Bagels and coffee

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Having learned her lesson about suddenly popping in on her brother and Savannah, Kat made sure to arrive in the alleyway before heading inside to the lobby of their building. It was a nice building. It didn’t have a doorman or anything but it wasn’t the shithole they grew up in. No matter how nicely their mom had tried to make their apartment, she couldn’t completely hide the shabbiness. Not this place though. As she made her way fullly inside, there in front of the elevator, was a tall man waiting to use it so she decided to take the stairs. She didn’t want to be trapped inside the small metal box with someone who might recognize her. Either way, depending on whether or not they were pro mutant or not they would pester her with questions or tell her that she should burn in hell. That was definitely something Katherine didn’t need to deal with today. But before she could make it to the side door her gaze caught on a familiar and now tolerated face. 

Lieutenant Jordan Campbell, Matt's best friend and soon to be best man in his wedding, was the person waiting to go up. Native American and Portuguese on his mom's side, Scottish and Irish on his dad's; although you wouldn't be able to tell with his carmel skin, dark chocolate brown eyes and pitch black curly hair. Those gorgeous perfect curls that any woman would be jealous of he'd inherited from his dad or so he said. Having never met the man herself she could neither confirm or deny the truth of it. Although seeing as Jordan was painfully honest Kat believed him.

Spotting Katherine he makes a beeline straight for her with a wide grin on his face as he comes over to say hello and so they could head up together. Usually reserved and hands off when it came to outsiders, the large man scoops her up into a bear hug that Katherine grumbled at but was secretly pleased by. Jordan was larger than life and could be downright hilarious to those he opened up to. Someone like her. “Kitty Kat! It's been a minute since I've seen you. Which by the way, I'm glad I can say I still love being able to do.”

Setting her back down on her feet Jordan slings a meaty muscled arm over her shoulders as he stirred them towards the elevator that had just arrived blessedly empty. Preferring to ignore the comment about Seattle she goes to get out from under him as they step inside the metal box. Failing to shove Jordan’s arm off of her, Katherine growls, “Don’t call me that, Campbell.”

“Don’t lie, Kitty Kat. You love it.” He laughs at the nickname he gave her back when Matt first started at the firehouse. She'd begrudgingly accepted the moniker when Matt had told her that all close friends and family got them. Unable to dim her twin's excitement for his new job and coworkers, the nickname unfortunately stuck. 

After Matt’s accident on the job Jordan had refused to let her push him and the other guys away. Stating that since Matt had become their family, that meant Katherine had as well. He was a big teddy bear, he also had a deeply serious side as well. Which came out in the next breath because Jordan dropped all humor as he tugs her into his side giving her a much more serious hug. “Being real with you, Kat. I’m glad you’re alright. When Savannah called to tell me what happened..” 

The unexpected sheen of tears that fill his eyes has Kat returning the hug just as the elevator doors close. Swiping at his face he sniffs, forcing a smile. “Come on, Kitty Kat, let's go see your bonehead brother. I bought bagels and cream cheese for breakfast.” He says, holding up a large brown paper bag she hadn’t noticed, making her famished stomach growl.

Not really wanting to rehash what happened to her, Katherine lets Jordan fill the time from the lobby to Matt and Savannah’s floor with gossip about the guys from the firehouse. It has her thinking that it's been far too long since she’s visited. Probably since before she moved into the Tower back in January now that she thought about it. It wasn’t so much that she hadn’t wanted to go by. She had gotten so busy. Other than the whole fiasco with Ultron and the Maximoff twins, Katherine had gotten caught up in navigating her new life. Besides the daily training sessions with Natasha and Steve or whoever was in the gym, there was all of the catching up she had to do with SHIELD's intel on top of learning all of their protocols. 

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