A Definitive Guide to Werewol...

By _kennyguz_

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A Beginner's Guide to Werewolf Fiction This text presents an essential introduction to the world of werewolf... More

Author's Note Updates
Moon Goddess
The Alpha Wolf
Gamma Chief
Pack Doctor
Lead Medic
Lead Warrior
Lead Hunter
Lead Scout
Resource Watchers
The Various Shifting Types
Do Werewolves Age?
White Wolf
Black Wolf

Werewolf Pack Ranking

116 4 0
By _kennyguz_

Certainly, here's a hierarchy of ranks for werewolves:

**King/Queen (optional):** The highest authority in the pack, if present.

**Prince/Princess (optional):** Second in command to the King/Queen, if present.

**Alpha:** The pack's leader, responsible for making critical decisions and ensuring the pack's well-being.

**Luna:** The Alpha's mate, serving as a second-in-command and often considered the pack's "queen."

**Beta:** Second in command after the Alpha, responsible for upholding pack rules and assisting the Alpha.

**Gamma:** The third-in-command, supporting the Alpha and Beta in leadership.

**Gamma Chief:** A Gamma wolf with the Alpha's or Luna's agreement may hold this title.

**Delta:** A rank below Alpha and Beta but higher than ordinary wolves, responsible for various pack duties.

**Sentinels:** Wolves tasked with patrolling and ensuring the pack's security

**Elder:** A werewolf with extensive knowledge of pack dynamics and werewolf lore. 

**Seer:** Is one who sees with spiritual eyes, can see the past, the present, and the future. 

**Guardian:** Responsible for the pack's security and protection against potential threats.

**Assassin:** Typically held by a Changer, responsible for covert and combat-related tasks.

**Pack Doctor:** The healer of the pack, responsible for treating injuries and illnesses.

**Lead Medic:** Senior medic overseeing the medical well-being of the pack.

**Medics:** Herbalists and medical experts attending to the pack's health.

**Lead Warrior:** The pack's military leader and strategist.

**Warriors:** Wolves trained for combat, their number depending on the pack's size.

**Enforcers:** Responsible for enforcing pack laws and maintaining discipline.

**Lead Hunter:** Oversees the hunting efforts of the pack, taking orders from the Alpha or Beta.  

**Hunters:** Wolves skilled in hunting, their numbers based on pack size.

**Lead Scout:** Leads the scouting team responsible for exploring and ensuring the safety of the pack's territory.

**Scouts:** Wolves responsible for detecting and reporting any potential dangers outside the pack's territory.

**Peacekeeper:** Acts as a mediator and resolves conflicts within the pack.

**Resource Watchers:** Monitor and manage vital resources such as water sources and den sites.

 **Pup-watchers:** Responsible for the care and protection of the pack's youngest members.

**Subordinates:** Pack members without specific ranks.

**Pups:** The youngest members of the pack.

**Healers:** Wolves in charge of the physical health of packmates.

**Orallys:** Wolves who provide entertainment through singing and dancing performances.

**Half-Bloods:** Rare individuals born as human half-bloods within a werewolf pack.

**Rogues:** Werewolves who have been expelled from their pack or left voluntarily.

**Omegas:** The lowest-ranking members in the pack hierarchy, often subjected to submission and dominance by others.

This hierarchy outlines the diverse roles and responsibilities within a werewolf pack, reflecting the complex dynamics that contribute to the rich storytelling potential of werewolf-themed narratives.The following chapters will go over these rankings.

***Please let me know if I ordered them incorrectly based on ranking from this the chapter.***

***I did not own those pictures. I use Pinterest to get them.***

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