TBATE: Let The Truth Be Known...

By Narbitz

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After slaying Cadell and discarding Nico, Arthur is confronted with his worst nightmare. Before him is Agrona... More

Chapter 1: A Parting Gift
Chapter 2: Helping You Understand
Chapter 3: Time to Flee
Chapter 4: Mass Exodus
Chapter 5: Wither and Bloom
Chapter 6: A Blooming Understanding
Chapter 7: New Family Bonds
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 9: The Story of Arthur Leywin
Chapter 10: He Who Flips the Coin
Chapter 11: The Way Home
Chapter 12: Two Meetings; Two Meanings
Chapter 13: A Hero's Welcome
Chapter 14: Quality Control
Chapter 15: The Dynasty
Chapter 16: Unlocked
Chapter 17: Plans In Motion
Chapter 18: A Battle Between Conquerers
Chapter 19: Departure
Chapter 20: Allegiance
Chapter 21: The Weight of the World
Chapter 23: Reap What You Sow
Chapter 24: A Complicated Dynamic
Chapter 25: An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 26: A Cryptic Message
Chapter 27: Blueprints
Chapter 28: Three Weeks
Chapter 29: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 30: Now We're Even
Chapter 31: Something Once Lost
Chapter 32: Unlikely Allies
Chapter 33: Something Now Gained
Chapter 34: The Will Of The Wielder
Chapter 35: The Drasea Clan
Chapter 36: Fabricating a Solution
Chapter 37: Core After Core
Chapter 38: The Most Pleasant of Reunions
Chapter 39: Foundation Set
Chapter 40: The Upcoming Cataclysm
Chapter 41: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 42: Artifice and Avarice
Chapter 43: Many To The Afterlife
Chapter 44: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 45: Untimely Reunion
Chapter 46: What Could Have Been
Chapter 47: The Depths of Reality
Chapter 48: Homeward Bound
Chapter 49: It's All Over
Epilogue 1: A Happy Day in Zestier
Epilogue 2: A Feast at the Leywin Family Estate

Chapter 22: Who Is That?

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By Narbitz


We've been in this new zone of the Relictombs for a few days now. I've been trying to teach Ellie how to manipulate aether better, but she's having a hard time sensing the ambient aether. It seems to only really click whenever she's distressed. It's as if the pressure of the situation enhances her connection to the aether around us.

This zone has been rather interesting so far, it reminds me of Elshire forest. If I'm not mistaken, that's the point. Ellie mentioned feeling like she was going in circles a couple times, but Cecilia seems to be having an easy time walking around. I haven't noticed the typical effect of Elshire while we've been walking around, but I've been following the trails of ambient aether.

"Brother, I'm tired of walking," Ellie grumbles.

"You're not even walking, Ellie. You're just laying on Boo's back and making him do all the work," I reply while thumping her on the forehead. Boo gives me a distasteful glance at my harming his master but seems to let it slide because I'm right.

"Ow! That hurt... Boo was the one who threw me on his shoulders, so I don't know why you're mad at me," she continues to grumble.

"Ellie, you can literally fly now. Hover over the ground a little and give the big guy a break," I suggest while giving my best impersonation of a flapping bird.

"Stop mocking me, Arthur. How about you carry me instead of Boo. Would that make you happier?" she teases. Little does she know, this was my plan from the start.

"Sure, hop on my shoulders," I readily accept while scooting over to Boo's massive frame.

Ellie's expression completely changed whenever I accepted that quickly. Now, she's trying her best not to show her excitement at me being more affectionate. I really missed my sister while I was in Alacrya. I'd think of her all the time. I'd check in on her through the seeing stone. I hated that I couldn't be there to protect her.

"Fine, then, you big idiot," Ellie mumbles while sliding off of Boo's back and onto my shoulders.

"Almost the same height. He's a little taller than me, but I'm more talkative, right?" I tease.

"Only a little. Sometimes that's not always a good thing," she shoots back.

"You guys are being a little mean don't you think?" Cecilia asks from a few paces ahead of us.

"Nah, this is just your average sibling talk. Right, Ellie?" I ask.

"Nope. In fact, Arthur's being so mean to me it makes me want to cry. Cecilia, please save me from this big meany," my sister replies while kicking her feet into my chest from above my shoulders.

I'm sure my expression of pure betrayal is visible to Cecilia because she just giggles at our little sibling quarrels. "You two really are siblings. I wonder if the genetics from your parents affected this version of you. You're so much more expressive than I ever really remember you being."

My face simply drops at the recollection of my parents. My father gave his life fighting off mana beasts at the Wall, and my mother is still scarred internally to this day over the reveal of my past life. It's less that she's scarred from the reveal, but the way that they both treated me after I confided in them.

"I think so. Arthur is caring like Mom while strong and protective like Dad. He's like a perfect blend of them. You should have seen how he looked before. His auburn hair and azure eyes made for quite the lady-killer," Ellie says from my shoulders.

I don't personally know how to respond to that all. I spent my whole life wanting to feel accepted by my family. I wanted proof that I'm not just Grey Willbeck who stole Arthur Leywin's body. I wanted proof that I was Arthur Leywin. Ellie's words shake me to my core. I can't help but hope that my parents feel the same. I hope that they know I'm nothing like the Grey from my past life. I'm Arthur Leywin, son of Alice and Reynolds Leywin, and brother of Eleanor Leywin. I'm their true family. I'm not a fraud.

"It's okay Art, you don't need to say anything. I know you've always struggled with that. I accept you. I know Mom accepts you. We've talked about it a few times when we were in Sanctuary and the safe zone," she continues. I can't help but tear up at her words. I've always wanted to hear what she just said. I've been wanting to be accepted for who I am since I was brought into this world.

We walk for a few more hours in near silence through this Elshire-like forest. The aether seems to be funneling toward a central point, forming a dartboard-esque array.

'I can't tell what the hell we're getting ourselves into. I'm a bit unnerved that we haven't had to fight anything,' Regis chimes in as we're around a mile away from our destination.

I feel the same. I feel like we're being watched, but I also feel like we're helplessly alone.

'I feel that too. Do you think it's another effect of the zone?' he asks.

That's likely. Maybe my senses are being put to the test. I feel like there's something I'm missing.

'I don't know how tested your senses can be whenever you're around as capable as Cecilia. If you fire up Realmheart you'd be able to see everything in the atmosphere.'

We'll know when we get to that point.

Once we finally reach the 'convergence' point, I can't help but feel disappointed.

"There's nothing here," Cecilia says while gazing around at the surrounding forest. "What the hell is this?"

"I don't know, but I see a faint mote of aether around the base of that tree over there," I say while pointing around 2 o'clock from where I am. "Let me put you down, Ellie."

I put Ellie down and make my way over to the base of the tree. Though we've walked for hours, nothing ever felt like we were making progress other than following the seeming ley lines.

'Fuck,' Regis grumbles.

Fuck, indeed.

Inscribed in the base of the tree through aether are five words:

"You've become too reluctant. Escape."

I heave a huge sigh before I punch firmly through the thick tree with an aether-enhanced fist. My arm lodges into the tree to my bicep before I wrench it free from the trunk.

"What the hell was that, Arthur?" my sister shouts while running over to me to see to my bloodied hand.

"We're lost," is all I murmur before the panic begins to set in.

"What do you mean we're lost? We followed the aether, right? We can't be lost," Ellie worriedly asks.

"We've been had. There are 5 words written on that tree in an aetheric script... It says that I've become too reluctant and that we need to escape. I guess I have become too reluctant to trust you both enough with the hard work. This must be some sort of team-building exercise. Fuck," I explain.

"So what now?" Cecilia asks while staring uncomfortably close and glaring me in my eyes.

I take a step back before responding, "I don't know. I need to think. The ley lines we followed here have dispersed. I don't see any aetheric pathways that seem to lead us anywhere. We're lost in a god-forsaken forest without any way to make it to the exit portal. This place seems to have a similar effect to Elshire, meaning that we humans are lost. Do you feel the effect, Cecil?"

"What kind of effect?" she asks.

"Do you feel like you've been walking aimlessly through this forest? Elshire forest is a deterrent to all races but elves. We get lost and usually never find our way out. It's some kind of mystical enchantment on the place... well it was," I reply.

"I don't exactly feel lost, no. Do you?" she asks again.

"I do now. I had something to walk to in relation to my current position, but now I can't see any aether in a direction that seems useful. The forest is too dense and the zone is too large," I answer.

"So do I need to try and lead us out of here?" Cecilia asks while putting her hands on her hips, looking prideful.

"I suppose so, yes. Does the place make any sense to you?" I ask.

"Not yet. I've got an idea though," she replies before the whole area we're in begins to be blasted with air. The whole forest begins to whisp around in the overwhelming tempest that radiates through the forest like a drop of water in a pond.

Stabilizing myself by leaning into the wind, I try and shout to her, "Cecilia! What the hell are you doing?!"

Her laser-sharp focus doesn't wane as she stays silent, emitting a constant stream of concussive wind.

It's only after a few minutes of this torrent of wind that it stops. Ellie slinks to the ground and heaves from exhaustion at grounding herself for that whole process.

"Couldn't you have told us what you were going to do?" I ask tiredly.

"I could have, but I wanted you to be proud of my idea and my results," she giggles while walking over to me. "Around 4 miles south southeast of here, there's a structure resembling a gazebo housing what seems to be the exit portal frame."

'I think she did the technique Elder Camus did to see despite being blind,' Regis suggests.

I think so too. I'm impressed she managed to think of that on her own. More impressively, she did it up to four miles away.

'That's the Legacy for you,' he chortles.

"This sucks. I feel useless," I grumble.

"Well, you were useful at getting us lost. Without that, you wouldn't have trusted me to take care of this zone on my own. Maybe the zone is right, Arthur. Maybe you should let others help you more. You don't have to do everything by yourself," Cecilia says.

"You're probably right, Cecil. I hate when you or Tess are right. Thanks for the life lesson, Djinn overlords. I'll trust my friends more. Lead the way, Cecilia," I continue to grumble.

"I'll take us, but only if you pack up that attitude. It's not fitting of an aether-wielding god killer," she says while giving me a thump on my forehead.

I feel a bit annoyed that she used my own move on me. Head thumps have become my best way of conveying displeasure.

'You could sue for intellectual property theft, though I haven't met an IP lawyer since we've been here,' Regis butts in.

Gee thanks, Regis.

"Fine. I'll be more amicable. Would you please take us to the portal?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Now you're just overdoing it, but yes, I will," Cecilia says before beginning to head in what I assume is the right direction. "Don't get lost, humans!"

Ellie and I follow our Elven companion for the next few hours toward what she says is the portal. I can't help but think about how the Relictombs are trying to teach me something. I feel almost insulted, but I can't be mad because it's true. I'm too reluctant to accept help from anyone. I can do quite a lot, but there are some things I'm not capable of doing. If Cecilia wasn't here, Ellie and I may have been roaming around for ages. I'd probably end up having to cut my arm off every now and then to feed her. I'd rather not actually have to do that.

"We're here," Cecilia shouts over her shoulder as we approach a large gazebo. Its wooden beams and open-air design make for quite the majestic spectacle. 


"It's beautiful," Ellie whispers to herself.

"I guess we'll just head on in. I'd hate to keep the owners waiting," I joke while stepping through the entryway and arriving before the familiar white stone portal frame. "Good job on using the air to sense fluctuations in shape, Cecilia. I met an old elf who did that, but I doubt he could do it for a few-mile radius. You never fail to surprise."

"Enough with the flattery, Arthur," she murmur before a wet patch emerges on my left cheek. "It's appreciated though."

'This is making things complicated. I wonder if that smooch was Cecilia or Tessia induced," Regis says mentally.

I wish I knew, but I may be afraid of the answer.

I wipe away the saliva from my cheek and advance to the portal.

"It should activate once Ellie gets on the platform," I tell Cecilia before turning to shout at my sister. "El, get your ass up here! We're burning daylight!"

"It's dark in this damn forest, you meanie!" she shouts back while reluctantly making her way to the gazebo platform.

With her second step onto the wooden floor, the portal begins to radiate a hum. A purple lining emerges, creating almost a film in the space the portal belongs. Once the purple fills in the entire area, we see a room I never wanted to see again.

'Is that?' Regis asks.

I think it is. Let's hope it's still deactivated.

Before us stands a grand hall with 12 all too familiar statues lined up with six on each side.

"Be careful, you two. I've seen this room before. I was considerably weaker than I am now, but I almost died here multiple times. Those are chimeras and if we're lucky, they'll stay still, but if we're not, they'll animate and try to kill us. Last time I was alone so I assume this will be much easier," I explain before entering through the portal and confronting the Chimera room once more.

While Ellie and Cecilia begin to enter behind me, I can see that the Chimera I shattered last time is repaired. I sense small amounts of aether within the statues, but I can't tell if this is what they were like before.

"Cecilia, destroy them all at once. Go all out, spare nothing. I want to see if they're still alive," I essentially demand.

Cecilia nods her head and raises her arms, but at my words, cracks begin to shatter the frames of the chimeras as they animate. The huge statues wielding various deadly weapons turn to us with killing intent.

In response, Cecilia begins to use a bit of magic she doesn't use too often: Gravity magic. She raises the gravity of the area around the chimeras so much that their legs crumble under the pressure, leaving them all unable to walk. Unfortunately, for us, however, they manage to launch a volley of attacks in desperation. Two gun blasts ring out through the room as two spears are also thrown in our direction.

I decided to try out something new. I will the aether around me to protect me and my allies. The ambient aether responds to my will, creating a small shield in front of every projectile hurled toward us.

'Nice work, princess,' my vulpine companion says.

Much appreciated, mutt.

After Cecilia begins to pummel the axe, spear, whip, and sword chimeras, the bow and wand chimeras launch attacks through the chaos. Two massive arrows scream through the air directly at Ellie while the two balls of fire from the wands head for me. In an effort to save, my sister, I try and will the aether to protect her. A panel roughly the size of your average door appears in front of her, but none of the arrows ever reach her. To my shock, small portals emerge in front of her with the other side ending directly above the bow-wielding chimeras. Their thick skulls are pierced and pinned to the ground with their own attack.

Since I neglected to take care of the fireballs heading my direction, they get scarily close to me before the aether protects me willingly. The fire disperses in a concussive blast that shatters the aetheric panels but still leaves Ellie and me unscathed. As the shields break, the wand chimeras are turned into nothing as huge globs of molten magma begin to melt them away.

"That works, Cecil. I expected them to fight back, but not that hard. Good job," I compliment.

"That means quite a lot coming from Lance Godspell," she mocks.

"I gave you a genuine compliment and you basically spat in my face. How is this fair?" I grumble.

"Payback for years of teasing Tess. Of course, I was also in that boat on Earth," she replies.

"Fair enough," I mutter, utterly defeated.

Ellie begins to scamper over to the chimeras' broken forms to check the damage she and Cecilia did. Her eyes widen at the sheer size of the hole in the heads of the two bow-wielding chimeras. Safe to say she's proud of her handiwork.

"Alright, gang. That was a simple enough room. I'm glad it wasn't the snow room again. I'd rather not spend weeks in a tundra wasteland again if I can help it," I tell them while absorbing the aether from the chimeras.

"Oh look! The portal opened on that side!" Ellie shouts while running to the opposite side of the room.

Grinning at her excitement, I finish absorbing the aether and join her at the portal frame.

"Let's keep going. This next room could be useful. I've got us working toward a room Sylvia gave me, but I'm not sure how much longer we have left," I inform.

"We'll follow you no matter where you go, brother. You don't need to keep explaining yourself. We trust you," Ellie says with her characteristically large smile.

"Alright then. In we go," I say before taking the first step into the next zone.

We're met with a tropical setting. The zone has a beautiful blue sky but appears to be mostly ocean. We're on some kind of archipelago with a bunch of other islands around. The islands are maybe the size of a football field or soccer pitch. Each one has a few trees and small bushes, but other than that, this place seems empty.

It seemed empty until I sensed a collection of aether on an island around 300 feet away. A portal begins to form and a party of five steps out.

'Ah, a convergence zone. How thrilling,' Regis says, obviously unenthused.

We just learned I'm a reluctant asshole who's terrible at teamwork so maybe this is a good thing.

'You've got the reluctant asshole part right at least,' he replies while cackling.

I just sigh and observe the party that steps out, but only rage begins to fill my body when I identify them.

On an adjacent island emerges a middle-aged, brown-haired woman and four familiar faces. A green-haired man with two swords at his waist.


Two burly men flank the mossy-haired man.

Taegen and Arian.

And lastly, a black-haired man- roughly 6'4" with piercing red eyes.


My body freezes at the sight of Haedrig -who's actually Caera- and my mortal enemy right before me, only a few hundred feet away.

My rage is only interrupted by a collection of huge splashes all around us. Bursting from beneath the water, dozens -if not hundreds- of sea serpent-like creatures begin writhing in the space between all of the islands.

"Cecilia, Regis, Ellie, you know what to do. I've got a date with someone."

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