Girls night

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June 20th, 2015

After a very trying week Katherine needed to let off some steam and knew the perfect person to help her. Looking over at her friend Kat tilted her head to the side and called out to the beautiful redhead. "Oh Natasha?"

Not looking over as she pinned Steve yet again to the training room mat with his arm at a painful angle Nat called back, "Yes, Katherine?"

The now brunette laughed as Steve huffed out a pained grunt as he tried and failed to get loose without hurting himself. "I was thinking about a girls night. You in?"

They didn't have many of these nights, but every now and then they assisted in helping the other in relieving pent up energy. The other woman's green eyes flick over to hers in surprise.

"I thought you would be otherwise occupied by now." Shaking her head she told her she was free as a bird. Standing up and letting him go, Nat held out a hand for Rogers to take and then flipped the blonde man over onto his stomach and then sat on him.

"Come on Romanoff, I think they get it." Katherine and Natasha glance over at the few Stark Industries office staff who had requested some self defense training. They'd briefly forgotten about them during their coded conversation.

Getting off of him and really giving Steve her hand Natasha helped him up and left him to talk to the men and women. "I thought you and Barnes were.."

"Ehh." She shrugs seemingly indifferent. "He's backed off. I might have scared him off." Katherine had been a little disappointed, but that was life and there were always someone else. Maybe Pietro? The Sakovian had shown an interest in getting to know her better.

"Well you can be scary." The redhead holds up her hand and closely pinches together her thumb and forefinger with a throaty laugh. "I wouldn't say no to girls' night, but I gotta pack it in early. Got an assignment at the asscrack of dawn."

"I can work with that. Your room, 8 o'clock?" Natasha smirks at her in agreement.

Coming over with his hands on his hips Steve frowns at them. "Now that you ladies have made your plans, can we get back to it?"

"Yes grandpa, we can." Stepping around him she calls out the twenty or so men and women. "Alrighty you've seen some of the more advanced moves, but you aren't ready for that yet. Who here wants to learn how to S.I.N.G.?" Getting confused looks from them not understanding the Miss Congeniality reference she sighed in disbelief and disappointment. "I'm gonna need a volunteer. Spangles, you're up."

"I just- you know what, never mind. Just be gentle this time." Feeling only slightly sorry for the super soldier Katherine got into position with Steve standing behind her. It was always fun to do this with someone as big as him.

"This may seem super simple and it is, but it will be the best and most likely thing for people new to self defense to remember." Looking over her shoulder she nodded at him to attack her.

"Solar plexus," She punches her elbow back into Steve's chest to wind him. "Instep," Kat stomped on his foot hard to knock him off center. "Nose," This was self-explanatory as she headbutted him with the back of her head when Steve was slightly bent down from the pain in his foot. "Groin!" Again that was self-explanatory as she whacked Captain America in the groin sending the tall man to his knees with a stifled cry of pain.

Katherine couldn't hide her grin when all of the men covered their soft parts. Taking a bow she called out, "That is how you S.I.N.G. Any questions before we break you up into groups of two? No? Good, pair up and slowly walk through each move and then we'll carefully go through it once before we switch."

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