she retracts her leg, Connie giving her a shit eating grin, "Go get my heel." she barks an order to him, and he obliges.

You and Marco are wiping tears from your eyes as you and Sasha roll over on the floor, dying of laughter.

"That was the best and worst thing I have ever fucking seen." you croak out, while Connie looked proud out of his mind.

"Holy fuck I need to go vomit after that." Mikasa announces as she goes up to leave for the bathroom.

After a few moments of recovering, you choose another card.


You stand up, straightening your skirt and fixing your blouse.

"Alright, who's gonna be my victim?" you peruse the room, as most of the girls' hands shoot up in support.

Reiner was being weird, and so was Jean, so they were out of the question. You didn't want to disrespect Nic or Armin even jokingly, and you didn't want to scare Marco.

You saunter over to Connie, deciding to offer him a cheesy line.

"Oh ho, lucky me." he says, grinning from ear to ear.

Your arm drags from the back of his neck, down his shoulder, to rest around his bicep.

"So, if I were to flip a coin, what are the odds you give me head?" you try and hold a seductive smirk, but in your drunken state you're incapacitated and start giggling.

Connie bursts out laughing, "How about heads I win, tails you lose." he says. Your face has confusion written all over it, to which you both giggle.

The next challenge was pulled by Sasha, which had her do a blowjob shot. She gagged on it and started sputtering, it was hilarious to witness.

Marco pulls another 'Dare or Dare' card.

*play Patty Cake by Kodak*

"I dare you guys to prove who actually has the bigger dick." Historia says, thinking she's getting back at the two boys for the previous dare they had her do.

"I don't care, I'm not shy, but we need a witness." Connie says.

Historia's eyes go wide, "Absolutely not, get Y/n or someone to do it."

You shrug your shoulders, while also internally panicking at the thought. They were just your friends though, so, no worries, right?

"As long as Mikasa can come with me." the two boys look at you in confusion, "In case we need a second opinion?"

"Alright, let's get this over with once and for all." Connie says. Marco has been smoking the entire time, so he's giggling like a schoolgirl.

You and Mikasa go hand in hand and follow the two boys into the adjacent room.

"Alright, how are we gonna do this?" Marco asks, hands on his hips, eyes bloodshot.

"Uhhhh..." you mutter.

Mikasa finds an empty water bottle from the trash, along with a black marker on one of the desks. This must be an office.

"Here, just measure it with the bottle and mark it with the sharpie. We'll turn around." Mikasa says, and you follow her lead, back facing the two boys.

You hear zippers flying and pants hitting the ground.

"There we go." you hear Marco say.

"Hey! Stop pushing it into your stomach, that doesn't count!" Marco whines.

"Alright, alright, relax." Connie beckons.

You and Mikasa are drunkenly giggling to yourselves.

"Damn it." Marco sighs.

"Okay, you guys can turn around now!" Connie announces.

He hands the two of you the bottle, and your mouth is agape.

"What?" he says.

"This is... soft?" you ask, shocked at the size.


"Did you like, turn it the wrong way?"


"You're sure?"

He looks at Marco, then back at you.

"I think?"

"I saw him do it, that's what it is." Marco sighs again.

Your mouth is still ajar. You slap your hand over your mouth.

"Where the fuck are you hiding that thing!" you cry out, Mikasa hasn't stopped giggling either.

"I'm a grower, not a shower alright." Marco defends himself.

"I'd still win even then." Connie confidently says.

"Somehow I believe you..." you mutter, "No offense Marco. Anyway, it's not about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the ocean."

"None taken." he laughs.

"It's all smooth sailing here baby." Connie grins.

"Alright, let's get back out there before they suspect some weird stuff is going on." Mikasa says.

"Weird stuff IS going on." you tell her, laughing.


"Fuck, I'll be back I gotta go break the seal." Connie says.

"I'm gonna go get us some more drinks!" Marco chimes in as well.

As the four of you walk out, you're joined by a particular brooding presence.

"What'd I miss?" Eren asks, walking into a suspicious scene.

"Nothing, but also everything." Sasha giggles from Niccolo's lap.

"We're just playing "Screw It", wanna join?" Reiner explains.

Eren finds your eyes, and you look down, averting your gaze. You couldn't bear to look at him after being in the same room with two naked penises.

"Sure, why not." he says, and your heart starts beating out of its chest out of excitement.

You find your way back to where you were sitting between Sasha and Mikasa.

"'Ice Ice Baby'." Historia grins as she reads her card. You're not quite sure what it means, but, judging by her excitement it can't be anything good.

"Eren! Do it with Eren!" you hear Pieck yell out. Per the rules of the game, anyone can speak up, and if you choose not to do it, you have to leave the game.

Eren looks at you, and all you can do is look away and pretend to be bored and disinterested. It's self-preservation, really.

"What's 'Ice Ice Baby'?" you ask Sasha.

*play After Dark by Mr Kitty*

She gives you an apologetic look for whatever reason, "Uh, so, the two people that do it have to keep passing around an ice cube between their mouths until it fully melts."

You nod in understanding, and moreover try not to look like you were going to throw up your dinner and all the alcohol you drank. The only choice now is to drink even more. You down your drink before going in search of another.

Eren stays standing as Historia saunters over to him pridefully, ice cube in hand.

God. She couldn't have found a bigger ice cube if she'd fucking tried.

She puts it between her lips before stepping higher on her tiptoes so Eren can reach.

He steals one last glance at you before leaning down and accepting the ice cube.

See, you're one for tough love. And this is tough love if you've ever seen it. It's the easiest way to get over someone. Not that anything had even started between the two of you to begin with, but, this certainly halted it all.

With former crushes, you'd give yourself a strict timeline. Once it ended, you'd have two weeks to pity yourself, cry, and wallow, until you moved on and worked on yourself. No contact? Nah, FULL contact. Make it hurt. See him with other girls. It's the easiest way. Rip that bandaid off while it's fresh and it'll hurt less in the long run.

Seeing Eren essentially making out with HIstoria in front of you, water seeping from their mouths from the melting ice cube made you want to rage. And somehow had the opposite effect, you wanted him even more than you did before.

Her hands cling to his shirt, as his rest by his sides.

Once their challenge was over, Historia had the most smug face ever. As if she'd won one over you.

You were seething, and you were sure anyone around you could feel the heat of your rage.

The next challenge had Pieck and Reiner switch tops, his pecs spilling over in her XS cropped tank, and her absolutely swimming in his oversized dress shirt.

Mikasa was next to pull a 'Dare or Dare' card.

"Sit on Jean's lap for the rest of the game." a voice says.

Armin? Huh?

What skin did he have in the game? He was silent for most of it anyway.

He must not know the extent of your relationship with Jean, or, the recent lack thereof. But still.

Mikasa's face turned bright red before looking at you. All you could do is shrug and nod, like the pushover that you were. It's all just happening so quickly you don't even have time to process it.

Mikasa meekly gets up from her spot on the floor before situating herself on Jean's lap on the couch.

If you weren't going to throw up before, you certainly will now!

Annie pulls a 'Social', and Eren gets a dare card right after.

"Y/n, suck Eren's fingers!" Sasha drunkenly says while laughing. Your face turns beet red, as if it was possible for you to be even more embarrassed. You finish your drink for the needed push.

Eren's eyes find yours as always.

You find the courage to step over to him, pretending there was no one else around. And, frankly, that's how he made you feel sometimes.

Confidently, you stand right in front of him, shoulders squared. He seems to be frozen in the moment, so you take it upon yourself and gently grab his wrist, pulling it upwards towards your face.

With one hand you hold it steady, placing the other on his chest. You could feel his heartbeat through his warm skin. It felt like it was on fire, and if you pressed a little harder you might be able to grab it. The longer you took, the faster his heart raced, although his face was devoid of emotion.

He folds his fingers slightly, leaving the index out for you.

You place it gently between your lips, swirling your tongue around the tip, before enveloping his entire finger into your plush, warm mouth. Your tongue still swirls skillfully as you look up at him through a half lidded gaze.

You swore you could hear him stifle a low groan as you gently graze his finger with your teeth, sensually dragging it out of your mouth with your lips softly suctioning. You release his finger with a pop before smiling to yourself. You take a step back before bowing at your audience.

"Holy fuck, me next." Annie jokes.

You look over to your friends, and other than Sasha and Nic who are shamelessly making out, everyone else seems to be impressed with you.

Except, that is, until you feel a cold liquid splash all over your front.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.

You look down and it's bright red, vodka cran probably.

"Fuck, Y/n, I'm so sorry!" Historia pleads.

You count up to ten in your head.

She's not worth it.

It was an accident.

Don't let it get to you.

Don't cry in front of them.

You're fine. It's fine.

"That was... refreshing, albeit sticky." you say with an awkward laugh, shaking your hands from the liquid.

"My bad!" she gives you a coy look, but you know it's just a façade. How stupid are you to think she was coming around.

"I'll uh, be right back." you turn your back in search of a bathroom.

"Historia." you hear Mikasa say sternly before you leave the basement. Fuck. You couldn't even ask Reiner for a clean shirt since he was being so fucking weird to you.

You're shaking with embarrassment. Your heart is racing, your body trembling. It's taking all of your willpower not to cry in front of strangers. You square your shoulders proudly, and put on a brave smile, even though you can feel your mouth trembling as well.

You scurry to the top floor of the house slipping between the crowd, and you're thankful that everyone is intoxicated and doesn't comprehend what's happening.

What a sobering experience.

You find the farthest bathroom, throwing yourself inside and locking the door behind you.

Sighing, you slip out of your shoes before you take your dress shirt off.

Running the water on cold, you douse it with soap and scrub ferociously, trying to focus on getting the stains out instead of succumbing to the burning tears behind your eyes. You can almost feel them pooling inside your skull, begging to explode.

"Idiot, fucking idiot." you murmur to yourself.

Short, ragged breaths cause your chest to rise and fall rapidly, your arms and hands stiffen from the tension of your body, eyes glued to the fabric between your soapy fingers.

If you scrubbed any harder, you'd rip the seams. Your palms felt raw, what was only minutes felt like eternity.

"Fuck!" you cry out.

Dropping the shirt in the sink, you realize it's futile. Leaning onto the marble countertop with your palms, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were red and watery, your face was blotchy from heat and embarrassment.

Don't cry.

Don't fucking cry.

"Winners cry on the inside, Y/n." you hear your mother's voice.

Your knuckles go white from squeezing the edge of the counter so hard.

A knock sounds at the door.

"Oc-" your voice breaks, you clear your throat, "Occupied!" you yelp.

"Open the door, Y/n."

What was Eren doing here?

You don't respond, too embarrassed to face him. You didn't want him to see you like this, all rattled.

"Y/n." he pounds the door again.

"I'm peeing." you lie.

"You know I don't like it when you lie to me." his deep voice says.

You don't reply in hopes that he'll just get the hint and go away, leave you alone to clean up your mess.

"Y/n, if you don't open the door right now, I'm breaking it down." he says sternly. He wasn't yelling, or mad, but you could tell he was serious by the tone of his voice.

"One." he counts.


You wipe your face with your hands and rake your fingers through your hair.


Fuck, your skin was still stained from the spill. And all you had on was your bra.

You quickly grab a hand towel and shield yourself, not feeling so bold anymore.

You knew he wasn't joking around about breaking the door down, so you quickly unlock and open it, lowering your gaze from him.

"Three." he says.

Taking a few steps back, he follows you into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.

"There you are, little rabbit." he says with a warm smile.

"Rabbit?" you look up at him questioningly.

"Mmm," he nods, taking a few steps closer to you, "Always running away from me."

You look down, unsure of what he wants from you.

"Let me help." he says.

Your body freezes as he walks up to you, palms scooping behind your thighs as he settles you onto the counter.

Flames. His fingertips are so warm, they send electricity through your spine.

You stifle a gasp when you feel his rough palms against your bare skin, but he must pretend not to notice. You're already embarrassed enough.

"Can I?" he asks, motioning to the hand towel you were shielding yourself with. After a moment of apprehension, you give it to him.

His eyes glaze over your body, but it's different than before. Less hunger, more admiration. Or maybe you're just overthinking things again. Wouldn't be the first time.

He runs the towel under warm water before settling in between your thighs.

Fuck. Keep calm. He's standing so fucking close to you, you're hoping he can't feel the heat and warmth pooling from your core. Now is definitely not the time to feel that involuntary pulsing you feel whenever he's near you.

"Red looks good on you." he smirks as his hands go to work, gently rubbing the alcohol and red juice from your stained skin.

You snort, sensing it's an entendre for your bra and the stains.

His hands are meticulous and gentle as he cleans your body, and you realize your breathing and heart rate have calmed.

As his hands make their way over the soft skin of your belly up to the supple top curves of your breasts, your skin is full of goosebumps. Although nothing about this was sexual, yet again it felt intimate.

"Y/N!" you hear a pounding on the door, "ARE YOU ALIVE!" Connie's voice beckons. You realize he didn't see what happened.

"She's fine." Eren answers for you.

"Jaeger? What are you doing in there?"

"Please don't tell him." you quietly plead. You were so embarrassed, and you didn't want to seem like a snitch either. You'll handle this somehow.

"I'm actually with your sister." Eren yells back. You stifle a laugh.

"Shut up dickhead, you know she's 16!" Connie pounds the door again.

"Connie I swear to god if you don't leave us alone I'm gonna become your step dad." Eren retorts.

You grab Eren's forearm, and his dark eyes glaze over with something foreign.

Before Connie can reply, "Connie, I'm okay, I just had an accident. I need to slow down with the alcohol." you force a laugh.

"Alright, if you need me you know where to find me. Jaeger, keep your dirty paws to yourself." he says before he walks off, to which Eren rolls his eyes.

"Too late for that.." he mutters under his breath.

Eren takes a clean hand towel and dries you off, before taking his dress shirt off, revealing his built shoulders and lean biceps.

"W-what are doing?" you say, trying to hide the panic of your voice.

Eren looks at you in confusion, "Relax," he coos, draping the fabric around you, "Can't let you go outside like that."

You put your arms through the sleeves, unsure of why he was being so kind to you. Pity, perhaps.

Getting down on one knee, he grabs your calf before slipping one of your heels on.

Holy fuck. You're shaking again, but this time from sheer arousal.

"Why are you doing this?" you ask him.

"I was hoping I'd catch you in here naked."

He repeats the action with your other leg.

He was trying to lighten the mood, but why? Why would he care enough to do that?

"I thought you didn't like when people lie? Or does that not apply to you?" you retort.

"Hah. Is it suddenly a crime to make sure your friend is okay?" he says before getting up to his feet.

"Friend?" your eyes find his.

"Mhm." he hums.

He's standing up now, shirtless, palms on the counter on either side of your thighs.

You lean back, feeling the cold glass of the mirror.

The two of you don't say a single word, just exchanging silent glances as the music from the party pumps outside, you can barely hear your own thoughts.

He doesn't stop you when your hand meanders to the bottom of his tie, fiddling with the fabric, all he does is look down at your delicate fingers playing with it.

In a brazen moment, you wrap your hand around it, slowly tugging it toward you. His head leans forward with it, both of your breathing has halted.

Analyzing his features you draw in a low breath.

"Just friends, huh?" you say, almost as a whisper.

Eren leans in closer, "Mhm. Just friends." he says. You could feel his breath ghost your skin, the smell of fruit alcohol making his lips even more enticing than usual. And, fuck, were they ever.

His hands make their way across your belly, and you tense your core in anticipation.

Instead of him touching you where you need it most, he starts buttoning up his shirt.

You look down, button by button by button, until he's covered you nearly up to your neck.

"Much better." he says, averting his gaze from you.

"Come on, want me to take you home?" he asks.


So bad.

So fucking bad.

It's all you want.

"No, but thank you. I think that's what she'd expect me to do. I'm not just going to back down." you say, mentally slapping yourself. Why did you have to try and keep your pride intact? Just fucking go home. Pity yourself. That mean part of your brain is getting worked up again, but you have to try to be stronger.

Eren smiles at you. And it makes it all worth it.

"Alright then, let go." he extends his palm out to you, and you take it.

You feel giddy, like a schoolgirl talking to a cute boy. Eren chose you. He chose to go after you, to be there for you for whatever reason. And that means something.

You walk out to the rest of the party, it was only midnight so it was still in full swing.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks." you say to Eren.

Right as you're about to walk away, he grabs your hips, stopping you in your tracks. Your back was almost touching his chest.

"You handled yourself with class back there." he says for you ears only. You turn your head and smile at him kindly, before walking downstairs to get you guys some drinks.

Friends. You guys were friends.

You didn't think you'd be as happy as you are to hear him finally say it. But friends was something you could work with.

Despite all the transgressions tonight, your heart felt warm after he took care of you. You were adamant to solve the rest of your problems within the following days as well. But right now? Nothing can stop you. It's time to have some fucking fun.

Pouring two glasses of jungle juice, you tread back upstairs to find Eren.

You had to squeeze your cups tight so they wouldn't drop, because the next thing you saw was Eren walking into a bedroom, Historia leading him by his hand.

You freeze in place, skin prickling, heart thumping. You could feel your face go ghostly pale.

"Y/n?" you turn to your left to be met with Mikasa. And Jean, right behind her. His blazer was wrapped around her shoulders.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

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