Friendship Turned Into Relati...

By lishaghosh

53.3K 3.9K 855

childhood friendship Soha: hey manik lets hangout tonight in a club.... party from my end lets enjoy. Manik :... More

Friendship Turned Into relationship
1. childhood thick friends
2. First Day at school
3.First Insecurity
4. First Proposal
5. Misunderstanding
7. Falling Apart
8. Ignoring
9. Earning forgiveness
10.Jealous Manik
11. Planning Plotting
12. Flying to singapore.
13. Different approach
16 Romance
17 Flying back
19. Prank
20. Proposal
21. Long Drive
22. Shopping
23. Engagement Part 1
24. Engagement Part 2
25. Engagement Part 3
26. Taking Blessings
27 Taking care
28. Crazy Nandu
29. Separation
30. Missing Each Other.
31. Surprise Visit.
33. Manik on a tough spot
34. Marriage .
35. First night
36. New Beginning
38. Surprises
41. Surprise Honeymoon
42. Honeymoon
43. Honeymoon Part 2
44. Happiness

6. Fight and seperation

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By lishaghosh

Manik and soha landed at night in Delhi, Manik tried calling nandini but her phone was switched off. soha was very happy with manik being around her whereas nandini was like a dead soul travelling alone in train which was supposed to be a dream for her but became a nightmare.

She reached Delhi in morning and switching on her phone showed 22 notifications of manik's calls and messages. she sighed and called him

Manik: Hello Nandini where are you damit i tried calling you zillion times but all thanks to you. don't you think our fight has reached too far talk to me let's just sought this out today.

I am sick of this silent treatment... Are you even listening to me, Hello Hello.......

Nanini: yes i am listening..... it was you who din't inform me about your sudden change in plan.

Anyways i will be busy searching for hostel and stuff will meet tommorow.

she heard a voice from behind

Soha: hey manik lets hangout tonight in a club.... party from my end lets enjoy.

Manik : but soha i have to register for hostel and stuff i don't think its a good idea.

Sohas's name was enough to boil nandini's blood and her anger reached to the peak. she cut the call and threw her phone but then regretted the next second. the day was quite busy for all of them registering in hostel, unpacking and talking with her family. She dozed off being tired in the evening.

It was 7pm when she stirred in sleep and thought of visiting nearby park to fresh herself from all rubbish thoughts. she found soha on a car with some middle aged person and drove off. she felt relived and called Manik.

Nandini : Manik I am sending you the location please come around need to talk...

she cut the call.

Manik: Strange this girl....

After half an hour Manik reached and called her as soon as she met she ran to him and hugged him being emotinal. Manik was taken aback by the sudden push and hugged her back.

Nandini : why are you ignoring me manik ( crying )you know i was so restless you didn't even tell me that you are coming by flight.

You are so Bad and that girl she is like a shadow of yours everywhere she is behind you.. you know na i don't like her much. Now i found her leaving by car so i called you.

Maniks anger raised again by her rants, he left her abruptly and said

Manik: Hold on lady what are you even thinking of you didn't trust me and now accusing me all bullshits. Listen nandini think practical don't be emotional and jump into conclusions, I told you i am very new to this feelings and lets be best friends but you misunderstood me and rather than clearing up your mind you ignored me i was angry i agree but

I tried calling you yesterday .... you to switched off your phone

Don't show me this girlfriend tantrums please and coming to soha

Hear me out loud and clear she is just a friend she had feelings but not me i don't even know these feelings i was very clear from first for me its all about trust which clearly you didn't and Soha did.

Lets take a break i am fed up with this tension. let me tell you in the beginning i am staying at Soha's apartment as single bed rooms are not available in hostels. and soha has 2 flats at this place so she offered me one and in the other her cousin stays so probably will stay with her.

Nandini: ( shocking) what no no Listen manik its all a trap you can search for a pg no as of now I will help you out.

Manik: Nandini I have talked to my parents and they agreed with it so what's the big deal its safe there. why are you so insecure....

I would suggest you lets understand each other i think it was too early for all this.

Nandini was shocked to core she was numb manik was talking about breakup she shouted on him.

Nandini: Listen MANIK MALHOTRA you cannot back off now we will figure it out

accha you don't want to talk about soha fine i won't , i am sorry

Lets tell Soha about us she is your friend right it will be good for all 3 of us.

Manik : no Nandini i am not sure and now looking at your craziness i am definitely not telling this to anyone.

nandini just don't live in present have you ever thought about our parents what will be their reaction when they comes to know lets make our career we have whole life to sought this out.

Nandini : now i get it you have feeling for soha so you are hanging out with her going to club tonight right. n

ohh let me think she uses her cheap tricks on you to attract you and gain your sympathy.

Manik lost his patience and shouted on her

Manik : NANDINI Shut up just Shut up before i regret it. i think your obsessed with me this is not the way to question me or my friendship. its my life my rules let me free, do not invade my private space ever.

You want to know right yess i like soha she is helping, carefree unlike you what you did I always helped You whenever you needed me as a friend. soha never judged me nor said ill about you its always you why you don't like mukti and alya as well but you ignore them because they are my friends.

You are so full of yourself come out of your imaginary world of love prince charming this is reality you have face it you cannot question me every time.

Did I ever Question you ? tell me

Lets just end this relation drama and first clear this poison you hold for soha and me in your mind. grow up you are 17 now behave like one.

He was so much in rage that he said some rude words to her which killed her heart beyond limit. yes she was immature she loved him with all his heart but she rushed into it. She knew manik was not aware of his feelings but still she had somewhere made a cage around herself she did not trust him enough.

She cried and ran away from there. Manik was also angry and went back ,when soha reached she found him lost and disturbed.

Soha : hey whats up why so sad and dark. hurry up we are going fora club and dare you deny me

Trust me you will be relaxed. whereas nandini was heartbroken she was unable to understand where she went wrong was she really binding him.

She promised today that she was not mend into other's business ever. she knew the struggle behind money that her family went through just to get her admitted in this college. She promised herself that she will not let down her father and work hard to achieve everything in her career. She regretted of thinking about Manik all night cooking up their future stories in mind and not focusing in studies.

She was also aware of the status gap they both had her father was a mere employee of malhotra industries. she promised herself she will not look back on manik from now because she according to her has tried her best , she even regretted proposing him when she knew manik has 0 feeling towards him they were thick friends but today she lost 2 relations. she lost her friend and her love.

She wipped off her tears and slept thus ending the tiring day.

PRECAP: falling apart

Bonus chapter

how did you find this part?

shall i continue with it or shall i stop it i promise you guys it will take an interesting turn within 2 updates.

shower your love like comment and share it guys.

thankyou lovelies.

will provide 3 updates tomorrow by seeing your comments and love.

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