mayas sister

By greysanatomy7564mcu

60.2K 1.3K 42

trouble lies around every corner it seems to follow maddy everywhere she go's.This is a story of maya bishops... More

party p2
I trusted you
oh god
can i stay here
new recruit
coming home
family drama
new job
its just a crush
giving up
leave now
what i wanted all along
saved by the bell
the start of something.
I'll be back
love is hard
back sooner that you thought.
she will hate us or she won't
a question from the author

goodbye Seattle

744 31 4
By greysanatomy7564mcu

Well my final two weeks were as boring as ever stayed on desk duty, well my desk duty is the gym, Andy is back to completely avoiding me and I have ten minutes left of my last shift at the place I used to call home, that at the moment is the shity motel I'm living in.

I cant believe that this chapter of my life is really over, I did find one thing in my locker as I was cleaning it out, the ring I got Andy, she gave it back, I guess it really is over, well I guess there's really no need for me to stay here anymore.
Well I guess this is it the end of an era, I said my goodbyes, not that I wouldn't see them outside of the station, but Andy wasn't there, I guess I can't count on her to always be there maya stayed in her office, God I wish, she would just tell me I can tell its hurting her more than its hurting me at this point, I have some papers to give her, it's the rights to my kids, well if she signed them her kids. I should've done tht sooner, I should've done alot sooner actually, then I wouldn't have to stay in a motel, marine training is fun, we have been given information that we will be deployed in the next 2 months but haven't got an exact date as of now.

"Maya, I have some paperwork for you," I say handing her the paperwork we'll I say handing her the paperwork I really just place it on her desk and leave.
"I'll get it back to you," she says not even looking at it yet.
"Don't bother, just look after them please," I say leaving her office and going to the motel. I need to hang out with someone, Carter and I haven't really been speaking much, he thinks I'm an idiot for leaving station 19, and maybe I am but I know one thing for sure I will be back there, one day.

Walking around Seattle free, I literally have nothing to do, at least a week of nothing, relaxation something I don't do very often. Don't know why but I walk to the hospital.
"Maddy," carina greets me Suprised and provably confused.
"Hi," I say.
"Shouldn't you be at work," she mentions.
"What work, I resigned from the station, my new job doesn't start for 2 months," I say that and now she looks even more Suprised.
"What's you new job," she asks.
"The marines," I wisper.
"The what, not again maddy, what about you and Andy," she Questions.
"What about us, she broke up with me, she ended it," I say slightly numb.
"Really, that is Suprising," she mutters.
"See you later carina," I say waving goodbye going back to wherever I feel like, wandering around Seattle is fun but it gets boring after a while.

Around 3 hours later I receive a call that we are needed soon than originally thought, as in like a we leave in 3 days, not to bad just have to occupy myself for that long, I suppose I could go check I'd maya signed thoes documents yet. I know I left the station but it's like home to me I don't fully believe I will be able to let it go. Going in I see Andy sat on the front desk, she doesn't even look at me did our relationship mean so little to her, you know what it's fine, if it ment nothing to her why should it mean something to me.
"Hey maya," I say entering her office.
"What do you want maddy," she says coldly.
"Just wanted to know if you signed the paperwork I gave you," I ask quietly.
"Yeh carina and I have both signed it, is that all, if so then you can leave," she says standing up from her chair.
"Ok then, I'll see you I guess," mabey this isn't the best idea, mabey if I disappear this time with no note it would be better for me, its not like they seem to care anyway, maya literally made me leave, Andy had barely said two words since we broke up, carina is the only one who I think will actually notice.

Mayas pov

Maddy gave me some papers earlier before she was officially no longer working here, she gave me the legal documents to adopt her kids, and all of her rights she has already signed it, carina and I have now signed it as well, I want to know how she figured out we wanted to do this in the first place but I'm also mad at her for giving up.
In her defence I did stuck her back as a probie kind of, that was my own fault, but she has just left, we barley spoke to each other anyway now, but I just want to know what she's going to do, she is unpredictable sometimes and it depends on what she is think at any one time.

Couple hours later

Maddy came by to see if I had signed the papers it was a very short conversation and I may have kicked her out of my office, I shouldn't have done that really but I need space from her.

Maddys pov.
"Goodbye Seattle"i wisper looking at the lights as they fade into the distance.

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