Nothing but trouble

By Raven0822

26K 955 521

*Very mature content*Altered timeline* Three people seen as nothing but trouble until they join the Avengers... More

You want a hug?
May I help you?
It's a twin thing
Unexpected flirting
Show and tell
I'm a little tired now
For mother's sake
Girls night
Tell me Kitten...
This isn't over
Tell me what you would do
Do you share, Sergeant?
Two birds one stone
We need to talk
Darling, we can explain
Do you trust me?
Horrible timing
I feel...
It doesn't hurt anymore
I pinky promise
I told you!
-New Story update-
Bind runes
Bagels and coffee
Being open minded

A new arrangement

605 31 14
By Raven0822

June 30th, 2015

Frustration filled Katherine at the millionth test she was about to be taking to make sure she didn't have any lingering side effects from her death. While she understood why she had to do these things, she was over it. Not only that but she was ready to sleep in her own bed. After three full days and nights since she woke up she'd been confined to the medical floor by Dr Thompson, Bucky, Loki, Mathew, Tony and Steve. Giving in at the time to their demands had seemed like a small price to pay for their peace of mind. But not anymore. For her own peace of mind Katherine needed to get the hell out of this room. Tossing back the blanket she shifted her legs to hang over the side of the bed. Kat didn't even get the chance to try to place one foot on the floor when the guys walked through the door.

"Back in bed, dollface."

"You're not strong enough yet, Kitten."

"Sweetheart, you're gonna hurt yourself."

Practically barking at her all at the same time had her glaring at the three of them as they rushed to stop her from standing up. Okay, so they hadn't actually barked their concerns at her. But they might as well have. Crossing her arms under her breasts like a petulant child Katherine huffed out an annoyed sigh. "Either I walk out of here, one of you get me a god damned wheelchair or none of you will like what happens next." Sharing a look, they do that silent man-talk thing with their eyes which only served to piss her off more.

Seeing her nostrils flaring had Bucky holding up a placating hand. After months of seeing the nostril flare thing from irritating the shit out of her he knew she'd reached her limit. "Just a second, doll. Sit back and I'll go get Dr Thompson, okay?"

"Fine." Gritting her teeth she narrowed her eyes on his quickly retreating back, making the other two glad it wasn't them that held that look's sole attention. Without looking at him Katherine asked Loki to bring over the standing tray. "Princeling, hand me my books. Please." She added as a way to apologize for her mood. Her mood swings had gotten a little out of control. It was all because of the secrets she hadn't been ready to share yet.

Pleased that he could do something that would keep her in bed he readily did as she asked. Looking over the stack of books he'd loaned her at her insistence he ran his hands over the priceless tomes. "Of course, darling. Which one do you want?"

"The one on bind runes and how to magically enhance them." Since she woke up she'd been consuming all of the knowledge he had. Even going so far as to ask Thor to go to Asgard for more when the books Loki had in his personal stash didn't have what she was looking for. Without going too much into why she wanted them she had simply given the god of Thunder those big doe eyes that she knew he couldn't say no to and off he went. Also so he could bring her back some of that honeyed mead to curb her craving. The books had satisfied her mind. The alcoholic drink not so much. It just wasn't the same as what the great dining hall had served.

Handing over the book she requested he carefully worded his next question. Not wanting to upset her or make her shut down which had happened a few times when certain questions had been asked. "Darling, while I'm happy with your new found interest in the lore and magics of seidir. Can I ask what has brought on this thirst for
knowledge of Asgardian magic?"

Katherine knew they had a lot of questions about what happened to her when she died. And up until now she had only given them vague answers. But soon she would need Loki's help to be able to practice what Frigga had taught her so she could go back to Valhalla in spirit. That meant telling him the truth. Running her fingertips over the embossed title Kat kept her eyes on the runes etched into the leather of the cover. "It's complicated. The truth is..I need to learn so I can practice. It's important." Yeah she knew she deflected, but this was hard talk about for her.

"But why is it important?" Steve asked, just as confused as Loki and the others by her voracious appetite for books on magic. Ever since she woke up one of the first things she asked for was access to the internet and as many of the god of Mischief's books on ancient magic.

"Well for one so I can go back to Valhalla. But it's only so I can visit." She rushed to say when she saw the stricken expression on Loki's face and the one of confusion on Steve's. Sighing softly she deflated against the mound of pillows at her back as she explained. "When I died that's where I ended up. Your mom was there to greet and guide me." Giving him a weak smile as if that would make up for not telling him sooner. "She says hi by the way."

"Valh– My mother…Why haven't you said something before now? It's been over a week since you died." Yeah and it had been a long ass week. She'd died and then once her heart started going it took another four days before she actually woke up. Her body had needed to heal and her soul needed to reacquaint itself to being back in the living realm. 

For the last three days she'd been feeling like she was being pulled in so many different directions. The medical and cognitive tests with Dr Thompson and Bruce. Visiting with her friends and her brother because they loved her and needed to make sure she was still alive. The guys and their same need. Only Steve had given her the respite she needed when he came to visit with her. While he would be in the room with her, he would just sit there with her so she could have quiet. It was like he could sense what she needed when she needed it. Katherine had never been more grateful than she was for his silence. Feeling mildly guilty about that thought since she wanted to be around everyone. She really did, it was just all so overwhelming.

"Because I wasn't ready to talk about it yet." Cautiously she brought up her next request. "I'm getting to the point where I'll need a teacher and Frigga has tapped you in since she's on the other side." Sitting up she criss crossed her legs as she leaned forward excitedly. "Your mom is so cool, Mischief. The things she just blows my mind. But not really when I see how much she taught you and Thor. I see her in you both so much." Her excitement dies down as she shifts her gaze to the few wispy clouds in the sunny June sky outside her windows. "I miss her." And Valhalla. Kat knew that they wouldn't understand that part and she didn't want to worry them so she kept it to herself.

"I miss her too," Sitting on the edge of her bed Loki reached out to grasp her hand. He looked so sad hearing about Frigga, but also really happy. Glad to know where she had ended up and hopeful that she was happy and at peace. "How was she?"

"At peace." Was the simplest way she could describe the way Frigga had come across. "It's so beautiful there." Staring off into space she smiled wistfully as she pictured Valhalla in her mind's eye. "Everything you could ever need or want at any time. The people. There are so many people there that aren't just Asgardians. I saw warriors of every kind. From every walk of life and culture." Katherine didn't realize it, but she lit up the more she talked. Giving away to Loki and Steve just how much she had enjoyed her time on the other side. While it made them sad because it reminded them of when she was gone. It also made them feel relieved that she had been somewhere nice and had someone to look after her.

Their conversation was interrupted when Buck came back with Dr Thompson who looked apprehensive. Katherine had become her number one patient and as with the rest of them she was nervous to let Kat out of her care. "Katherine, Bucky has told me you're threatening to crawl out of here if I don't release you. In my medical opinion I don't think you're quite ready to leave."

"I live less than twenty floors down, Sylvia." She points to the floor in the direction of her apartment. "If anything happens which I doubt since I've never felt stronger in my life, I can always come back up here." Her stubborn side snapped into full effect when the doctor looked ready to say no. "I don't need your permission to leave, yet I'm giving you professional courtesy by asking." 

Reluctantly relenting Sylvia sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest. While she was saying yes it didn't come without conditions. "Fine, but if you feel anything out of the ordinary I want you right back up here. And I'm still not clearing you for active duty. Not until I'm completely reassured you're at a hundred percent."

Kat was more than happy with those stipulations because she wasn't ready to go back into the field. She probably wouldn't be for a while. Besides, Katherine had other important things to attend to first. "Deal."

"I mean it, Blake. I won't have you taxing your body after all the work I put in to help heal you." Nodding because she'd heard this spiel many times over the last few days. Not content to let it go, Dr Thompson went on to describe in great detail what they had to do to help her come back once her heart started beating again. Steve, as a universal donor and matching blood type O-, gave her several pints of blood from his stash on hand as well as fresh blood to replenish her depleted blood levels. They had wrapped her cold body in warming blankets and had warm saline running through her IV drip to help from the inside out. Along with the many vitamin packs and nutrition bags to give her what she needed because she had been unable to eat.

Interrupting her tirade Katherine begged her to stop. "Sylvia, I get it. Really I do and I'm eternally grateful. Although it sounds like I'm being sarcastic I'm not." Holding her hand out for Steve's, she smiled warmly up at him when he took it. "There's nothing I can ever do or say to tell you all how grateful I am that you helped me stay alive. However you and Bruce can figure out whether or not Stevie's blood has actually altered mine or not and the hundreds of other tests you want to run with what I've already given you." It had been a fear that the serum in his DNA would give her the same enhancements, but it had been absolutely necessary for her to have that blood. It really was just a guessing game at this point because of how strange her own DNA was. "I'm not going to squander this second chance, but I'm telling you I'm ready to get back to living my life outside of this room."

Coming over to scoop her out of bed the second Dr Thompson officially gave the okay, Bucky told the guys to gather her stuff and hurry up. Half turning to the other woman he nodded his thanks. "Thanks, Doc. We'll make sure she takes it easy and page you if she needs you." Tucking her head into his shoulder Katherine hid her triumphant grin. She was getting out of here.

Once she was settled on the small couch in her apartment Katherine got right back to studying. There was something she was planning and she needed to see if she could do it on a small scale before moving onto something bigger. As they had all week Bucky, Loki and Steve sat in with her. Coming and going in intervals depending on who was needed by whom or going to get her food and drinks. Before, she ate when she was hungry. Now she had to be forced because she had become so focused on what she was trying to do. Firmly gripping onto the large book Steve carefully yanked it out of her hands. Swapping it out for a bowl of steak stir fry and rice. "You need to eat. Then you can study."

"But Steve-"

"No buts. Eat." He looked pointedly down at the bowl in her hands and then gave her that stern look he did so well. Grumbling when her pouting didn't work this time Kat shoved a large bite into her mouth asking if he was happy now. "Keep going and I will be. You're gonna eat all of it because you need to keep your strength up. Here, drink this."

Passing her a large glass of chilled ice water he sat down next to her to dig into his own bowl of food. Watching that she did as he told her with that same stern look until her bowl was empty and so was her glass. Then the handsome jerk smiled at her. "You're unbelievable you know that right?"

Tucking back a lock of her pale hair Steve smirked down at her. "You don't have to flirt with me if you want your dessert, but I'll take all the compliments you throw my way, Sweetheart."

"It wasn't a compliment, Rogers." She says with an eyeroll and crosses her arms under her breasts.

Undeterred he just grins at her before standing up to walk over to where he left a small pink baker's box on her side table. Picking it up and carrying it over he sits back down. "I'm chosing to believe otherwise so I can give you my surprise." At her suspicious expression he laughingly opened the box and held it out to her.

Peeking inside showed Kat that he'd gone out and had the bakery make cupcake versions of the raspberry cake they liked. And tucked in next to them was a flask she knew would contain the Asgardian mead he'd also promised. Katherine's irritation melted away a little. Since she woke up and reminded him of his pinky promise Steve hadn't been willing to leave her side for long. It meant that at some point today while she'd had her face shoved in her books he'd gone out and gotten these just for them. Taking one, she bit into it with tears in her eyes. "Hey now. What's got you so upset, Sweetheart?"

Sniffling she shook her head as she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sorry I've been so involved in all of this." She gestures to the books stacked in piles on the coffee table and side tables with several legal pads and pens for her note taking. "That I'm scaring you guys by how strangely I've been acting, but I can't help it. I need to keep you all safe before I try to go back to see Frigga."

Frowning, he worried that maybe she had gotten a warning from the other side that something or someone was coming for them. "Safe from what, Kat?"

"From everything." Swallowing roughly she set her cupcake down and then crawled into his lap. Letting his strong arms hold her close as she sank into his warmth. Speaking softly Katherine closed her eyes and breathed in his clean masculine scent. "I can't almost lose you again. When I realized what was happening that day all I thought about was protecting you. Of course everyone else too, but it was you, Steve. You, I couldn't think about not living and breathing anymore." It hadn't hit her until later that the fear she felt was for him. He had come to matter too much to her to live without. In the end she'd turned it around and by some miracle she was able to come back. It was a second chance times two.

"You did it for me?" At her nod he tipped her head back to look down at her. Anguish and hope filled his ocean blue eyes as he slowly leaned in. Katherine's breath hitched in anticipation of his kiss. Just before his lips could touch hers the sound of laughter and her door opening had Steve turning his head to the side at the last second so Bucky and Loki wouldn't see the vulnerability in his face. Pressing her face into his neck she hugged him and stayed sitting on his lap when he would have let her go.

"What's this? Cupcakes, but you didn't get any for us! I'm hurt, pal." Bucky joked, having known his best friend had gone out earlier to get them for him and Kat. Settling down next to them Buck leaned over to peck a kiss to her lips when she offered them. "So what did we miss?" Knowing that he wasn't sure how his friend and Loki would feel about how his feelings for her had drastically shifted Steve stayed silent. Sitting up she moved so that she still sat on his lap but faced the other two.

"I wanted to see if we could discuss the parameters of our relationship. Make a new arrangement." When Loki and Bucky share a look but don't say a word, she goes on to explain. "Meaning that since my accident I've come to realize that my feelings for Steve are more than just casual. And he feels the same. I want to be with the three of you. Is that something you would be okay with?" Anxiety slowly ratcheting up the longer all three men were silent, Katherine shifted on Steve's lap unintentionally making him harden. Stilling instantly she chewed on her lip. It wasn't fair of her to ask when they already had a hard time coming to terms the day of the mission, but the heart wanted what it wanted. And her heart wanted all three of them. For keeps.

Drawing her and the other's attention Loki spoke up first. "If that is what you wish, Katherine. Then I will try. I can't say that I will be okay to add anyone else to your list of lovers. However, we had already agreed that Steve would be fine to add to your bed the day of... Well, that day. If he is in your heart I find that I can deny you nothing, my darling." His answer had her standing up and going over give him a thorough kiss. "I suspected there had been a change between the two of you the day he brought you home. A man doesn't react the way the Captain did when he loses just a friend."

Bucky seconded Loki's sentiment. He out of the two of them surprised her the most. Seeing as he had the hardest time coming to terms with the idea when it was just Loki. Maybe it was because Steve was his best friend and the idea of sharing her with him was simply more palatable to his mind. Scooting to sit on the edge of the couch Steve looked first from Buck to Loki and then to her. "You want to add me to your relationship? Not that I'm not happy that you return my feelings, but this isn't what I-"

Loki interrupts him. "You care about her. I'd say it's safe to say at this point you might even love her, yes?" Avoiding looking at anyone but Katherine, Steve agrees. "Then to hell with convention. We make our own happiness. If this makes us happy who are we to care what others say?"

"I agree with Mischief. I'm fine with this as long as Kat is happy. I love you too, doll. I think I have from day one. So if this is what you want, who you want. I'm in. It's the four of us." Holding out his hand for her to come to him she stands up with help from Loki. Thinking Bucky was going to pull her down into his lap, he surprises her by handing her over to Steve.

Coming to stand in between his spread legs Katherine looks into his beautiful blue eyes giving Steve a tentative smile. Running her fingers through his hair the way she knew he liked, she tips his head back like he'd done to her earlier. "What do you say, Stevie. Will you be mine?"

Licking his lips to wet them he nods, his pupils expanding with want for her. His quietly deep voice lowering even deeper made her shiver. "As long as you're mine in anyway that I can have you, then yes." Closing the distance between them she kisses his soft lips gently. Slowly easing into their kiss more and more until he tugged her down to straddle his lap like before. Katherine moaned as she rocked her hips forward. His large hands grip her hips stopping the eager movements. Tearing his lips far enough away to tell her, "You still need to take things easy. We have time, Sweetheart."

Groaning but not wanting to push him too far she kisses Steve one more time and then hugs him tightly. "Fine, but soon. I don't think I can wait for much longer." Chuckling, the three men tell her that they'll discuss it when she's been fully medically cleared with Dr Thompson. Shifting to sit between him and Bucky, Katherine pouted. "This is just blackmail to make me do more tests isn't it?"

"Maybe. We only want you to be happy and healthy, dollface." Linking their fingers together Buck lifts her hand to his lips, placing a kiss to the inside of her wrist. "Now how about we get you into bed. You need sleep." At her riased eyebrows he grins, "I don't know about Steve but Mischief and I already talked about staying the night with you. If you wanted us to that is." The three of them all look at Steve who nods without taking a second to think about it.

"Then go get into your pajamas and we'll find something to watch until you fall asleep." Scooting her in the direction of her closet Steve playfully swats her ass as she passes by him. Shooting him a smirk over her shoulder Katherine saunters away. Excitement coursing through her body in anticipation of tomorrow. Come hell or high water she would convince Sylvia Thompson to clear her so she could get those three men naked and in her bed. Because it would certainly be a travesty to let that much handsome sexuality go to waste too long.

*Authors note*

So.. I lied about the last chapter being it for a while. This chapter just flowed out of me so here you go. I hope you enjoyed.


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